You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 84 (Please read on) Five internal organs evil ghosts? No! No! No! Five internal organs resid

Five internal organs evil ghost, this magic of the Shenzang realm made Fang Lei look at it several times.

Why? In addition to the reasons he guessed, another most direct reason is-

In the jade tube of the skills he split, there are just a few records of this method!

And the most interesting thing is that most of the records of their skills are different, but they can basically be summarized into the following three categories.

Or the most simple way of taking ghosts into the body;

Or borrowing five objects to attach spirits and external objects to suppress ghosts;

Or directly five ghosts cannibalize each other.

Each has its own way, but the only constant is that once each way of cultivation backfires, it will be fatal!

Taking ghosts into the body means directly taking evil ghosts into the body, without borrowing anything, just relying on one's own physique, spiritual power, will, soul, and Shenzang to suppress the ghosts and use them for me.

The biggest danger of this method is "being neighbors with ghosts", so the possibility of backlash is also the greatest. But evil ghosts are afraid of power, so the biggest advantage of this method is that as long as you don't fall into a slump and are always stronger than the evil ghosts, the evil ghosts will always be obedient, even more obedient than you think!

Five objects are attached to spirits, and external objects suppress ghosts; like Zuo Honghui and Shen Chen, they seem to have taken ghosts into their bodies, but in fact they also use armor and three command flags to suppress evil ghosts.

As mentioned before, evil ghosts are afraid of power! If they are suppressed with the help of talismans, the evil ghosts will not fear the cultivator, but the talismans!

They will sneer at the cultivators and work without effort. This situation is extremely dangerous when facing a strong enemy.

Because there are too many variables in the battle. As long as the talisman is damaged, the evil ghosts will immediately escape, and the evil ghosts will start to attack the cultivators along the connection between the talisman and the cultivator holding the talisman!

In the end, the guest takes over the host and the cuckoo takes over the magpie's nest!

Five ghosts cannibalizing each other is even more extreme. This method is like raising a Gu, letting the five ghosts fight and even devour each other, and finally cultivate a little ghost king with the power of the five elements at the same time.

But this method is too dangerous, so even in the jade tube that Fang Lei obtained later, there are not many records about this method.


Fang Lei did not practice the above three!

There is no way, where can you let him, as Tianlei, find a five-element ghost that is not afraid of thunder?

Let alone the five-element little ghost king, even the big five-element ghost king will go crazy!

Because for ghosts without physical existence, thunder is the strongest poison, no one!

And the five-organ evil ghost technique requires the five-element ghost to be taken into the body!

Laughing to death, what is the difference between this and frying in oil?


So, Fang Lei used these three techniques to summarize a set of Shenzang magic that he could practice!

Five Internal Organs Evil Ghosts·Revised (Thunder Revised Edition)——"Five Internal Organs Resident God"

To sum it up, there are fifteen words——heart stores the spirit, lungs store the soul, liver stores the soul, spleen stores the will, and kidneys store the ambition.


Here, "heart stores the spirit" is singled out for discussion.

As mentioned before, the heart's spirit is the fire's spirit.

Those who open up the fire's spirit can double their explosive power and endurance!

But explosive power and endurance are not something that the heart can support alone. It is the result of the joint efforts of the cultivator's entire body.

Therefore, those who open up the fire's spirit alone have a fatal weakness——

But if the body is not strong enough and the vitality is not strong enough, forcing it to explode is tantamount to seeking death.

In the final analysis, it is actually a very easy-to-understand word——short board effect!

The weakest part of the cultivator's body will affect the cultivator's explosion.


And if the heart stores the spirit, it means that the body has a real heart god in the middle!

It can perfectly command the organs, meridians, body, and orifices of the whole body, so as to work together.

It cannot avoid the short board effect, and through coordination and scheduling to "take advantage of the strengths and make up for the weaknesses", then at this time, it is not the short board that restricts the explosive power of the cultivator, but the longest board.

(Laughing to death, I must show you the picture below!)

The reason why "heart hides the god" is used to refer to it is because the word "god" is similar to the gods such as ghosts, thunder gods, water gods, and fire gods!

It refers to the god of the human body.


Then Fang Lei obviously has the five internal organs to stay in the gods, why does he still stare at the five elements of evil ghosts?

It's still because of the previous speculation.

Fang Lei once learned from a jade tube that the witches often worship their ancestors in order to communicate with them and obtain the magical powers of the clan.

Among these worship objects, there is one of the most advanced categories - the five spirit ghosts!

The Five Elements Evil Ghosts naturally couldn't be handed over directly. If they were handed over directly, Fang Lei seriously suspected that the other party would beat the shit out of his incarnation.

After all, if the Five Spirit Ghosts were the "cleanest" sacrifices, then the Five Elements Evil Ghosts were the filthy things that had been rinsed in the cesspool hundreds of times. I'm afraid they weren't even the lowest-level sacrifices!

But who is Fang Lei?

Ah, how many times have I said that Fang Lei is not a human!

There are not many things in this world that can purify filth, but thunder is the most powerful one!

So, Five Elements Evil Ghosts, you—die in a proper way!

Ao Hai: Ah, right, right, right! That bastard killed me for this reason!

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