The old man was in trouble, but he was still in trouble.

The players from the island country were worried, and at this moment, Minister Takeda replied.

"Master, are you sure you have the legendary skill book, and you don't want to cheat me out because you know you are no match for me?"

As soon as this post came out, it attracted a lot of approval from the players from the island country.

"The minister is right. How can you get legendary skills in the Novice Village? This Tianshi is just cheating!"

"Pathetic Xia people, always like to play such tricks. If you don't dare to compete, just say it directly!"

"Haha, he boasted so much on the forum. I thought this guy called Tianshi had some real skills, but he turned out to be a coward."


Looking at the various derogatory words of the island players, the Xia players felt very indignant, but they didn't know whether Tianshi had legendary skills, so they couldn't interrupt at all.

Fortunately, Lin Hao also posted at this time: "No way? The so-called strongest newcomer in the island country can't even get a legendary skill?"

"You made the bet, if you have the ability, show it to us!" Minister Takeda was a little angry.

Are legendary skills something that are common on the street? Many people are at level 70 or 80, and have never seen what a legendary skill book looks like!

Why are they as worthless as cabbage in your mouth?

"Okay, then you better watch carefully."

Lin Hao sent a screenshot of the information of the Starlight Boots, which attracted a crowd of players.

At first, everyone thought that the Heavenly Master was playing a trick on them, because the Starlight Boots were only level 6. Could this broken shoe be even comparable to a legendary skill?

However, when they saw its third effect, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Damn! What kind of artifact is this!?"

"Too outrageous, this is a level 6 shoe!?"

"The Starlight Flash skill is too exaggerated, the cooldown time is only 30 seconds!"

"What shocked me the most is that such a low-level red equipment can actually open an active skill, and the active skill is actually the rarest space skill!"

"This Heavenly Master can't be the planner's own son, this probability is lower than the probability of winning the lottery jackpot 10 times in a row!"


The comment area was filled with shock, and many people hurriedly @Lin Hao, wanting to buy it at a high price.

"Boss! I'll give you 20 million, sell it to me!"

"Go away, poor bastard, I'll give you 50 million!"

"The pot calls the kettle black, is 50 million a lot? Boss, I'll give you 100 million!"


The bidding below the post shocked a large number of people. No wonder experts always say that no one has 500,000. It turns out that they just split it up with them.

Lin Hao ignored these people, but his communication rang.

"Ah Hao, your luck is simply against the sky!" Liu Yong asked curiously, "Tell me the truth, are you the son of the planner?"

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Hao rolled his eyes, "I didn't get it from monsters, I got it from killing people."

"Ah?" Liu Yong was shocked, "The guy who got it must be so depressed that he would vomit blood. Didn't he cause you trouble?"

Think about it from another perspective. If his Starlight Magic Boots were exploded by someone, he would definitely fight to the death.

"Of course I looked for them. They have been chasing me several times. It was not enough to send out one guild, so we also united with other guilds." Lin Hao's tone was very calm, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Liu Yong was a little worried when he heard this: "Are you okay now?"

Lin Hao sighed, "It's quite troublesome. I just killed them a few times. Now they are hiding in the Novice Village and dare not come out."

"Fuck, so cruel!" Liu Yong gave a thumbs up, "I don't know which unlucky guy provoked you, it's so miserable."

Lin Hao smiled and then got to the point: "Let's talk about business. I guess you want to exchange my Starlight Magic Boots?"

"You guessed wrong. I know you can't exchange them." Liu Yong shook his head, "I came here to remind you not to accept this bet."

"Oh? Do you think I will lose?"

Liu Yong nodded, "I know your burst is very high, and you can even pass the Novice Dungeon in 28 seconds, but the World BOSS is different. No matter how high your burst is, it's useless. If you can't output continuously, you will be caught up soon."

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Lin Hao said confidently, "My burst is indeed very high, but my continuous output is not weak!"


~Well, you should pay more attention and don't be careless. "


After hanging up the call, Lin Hao saw that the time was almost right, so he posted a message and asked: "Do you have anything else to say now? If you can't even afford the bet, don't embarrass yourself."

Minister Takeda was silent. Although the Starlight Magic Boots were not a skill book, this equipment was not bound and could be traded.

Although the Starlight Magic Boots were too low in level, they still occupied an equipment slot, and only mages could wear them, so their value was much lower than that of skill books.

But the gold content of the skill "Starlight Flash" was too high. There were a lot of people willing to use it to exchange for a legendary skill book, so they naturally met the conditions.

Minister Takeda looked at the Starlight Magic Boots with a flash of heat in his eyes. If he got this, he could exchange for a legendary skill that he could use.

"Who said I can't afford it? Look at this too! "Minister Takeda sent a picture.

Lin Hao clicked on the picture and saw the information of a key.

[Key of the inheritance of the God of Law]

Quality: Special item

Introduction: It can be used to open the treasure house left by the God of Law in the world. Passing the test of the God of Law can gain unimaginable opportunities.

"I didn't expect that I was just cheating casually, and that guy named Takeda actually had good things. ”

He didn’t know what was in the treasury of the God of Law, and he had never opened it in his previous life, but he had opened the treasury of the Sword Saint in his previous life.

In it, he not only got a legendary skill book of the Swordsman, but also some other opportunities.

In terms of value alone, it is no worse than two legendary skill books, and more importantly, he just needs the inheritance of the God of Law.

Many people in the forum also know the value of this thing, and a lot of people are offering to buy it, but they are all rejected.

In this way, the two were very interested in what each other brought out, and the bet was determined.

"Master, let's compare the damage and see who can deal the highest damage in the crusade against the World BOSS!"

"That's exactly what I want." Lin Hao nodded, "With so many people witnessing, I guess you won't dare to cheat after losing."

"The Xia people are really arrogant, I should give this to you."

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