Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 79: Half a year of hard training passed by in a hurry

In the blink of an eye, another three months have passed. Unknowingly, Li Chuyi had been staying in Taixu Palace, to be precise, this small courtyard on Divine Sword Peak for more than half a year.

In the past half year or so, Li Chu's whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to when he first came here. In the past six months, he has changed from a novice monk who had a strange magic power but didn't know how to use it, to a young master who has stepped into the realm of swordsmanship and is considered quite extraordinary even in the outside world. Especially during the epiphany three months ago, after he almost ran out of mana and collapsed, Ye Zhichen told him that he was not strong enough to get out of the mountain even if he could get out of the courtyard. He was so eager for the outside world that he went crazy. Practice hard.

Every day before dawn, Li Chuyi would come to the courtyard and practice over and over again the basic sword skills that he had never looked down upon before. This is not because he does not know some other advanced sword techniques. On the contrary, during these days, he has read most of the sword manuals, sword techniques and various techniques hidden in Ye Zhichen's study, and the techniques he has perfected There are even more sword fighting techniques. However, knowing the importance of the basics, he kept in mind what Ye Zhichen once said and kept practicing the nine basic essentials of kendo over and over again.

With constant practice of the nine movements of stabbing, chopping, lifting, hanging, clouding, dotting, collapsing, intercepting, and pulling, Li Chuyi felt that the more he practiced, the more unfathomable and unforgettable he felt. The seemingly simple nine basic movements can be combined into endless variations.

And it turns out her feeling was right. As he continued to practice, he was surprised to find that when practicing other sword techniques, he could master them proficiently and use them flexibly with just a little trial and error. It feels difficult, and there won't be any farce of the long sword being released.

Although he could not control the flying sword due to lack of skill, let alone realize his dream of "flying on the sword", he still felt very satisfied. After all, he had already learned a lot of the sword techniques and techniques of Yu Shi Feijian, and all he lacked was the skills.

The improvement of his skill depends on the "Tao Canon" he has practiced since childhood. As he learned more and more exercises, Li Chuyi became more and more aware of the unpredictability of the "Tao Canon".

Ordinary monks generally only specialize in one practice, concentrate on practicing one technique, and constantly open the meridians according to the instructions of this technique. As the magic power continues to circulate in the meridians, it will grow stronger and stronger. It is not impossible to practice a few of them occasionally, but you must pay attention to the conflict between the exercises, and do not choose exercises with conflicting meridians. Otherwise, your skills may be completely destroyed if you go crazy, or your body may explode and die. Even if a monk chooses a technique that he does not want to compete with, the progress of several techniques will be slowed down at the same time due to distraction, which is not good. Therefore, there are very few people who choose to practice multiple techniques.

But Li Chuyi did not have this restriction. He found that any technique, as long as he learned it, would slowly open up the meridians under the strange breath-like magic power cultivated in the "Tao Canon" and then run on its own. Not only does it not have the threshold and bottleneck problems mentioned in the scriptures about the exercises, but it also has the problem of conflicting exercises.

If you look at Li Chuyi's body now, you will be surprised to find that his body is covered with a network formed by countless meridians. This is due to the fact that he has practiced many different techniques. And these complex networks are actually running at the same time, unlike other monks who only run one set or several non-conflicting sets. In these meridians running at the same time, some places where the mana flows are obviously intersecting or even conflicting, but it is as if Li Chuyi's mana has its own consciousness. The mana in the meridians automatically avoids each other, and a meridian with a direction appears. A strange sight of two completely opposite flows of mana.

Li Chuyi was shocked when he first discovered it. He was naturally afraid of death. Seeing such a strange scene inside his body, he was naturally terrified. But after careful observation, he found that there was nothing wrong with him at all. Not only that, with many exercises running at the same time, the magic power in his body was growing day by day, which made him gradually feel relieved.

As the mana increased, Li Chuyi found that the aura in his body did not grow at all, but was mixed with the energy-like mana, gradually becoming thinner as the number of exercises he practiced increased. The speed of opening meridians during new exercises is also getting slower and slower. At this point, Li Chuyi finally confirmed one thing. The aura cultivated in the "Tao Canon" was indeed not magic power, but it was a booster of magic power. If you want to continue to master more techniques and let them operate at the same time, and increase the speed of condensation of your own magic power, then the understanding of "Tao Canon" is crucial.

After thinking about this matter, Li Chuyi on the one hand screened out some of the techniques that increased his mana slowly and stopped them, leaving only some techniques that increased his mana quickly; on the other hand, he racked his brains whenever he had time. Ten incomprehensible scriptures, trying to make further progress and increase the breath in his body again.

However, he had only been able to cultivate a little bit of the ten scriptures in the "Tao Canon" through free study. Now, although he has worked a hundred times harder, he has achieved little success. Thinking about the seventh chapter that he had inadvertently comprehended in the void, Li Chuyi gradually understood that the comprehension of the "Tao Canon" cannot be achieved through hard work, but also depends on chance.

In desperation, Li Chuyi set his sights on the "Wuji Qiankun Dao" that the Taoist left him before he left. Li Chuyi was deeply impressed by the Taoist's often used, seemingly powerless and boundless Wuji Dao method. He had seen the Taoist use this method since he was a child, so he naturally knew how powerful it was. Thinking about the strong winds blocking the road outside the courtyard, Li Chuyi believed that as long as he could cultivate this method, even if it was only a small success, and then cast a layer of protective magic around him, he believed that a mere strong wind would not be a problem, and even the Nine Heavens Gangfeng would not be impossible to resist.

Flipping through "Wuji Qiankun Dao", Li Chuyi found that the difficulty of practicing this technique was not as simple as he thought. This technique is roughly divided into four realms, Qiankun Borrowing Method, Qiankun Controlling Method, I am Qiankun, and Qiankun I Decide. The four realms not only have strict requirements on the cultivator's mana, but also have requirements on the cultivator's state of mind, Taoism, and even soul.

After practicing hard for a long time, Li Chuyi could only perform some Taoist magic in the realm of borrowing magic. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this magic was worthy of being the Taoist's signature skill, and he was even more fortunate that he was lucky enough to suddenly realize the realm of swordsmanship. If he practiced normally, unless he broke through the sword energy restriction at the door with force, he would never be able to go down the mountain without ten or eight years of hard practice.

Fortunately, although he could not perform many spells in the realm of borrowing magic, there were indeed protective spells in it, and Li Chuyi couldn't help but feel secretly happy. He felt that he was one step closer to going down the mountain.

In this way, under the strong desire to go out, Li Chuyi continued to practice hard, and time passed quickly.

Until this day, Li Chuyi, who had just finished practicing swordsmanship and was about to rest, suddenly felt that the magic power that had been slowly increasing in his body suddenly stopped, and then gathered towards his lower abdomen like leaves in the wind, and gathered more and more, gradually forming a huge air mass.

Feeling the pain in his abdomen as if it was about to burst, Li Chuyi couldn't help but hold his stomach and screamed repeatedly.

"Fuck you, am I going to give birth?"

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