Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 9 Purple Kite

Seeing that Ziyuan, the female ghost, had already made up her mind, the Taoist priest sighed bitterly: "The magic of fate is final, don't force it." He stopped trying to persuade her.

The female ghost looked at the Taoist priest and suddenly said: "You are really different from other practitioners. Just now I thought you were lying to me, and you still wanted to do something to me in the end, but I didn't expect that you really gave me a chance to choose. ”

The Taoist priest laughed "chi" and said disdainfully: "Who am I? I am Li... I am a dignified Taoist in the world of mortals. My vision and mind are incomparable to those of ordinary people. Everyone in the world knows Taoists and good ghosts. Evil, but don’t think about where ghosts come from. If they don’t have grievances or lingering hatred, how can they not be reincarnated? Are they all miserable people? ”

The female ghost was speechless when she heard what the Taoist priest said.

She felt that although what the Taoist said was shocking to people, it was indeed absolutely correct to them, the ghosts.

Everyone in the world knows that people are good and ghosts are evil. As long as a person is alive, everyone believes that no matter how bad a person is, he still has a trace of kindness, and he is good. As for a ghost, even if she has never harmed anyone, just by virtue of her status as a ghost, she is evil and will be beaten and killed.

The female ghost knew that she had met a Taoist priest today. If it were the group of wild cultivators who came here to dance and perform, and there was one with the Taoist priest's skills, then she would definitely have no reason to survive and would definitely be beaten. The soul is in disarray.

When the female ghost thought of this, her wariness faded a lot.

"You can't stay in this mirror any longer," the Taoist priest said. "This mirror is too evil and should not appear in the mortal world at all. Although you hide it here, it will be of great benefit to your soul and body, and it can speed up your recovery." The speed of practice, but it will also affect your mind. This time you are attached to the human body and harm others, which is proof. If you continue to stay in this mirror, you will eventually lose your mind and go crazy. If you are beaten to pieces and lose your mind, you are no longer yourself, and you no longer exist.”

The female ghost was shocked when she heard this. If you think about it carefully, it is just like what the Taoist said. Ever since he got this mirror and hid in it, the speed of his soul's condensation has indeed accelerated greatly. But as the Taoist priest said, I occasionally feel confused. Some things I clearly remembered before, but gradually forget, and even some shadows can only be recalled during the occasional thoughts. It seems that as the Taoist priest said, this demon mirror is a double-edged sword.

"Then where will I live?" the female ghost asked.

The Taoist priest thought for a moment, then turned to Li Chu next to him and said, "Take out your magic mirror."

Li Chuyi nodded when he heard the words, and took out a small bronze mirror from his arms, which was slightly smaller than an adult's hand. He saw that the brass on the mirror was somewhat stained, and it could only faintly reveal some figures, while the back was densely covered with dust. It is fully engraved with the patterns of Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams, and the Tai Chi yin and yang fish are in the middle. The fish eyes of the yin and yang fish are inlaid with unknown stones in black and white, which look like stone but not jade, and the surface is smooth and bright, which is eye-catching. At first glance, they look like two Go pieces.

"Is this a magical weapon?" the female ghost said hesitantly, "Do you want to scare me away?"

"It is a magic weapon, but it is not a magic weapon. I made this specially for my little apprentice before. In addition to being like a normal Taoist magic weapon, it can store the aura of greatness and use it to subdue demons and eliminate demons, but there are also special tools inside. Something that nourishes the soul. First grade, show it to him.”

Li Chu nodded, pointed the mirror at the empty space in front of him, and said: "Five Ghost Envoy, appear!"

I saw a burst of green smoke floating on the ground, and five fat-headed dolls appeared there.

The five dolls have pigtails on their heads and are wearing five-color bellybands. Their chubby little faces are so cute that they look just like ordinary dolls at first glance. However, they had bruises around their eyes and had no legs, floating half an inch above the ground, revealing their true identity.

"This is...?!" the female ghost asked in shock.

"These are five little babies who died unjustly. They were miserable. They were sacrificed to some bullshit river god by the villagers at a young age. Because they were too young, and it was sunny at noon when they were sacrificed, they were so small. The soul couldn't survive to be reincarnated at night, so it was rescued by us who happened to be passing by and kept in my magic mirror," Li Chuyi said with a smile.

"Then why don't you send them to reincarnation?" the female ghost asked.

At this time, the five little children were seen shaking their heads for a long time, as if they had adapted to the new environment. When they turned around and saw Li Chuyi beside them, they suddenly smiled and babbling, "Brother, brother", thinking of Li Chuyi. Come.

Li Chu was in a hurry, hugging this one and kissing that one. After working for a long time, he finally found time to say to the female ghost: "You have also seen that these five children have a hard life. Before they were sacrificed, they were all orphans in the village. They were fostered since childhood. They were used as sacrifices in other people's homes. They were not cared for during their lives, so they were filled with resentment after death. My original intention was to resolve their resentment and help them enter reincarnation, but who would have thought that my care would turn into their obsession. Because of this, I have been reluctant to reincarnate. I can’t break them up, so I just keep them like this.”

At this point, Li Chuyi's ear was pulled by one of the five little ghosts. He squealed, turned around and started laughing with several other little ghosts.

The female ghost was immediately speechless. I have seen people who are not afraid of ghosts, but I have never seen people who are so close to ghosts. I have learned a lot...

The Taoist priest looked at the female ghost's expression and said with a smile: "Don't worry now. Chu Yi has been practicing Taoism with me since he was a child, so he doesn't have the prejudices of ordinary people. When we encounter ghosts, we master and disciple mainly convert them. In fact, We only take action when we can’t measure it, so if you follow us, you don’t have to worry about us doing anything bad to you.”

"However, it is obviously a Taoist magic weapon that temporarily seals my letter from ghosts and ghosts, but how can it have the effect of cultivating myself?" The female ghost was still puzzled.

"Would you know if you go in and take a look for yourself?" The Taoist priest looked unfathomable.

The female ghost thought for a long time, then turned to look at Li Chuyi who was playing with the five little ghosts over there. She felt that the two Taoist priests would not harm her, otherwise she would have been beaten to pieces. Thinking about Zhou Xiang, he saw the female ghost turned around slightly, turned into a cloud of purple mist again, and disappeared into the magic mirror.

Less than half a cup of tea later, the female ghost floated out again, her eyes were dull and she was actually a little dazed.

"How is it possible?" The female ghost looked at the Taoist priest blankly and murmured in disbelief: "How is it possible? How could there be such a strong death energy in a Taoist magic weapon? And it is completely different from the yang energy inside, and Qiu has nothing to do with it. How can this be?"

The Taoist laughed, pointed at the back of the magic mirror and said: "Did you see this picture? This is a formation. The sixty-four hexagrams around it shock the yin and yang in the mirror so that it does not leak out, and the Tai Chi in the middle The yin and yang fish separate the yin and yang qi, causing them to circulate and circulate in chaos, driving the yin and yang qi throughout the territory to rotate accordingly, and then separate the yin and yang seas. "

The female ghost was moved and asked again: "What about the death energy? Taoists are involved in both yin and yang qi. This is true, so where does the death energy come from?"

The Taoist priest smiled slightly, with an inscrutable look on his face: "You don't need to know this, you just need to know that this thing can nourish the ghost soul."

Seeing that the Taoist priest didn't answer, the female ghost thought about it secretly for a long time. As if she suddenly thought of something, she turned her head slightly and glanced at Li Chuyi who was coaxing the child aside, then she shut up and asked no more questions.

When the Taoist priest saw that the female ghost seemed to have discovered something, he smiled slightly, but did not tell the truth.

Some things are better left unsaid.

The two were silent for a long time, and the female ghost asked again: "Where did this magic-bending mirror come from?"

The Taoist priest had a proud look on his face: "I did it!" The pride between his eyebrows that seemed to be shouting "Praise me, praise me, praise me" could not be concealed at all costs.

The female ghost looked at the Taoist priest. She had never praised anyone before. She was silent for a long time before she forced out two words.


The Taoist priest immediately smiled as if he had been stabbed in the flesh. He was trembling all over. If he had a beard, it would be gone.

At this time, Li Chuyi, who had finally coaxed the five ghosts, came over. Seeing the Taoist priest acting like a sheep, he turned around and asked, "Are you praising him?"

The female ghost nodded.

Li Chuyi nodded understandingly: "That's no wonder. My master is born with something like that. He can't stand compliments from women, especially beautiful women. Regardless of whether they are human beings or ghosts, as long as a beautiful girl praises her, he can laugh at her. Don’t worry about him, it’ll be fine later.”

The female ghost was immediately speechless. This Taoist priest who has been doing this for a long time is not just pretending, he is really a pervert.

"Then have you decided? Come and live in my enchantment plate?" Li Chuyi asked, scratching his head.

The female ghost nodded.

"That's great, finally someone is helping!" Li Chuyi looked overjoyed. He turned to the five little ghosts who were playing by themselves and shouted: "Big baby, two baby, three baby, four baby and five baby! Come here, see you." See your sister!"

Before the female ghost could react, she saw the five little dolls were stunned for a moment, and then her face suddenly became happy. A gust of wind blew by, and the five little dolls were hanging on her skirt.

The female ghost had a dark look on her face. Just when she was about to open her mouth to speak, she heard Li Chuyi say again: "From now on, my sister will live with you. You must listen to your sister. If anyone disobeys her, my sister will spank you." of!"

The female ghost wanted to pass out. Why did he suddenly become a babysitter?

At this time, Li Chuyi turned around and said to himself: "Then they will be left to you. Don't bully them. Also, your name of 'Purple Resentment' is so unlucky and unpleasant to hear. I From now on, I’ll call you Ziyuan. I hope one day you can fly in the wind like a paper kite.”

The female ghost who was renamed "Purple Kite" wanted to vomit blood, if she had any blood.

Why is it not enough to look after the child, and the name has also been changed?

Is there something wrong with both the master and the disciple? The older one went crazy like a sheep when he boasted, while the younger one simply refused to listen.


The more Zi Yuan thought about it, the angrier she became. Just when she was about to retort, she saw five brats pulling on her skirt and shouting "Zi Yuan, Zi Yuan" non-stop.

Zi Yuan suddenly became furious. Even you five little kids dare to bully me?

"Stand still!" Zi Yuan shouted, and the five imps, Li Chuyi and the Taoist priest were stunned and froze there.

Ignoring the demented master and apprentice, Ziyuan asked the five little ghosts to line up. One kid gave a burst of chestnuts. Then he looked at the little ghost covering his head and said solemnly and seriously: "Remember, from today on, you have to call I’m Zi! Sister! Sister!”

"Sister Ziyuan!" Master and apprentice Li Chuyi shouted together with the five little ghosts.

Zi Yuan helplessly covered her forehead.

Why did I follow these stupid master and apprentice?

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