The next morning.

Ling Yu set off for the Porcelain City.

It only took about two hours to fly from Kyoto to the Porcelain City.

The journey was not too far.

Ling Yu set off at nine in the morning and arrived at Luojia Airport in Porcelain City at around eleven.

After leaving the airport, Ling Yu took a taxi directly to a restaurant.

The restaurant was arranged by Zhang Quan.

Last night, Ling Yu decided to come to Porcelain City today and informed Zhang Quan in advance.

Zhang Quan was naturally very happy when he knew it, and immediately asked someone to book a private room in a very famous restaurant in Porcelain City, saying that he would personally entertain Ling Yu.

Ling Yu naturally did not refuse.

After all, this was what Zhang Quan repeatedly emphasized when negotiating the contract before.

And if you want to see the best blue and white porcelain and the most traditional blue and white porcelain firing process, you really have to be led by Zhang Quan.

If there is no such official department to lead.

Ordinary people come to Porcelain City, they can't see it even if they want to!

Just kidding!

This most traditional blue and white porcelain firing process is an intangible cultural heritage.

How could it be possible if anyone could see it?

Half an hour later.

Ling Yu took a car to the restaurant arranged by Zhang Quan.

After arriving at the door of the restaurant.

As soon as Ling Yu got off the car, he found that Zhang Quan was already waiting at the door of the restaurant with his assistant.

This made Ling Yu a little flattered, and he was stunned for a moment after getting off the car.

As soon as Zhang Quan saw Ling Yu getting off the car, he immediately walked towards Ling Yu with a smile.

"Brother Ling Yu, welcome to our Porcelain City!"

Zhang Quan walked in front of Ling Yu and directly extended his hand, and even changed the address from Mr. Ling Yu to Brother Ling Yu.

This made Ling Yu even more stunned.

But soon.

Ling Yu came back to his senses, quickly stretched out his hand and said with a smile:

"Minister Zhang, you are too polite. You actually waited for me in person at the restaurant door. I was a little confused!"

"In fact, just ask the waiter to take me there!"

"Hahaha, brother Ling Yu, don't be so polite. You are a distinguished guest of our Ci City. It's normal for me to pick you up!" Zhang Quan patted Ling Yu's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Also, don't call me Minister Zhang. I don't know what to do. I call you Brother Ling Yu, so you should call me Brother Zhang Quan from now on!"

"I am 20 years older than you, so you won't lose out if you call me Brother!"

When Ling Yu heard this, he was stunned at first, then he waved his hand and said with a smile:

"No, Minister Zhang, you are the Minister of the Propaganda Department of Ci City, and I am just an ordinary medical student. How can I be so close to you as to call you a brother!"

Ling Yu really didn't expect that Zhang Quan would take the initiative to call him a brother!

After all, Zhang Quan is also the Minister of the Propaganda Department of Ci City!

Although the Propaganda Department is not the core official department of a city.

But it is an official department after all!

A minister of an official department wants to call a medical student who has not yet graduated from university a brother?

Ling Yu never dreamed of this.

Of course, he didn't dare to think about it!

Throughout the ages, which common people dared to call officials a brother?

Just when Ling Yu felt incredible in his heart,

Zhang Quan said directly and seriously:

"Brother Ling Yu, don't be too modest. With your own talent, your future is limitless!"

"If I can be brothers with you, it would be my honor, unless you think I am not qualified and don't want to be brothers with me?"

Hearing Zhang Quan's words to this extent.

Ling Yu hurriedly shook his head and said:

"No, no, no, Minister Zhang, you misunderstood, I definitely don't mean that!"

"If I can be brothers with you, it would be my blessing to have a big brother like you!"

"Since you said so, brother Ling Yu, why do you still call me Minister Zhang?" Zhang Quan's face suddenly showed a smile again.

"Zhang... Brother Zhang Quan!" Ling Yu's tone was still a little awkward.

"Hahaha, brother Ling Yu, that's the right thing to do!" Zhang Quan laughed heartily, then patted Ling Yu on the shoulder and said:

"From now on, we are family. If you need any help from me in the future, just tell me!"

"If you want to hold a concert in our Ci City in the future, I will definitely support you!"

"Then I would like to thank brother Zhang Quan first!" Ling Yu also relaxed a lot.

He didn't expect at first that Zhang Quan, a middle-aged cadre, would be so generous and even have some gangster spirit!

He didn't expect it even more.

The first thing he did when he came to Ci City was to become friends with Zhang Quan, an old cadre.A relationship of brothers!

But Ling Yu thought about it carefully.

He felt that this was really a good thing.

As the head of the Propaganda Department, Zhang Quan controlled the resources of the entire Propaganda Department.

If he could get support from the official department for commercial performances such as concerts in the future, everything would go smoothly!

Thinking of this.

Ling Yu was also very happy!

At this time.

Zhang Quan waved his hand, made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile:

"Let's go, brother Ling Yu, let's go to the private room to eat first."

"This restaurant is the best one for local specialties here. I guarantee you will be able to eat comfortably!"

"Brother Zhang Quan, please go first!" Ling Yu also smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"Hahaha, let's go together. People of our own don't do these empty things!"

Zhang Quan smiled and directly pulled Ling Yu to the restaurant.

Ling Yu really enjoyed this meal.

The specialties of this restaurant are very good.

The more traditional specialties of Cidu City, such as Cidu flat chicken, dumplings, alkaline cakes, stir-fried bacon with quinoa, cold noodles, and bean soup, are all first-class in taste.

Ling Yu and Zhang Quan ate and chatted at the same time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Especially when Zhang Quan talked about the porcelain culture of Cidu, he was even more eloquent and could not stop at all.

The sense of pride in his tone made Ling Yu clearly feel that Zhang Quan, as a native of Cidu, really loved this land!

So Ling Yu was also willing to be a listener, listening to Zhang Quan talk about the porcelain culture and historical deeds of Cidu City.

As time passed slowly.

After finishing this meal, the time had come to 3:30 in the afternoon.

At this time.

Zhang Quan arranged a special car to personally take Ling Yu to the best hotel in Cidu City.

The hotel suite was also booked by Zhang Quan last night.

Because it was already late today, Zhang Quan did not plan to take Ling Yu to the porcelain firing center in Cidu City to watch.

Zhang Quan wanted Ling Yu to have a good rest tonight, and then arrange a special car to pick him up tomorrow morning, and then take him to visit Cidu City.

Ling Yu was really flattered by Zhang Quan's reception arrangement.


Ling Yu would also be grateful and write a real hit song for Cidu City!

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