The next day.

Under the guidance of Chen Jun.

Ling Yu visited other tourist attractions in West Lake.

Among them, the two most peculiar attractions for Ling Yu were Gushan and Changqiao!

Because at the entrance of "Gushan", there is a stone step, and the two big characters "Gushan" are engraved on the stone step.

But the character "Gua" to the right of the character "Gu" has no dot below!

This made Ling Yu feel very strange.

And the Changqiao Bridge is not long at all, not only can you see the end at a glance.

And even an old man with slow steps can walk to the end in two or three minutes.

Such a short bridge is called Changqiao.

This made Ling Yu even more difficult to understand.

However, after listening to Chen Jun's explanation, Ling Yu suddenly realized.

It turns out that whether it is Gushan or Changqiao, these two attractions have a long-standing sad and lingering love story.

It's like the love story of Xu Xian and White Snake on the Broken Bridge!


The locals in Lin'an also called these three scenes: "Lonely Mountain is not lonely", "Long Bridge is not long", "Broken Bridge is not broken"!

Even these three scenes are called "Three Wonders of West Lake" or "Three Wonders of West Lake"!

And some literati and elegant guests have left a popular poem for these three scenes.

"Long Bridge is not long, but love is long."

"Broken Bridge is not broken, but heart is broken."

"Lonely Mountain is not lonely, but your heart is lonely."

"Life is happy or not."

The passage of time is often inadvertent.

When Ling Yu followed Chen Jun to play around West Lake, a day passed quickly.

In the evening.

When Ling Yu and Chen Jun were having dinner together.

Chen Jun smiled and asked with expectation in his eyes:

"Mr. Ling Yu, I took you to see all the scenic spots and beautiful scenery of West Lake in the past two days. What do you think of the scenery of our Lin'an West Lake?"

Ling Yu looked at Chen Jun and smiled softly:

"There is the Nine Heavens Fairyland above, and there is Lin'an West Lake below. A glimpse of the world will leave a thousand years in our hearts."

"I don't think I need to praise the scenic spots and beautiful scenery of Lin'an West Lake anymore!"

"Are you right, Minister Chen?"

Hearing Ling Yu's words, Chen Jun was naturally very happy.

As the director of the publicity department of Lin'an City, he must know how beautiful the scenery of West Lake is.

After all, West Lake, as the facade of Lin'an City, has always been a paradise on earth in the hearts of Daxia people.

And the development of the entire market economy of Lin'an City must rely on the economic income brought by West Lake, a tourist attraction.

The foundation of many industries is built on the tourism industry brought by West Lake attractions.

Therefore, the publicity department of Lin'an City invests millions of financial support every year to promote the West Lake Scenic Area.

However, in previous years, the money was spent on advertising various tour groups.

However, the advertising benefits brought by tour groups in recent years have declined significantly.

Originally, the publicity department of Lin'an City was having a headache about this.

But some time ago, Ling Yu used a song "Luzhou Moon" to directly bring Luyang City's hot searches to explode on the Internet.

Chen Jun immediately thought of another way to promote.

So he went to Kyoto to find Ling Yu, and this cooperation came about.

And two days ago, Ling Yu used a song "Blue and White Porcelain" to directly increase the number of tourists in the Porcelain City, and the hot search of blue and white porcelain sold out came out.

Chen Jun was more certain that it would be an extremely correct decision to find Ling Yu to use songs to promote the beauty of West Lake.

"Then Mr. Ling Yu, after you have been playing in West Lake for the past two days, do you have any inspiration to write songs now?"

Chen Jun asked expectantly.

"Minister Chen, I have actually thought about what kind of song I want to write for West Lake." Ling Yu smiled lightly, took a sip of the West Lake Longjing tea on the table:

"And the title of the song has been chosen, use the name of one of the "Ten Scenes of West Lake" as the title of the song."

Hearing Ling Yu's words.

Chen Jun was stunned.

As the Minister of the Propaganda Department of Lin'an City, he naturally knew the "Ten Scenes of West Lake".

West Lake has ten most distinctive scenic spots, namely:

"Su Causeway Spring Dawn", "Windy Lotus in the Winding Courtyard", "Autumn Moon on the Calm Lake", "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow", "Willow Waves and Singing Orioles", "Flower Harbor Fish Watching", "Lei Feng Sunset", "Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds", "Nanping Evening Bell", "Three Pools Mirroring the Moon".

These ten scenic spots were selected by many literati and elegant guests in the Southern Song Dynasty, and have been passed down for thousands of years.

And in modern history.

Lin'an City has also held many activities to select the ten scenic spots of West Lake, but the status of these ten scenic spots has not been shaken.

In the past two days, Chen Jun also accompanied Ling Yu to visit all the ten scenic spots of West Lake.

ButHe didn't expect it.

The song Ling Yu wrote for the West Lake Scenic Area actually used the name of one of the ten scenic spots of the West Lake as the song title!

And Chen Jun was very curious.

Which of the ten scenic spots of the West Lake would Ling Yu use as the song title?

After pondering for a while, Chen Jun still couldn't help his curiosity.

"Mr. Ling Yu, can you tell me first which scenic spot in the ten scenic spots of the West Lake is used as the song title?"

Chen Jun asked with a shy smile.

Ling Yu also smiled faintly and said softly:

"Minister Chen, I'm not keeping you in suspense, but for us creators, if the work has not been released yet, it is a taboo to reveal the name or content of the work to others!"

"So I can't reveal the name of the song now, I hope Minister Chen can understand!"

Hearing Ling Yu say this, Chen Jun immediately waved his hand with a smile and said:

"No, no, no, I'm being abrupt!"

"I'm a bit curious, Mr. Ling Yu, don't mind it!"

"It doesn't matter, Minister Chen is straightforward and asks when there is something, and he is also a person of temperament!" Ling Yu said calmly.

"Hahaha, Mr. Ling Yu is so young, and he has such a state of mind. I, Chen Jun, really admire him!" Chen Jun laughed and picked up the teacup with both hands, "I'll use tea instead of wine to toast you!"

"I dare not, I should toast Minister Chen!"

Ling Yu also picked up the teacup, lowered the cup, and gently touched Chen Jun's teacup.

After dinner, Ling Yu told Chen Jun that he decided to return to Kyoto the next morning.


The next morning, Chen Jun personally took people to send Ling Yu to the airport.


That morning.

After Ling Yu returned to Kyoto.

He went directly to the recording studio provided by the program team to prepare the arrangement of the song written for West Lake.


He arranged the song.


He put on headphones and listened to the song carefully. After confirming that there was no problem.

He started to turn on the recording equipment, and after debugging, he was ready to sing the whole song in full.

Four minutes later.

Ling Yu clicked the play button and listened carefully to the song he had just recorded.

After listening to the whole song.

Ling Yu smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

Now his vocal skills are at the master level, and singing this song is completely effortless.

It is almost easy to sing at the level of the original creator in the previous life.

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