You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 170 Divine Soul Order!

At the same time, outside the secret realm.

A man and a woman were looking up at the crack in the sky.

The man looks handsome, with a jade tree facing the wind, and has a graceful demeanor. The golden robe worn on him reveals his nobility.

The woman has a peerless appearance and is wearing a long white dress. She looks like a fairy in the sky, making people want to stop after just one look.

The man looked at the woman at this time, with a hint of lust in his eyes, but it passed quickly, "Xun'er, shall we go in?"

Gu Xun'er frowned, feeling disgusted in his heart, "I've told you many times, don't call me Xun'er."

Wang Heng nodded and said with a smile: "Okay Xun'er."

Gu Xun'er frowned, anger appearing in her eyes. She ignored Wang Heng and flew directly towards the crack.

Wang Heng looked at Gu Xun'er's back, the smile on his face gradually disappeared and turned gloomy, "Bitch, you are so shameless!"

With a cold snort, a smile appeared on his face again, and then he chased straight towards Gu Xun'er, "Xun'er, wait for me!"

In the secret realm, Gu Xun'er and Wang Heng kept looking around, with solemnity and vigilance in their eyes.

Wang Heng said: "This place is a little weird, Xun'er, we have to be careful."

Gu Xun'er looked at Wang Heng coldly and said nothing.

Wang Heng smiled awkwardly, then raised his hand and pointed somewhere, "Shall we go over there and have a look?"

Gu Xun'er did not refuse and followed Wang Heng.

On the way, Wang Heng suddenly said: "Xun'er, after I go back this time, I will propose marriage to you."

Hearing this, Gu Xun'er immediately became angry, "How dare you!"

Wang Heng paused and stopped where he was. He looked at Gu Xun'er, the smile on his face disappeared, and said solemnly: "Xun'er, don't you know my feelings for you?"

Gu Xun'er said directly: "Emotions? You have a lot of feelings for me. You are just greedy for my body. Don't think I don't know!"

Wang Heng narrowed his eyes and stared at Gu Xun'er.


Suddenly, Wang Heng laughed loudly, "Yes, I'm just greedy for your body. What's wrong?"

Gu Xun'er looked at Wang Heng coldly and said nothing.

Wang Heng said: "Originally I didn't want to be forceful with you, but I have been chasing you for five years. During these five years, you have been very indifferent to me and never gave me a chance, so now..." "

As he spoke, the terrifying aura of the Nine-Star Emperor spread from his body, and then, this aura instantly locked Gu Xun'er.


A sword cry resounded, and the terrifying aura that was pressing down on Gu Xun'er was directly shaken away by the sword cry.

Gu Xun'er took this opportunity and quickly distanced himself from Wang Heng. She looked at Wang Heng in the distance and said in a deep voice: "Aren't you afraid of our Piaomiao Sect's revenge?"


Wang Heng laughed loudly, "Revenge? In this secret realm, who knows what happened?"

There was a cold light in Gu Xun'er's eyes. Without any further words, she stepped on her right foot and disappeared from the spot.

The corner of Wang Heng's mouth raised slightly, "You are only the Eight-Star Emperor, why should you fight me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xun'er suddenly appeared in front of him, and then thrust out a sword. In an instant, the terrifying sword intent shattered time and space.


Wang Heng snorted coldly, not panicking at all. He took a step forward, clenched his fingers, and then punched out!


As soon as the sword and punch came into contact, an extremely terrifying shock wave erupted, and the terrifying shock wave spread to a million feet away in an instant.

The corners of Wang Heng's mouth raised, and then his whole body shook violently. In an instant, a terrifying force burst out from him.

Gu Xun'er was thrown away by this terrifying force on the spot. On the way, Wang Heng suddenly appeared behind her, and then punched out again.

Gu Xun'er's expression changed, then he turned around suddenly in the air, and then stabbed out with a sword! .


Gu Xun'er's sword still couldn't withstand Wang Heng's punch, and she flew out again. While flying, a mouthful of blood spurted out from her mouth! But this time, Wang Heng did not continue to take action.

Gu Xun'er stabilized his body, then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression solemn as never before.


When she fought against Wang Heng, she was completely suppressed and beaten!

She had to admit that Wang Heng was indeed powerful, and he was among the top monsters in the entire Lower Immortal Realm.

Wang Heng looked at Gu Xun'er and said distressedly: "Stop being stubborn, stay with me, and I will treat you well."

"I bother!"

Gu Xun'er immediately spat out a mouthful of saliva, with blood still in it, "Even if I die, I won't be with you!"

With that said, she killed Wang Heng again!

Looking at Gu Xun'er who was coming towards him, Wang Heng's face was as gloomy as water, "In this case, then don't blame me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the five fingers of his right hand clenched into a fist. In an instant, endless power gathered in his fist.

next moment!

He punched out fiercely!


This punch directly shattered the world!

So scary!

Gu Xun'er gritted her teeth, without any fear on her face. She held the sword horizontally in front of her, her eyes slowly closed and then opened suddenly. In an instant, a terrifying sword intent shook out of her body. Come.

And at this moment, Gu Xun'er slashed the punch with her sword. She almost used all her strength with this sword strike!



The sword is broken!

Gu Xun'er's body flew out again. On the way, her body began to crack and her breath became extremely weak. It was obvious that she was seriously injured.

She knelt down on one knee, stuck the sword in her right hand on the ground, and breathed heavily.

Wang Heng looked at Gu Xun'er and smiled: "Pretending? Do you continue to pretend? Hahaha, after today, you will be my woman!"

As he spoke, the lust in his eyes was no longer hidden, but was completely exposed. Then, he slowly walked towards Gu Xun'er.

Gu Xun'er looked at Wang Heng coming towards her, the killing intent in her eyes almost condensed into substance. However, she did not kill Wang Heng again because the sword she just used had already consumed the immortal energy in her body. It's over, so even if she wants to fight again at this moment, she doesn't have the ability to fight again.

She took a deep breath, and then said: "If you dare to take a step closer to me again, I promise, you will regret it."

Wang Heng paused and stopped where he was. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Gu Xun'er, "What do you mean? Are you trying to scare me?"

Gu Xun'er looked calm, then spread her right hand, and a golden token appeared in her palm.

The golden token is engraved with the word "soul", surrounded by a mysterious light.

Looking at the golden token, Wang Heng gradually frowned, "Soul Token!"

Divine Soul Order!

The reason why it is called the Divine Soul Token is because this token contains a divine soul. As long as it is crushed, this ray of divine soul will appear.

All the divine souls in the Divine Soul Order are terrifyingly powerful. Some disciples who are protected by major forces will basically give them a Soul Token for self-protection.

Of course, these powerful souls can not only be integrated into the tokens, but can also remain in people's sea of ​​consciousness. As long as a person is in danger, the souls in the sea of ​​consciousness will awaken.

This is called the soul mark!

The difference between the Divine Soul Token and the Divine Soul Mark is that as long as the Divine Soul Token is crushed, the divine soul in the Divine Soul Token will awaken. The soul mark will only awaken when it is in danger.




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