You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 124 Facing Two Great Emperors!

Facing the two great emperors, Lin Fan was not afraid at all, and his eyes even had a strong fighting spirit. He slowly opened his palms, and the bloodthirsty sword appeared in his hands.

next moment!

Lin Fan suddenly disappeared on the spot!


A piercing sound of swords sounded between heaven and earth, and this sound of swords directly caused everyone in the scene to temporarily become deaf.

And at this moment, countless terrifying red sword intentions surged towards the middle-aged man and the old man like a tide.


The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and an extremely terrifying spear intent suddenly erupted from his body. The terrifying spear intent directly shook the surroundings!


As soon as the sword intention and the gun intention came into contact, a terrifying shock wave erupted. The terrifying shock wave shattered the space of millions of miles in an instant. It was extremely terrifying!

At this time, the old man moved, and he punched out. This punch was like thunder, so powerful that it made people feel heart-stopping!


Lin Fan was thrown hundreds of thousands of miles away on the spot. He stared at the two people in the distance with a serious look on his face.

Two powerful Seven-Star Emperors!

In the distance, the middle-aged man and the old man looked equally solemn.

Lin Fan blocked their attacks!

You know, although Lin Fan is the fifth level of the Great Emperor, he has just stepped out of the Great Emperor. However, he was able to withstand the attacks of the two Seven-Star Emperors!

Simply evil!

If Lin Fan was given a little more time, how terrifying would Lin Fan's strength be?

At this moment, the murderous intent in the eyes of the two people became even stronger. They looked at each other and then went straight towards Lin Fan to kill him!

Lin Fan must die!

If they don't die, they will feel uneasy!

Although Lin Fan's expression was solemn, the fighting spirit in his eyes was not diminished at all. He held the bloodthirsty sword tightly, and the bloodthirsty sword trembled violently. Then, Lin Fan took a step, and a terrifying momentum and sword intent came from him. Explodes on the body!

next moment!

Lin Fan disappeared again, and at this moment, a sword energy tens of thousands of feet in size suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. The terrifying sword power instantly locked the middle-aged man and the old man!

The middle-aged man's expression was cold, and then he thrust out a spear, and the dazzling spear light erupted with a blast of gunfire that destroyed the world!

The old man clenched his right hand tightly, and endless power condensed in his fist. Then, he punched out. In an instant, a sonic boom sounded, and countless fist intentions swept away!


A deafening explosion resounded throughout the entire world, and the land was directly shattered by these three terrifying forces!

And those who were close were directly swallowed by these three terrifying forces and turned into ashes.

Those strong men who had already run far away stopped breathing when they saw this scene, and the fear in their eyes could not be concealed.

The three great emperors fighting was so terrifying!

Yun Ran looked at Lin Fan in the void with an ugly face, "This kid has just broken through the Great Emperor, how can his strength be so terrifying?"

Xiao Yuanhua stared at Lin Fan without saying a word. At this moment, he very much hoped that Lin Fan would die. If Lin Fan did not die, his Xiao clan would definitely be at risk of being massacred in the future.

He prayed in his heart that the two great emperors could kill Lin Fan!

Ye Lingxi looked at Lin Fan and said worriedly: "Brother, how about I go help him?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "If he can't beat the two seventh-level rubbish of the Great Emperor, then there is no need for him to be my disciple."

In fact, he has enough confidence in Lin Fan. You must know that Lin Fan's divine body and blood have not been used yet. If he uses it, the middle-aged man and the old man will definitely be no match.

More importantly, Lin Fan is the Son of Luck, and the Son of Destiny is an invincible existence at the same level. No one can defeat the Son of Luck at the same level, so Su Chen is not worried at all that Lin Fan will lose.

But Ye Lingxi didn't know this, but since Su Chen said so, she couldn't say anything and could only watch the battle in the void quietly.



Explosions sounded one after another in the sky, and the whole world was riddled with holes.

At this time, Lin Fan shouted angrily, and a dazzling golden light burst out from his body, and his aura also surged crazily at this moment!

Special physique!

The pupils of the middle-aged man and the old man suddenly shrank, looking shocked.

They really didn't expect that Lin Fan actually had a special physique!

And everyone in the distance was also confused.

Damn it!

He has such a monster talent, but he still has a special physique?


How do we ordinary people play?

At this moment, the middle-aged man and the old man were exuding murderous intent.

Lin Fan really made them feel fear.

No matter what happens today, Lin Fan must die!

Must die!

The middle-aged man's eyes were fierce, and he transformed into a thunder dragon and rushed straight towards Lin Fan. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Lin Fan. He did not hesitate and stabbed out decisively. This shot was majestic. Sweep everything!

Lin Fan was well prepared. The moment the middle-aged man drew his gun, he thrust out with his sword!


Lin Fan and the middle-aged man retreated at the same time, and just when Lin Fan stabilized his body, a chill surged into his heart. Lin Fan was shocked and did not dare to think too much. He turned around suddenly, and then stabbed out with a sword!


The void instantly shattered, and countless sword intentions and fist intentions swept towards the surroundings.

Lin Fan's figure flew out again. On the way, with a thought in his mind, the space in all directions split open, and countless sword intents came out.

The old man's eyes were grim, and he stamped his right foot violently. A force that destroyed the world suddenly burst out from him. The terrifying power directly shattered the countless sword intentions.

Just when the old man was about to take action again, Lin Fan appeared above him at some point. The old man was shocked. As soon as he thought of resisting, Lin Fan drew his sword and struck!

The art of killing immortals and drawing swords!

With this sword attack, Lin Fan used all his strength and didn't hold anything back!


The old man didn't even have time to react. He was cut in half by the sword on the spot, and his body was devoured by the countless sword intentions.

Because this sword had used up the immortal energy in Lin Fan's body, Lin Fan now looked extremely weak and his face was as pale as paper.

At this moment, the world is silent!

Everyone froze in place.


A great emperor died like this?

Damn it!

Someone trembled: "This... this person is too defiant, right? Facing two great emperors, it is outrageous to be able to kill one of them!"

Everyone who reacted looked at Lin Fan with disbelief, and a sense of fear filled the air.

Yun Ran and Xiao Yuanhua were frightened at this moment.

They never expected that Lin Fan would directly kill a great emperor!

He was facing two great emperors!

However, he was still able to resist the two great emperors. Not only that, he also killed one!

Yun Ran and Xiao Yuanhua were numb, and they even regretted coming to Lin Fan for revenge.

The middle-aged man stared at Lin Fan, fear deep in his eyes.

He didn't expect Lin Fan to be so outrageous as to kill the old man!

Before he could even react, the old man was killed!

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