You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 112 Are You Coming For Me Again?

At this time, the giant dragon suddenly bit towards Lin Fan. The huge mouth of the abyss was like a bottomless abyss, seemingly able to swallow everything in the world.

Lin Fan stared at the giant dragon, with fighting intent in his eyes, and countless sword intent and killing intent swept away from him.

next moment!

Lin Fan clenched the bloodthirsty sword with both hands, and then slashed it down. In an instant, endless sword intent surged out.


There was a deafening sound, and Lin Fan's sword hit the giant dragon's head hard. The dragon screamed, with a ferocious sword wound on its head, and a large amount of dragon blood spurted out like a fountain. In an instant, In an instant, the world was dyed red.

The giant dragon looked extremely ferocious, and the severe pain caused him to keep swinging his body.

At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly appeared on top of the dragon's head. He aimed at the brow of the dragon's head, and then thrust out with a sword!

The giant dragon looked horrified, no longer as sacred as before, because he felt an extremely strong breath of death at this moment!


Just when Lin Fan's sword was about to pierce the giant dragon's head, a sword cry sounded between heaven and earth. Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and a sense of crisis surged into his heart. His face was grim. He was about to pierce the giant dragon's head. The sword suddenly struck to the left!


Two terrifying sword intents swept towards the surroundings like a tide, and countless spaces were shattered.

At this time, Lin Fan disappeared from the spot and appeared hundreds of thousands of feet away. He stared into the distance, the murderous intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance!

In the distance, Xiao He's figure slowly walked out. He looked at Lin Fan and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect you to react so quickly!"

At this moment, he was really shocked. His sudden sneak attack just now was actually blocked by Lin Fan. You know, he was a sneak attack. Anyone who faced his sneak attack would definitely die. However, Lin Fan Fan blocked his sneak attack this time.

At this moment, he had to admit that Lin Fan was a monster and had terrible reflexes.

Simply outrageous!

Lin Fan ignored Xiao He and disappeared on the spot. Xiao He in the distance frowned and murderous intent emerged in his eyes. Then, he stabbed out with his sword!


Countless sword intentions crisscrossed the entire sky, and time and space were torn into pieces.

Lin Fan and Xiao He kept fighting in the void. Both of them used their full strength and no one held back. At this time, Lin Fan suddenly drew his sword and slashed. This sword contained all the immortal energy in his body!

The sword-slaying technique!

Facing this sword, Xiao He was shocked, "It's this sword again!"

Not daring to be careless, he gritted his teeth, and endless sword intent rose from his body. Then, he stabbed out with a fierce sword!

This time, he tried his best!

Because Lin Fan's sword was so terrifying, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. If he was careless, the only outcome would be death!


A frightening explosion sounded from the sky and the earth, and two terrifying sword intent swept away in all directions, spreading millions of feet away in an instant!


At this time, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and the golden dragon suddenly appeared behind Lin Fan, and then bit directly towards Lin Fan.

A flash of anger flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, and he shouted angrily. His body suddenly erupted with an ancient and mysterious terrifying power. Not only that, countless bloody sword intentions swept away from him.

Xiao He and Julong were thrown away on the spot.

They steadied their bodies and looked at Lin Fan with horror in their eyes.

They didn't have time to think too much, because Lin Fan had already come to kill him. At this moment, Lin Fan's eyes were glowing with bloody red light, and his whole body was surrounded by overwhelming killing intent.

Xiao He didn't dare to be careless, he held the long sword tightly in his right hand, and then slashed it down with one strike.


Xiao He flew out again. On the way, Lin Fan suddenly appeared, and then stabbed out with a sword. The terrifying sword force instantly locked Xiao He.

Xiao He's pupils suddenly shrank, and the aura of death enveloped him. In desperation, he directly held the long sword in front of him.



The sword is broken!

Xiao He's body was knocked back a million feet. On the way, his body began to crack, and the blood dyed him into a bloody man. Feeling his own injuries, Xiao He took a breath of cold air.

He stared at Lin Fan with fear in his eyes.

So fierce!


At this time, Xiao He suddenly looked at the giant dragon in the distance, "Let's take action together!"

The giant dragon nodded in response, and then headed towards Lin Fan with Xiao He.

A flash of anger flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, and overwhelming murderous intent swept away from him. Then, he rushed straight towards Xiao He and the giant dragon!

One against two!

He is not afraid at all!

Bang bang bang!

There were explosions one after another in the sky and the earth. Lin Fan was on par with Xiao He and the giant dragon!

The more Xiao He and Julong fought, the more frightened they became, because they discovered that Lin Fan actually got stronger the more he fought!

damn it!

How the hell do you fight this?


Xiao He and Ju Long were also angry. They didn't hold anything back and all used their trump cards.

As time went by, Lin Fan gradually fell below, which was normal. After all, he was facing two top monsters.

"Oh shit!"

Lin Fan cursed angrily, and countless blood-red sword intentions shot up from his body. At this moment, the blood in his body boiled, and the endless killing intent instantly dyed the entire sky red.

"The power of blood!"

Xiao He and Julong exclaimed at the same time, with disbelief in their eyes.

Xiao He stared at Lin Fan and said in disbelief: "How can he have the power of blood?"

At this moment, Xiao He and Julong were both stunned. They never expected that Lin Fan actually still had the power of blood!

Damn it!


Even though Lin Fan has a special physique, he still has the power of blood!

This is fucking outrageous!

But at this moment, they finally understood why Lin Fan was such a monster. Lin Fan had the power of blood, which meant that his ancestor must have a terrifying power. How could a child with a terrifying power be less talented?

But they still felt extremely uncomfortable in their hearts. Lin Fan had a special physique and the power of blood, but they had nothing. How could they not feel uncomfortable?


At this time, a terrifying sound of swords sounded between heaven and earth, and Lin Fan suddenly drew his sword and struck.

The art of killing immortals and drawing swords!

This time the technique of killing immortals and drawing swords is countless times more terrifying than any before!

"Fuck! Are you coming for me again?"

Xiao He's hair stood up at this moment, and the aura of death enveloped him. But as soon as he reacted, the sword had swallowed him whole, and his aura disappeared in the same place as the sky was torn apart.

Kill instantly with one sword!

The giant dragon was frightened at this moment. Its huge body was trembling continuously. It looked at Lin Fan with fear in its eyes.

At this time, Lin Fan suddenly looked at the giant dragon, with murderous intent in his eyes, and blood-red sword intent spread from him.

The giant dragon was frightened and did not dare to fight with Lin Fan again. He turned around and wanted to run away. At this moment, the world suddenly shattered, and then, a terrifying aura filled the air.

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