"It's over!"

"Barbie Q!"

"This wave is a complete annihilation!"

Liu Hua, Zhou Cong, and Zhang Fugui sighed at the same time, showing an expression of despair.

If it happened to someone else, it would be a fun thing to watch if your girlfriend fell in love with your brother.

But once it happened to you, only the three of them could feel the chill at this time.

"Let's think of a way. We can't let this kind of shit happen."

Liu Hua spoke first.

"What else can we do? We can only push Lao Si's WeChat to him. We can't just pretend to die and not reply to the message!"

Zhou Cong spread his hands, looking helpless.

"Yes! And we can't deny the relationship between Ling Yu and the three of us, right?"

Zhang Fugui said with some pain in his balls.

At this time.

Zhang Hua lowered his head, supported his chin with his right hand, hugged his chest with his left hand, supported his right elbow, and pretended to think about life.

A few seconds later.

He slapped his thigh.


Zhang Fugui suddenly let out a pig-killing scream and roared:

"Old Liu, why the hell are you slapping my thigh?"

"Sorry, I was too excited just now!"

Liu Hua smiled awkwardly.

Just now he suddenly thought of a good way to deal with the current situation, so he subconsciously wanted to slap his thigh when he was excited.

Maybe he was too excited.

The technique was not very accurate, and he just slapped Zhang Fugui's thigh who was sitting next to him.

And this palm was slapped very hard!

"Our tower is about to be pushed down by our own brothers, you are so excited!"

Zhang Fugui said with an unhappy face.

"No, I just thought of a good way, which will not make our girlfriends angry, and will not let our girlfriends add Lao Si's WeChat." Liu Hua said excitedly.

"There is such a good thing, Brother Hua, tell me quickly?"

Zhang Fugui's face changed immediately, and he showed a flattering look in an instant.

"Yes! Brother Hua, tell me quickly. If your method is really feasible, I will bring you breakfast for a month!"

Zhou Cong was also immediately interested, as if he had been revived.

"Let me ask you a question first. Do you think Lao Si is the kind of person who would steal the girlfriend of his brother?"

Liu Hua tilted his mouth and looked at Zhang Fugui and Zhou Cong with wise eyes.

Hearing Liu Hua's question,

Zhang Fugui and Zhou Cong pondered for a while, looked at each other, and shook their heads at the same time:

"No, Lao Si is not that kind of person!"

"Yes! I still trust Lao Si's character."

"That's right!" Liu Hua nodded with satisfaction, and then continued:

"And we have known Lao Si for three years, and we have never seen him chase girls, and even the number of times he talked to girls has not exceeded two digits."

"I even suspected that Lao Si was not interested in women!"

"So, even if we push Lao Si's WeChat to our girlfriends now, Lao Si may not even pass their friend verification!"

"In this way, our girlfriends can't blame us!"

Liu Hua made a rational analysis, and then touched his sparse stubble, looking very wise.

"But what if Lao Si passes their friend verification for our sake?"

Zhang Fugui asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, I have already thought of a solution to this problem!" Liu Hua smiled faintly and said in a very pretentious way: "As long as we call Lao Si now and explain the matter briefly, he will naturally understand!"

"When the time comes, let him play a scene with us, and then we will push his WeChat to our girlfriend. In this way, we can have the best of both worlds!"

"This is a good idea. I will call Lao Si now!" Zhang Fugui said hurriedly.


Liu Hua and Zhou Cong nodded hurriedly.

At the same time.


Ling Yu was lying on the bed in the small hotel, looking at the small red dots that kept popping up on WeChat, and his face was also painful.

He naturally saw the news in the class group just now.

When he knew that the video of his participation in the audition today rushed to the top ten of the Weibo hot search list, he was also very happy.

Since he decided to go the way of a singer, it would be better to become popular earlier.

After all, you have to become famous as early as possible!

But seeing those girls in the same class who had hardly talked to him in the past three years, now praising and flirting with him crazily in the class group, Ling Yu was quite speechless.

He himself was a time traveler.

In addition, the original owner did not have any friendship with the girls in the class, so he did not want to be with them.There will be no more unnecessary interactions with those girls.

After graduation, everyone will go their separate ways and not bother each other.

But now.

He is just a little bit popular on the Internet.

These girls are like sharks smelling blood, and they immediately rushed up one by one, looking like they can't wait to eat him.

This really disgusted Ling Yu.


Ling Yu was not afraid of offending those girls, and directly replied in the class group:

"Sorry, I don't like to add private friends. If there is any business in the class, you can notify me directly in the class group!"

"I have to prepare a new song for the competition these days, I hope everyone will not keep sending me friend verification!"

After replying to these two messages in the class group, Ling Yu directly set the class group to do not disturb group messages, and then stopped paying attention to those girls.

Just then.

A phone call came.

Ling Yu saw that it was Zhang Fugui calling, so he answered it without thinking.

"Hey, Lao Si, we need your help!"

Zhang Fugui's greasy and slightly vulgar voice came from the other end of the phone.

Before Ling Yu could speak.

Zhou Cong and Liu Hua's voices also came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Yu, you really need to help us this time, otherwise we will lose our sexual happiness!"

"Lao Si, Brother Hua, I have never asked you for anything, but this time I really ask you!"

Hearing the words of these three people.

Ling Yu, who was holding the phone, was confused and looked like he had no idea what was going on.

"No, say what you have to say first!"

"You guys are talking one by one, I haven't figured out what's going on yet, but it sounds like something big has happened!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Fugui nodded immediately, and then quickly said: "Well, let me tell you what happened first! It's like this, Lao Si, today..."


"Okay, this is what happened, it sounds ridiculous, but it just happened!"

"So it depends on you to act with us!"

Zhang Fugui spent a minute to explain the whole story to Ling Yu.

When Ling Yu heard it, he rolled his eyes.

He thought, the girlfriends of the three of you, except for dressing nicely, have no beauty at all!

Even if they were delivered to his door, he didn't even want to look at them.

And these three funny guys were actually worried that their girlfriends were stolen by him.

He really thought this was a bit funny.

However, Ling Yu had received professional training before crossing over, and he usually wouldn't smile.

So he just slowed down and said calmly:

"Don't tell me, I'm annoyed that others want to add me on WeChat, but those girls in the class group just now came to me to send friend verification, and I didn't pass any of them!"

"So don't worry, brothers, if your girlfriends send me friend verification, I will definitely not pass it."

"And if you want me to cooperate with you in the future, just tell me, I will do my best to cooperate with you!"

Hearing Ling Yu's words.

Zhang Fugui, Liu Hua, and Zhou Cong immediately felt relieved.

"Old Four, you are a good person. You really cooperate when there is something!"

"Brother Yu, from today on, you are my real brother. I, Zhang Fugui, will listen to you in the future!"

"Brother Yu, I won't say anything. After you finish the recording of "Tomorrow's Singer", I will invite you to Dabaojian as soon as you come back. I guarantee that it is the best quality!"

Hearing the words of these three people, Ling Yu smiled helplessly and said:

"Forget about Dabaojian. Just treat me to a big meal!"

"A big meal is a must! Brother Yu, when you come back, just tell me what you want to eat. Brothers will definitely make you eat to your heart's content!" Liu Hua said proudly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now. I will cooperate with you on WeChat later!" Ling Yu smiled faintly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now!"

Zhang Fugui replied and hung up the phone.

Then he immediately smiled at Zhou Cong and Liu Hua:

"Now things are easy. Let's push Lao Si's WeChat to our girlfriends. When they find out that Lao Si has not passed their verification at all, we can put on a show with Lao Si on WeChat!"

"Yes, let's do it!"

Zhou Cong and Liu Hua also nodded with a smile.


At the same time.

Ling Yu's class group was also noisy.

After Ling Yu sent those two messages in the class group just now, those girls were immediately furious!

"Humph! This Ling Yu is too ungrateful. This fairy took the initiative to add him on WeChat, but he didn't accept it. It's reallyI'm so pissed off!"

"Ling Yu is now an internet celebrity, and he might even become a superstar in the future. Naturally, he doesn't like us classmates!"

"Haha, what's so great about him? He just passed an audition! He still has a long way to go to become a superstar. Maybe he won't make as much as we do if we work in the hospital!"

"That's right! Everyone knows that the internet is popular now, and it fades away quickly. Maybe he will fade away as soon as the show starts!"

"You're right. When he fades away, we should all ignore him! ”


The girls in the class group started to huddle together for warmth and decided to isolate Ling Yu in the future.

Fortunately, Ling Yu didn't look at the class group at all, otherwise he would have laughed to death.

Speaking of the three years in the same class, Ling Yu had never paid attention to those girls.

I really don't know.

Where did these girls get the confidence to isolate Ling Yu.

If you don't bother him, he will have to thank you!


Let's talk about two things.

Just when the girls in the class group gathered together to gossip.

Girls' dormitory 309.

Peng Rong looked at the messages sent by the girls in the class group and pursed her lips in disdain.

She felt that the reason why Ling Yu sent those two messages in the group was simply because he looked down on those girls.

And Ling Yu did not pass the friend verification she sent.

It must be that there were too many friend verifications sent by the girls in the class group, causing Ling Yu to not look carefully at all.


With her class flower level For other beauties, Ling Yu would definitely not refuse her friend verification.

Although she has not added Ling Yu's WeChat yet, Peng Rong is not in a hurry.

Because she is still a cadre of the Student Union, she can easily find out Ling Yu's mobile phone number.

When she gets Ling Yu's mobile phone number tomorrow, she will call him directly and then send her clip sound.

She doesn't believe that Ling Yu can still hold on!

Thinking of this.

She no longer pays attention to the messages in the class group and goes to sleep directly.


On the other side.

Girls' dormitory 409.

After Zhou Maomao wrote a pinned comment under her previous video.

She has been observing the data of that video.

In less than half an hour.

The number of likes and reposts of that video rose sharply.

And the replies under the pinned comment are increasing by dozens per minute.

"Tingting, come and take a look, many netizens are replying under my pinned comment! "

Zhou Maomao shouted excitedly.


Xu Liting smiled and immediately stood up from the desk and came to Zhou Maomao's side.

"Look, it's been less than half an hour since it was sent out, and there are already hundreds of replies below, and it's still growing rapidly now!"

Zhou Maomao said as he clicked on the comments below.

"Fuck, the two best songs I've heard since I was a child are actually sung by this little brother Ling Yu, and they are both his original songs. This is too incredible!"

"Damn, this Ling Yu is too talented! A medical student, two original songs are so good, is he sure he didn't cheat?"

"Comparison is so annoying, I'm still a music major, and I'm still learning composition, while he's a medical student, but he's already a versatile composer, and his level is so high, and any two original songs are so good! ”

“From my professional perspective of watching music variety shows for many years, this Ling Yu should be the national champion of the first season of the talent show "Tomorrow's Singer"! ”

“Anyone can see this, why do you need professional vision!”

“We are all human, why is the gap so big!”

“I have to admit that sometimes the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs!”

“Forget it, I have accepted my mediocrity!”


After Zhou Maomao and Xu Liting read a circle of comments and replies, both of them showed aunt-like smiles on their faces.

It was as if they heard someone praising their boyfriends.

“Hey, Tingting, you said that the data of my video is still rising now. Will it rush into the top ten of Weibo's hot search list in two days?”

Zhou Maomao asked excitedly.

“Ah…” Xu Liting was stunned for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly and said softly: “This… This is unlikely! ”

“It is very difficult to get on the Weibo Hot Search List, let alone the top ten of the Weibo Hot Search List. This is too difficult!”

When Zhou Maomao heard this, he immediately waved his hand and said confidently:

“I thinkIt is very likely. After all, Ling Yu is already in the top ten of Weibo's hot search list, and the core focus of this video is also Ling Yu. In addition, the song in the video is also very nice. These hot information are connected together, and it is reasonable to be in the top ten of Weibo's hot search list! "

Xu Liting was confused: "Ah this..."

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