You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 151 White Clothes!

This battle was a shattering one, and countless people died tragically due to the terrifying aftermath of the battle. Those who survived all had despair and fear on their faces.


Just hearing an explosion, Qin Boxu retreated millions of feet away. At this moment, his physical body was disintegrating little by little, and his soul became weaker and more transparent.

Just when he wanted to continue fighting with Luo Hun, Mr. Du suddenly appeared behind him and slapped him down!

Qin Boxu's face changed drastically, and he was shocked. He wanted to resist, but it was too late.


This palm slapped Qin Boxu hard on the back!

Qin Boxu's body was smashed to pieces on the spot, leaving only a burning soul in place.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Luo Hun's lips raised slightly in the distance.

Qin Boxu looked at Mr. Du with an angry expression, "What do you mean!"

Mr. Du's face was expressionless, "I'm sorry, if we continue to fight like this, I will die, but Sect Master Luo just sent me a message, saying that as long as we join forces to kill you, I can leave safely."

After listening to Mr. Du's words, Qin Boxu's eyes were filled with blazing fire, and the killing intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

He really didn't expect that Mr. Du would betray him!


"You deserve to die!"

Qin Boxu was very angry and wanted to take action, but his current physical condition did not allow him to continue taking action.

Mr. Du ignored Qin Boxu, but looked at Luo Hun and said in a deep voice, "Can I go?"

A smile appeared on Luo Hun's face, and then suddenly disappeared.

Du Lao's pupils suddenly shrank, and just as he reacted, a hand had already pinched his neck.

Mr. Du's eyes widened, staring at Luo Hun, and said angrily: "You lied to me!"

Luo Hun smiled slightly, "I regretted it, what can you do?"

He is not a fool. You must know that Mr. Du is a fake immortal. If you let him go, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

He couldn't bear the revenge of a false immortal.

Mr. Du gritted his teeth and veins popped out on his forehead. At this moment, he regretted a little and regretted believing Luo Hun's lies!

He shouldn't believe Luo Hun!

At the same time, on the other side, Qin Shi's aura became weaker and weaker at this moment, no longer as strong as before.

Xieyou saw the right moment and punched out. In an instant, endless punching intent rushed towards Qin Shi.

Qin Shi shouted angrily, and then stabbed out with a spear.


The terrifying shock wave instantly spread to a million feet away!

But Qin Shi was actually blown away by that punch, and his body exploded on the way.

Qin Shi stabilized his soul and looked at his increasingly transparent body, his expression becoming heavy.

Xieyou stared at Qin Shi with a strange smile on his face, "Hey, you continue to chase me? Come on?"

Qin Shi looked at Xieyou in the distance coldly and said nothing.

The smile on Xie You's face slowly disappeared, "You have always been against my Xie Sect in the past. Today, I will destroy your White Jade City!"

Qin Shi said: "You can just kill me, why destroy the White Jade City?"

Xieyou said coldly: "I just want to see what you would look like if White Jade City was destroyed."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand. At this moment, the sky suddenly shattered, and then, a giant hand covering the sky appeared in the air.

Xie You looked at Bai Jade City below with a cold look in his eyes, and then he slowly pressed down with his right hand.

And that giant hand covering the sky suddenly swatted towards Bai Jade City!

"you dare!"

Qin Shi's eyes were about to burst, and he wanted to take action to resist this giant hand, but at this moment, countless powerful emperors suddenly surged around him!

These powerful emperors stared at Qin Shi, and their terrifying aura instantly locked Qin Shi firmly.

Qin Shi was immediately suppressed by the countless terrifying auras, unable to move.

Qin Shi's face was ugly and his eyes were red. At this moment, he couldn't even move a finger.

There is nothing that can be done about it, he is just a weak soul now, and any great emperor can kill him.

At this moment, he could only watch helplessly as the giant palm struck towards Bai Jade City.


"don't want!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Please, let me go!"

"Oh~ Mom, I'm so scared."

"Oh God, who can come and save us!"



Begging for mercy.


Echoing in this world.

Helplessness and despair were in the eyes of countless people in the city.

How much they hoped someone could save them, but they knew that no one could save them.

They could only die!

This is the sorrow of the weak!

This is the cruelty of the world of immortal cultivation!

In the eyes of the strong, the weak are just like ants, no different, and can be wiped out at will.


Suddenly, a calm voice sounded in the field.

As the voice fell, the giant palm that covered the sky stopped in place, and then slowly dissipated.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

"Not dead?"

"We are not dead!"



Countless people in the city were excited at this moment, and their faces showed unconcealable excitement and joy of surviving the disaster.

"What's going on?"

Xie You frowned, his expression solemn and puzzled.

Just at this time, a figure slowly walked over from a distance. This person was dressed in white, as flawless as snow. His steps were light, and his manners revealed elegance and calmness, as if nothing in the world could shake his inner peace.

"Did he save us?"

"It should be!"

"Thank you! Thank you for saving us!"


The people in the city looked at Su Chen and immediately reacted, kneeling down one after another, with gratitude on their faces.

Qin Shi looked at Su Chen, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect Su Chen to appear, and for some reason, he couldn't see through Su Chen!


This kid is something!

Well, he is worthy of my daughter.

Qin Shi nodded, seeming very satisfied.

Not only him, but all the pseudo-immortals in the field couldn't see through Su Chen.

Luo Hun stared at Su Chen, his heart heavy. The moment Su Chen appeared, he felt a little uneasy!

But how could this be possible!

He is a pseudo-immortal!

Could he be a real immortal?

As soon as this idea came to mind, Luo Hun immediately denied it.

Although he couldn't see through Su Chen, he could feel that Su Chen was not old.

Such a young man is a true immortal?


Anyway, he didn't believe there was such a young true immortal.

And Du Lao, who was held in his hand, was looking at Su Chen curiously at this moment.

Ye Qiu had told him before that the person who killed Gu Hengsheng was suspected to be a big man from the upper fairyland.

Could he be the one who killed Gu Hengsheng?

It should be.

Du Lao's eyes flashed with brilliance, and then he looked at Luo Hun, "Let me go, I'll tell you a secret."

Luo Hun looked at Du Lao, "What secret?"

Du Lao said, "Let me go, I'll tell you."

Luo Hun narrowed his eyes, gradually exerted force with his right hand, and said coldly, "Negotiate terms with me?"

Du Lao was not panicked at all, "Ahem, if you have the ability... kill me, and then you die, it's just right for me to be a companion."

Hearing this, Luo Hun frowned, and his right hand was still exerting force. But even so, Du Lao still did not beg for mercy, and there was even a smile on his face.

Seeing that Du Lao was about to give up, Luo Hun suddenly let go.

Mr. Du was breathing heavily, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Luo Hun looked at Mr. Du and said coldly: "Go ahead."

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