Ying Chong

Chapter 162: Chapter 161


Zong Yan said, and came in.

With his hands behind him, he has the majesty and posture of the emperor.

Pan'er was also embarrassed, and because of her anger and anxiety, she didn't notice that there was still a boy standing next to her.

"Fu Xun and Xun Xie have all heard. Thanks to your help, you did not let Xia's princesses be in trouble."

Zong Pu sat down in a chair with a golden knife.

Then, he beckoned to Wan Wan: "Have you thanked your cousin?"

"Thank you, cousin." Wan Yi made a blessing, but she was wearing a riding outfit with some shards of grass on her body, and she didn't have time to freshen her ashes and dirt. What looks like a princess is like a wild girl.

Fu Xuan let him pass, only after half a courtesy, nodded to Wan Xun, and then said to Zong Xuan again: "Actually, this is also blame for us, it is the people we seduce the mother bear, only a few The princesses were frightened. The five princesses were actually very brave, and they were not crying. They have been harassing the bear with archery in the middle, and they are very brave. "

Pan'er looked at her daughter in surprise, Zong Xi smiled: "This girl is used to her skin, and she and her mother-in-law don't control her very much. They like to dance with swords and swords all day long ..."

"Father Emperor!" Wan Yan protested.

"Look." Zong Pu laughed again, Fu Pu just smiled.

After that Paner and Wanwan quit.

The two returned to the tent where Jingren Palace was located, and Pan'er pulled Wanyu to ask her if there was any injuries.

Wan Yan shook her head.

Paner asked her how she and Wanxian got together. In fact, Wan Ye and Zong Ye were with them, and there were many guards. Instead, she was not worried about the accident. It was exactly this way that she realized that she was extremely worried.

Wan Ye said things in context, and on the way back, they saw Wan Xian and Wan Ye always looking for an excuse to speak with Fu Ye.

At first, she thought that it was Mo Yan and the two people who fancyed Fu Fu, and wanted him to be a horse. The words of the father-in-law made her realize that Fu Yi had such a level of identity.

Actually, if you think about it, Queen Mother Fu is from the Jin State Mansion, and the children of the Jin State Mansion are more or less related to Zong Pu. They seem to be no older than them. Calculated by age.

"This time Fu Ye is our cousin. The elder sister and the second sister should not be thinking about it."

Pan'er held the opposite attitude, she even thought more.

Maybe this time Wanxian and Wanzhao made so many moths, they are heading for Fu Yi. She even thought that on that day, Xu Xianfei took the booklet and showed it to the queen mother, and the queen mother said something meaningful.

At that time, she only thought that the queen mother said so, at most, there seemed to be something in the words. Now it seems that maybe Xu Xianfei caught Fu Yan at that time, then the queen mother would say that, and she actually helped Xu Xianfei speak.

Pan'er took a shot and felt that his response was half a beat.

Seeing her mother suddenly, Wan Yan was very surprised and asked what was happening.

Now that the daughter is also so big, now Kuning Palace and Yanxi Palace obviously take the elders out of the way, so that the children are in the way ahead. Naturally, she can't let Wan Wan be confused, especially today, this thing proves, I'm afraid there will be more like this in the future.

She pulled Wan Wan to sit down, and explained the whole story.

"Mother, do you mean that Wanxian and Wanyi both want their cousin to be a horse? Both the mother-in-law and Mrs. Xu think so, but isn't he our cousin?"

So Wan Wan is still young, and she seems to understand some things in the palace, but in fact, she still does not understand some.

Pan'er didn't know how to explain to her. The occasional royal family was actually very messy, because the royal family had a lot of in-laws, and they could be related to each other. Things like niece happened.

She just explained it in a vague and vague manner, and probably let Wanyu understand that this kind of thing is not impossible, but it depends on the current situation, and it must be tailored to local conditions and others.

Wan Ye did not know if she did not understand, nodded.

"In short, don't mix in with them. If they pull you again, what do you know?"



At the other end, Wan Yan finished her grooming and faced her brother's concern.

Zong Duo's body naturally can only watch other people wantonly run horses, so these days when he comes to Nanyuan, he rarely shows up outside, fearing that someone else will call him to hunt, and he will be ugly in public. .

So everyone who went hunting today is gone. It is naturally difficult to settle in a tent with a group of female dependents such as Hu Shufei and so on. After everyone has left, he avoids the tent until he hears Wan Wan. They almost came out to see what happened.

Wan Zhen naturally tried to appease him, and said that this was an accident. Zong Duo saw that the second sister was really fine and left.

The maid took the tea, Wan Wan took a sip, and Wan Xian came.

Wan Xian seems to have just freshened up, not wearing a riding outfit, and changed to a lotus-colored dress. The girls of this age are all tender, her temperament is gentle, like a quietly blooming orchid.

Wan Wan never felt that she was not as good as Wan Xian, nor did she know that her mentality is different, or whether this is the difference between being over and under, especially today, Wan was aware of this kind of Wan almost immediately. Xian is very beautiful.

It is worse than myself.

Compared with the graceful Wanxian who already has a woman, she is like a hair girl that has not grown.

However, Wan Xian, who was serious, did not find Wan Yan's gaze on her.

"Sister, why are you here at this time?" Wan Yan stood up and smiled.

"I just want to see how you are doing. My mother is not here. I'm afraid you have no medicine, so I will send you some medicine."

The two were not injured on the surface, and where the medicine was applied, needless to say.

When Fang Caiwanxian went back to freshen up, Xu Xianfei saw her hurt inside the thigh, and was very distressed to death.

Girls' delicate skin, where can withstand the long-term friction of the saddle, especially they have no experience, naturally do not know that this part of the pants should have a layer of velvet, can also be separated, and just learned how to ride a horse not long, riding posture Incorrect, you will be injured.

Wanxian should have stayed in the tent to rest, but she was so uneasy that she found her.

"I've already taken the medicine, but thank you, sister." Wan Ye asked the maid to take the medicine, and asked Wan Xian to sit down.

The palace maid gave tea to Wanxian, she stunned a bit.

Wan Wan knew what she was doing, but it was difficult to say clearly, and they could only drink tea relatively silently.

After drinking tea for a while, it seemed that Wanxian finally did a good job of psychological construction, and Qi Lip said: "Wanyu, what do you think of Fuyu?"


Wan Yue put down the tea cup, a little surprised: "Sister, why do you suddenly ask me that?" Immediately, she seemed to understand something, and looked at Wan Xian with an ambiguous smile. "

The word "he" made Wanxian blush, and said, "You didn't know that ..."

Yes, Wan Yan already knew.

Wan Yan did not force Wan Xian's mind out, but was later forced out by Wan Yan in private. Wanxian couldn't tell the mother's heart clearly, because the girl was easy to be shy, and Wanzhen was too tight, so she secretly said something.

In fact, the so-called mind, that is to say, looked at Fu Xiao's small statue, I think it seems pretty good. Wan Yun naturally understood it, and even her sisters said that she would help her when she was there. This is why the two of them had sung Wan Wan together and even wanted to go inside.

They had the idea that they wanted to run into Fu Yan. Who knew that the reality was far beyond their estimates, and such a thing happened. Fortunately, in the end, it was a misnomer, and not only did nothing happen, but happened to Fu Yan.

Originally Wanxian was kind of grateful, but she felt something unusual on the way back.

If Wan Ye is helping her, why does she always want to ask Fu Ye to talk?

Most of the intuitions are common to women. Wanxian feels that Wanyue's actions are particularly uncomfortable for her. She feels that she has thought more, but she is really uncomfortable, and then she secretly carries Xu Xianfei to find Wanyue. I just want to ask Wan Wan what he thinks.

Obviously, with her present face, she could not ask such words in person.

Wan Yan did not seem to see Wan Xian's entanglement, and said with a smile, "But Fu Ye is a young hero, completely different from other honorable children of the same age. Look at his companions before, they are exactly his foil. Six years old can fight violent male bears, this strength is not available to ordinary adult men. Sister, you are blessed. "

Originally, Wan Xian heard the words very shyly. Who knew Wan Yan's voice turned, the last sentence made her feel at ease.

"Really? Do you think he's good?" While asking, she stared at Wan Wan tightly.

Wan Yan raised her eyes and stared directly at her. "Of course it's good. Who is the one you like?"

Wan Xian was relieved, and after sitting for a while, she hurried away.

When she was gone, Wan Yue sat alone for a long time and didn't know what she was thinking.


It wasn't until the Zongxi them returned in the evening that she knew that something had happened.

Needless to say, the two brothers are all concerned.

Zong Xi also said that if he asked his elder sister to follow him later, he would surely be able to protect his elder sister. This remark made Zong Ye Wanyi and Pan Er laugh.

Because I learned about Fu Yong ’s bravery from Wan Yi ’s mouth, Zong Ye was the most worshipped high-powered person. At the bonfire feast, he was close to Fu Yan ’s side, and asked Fu Ye to take him tomorrow. Go hunting together.

Due to the two bears, today's hunting Fu Fu is meaningless.

You need to know that you rarely meet a bear, even if you go deep inside, let alone two heads at a time.

Originally, Fu Ye was unwilling to accept. After all, he could hunt these two bears. It was inseparable from everyone's concerted efforts. However, Zhao Chen and others did not face to fight with him. The guards also felt that his credit was the greatest. Under the circumstances that everyone admired , The two bears were put under his name.

This time, Fu Ye was considered a fame. Before he was an adult, and because of the low-key nature of the Jin Guo Mansion, he has always been an unknown citizen in Beijing. I am afraid that everyone in Beijing will know that there is such a person.

It is really a hero who is a boy, worthy of being a child of the Jin family.

The next day, as usual, was hunting.

Pan Er originally planned to leave Wan Zhe by her side. Who knows that Wan Zhe will not do it, and she must go out to hunt with them. It was said that Fu Ye would be together today, and Zong Ye said that he would send additional guards, so she agreed.

Zong Pu also went out for hunting.

He was accompanied by some royal and honorable ministers. Yesterday he made an exception to accompany Paner for a day. In this case, it is necessary to liaise between the monarch and the minister.

Like the various feasts in the palace and even spring and autumn hunting, in fact, it is easy for the emperor and his officials to communicate with each other, and even show grace, so this kind of thing cannot be avoided.

After Pan'er sent them away, she talked with Hu Shufei and went back to sleep in the tent for a day. She came out of the tent one after another in the evening.

Today they are returning with a full load.

In fact, they hit a lot of prey yesterday, but compared to today, they are not as good as today. Not only did they join Fu Yi, but also Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen and Song Ming's sons and daughters have not yet reached the adulthood, and they haven't reported the idea of ​​being famous. It is also good to be able to follow Fu Yan's presence beside the two princes.

As the team expands, there are more prey.

Especially Zhao Chen, they are always going to hunt and go out, they can play, and they have many ways to play. People are also cheerful and amused. In short, today's hunting process is very happy, and everyone did not smile.

Even Fu Ming, who doesn't like laughing very much, was sung and laughed by Song Ming and Zhao Chen many times. Not to mention Zong Ao, I am still together tomorrow.


The campfire was divided into two sets.

A wave of men, a wave of women.

However, the space was limited, and they were not separated. Two bonfires were separated in the middle.

Fang Caiwanxian heard Zongxi from afar. Because of her status as a woman, she was not good enough to move forward, so the girl Wanwan was in her eyes.

"Wanyu, are you hunting tomorrow?"

After listening to her, Wan Wan and Wan Wan both looked at Wan Wan who was sitting next to her and eating a knife while shaving her deer legs.

Wan Ye is really a stranger among these female dependents. Even if someone eats these roasted meats, they will be prepared and cut into thin strips or small pieces. Some women's relatives didn't even want to eat because they looked fishy, ​​but the things in front of them hadn't moved.

She's good. I guess I was hungry today when I ran out and hunted. After I sat down, I started to eat.

However, no one issued a question, did not see his relatives sitting on top of each other, and said that the five princesses were favored, so no matter what people think, at least no one dared to question.

"It depends on the situation, it should still go." Wan Yan swallowed the venison in her mouth and said.

"Then Fu Fu is with you?"

Wan Wan blinked doubtfully, and immediately pretended to understand it.

"Older sister, are you asking your cousin? According to seniority, Fu should be our cousin. Although it may not be the same, I still think it is better to call my cousin. In addition, I don't know if my cousin will go . "

This sentence immediately stopped Wan Xian, Wan Wan's face was not very good-looking. Wan Yue on the side looked down and smiled, and called the palace maid who served the meal, and asked her to pour a cup of tea for Wan Yue.

"Wanyu, you eat so much greasy, drink some tea and go to oil."

"Thank you three sisters."

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