Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 1258 Death or Life

Li Chuyi disappeared out of thin air, and Ye Zhichen couldn't find any clues, so he had no choice but to leave first and make plans after he was out of danger.

Hearing that Xiaoyu was about to leave, Xiaolingshen and Wuwu also moved away from each other. Sanshenglin no longer exists, and Baicao Peak has become like this again. Friends from the past are running away to death, and if they stay here, they don't know if they will be struck by lightning again.

The most important thing is that from Ye Zhichen, I learned the truth about the brutal imprisonment of Wushuang ancestor. Without Wushuang's protection, no one knows whether Taixu Palace will treat them like the Tianmen monster clan as before. Especially now, the one who controls Taixu Palace is the Baijie Taoist. Everyone knows that Baijie Patriarch is good at alchemy. Xiao Lingshen is very worried about the safety of himself and Wuwu.

Different from other wood spirits, it and Wuwu are two of the world's most extraordinary medicines. Even Green Girl covets them half-heartedly. Who knows if the old man will catch them to make elixirs? He doesn't want to risk his life and his wife's life on the kindness of Taoist Baijie.

The two of them wanted to follow. Xiao Yu was naturally happy, but the happiest thing was Lv Gu. The twinkling light in her bright eyes made Xiao Ling Shen feel uncomfortable. She hid next to Xiao Yu and didn't dare to make eye contact with her.

Of course Green Girl wouldn't do that evil thing, and even if she did, at least she wouldn't do it at this juncture. Besides, killing Xiaolingshen and his wife is the stupidest thing to do. These are two sacred plants that have become spirits. Killing them with one knife is equivalent to killing the goose to get the eggs. Keeping them around them to constantly supply their essence is the right way.

In addition, Green Girl herself is not willing to kill anyone. She is very curious about what kind of child these two wood spirits will give birth to in the future. You must know that the union of different races among the grass and tree demon spirits is extremely rare. It is not easy to encounter such a pair. If you kill them, you will never see them again.

With Gu Gu's repeated assurances, Xiao Ling Shen came to her tremblingly. Although it is timid, it is reluctant to let its favorite Wuwu take action in such a dangerous matter. And Lu Gu never thought of harming it. She just needed to purify her own mana with the help of the pure wood spirit body of the Little Spirit Ginseng.

Under Wu Wu's nervous gaze, she smiled and gently held Xiaolingshen's body. She closed her eyes slightly and remained silent for a long time. Finally, she raised her hand and drew hard by her side, and a dark crack appeared in response.


Seeing that the crack was quickly closing, Green Girl hurriedly greeted her.

The others didn't dare to delay, so they quickly stepped into it one after the other.

Green Girl needs to maintain the existence of the crack, so she enters last. When she was halfway down, she suddenly felt something approaching rapidly. When she turned around, she saw a small shadow rushing past her and escaping into the void first. After seeing what it was, the green girl immediately laughed and cursed. Make a sound.

"Little beast, I really belong to you!"

The phantom is nothing but three.

The coward in the world carried forward its consistent purpose and disappeared shortly after arriving at Baicao Peak. Even Green Girl didn't notice where it was hiding.

But Green Girl is already used to it. This coward always behaves like this every time she fights with people on the way here. Anyway, the little beast will come back after the dust settles, so neither Lu Gu nor Hao Youxiao want to look for it at all.

It's just different this time. Green Girl didn't expect so many changes. Even Hao Youxiao forgot about its existence and left without even thinking about it. Green Girl even more so. If it weren't for this coward, After searching for it herself, she didn't know when she would remember it.

Shaking her head, Green Girl dodged and disappeared into the void. The cracks in the space that were no longer maintained closed and dissipated in the blink of an eye. There was nothing else in Sansheng Forest except blue light and wasteland.

It wasn't until about half an hour later that the place was no longer crowded again. Baicao Peak suffered a big change, and the other eight peaks quickly sent people to help.

After confirming that the green light covering the entire Baicao Peak was harmless to people, the helping monks dared to go up the mountain. After asking several people to figure out the general situation, some people were left to help gather the survivors. The elder who led the team rushed to Sansheng Forest with most of the people to help.

But when they came to Sansheng Forest, things had changed.

The green grass and dense trees of the past have disappeared, and apart from the dreamlike blue light, there is only the scorched wasteland. The entire forest seemed to have been plowed through thousands of times with a red-hot rake. At first glance, there was not even a stone the size of a fist to be found, and there was only choking dust on the ground besides sand.

With lingering fears, they searched all the way into the depths of the Sansheng Forest, but found nothing. Neither their fellow sect members nor their enemies were anywhere to be seen, and even the ancestor of Hundred Tribulations also disappeared.

Several elders were all stunned, and immediately fell into deep panic.

I heard that there are not only Hundred Tribulations Ancestors in the forest, but even the legendary Immortal Ancestors happened to come here today, but now there is not even a ghost to be seen. Could it be that they...are all dead?

No one gave them the answer, so they could only send people to summon their peak master while leading people to search the wasteland over and over again. At the same time, almost every elder had the same question in their mind.

If this is really the worst case scenario, where should Taixu Palace go?

Something happened again in Taixu Palace, and the troublemaker was none other than the Evil Master who had been missing for a long time. The news quickly spread throughout the human world, but it didn't cause much turmoil.

One of the reasons is that Taoist Bai Jie, who returned from serious injuries, strictly blocked many news, such as the fall of the Immortal Ancestor and the escape of the Lingxian. With the backbone of Taixu Palace, naturally no one will provoke it, not to mention that Taixu Palace also has several immortal ancestors from the immortal world backing it. However, these are only secondary reasons. The biggest reason is because there is another even more amazing one. The news attracted everyone's attention.

The new Yan Emperor Yuwen Taihao was assassinated. The murderer not only dared to assassinate him, but also massacred nearly half of the population of the imperial capital with extremely vicious means.

Many famous families disappeared into thin air, and the powerful and powerful families suffered heavy losses. Even behemoths like the Mu family were damaged. One can imagine the tragedy of this disaster.

Emperor Yan was furious, Dayan was furious, revenge was necessary, Lu Gu could not be found, but Mu Qingqiu, the assassin of the emperor, could be eradicated.

Zhi Gelin had already been pushed to the forefront for taking in the Hao family, Fang Junnan and others. This time, Mu Qingqiu became the center of attention again, and was the target named by Yuwen Taihao for revenge.

Not only Golin, but Buwu Valley as well. Anyone who has anything to do with Mu Qingqiu should not be spared. Whether it is because of his treason or because of harboring the evil lord's associates, these wolf-hearted thieves must be eradicated.

The Great Evolution was mobilized, and large numbers of troops were transferred to northern Xinjiang. Except for the Shiwandashan line, the other two sides were reduced. Many people speculated that Yuwen Taihao's purpose was not just to stop Golin and Buwu Valley. He was very powerful. Maybe he wanted to take this opportunity to go all the way north and incorporate the entire Mobei into his own territory.

Just when everyone thought that the four sects in Mobei would take action, the four sects were surprised to see no action for a long time. It was as if they did not expect Yuwen Taihao's ambitions, or they trusted Yuwen Taihao very much. Just ask for words to hoe off rape.

No one knew what the four sects were thinking, not even the vassals of the four sects. They thought it would be a fierce battle that would last forever, but unexpectedly it turned out to be so silent.

Some people speculated that the Four Sects might have reached an agreement with Dayan, and others speculated that the Four Sects might have gained some support. Some loyal vassals with close relationships went to inquire about the masters of each family, but without exception, they encountered a soft nail. There was no explanation other than asking them to calm down, which was very confusing, so they could only leave in confusion.

Even they can't understand it, let alone outsiders, but one thing is clear, that is, Fuwu Gu and Zhi Gorin will definitely suffer this time.

As the only two neutral areas in Mobei, someone had predicted a long time ago that they would definitely not end well. Mobei has been a place of chaos since ancient times. The battle between good and evil has stained every inch of land here with blood. It is extremely difficult to survive in the cracks between these two parties. They openly delineate areas and restrict them under the banner of neutrality. When everyone reaches their base, they have to put down their weapons and make peace. How is that possible?

You must know that neutral families such as the Hao family are not so absolute. They are basically wallflowers who wink at both sides under the banner of neutrality. They will fall to whichever side is stronger and help whichever side is profitable. What Zhi Gelin and Bu Wugu did was not just to act neutrally, they simply wanted to be the third tiger and break the old pattern of two tigers fighting each other.

Ice Palace and Silent Hill can be neutral because of their background. The two sects that are both super powers make Mangshan Sword Sect and Baisheng Pavilion unwilling to provoke them easily. But it doesn't matter if you Zhi Golin and Buwu Valley are nothing. Do you consider yourself a person?

The result was unexpected. Zhigorin and Buwugu have continued to exist for so many years. The four sects surprisingly acquiesced to their existence. It was not until much later that some people knew that the acquiescence of the four sects was not due to conscience, but because of conscience. One person - Mu Qingqiu.

Not many people know about this low-key power in Mobei, but those who know are in awe of him, not only because of his cultivation, but also because of his background.

Behind him, there is the shadow of the Mu family.

Because Mu Qingqiu, Bu Wugu and Zhi Gelin were completely secure, they became another existence besides the four sects that could not be provoked. Even the four sects have to give them face, so who dares to risk their lives to tease that tiger's beard?

But things are different now. Dayan, the "mother's family" wants to eradicate them.

No one knew what kind of madness Mu Qingqiu had gone so crazy that he would assassinate Emperor Yan, and no one knew why he was so crazy that he wanted to implicate innocent people, even the real "mother's family" of the Mu family. Don't say that the Mu family doesn't know how to do it. Even if the Mu family ignores their past grudges, they can't save him this time. Assassinating Emperor Yan is an unforgivable crime. Yuwen Taihao, who survived the catastrophe, is determined to kill him and cannot let him go no matter what. Naturally, he, and the two "mansions" of Zhi Golin and Buwu Valley, could not escape the fate of being exterminated.

Just look at Dayan's actions and you will know that so many troops are enough to attack the four sects. Two neutral places are simply killing a chicken with a knife. If what Yuwen Taihao said is true, and this battle is only for hoeing, then those who don't have Wugu and Zhi Gelin will suffer the consequences, and they won't be able to escape even if they go to heaven or earth.

Out of precaution, the four sects might have been able to help them, but now, there is no life or death.

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