You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 177 I Am You And You Will Never Get A Man!


Bai Lao's eyes gradually turned cold, and then he clenched his fingers tightly, and then punched out!


The terrifying shock wave instantly spread to a million feet away, and Lin Fan and Bai Lao retreated at the same time.

Bai Lao looked at Lin Fan in shock, "Fourth level of pseudo-fairyland!"

After saying that, his face turned gloomy.

Lin Fan has the strength of the fourth level of the pseudo-immortal realm, which he never expected. You must know that such a young fourth-level pseudo-immortal realm is impossible to have in the entire lower immortal world!

Go to the fairy world!

He comes from the heavenly realm!

After thinking about this, Bai Lao's expression became ugly.

If Lin Fan came from the Immortal Realm, it would be difficult!

Lin Fan frowned and felt heavy in his heart.

This old man is just a soul, but he has such strength!

He took a deep breath and looked without fear. At this moment, his figure disappeared from the place again. When he appeared, he had already reached the top of the old man's head. Then, he slashed down with his sword!

The terrifying sword force instantly locked onto Bai Lao.

Bai Lao raised his head suddenly, and then punched out, countless punches came out like a tide!


With a loud noise, Bai Lao was thrown away, and at this moment, a sword fell from the sky, tearing apart time and space, so terrifying!

Bai Lao's pupils shrank suddenly, and with a thought in his mind, a terrifying force shot up from his body into the sky.


The sword intent was directly extinguished by this terrifying power!

Bai Lao retreated again. On the way, Lin Fan suddenly appeared. His eyes were cold, and then he stabbed out with a sword. This sword was very strange, as if it contained several sword intentions.


Bai Lao's expression changed drastically. The sword was so fast that he couldn't react at all. He could only watch as the sword penetrated his eyebrows.


Bai Lao's eyes widened and he disappeared into this world in unwillingness.

Lin Fan was breathing heavily and his face was a little pale. The sword strike just now almost wiped out all the immortal energy in his body. He never thought that the sword skill Su Chen taught him would cost so much immortal energy. However, this was normal. After all, he had just killed five people in a row. Sword energy.

Five sword energies!

This is already his limit!

The pressure that Lao Bai gave him was so strong that he didn't even expect that he could kill Lao Bai with just one sword!

Jiang Xin and Xiaolan appeared next to Lin Fan at this time.

Jiang Xin asked with concern: "Master, are you okay?"

Lin Fan shook his head and glanced at Jiang Xin subconsciously.

Jiang Xin's brows raised. She naturally noticed Lin Fan's gaze, but she didn't pay attention.

Jiang Xin said: "Thank you sir for helping me."

Xiaolan also said quickly: "Thank you sir."

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "It's okay."

While speaking, he looked at Jiang Xin again.

Jiang Xin blinked, "What's wrong, Master?"

Lin Fan's face turned red, "It's okay."

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan's eyes lit up, "Sir, you won't fall in love with Sister Jiang Xin at first sight, right?"

Lin Fan quickly shook his head and whispered: ""

A blush appeared on Jiang Xin's face and she said angrily: "Xiaolan, what are you talking about!"

Xiaolan chuckled, "Sister Jiang Xin, look at the way he looks at you, something is wrong!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xin subconsciously looked at Lin Fan, who happened to be looking at her at the same moment. The moment the two looked at each other, it was as if time had stopped at this moment, and there was only the sound of each other's breathing.

Su Chen in the distance raised his eyebrows, "This guy."

Gu Xun'er beside him chuckled, "I didn't expect him to be the same as me."

Su Chen looked at her, "What do you mean?"

Gu Xun'er blushed and shook her head quickly, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Su Chen frowned, and the smart man naturally understood something. He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm the man you will never get."

Hearing this, Gu Xun'er immediately looked at Su Chen and pouted, "Narcissist!"

As she said this, she looked away, and the moment she turned her head, a hint of gloom flashed in her eyes.

She knew that Su Chen and she were in a world of their own, and it was impossible for them to be together. So in the face of this feeling, she could only choose to hide it deep in her heart.

Xiao Lan smiled, "Hey, how long are you two going to see it?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan and Jiang Xin reacted at the same time, their faces turned red instantly, and then they looked away, not daring to look at each other again.

At this moment, the air was filled with the smell of embarrassment.

Jiang Xin seemed to remember something, and she spread her palms, and a lotus with seven colors appeared in her hands.

She looked at Lin Fan and explained, "This lotus is called the Seven-Colored Fairy Lotus. After taking it, you can improve your cultivation. Yi Feng just wanted to snatch this seven-colored fairy lotus. If it weren't for you saving us just now, I'm afraid we would have died, so this fairy lotus is given to you."

As she said that, she handed the fairy lotus to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at the fairy lotus, but did not take it. Instead, he shook his head and said, "It's useless to me. You keep it." Hearing this, Jiang Xin was stunned, then remembered something and apologized, "You are a fake fairy. This fairy lotus is really useless to you. Sorry, this is the only thing I can show you." After hearing this, Lin Fan hurriedly shook his head, "Miss, there is no need to be like this. I saved you because I can't stand that man." Jiang Xin was about to speak, but at this time, Su Chen suddenly said, "How long are you going to drag it out?" Hearing Su Chen's words, Lin Fan turned his head and said, "Immediately!" As he said this, he looked at Jiang Xin with reluctance in his eyes. Jiang Xin lowered his head and said nothing. Xiaolan raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and then said, "Young Master, can we go with you?" Lin Fan hesitated for a moment, then said, "This requires the consent of my master." "Master?" The two women were stunned. Lin Fan said, "The one who looks particularly good is my master." Hearing this, the two women were shocked. Xiaolan said, "Then your master is more powerful than you?"

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and said, "Not only is he more powerful than me, I'm afraid no one in the entire fairy world can rival my master."


Xiaolan's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, "Are you kidding? No one in the entire fairy world can rival your master?"

Jiang Xin's face was also full of disbelief.

Obviously, they doubted this statement.

More powerful than everyone in the fairy world?

You're just bragging!

How is this possible!

Lin Fan nodded decisively, "Yeah!"

Xiao Lan's mouth twitched, "Sir, you shouldn't brag about your master so much, right?"

Lin Fan was anxious, "Really!"

Xiao Lan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Jiang Xin, "No matter whether what you said is true or not, it is certain that your master is definitely not an ordinary person, and we should not question it."

After listening, Xiao Lan thought for a moment, then nodded, "That's right."

Although they said this, there was still a trace of doubt in their eyes. Obviously, they still didn't believe it, but they were afraid that Lin Fan would lose face, so they said so.



Now the main plot is to let Lin grow up.

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