The video was not long, only about two minutes.

Chen Liang finished watching it quickly!

The content of the video was nothing special, just an ordinary dormitory scene, and no characters appeared.

It can be seen that the camera at that time was probably just a student casually shooting at the dormitory.


The song in the video shocked Chen Liang, who didn't know anything about music.

Because the fresh and graceful melody and the simple and easy-to-understand lyrics seemed to piece together the hazy memories of his youth in Chen Liang's mind bit by bit.

This made Chen Liang, who was already over 30, immersed in the memories for a while.

But soon!

He came back to his senses.

Because he found out.

He himself couldn't confirm whether the song in the video was sung by Ling Yu?

Although he had heard "Why Not" sung by Ling Yu.

But the melodies and rhythms of the two songs were different.

So he couldn't tell whether the same person sang by the sound of the two songs.

However, if he just relied on his feelings, he already believed in his heart that this unknown song was sung by Ling Yu!


After he looked at the comment area for a while.

He also knew that netizens did not want to hear words like "based on feelings".

They just wanted to see real evidence.

And this evidence refers to Ling Yu's positive response.

Thinking of this.

Chen Liang had another idea in his mind.

If this unknown song was really sung by Ling Yu, and it was his original song!

Then this would be another traffic outlet for him.

If this traffic outlet could be detonated when the program was launched two days later, the ratings of the program would definitely be raised to a higher level!


If this song was not sung by Ling Yu.

In fact, as long as Ling Yu responded positively.

It would not have any negative impact on him and the entire program.

Because this video was circulated on the Internet, and it was not posted by Ling Yu himself.

It can be said that Ling Yu is completely an outsider!

If we really want to talk about hype, we can only say that the person who posted this video is using Ling Yu's popularity for hype.

So the most important thing at present.

is to confirm with Ling Yu himself.

This unknown song that has become popular on the Internet.

Is it sung by him?

If so.

Is it his original song?

The answers to these two questions can only be answered by Ling Yu himself.

Originally, Chen Liang could call Ling Yu directly and ask him.

After all, he has the information of all the contestants who have passed the audition.

It is not difficult to contact Ling Yu.


He decided to report this matter to the operations director Li Xin first.

After all, Li Xin is his immediate superior.


After Chen Liang turned around and returned to the office, he told Li Xin and the four mentors about this matter.

After hearing this matter.

Both Li Xin and the four mentors were very surprised.

Chen Liang immediately used his mobile phone to open the video and let Li Xin and the four mentors listen to the unknown song in it.


The video was played.

After listening to the song in the video.

Li Xin and the four mentors were all shocked.

Even Li Xin, a middle-aged woman in her forties, was inexplicably trapped in a hazy memory.

Although she didn't understand music at all, she was still completely attracted by the simple words and catchy melody in the song.

The lyrics of this song are simple and straightforward, but they are full of pictures.

While listening to the song, many pictures will unconsciously flow in the mind.

And the four mentors almost empathized with Li Xin at this time.

Especially Xue Zhiqian, who is really serious about making music.

He can clearly feel from the melody and lyrics of this song what kind of emotions and mood the person who created this song wants to convey!

And Hua Chengyu, a mage who plays music.

After listening to this song, he knew that he couldn't write such a melody, nor could he write such a strong sense of picture with simple lyrics!

So in his heart, he secretly admired the person who wrote this song!

As for the two actors, Yang Mi and Chen Xiao, although they knew nothing about music, this did not prevent them from being moved by this song.

Perhaps it was because they were both actors.

So once the emotions were moved, they would be more immersed than ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, it is easier to get into the play!

And this.

Chen Liang saw that the four mentors and the operations director Li Xin seemed to be immersed in their own emotions.

He took the initiative to ask:

"Director Li, four mentors, can you tell from the singing that this song is sung by Ling Yu?"

Li Xin was the first to come back to his senses and pondered:

"Just listening to the singing, I personally think it sounds very similar to Ling Yu's singing, but I can't be 100% sure!"

"I also think this song sounds like Ling Yu's singing!" Yang Mi also nodded.

"It really sounds like Ling Yu's voice!" Chen Xiao echoed.

At this time, Xue Zhiqian nodded and analyzed seriously:

"Each song has a unique melody and a different singing method. In this case, the singing voice is somewhat deceptive and ambiguous, and it is normal that it cannot be distinguished!"

"However, Ling Yu's singing voice is very unique. I remember his voice very clearly, and the emotions in this song are also very consistent with his personality, so I am very sure that this song is sung by him, and this song is probably his original work!"

After listening to Xue Zhiqian's analysis.

Several people also nodded frequently to express their approval.

At this time.

Chen Liang said directly:

"Since everyone agrees with Mr. Xue Zhiqian's analysis, why don't I call Ling Yu himself tomorrow and ask him to come to the program team in person to respond?"

"If this song is indeed sung by him and it is his original work, this will become a traffic outlet for him. If it can be detonated, it will greatly help improve the ratings of our program after it starts!"

"I think it's okay, I'll leave it to you!" Li Xin said immediately.

As the director of operations, she naturally understood Chen Liang's idea very quickly.

Although the four mentors did not speak, they also nodded in approval.

"Okay, I'll call Ling Yu tomorrow morning!" Chen Liang nodded.


Early the next morning.

Ling Yu had just finished washing and was about to take a walk on the street.

The phone rang.

He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at it.

He found that it was another strange call, and the IP address was Kyoto.

This made him a little confused.

He doesn't know anyone in Kyoto!

Who would have his phone number?

Although he was confused, Ling Yu quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, hello!"

"Is this Ling Yu?" A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, I'm Ling Yu, who are you?" Ling Yu's tone was a little puzzled.

"Hello Ling Yu, let me introduce myself first. My name is Chen Liang, and I'm the operation manager of the program "Tomorrow's Singer". As a contestant who passed the audition of our program, you should have moved into the apartment arranged by the program team tomorrow, but the program team has some things to discuss with you first, so we would like to ask you to come to the recording building of the program team in advance today!" The voice on the other end of the phone was very polite.

"Can you tell me what the specific matter is first?" Ling Yu asked.

"I'll talk to you in detail when you come in person!"

"Okay, I'll come over later, and I can be at the recording building of the program team in about an hour!" Ling Yu replied.

"Okay, call me when you get there, and I'll arrange for someone to pick you up!"

"Okay, OK!"

After hanging up the phone.

Ling Yu took a taxi directly to the recording building of the program group.

Although it was not clear what the program group wanted to talk to him about, since he had participated in this program, he had to go for a special situation like this.


An hour later.

Ling Yu came to the recording building of the program group, and under the guidance of the program group staff, he came to Chen Liang's office.

The office was large and the air conditioning was sufficient.

As soon as Ling Yu entered, he got goose bumps all over his body.

Chen Liang immediately got up from his office chair, walked towards Ling Yu with a smile, and then extended his hand very politely:

"Hello Ling Yu, I am Chen Liang who called you before, and I am also the operation manager of this program!"

"Hello, Manager Chen!"

Ling Yu also extended his hand and smiled politely.

"Come, sit here first, let's drink some tea and chat slowly."

Chen Liang pointed to the sofa next to him and smiled.

"Yeah!" Ling Yu smiled and nodded, not showing any restraint, and sat down on the sofa naturally.

Chen Liang immediately sat on the sofa opposite Ling Yu, and then began to make tea.

"Manager Chen, if you have anything to say, just tell me!" Ling Yu smiled faintly, and said in a very calm tone: "You asked me to come here specially, it shouldn't be to invite me to drink tea!"

"Haha, Ling Yu, little brotherYou are young, but when you speak, you have a mature temperament that does not belong to your age group! "

Chen Liang said while washing the tea cup.

"I am already 20 years old, it is time to mature!" Ling Yu smiled indifferently.


Chen Liang brewed the tea, poured two cups, handed one to Ling Yu's desk, and smiled softly:

"Try it first, this is black tea, it can moisten the throat, it is good for people like you who use the throat for a long time!"

"Thank you!"

Ling Yu nodded, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"How is it?" Chen Liang asked with a smile.

Ling Yu put down the teacup and said neither humbly nor arrogantly:

"Manager Chen, I am just an ordinary college student. I don't really know much about tea, and I don't know how to appreciate it. "

"But I think the taste and mouthfeel of this tea are really good! ”

“Hahaha, Brother Ling Yu, you are a very good person. You really speak the truth!” Chen Liang laughed, and then continued: “In fact, I used to be like you. I didn’t know much about tea. Later, I learned the tea ceremony, purely to appear elegant when I talked about cooperation with others!”

“That’s not nice. I’m just pretending to be elegant!”

Ling Yu was also a little stunned when he heard it.

He really didn’t expect that an operation manager of a program production team like Chen Liang would actually tell such a big truth.

Just when Ling Yu was stunned.

Chen Liang continued to speak:

“Brother Ling Yu, since you are a quick-witted person, I won’t beat around the bush with you!”

“In fact, I came here specially this time to verify something with you.”

“What is it? "Ling Yu asked in confusion.

"It's like this. I saw a hot search topic related to you on Weibo's hot search list last night. I wonder if you saw it yourself?" Chen Liang said.

"I don't usually check Weibo or anything like that, but I learned from my classmates these two days that there is a topic related to me on Weibo's hot search list, and the content of that topic is the video of me participating in the audition, right?" Ling Yu asked.

Hearing Ling Yu's words, Chen Liang was also a little surprised.

He didn't expect that a young college student like Ling Yu didn't even check Weibo!

And he heard the news that he was on the Weibo hot search list from his classmates?

Are you sure you are a young person of the new era?

Chen Liang found it a little difficult to understand, but he didn't ask much, and said directly:

"No, the hot search related to you I mentioned is not the hot search for your audition video, but another hot search related to you! "

While Chen Liang was speaking, he picked up his phone and opened Weibo and said:

"Look, your audition video has already reached the top of Weibo's hot search list, and another hot search related to you has already reached the seventh on Weibo's hot search list!"

"Really?" Ling Yu was slightly stunned, with a confused look in his eyes.

"Come, take a look for yourself!"

Chen Liang handed the phone to Ling Yu.

Ling Yu took the phone and saw the audition video ranked first on the hot search list at first glance.


He continued to look down and soon saw the hot search topic ranked seventh.

#Shock! An unknown online divine song is actually an original song by an amateur singer?#

After he clicked in, he saw a video and a long text introduction.

He did not read the long text introduction, but directly clicked on the video.


The familiar melody sounded.

Ling Yu was stunned for a moment, his expression full of surprise.

And this At this time, Chen Liang was also silently observing Ling Yu's reaction.

At this time, Chen Liang was almost certain that the unknown song in the video should really be sung by Ling Yu.


Ling Yu would not have shown such a surprised expression when he heard the melody of this song.


The video was finished.

Ling Yu had also finished reading the long text introduction below the video!

At this time.

Ling Yu also roughly understood why Chen Liang asked him to come.


Without waiting for Chen Liang to speak, Ling Yu directly said:

"The song in this video is indeed sung by me, and it is also my original song!"

"The person who took this video should be a student in the girls' dormitory of our school."

Hearing Ling Yu's words, Chen Liang did not seem surprised, and smiled directly:

"In fact, I have already seen it!"

"But I want to ask, what is the name of this song, and when did you create it?"

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