Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 1347 Confusion


The same word filled Li Chuyi's mind, leaving him unable to think about other things. All thoughts were replaced by endless rage and murderous thoughts.

Instinct was constantly struggling, and a hint of aura in his heart made him want to struggle many times, but he was suppressed by the extremely strong murderous thoughts many times, and his heart continued to sink into the abyss of darkness.

He couldn't remember how he left the small town, nor how he got to where he was now. Every time he woke up, he was in a different place, looking at different scenery and different faces.

The only thing that was the same was the panic on those faces, and the blood and misery that filled the entire field of vision.

The people who used the paint were men and women, old and young, and they were both immortal and ghost cultivators. From time to time, you could see old immortals and monsters released from the seal, as well as some mountain lords and river spirits that he had only heard of and never seen before. He died tragically before his eyes.

All these spiritual species that usually hide in unknown places were brought out by him when he lost his mind. Their blood was not red, and some of them even had no such thing as blood at all, but in his eyes they were all the same. of Yin Hong.

What did you do?

Li Chuyi didn't even dare to think about this problem.

He agreed to Dao Yanming's request and returned to the world to kill people, but he never thought of killing so aimlessly, killing just for the sake of killing, regardless of the reason or the target.

He has everything in mind, and anyone with a bit of hatred will be listed among them. If it is still not enough after killing them, then he will go to the underworld and immortal world to continue. He has no favor with the pseudo-immortals, and he has no burden at all in killing them.

But now, what have you done?

Looking at the faces mixed with fear and resentment, and the eyes that were lifeless but resentful, Li Chuyi didn't dare to think about it at all.

He knew that there was something wrong with the Yajuan Sword. Every time he woke up, he wanted to throw away the Yajuan Sword and leave far away, but the Yajuan Sword stuck to him like a dog-skin plaster. Every time he woke up, it would appear in his hand. The hostility is heavier and the evil spirit is thicker.

This sword was given to him by a Taoist priest, and he has always cherished it. Taoist priests would never harm him, and he was convinced of this.

But this time, he was shaken.

Was there something wrong with the Taoist priest, or was Dao Yanming behind it, keeping the Taoist priest and him in the dark?

Li Chuyi was more inclined towards the latter, but a voice in his heart was shouting at him, making his heart keep turning towards the former.

That was not his intention. Li Chuyi clearly understood this from the beginning. But as time went by, the time when he was absent-minded became longer and longer, and his increasingly confused mind made this understanding more and more blurred. Unknowingly, he gradually felt that everyone in the world wanted to harm him and wanted to harm him. He dies.

Thinking about it, such ridiculous thoughts were all illusions induced by external forces, but as he was deeply obsessed with murderous thoughts, it became increasingly difficult for him to distinguish the truth from falsehood. He was so confused that he couldn't tell what was true and what was false. Memories that are both familiar and unfamiliar keep appearing in my mind. It seems that I have experienced it, but it seems that I am just a spectator. I seem to be myself, and I seem to be just an outsider.

Memories disappeared bit by bit and were reborn bit by bit. Many unforgettable memories were changing unknowingly. He was powerless to stop it, and it was even difficult to detect it.

He remembered his mother's love; he also remembered Yu Yao's affection; he also remembered the kindness of the Taoist priest, the righteousness of Fang Junnan and others, and all the unforgettable friendships, but the person in his memory had changed.

These extremely familiar faces began to become hazy at some point. Whenever he tried to remember them after being startled, their faces became clear again, but they were two faces intertwined. The intertwined faces kept changing, new looks gradually replaced the familiar faces and occupied his memory, and many experiences quietly changed accordingly.

When Li Chuyi woke up again, what he saw in front of him was not the barren mountains and rivers, but the brightly lit palace buildings. The surroundings were crowded with people on three levels outside and three levels outside. They were all ready and looking at themselves in fear and anger. The weapons in their hands were swinging involuntarily.

"Where...is this?"

Shaking his head, Li Chuyi murmured to himself.

He vaguely remembered that he was in the Jade Dome of the Ice Palace a moment ago. At that time, there were many women looking at him like these people, with fear and anger in their eyes, but why the scene changed again in the blink of an eye. The surrounding pavilions looked vaguely familiar, right in his mind, but he couldn't remember them no matter how hard he thought about them.

"If Li Chuyi dares to assassinate me, why don't he be captured immediately?"

A majestic voice came from high up. Looking up, he saw a man in royal robes standing proudly on the steps surrounded by others.

Li Chuyi looked up, and the eyes behind the tiger's face were sometimes clear and sometimes confused. He felt that he should know that man, and the little tremors hidden in the seemingly majestic voice let him know that the man not only knew him, but also knew him. Very afraid of him.

Why is he afraid of me?

Unable to figure it out in his mushy mind, Li Chu shook his head and asked directly.

"Why are you afraid of me?"


Yuwen Taihao was furious, and the surrounding guards also shouted in unison, shocking people.

In order to prevent Li Chuyi's assassination, Yuwen Taihao made full preparations. Not only did he dispatch a large number of soldiers and horses to escort him, but he also invited several formation masters to step up the protection of the palace. Today's imperial palace is built like iron and steel. In order to strengthen defense, many palaces and gardens have been demolished and put up with formations. Yuwen Taihao, who was well prepared, was confident that even if a fly flew in, he would not be discovered. He was heavily defended with various formations and even if the gods came, he would be killed. Li Chuyi dared to come, even if he did not die, he would not think of escaping and wanted to assassinate him. He is simply talking nonsense.

As a result, the idiot came, and instead of being sneaky, he fought all the way from outside the south gate of the imperial capital to the gate of the palace, and then fought all the way here.

In the past, only important officials from the imperial court could occupy the Dingtian Palace. Now it was crowded with the Immortal Slayer Army. Only around Li Chuyi was there any open space.

But both the Immortal Slaughter Army and him, the overlord of the dynasty, are now full of fear. They are well prepared. But Li Chuyi is so unimaginable. The evil aura on his body is stained with immortal blood. The veterans of the Immortal Slaughter Army are deeply afraid. It is as if It is as terrifying as the legendary Nine Heavens Rakshasa.

In addition, the tiger face that was taken from the tiger general was even more so. The green face and the fangs in the eyes were fishy. No matter who they looked at, the heart of everyone who was seen was beating fast and their breathing was about to stop.

Now that Yuwen Taihao was being stared at, the dignity of the emperor kept him firm and not show any timidity, but the hands behind his back were clenched so tightly that the veins bulged out.

At this time, Li Chuyi called him out again. Yuwen Taihao didn't wait any longer and waved his hand with an angry rebuke, pointing directly at Li Chuyi in the center of the crowd.

"Get it for me, leave no one alive!"


In response to the chorus, the Immortal Slayer Army immediately started to move. The layers of battle formations flowed together like coiled snakes. The auras climbed steadily at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, they climbed to a level that even immortal cultivators would be afraid of.

These people are all the elites of the Immortal Slayer Army, how could they be any worse, and Li Chuyi has a notorious reputation, and the incident of forcing his way into the imperial capital just happened, how could they dare to be careless and use all their strength as soon as they attack.

In one moment, the momentum reached its peak, and in the next moment, countless weapons and spells swarmed in, and the dense attacks could not penetrate any gaps, even underground. Li Chu in the center was immediately sealed tightly. It's about to turn into dust.

But suddenly, a touch of redness rose from the center, and with it there was a hint of sweetness. Whether it was thought about or not, it floated into the nostrils and was sniffed. The next moment, a soaring evil spirit burst out. , instantly submerged the entire Dingtian Palace.

The screams before death came one after another, and the fine rain was mixed with them and scattered in all directions. The wet person wiped it on his body, and the slippery feel was not rain at all, but the bright red blood soaked into his body.


There were bursts of shouts, and someone was protecting Yuwen Taihao and wanted to retreat to the back hall. Originally, Yuwen Taihao didn't want to leave, but the tragic scene in front of him made him unable to continue to cling to the pride and dignity of the emperor, and he kept on guarding him amidst the heavy guards. Withdraw to the deep palace.

Sensing that he was about to leave, the blood mist in the square suddenly turned into a dragon head. At first glance, it looked like a dragon, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a ferocious god. Li Chuyi, who was supposed to be dead, slowly revealed his figure from the center of his eyebrows, his body covered in red. They are dyed, but their eyes are redder than blood.

"You...why are you afraid of me?"

The muttering sounded like thunder, and Yuwen Taihao subconsciously turned his head to look back, only to see a touch of red approaching his eyes.

"You are so brave! Don't give in!"

Mu Qiyun, who took over the Mu family, shouted angrily and stepped between the two of them with several Mu family masters. Regardless of righteousness or personal grudges, he could not let Li Chuyi kill Yuwen Taihao. Once Yuwen Taihao died, his position as the head of the Mu family would no longer be stable. No matter what, he could not let anything happen to the emperor.

Using all his strength to activate the "Thousands of Planes and Evolutions", he joined forces with the masters of the Mu family who had brought him. Mu Qiyun opened his eyes and opened the seal formula, and a mysterious force immediately entangled him.

"There is no luck, Yan'er is destined!"

Afraid of not having enough power, he spurted out a mouthful of blood and essence. This consumed his self-confidence and even the immortal cultivator had to retreat from the sharp edge, but the red intention did not stop its momentum at all.


Seeing something bad, he could no longer care about anything else. Mu Qiyun yelled and tried to retreat, but it was already too late.

A wisp of evil energy wrapped around his body, followed by a second and third ray. In the blink of an eye, the evil energy filled his entire body. His eyes were suddenly filled with blood like Li Chu's, and his blood vessels and veins bulged on his body. rise.

But that was all, he died before he could go crazy. This was because his cultivation level was high enough and he was proficient in the Yan method. The others were exploded into blood and mud the moment the evil spirit entered their bodies, but he at least left a hideous-looking corpse.

Without him to block him, Yuwen Taihao was completely exposed in front of Li Chuyi. The guards around him tried to protect themselves, but they all exploded. Li Chuyi landed lightly in front of Yuwen Taihao. The blood in his eyes was slightly lighter, revealing a rare clarity. .

"Yes, you are Yu Hao..."

Yuwen Taihao's whole body was stiff and cold. He didn't dare to say anything, let alone move.

Li Chuyi did not kill him, but frowned and shook his head vigorously. After feeling that his thoughts were getting clearer, he raised his head and stared at Yuwen Taihao with clear and turbid eyes intertwined repeatedly.

"Do you regret it?"

Knowing that he was asking about Yu Yao, Yuwen Taihao subconsciously wanted to nod, but then he froze on the spot.

"I killed Qian'er because of your ambition. Do you... regret it?"


Yuwen Taihao was stunned.

Who is that?

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