Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 1228 Suspicion

Li Chuyi didn't know whether Ye Zhichen was back or not. He only knew that he was about to be driven crazy.

After retreating into Sansheng Forest and destroying the entrance and exit magic circle, Li Chuyi naturally picked off the two unlucky Tao fetuses one by one. He was hesitating what to do with the girl in his arms, but the other party made the first move. Come crazy.

"what are you doing!"

Regardless of being choked by someone, Xiaoyu turned around and stared at Li Chuyi angrily.

"Why should I kill them! Why are you doing this!"

This question immediately stopped Li Chuyi, who frowned and looked at her in confusion.

That’s it, do you still need a reason to kill someone?

Seeing the strangeness in Li Chuyi's eyes, Xiao Yu finally remembered that he seemed to have forgotten who she was. Unable to hide resentment suddenly appeared on his beautiful face. She bit her lips and was silent for a long time before breaking away with all her strength. Come, the pink fist hit Li Chuyi's chest hard.


Li Chu was unhappy for a moment, his eyes were cold and he said coldly: "Who are you scolding? Try scolding me again!"

"What's wrong with scolding you, and I'm beating you! You are such a bastard, you even forgot about me, I...I...ahhhhhhh!!!"

A combination of fists and kicks, without any structure, just to vent.

Surprisingly, Li Chuyi didn't fight back and let him hit him, just as if he had broken free just now without stopping him.

He vaguely felt that something seemed wrong. It seemed that this girl not only knew him, but was also very familiar with her, but he had no impression of her at all. This suddenly reminded him of a possibility.

Could it be that he died once?

As soon as this idea came up, it grew like a weed. But after thinking about it carefully for a long time, he suppressed this idea.

It is true that there were fragments of his memory. After he was teleported away from the imperial capital, he fell into a coma. His last impression was only the golden light and the faint chirping of cicadas in his ears. When he woke up again, he was already at Tianmen Mountain. The outer edge of the eternal rain forest on the side, but this does not mean that he was reborn once during this period.

He didn't know how long it took or what happened, but while he was taking away people's lives, he also got back the memory fragments of those people.

Although the memory fragments were scattered and messy, and most of the information in them was blurred due to the despair and fear before death, he was able to get the key points after piecing them together, and combined them with his past memories to self-examine many times. , he found no signs of memory impairment.

He remembered the Taoist priest, Zi Yuan and the five little ghosts, as well as Yu Yao, Li Sinian and other close friends who were close to him, as well as Ye Zhichen who was like a father and his only relative Mu Xueqing, even Hao Hongwei and the others. If he didn’t forget, how could he lose his memory?

But the girl in front of him said that he didn't remember her. Li Chuyi's first reaction was horror, and then only sneer and suspicion remained.

What he laughed at was the girl's audacity to say such a thing to confuse him. What he was suspicious of was whether this woman was sent by Taoist Baijie or arranged by Tao Zun himself. In any case, she was highly suspected of being the old ghost of Tao Zun. A hidden chess piece placed next to him.

Even though she had just helped him, Li Chuyi did not change his mind, and even because she helped him, her suspicion became even greater.

Who wouldn't do it?

Send a girl in the Yuan Shen stage to lower your guard. If successful, she can lurk next to you naturally. If not, she will be killed by her sword. It's just a soul stage. In the eyes of those old guys, it's not even cannon fodder. There's nothing to feel bad about if you die. It's simply nothing.

The more Li Chuyi thought about it, the more he realized that his guess was correct. Otherwise, how could this woman appear by such a coincidence?

Sansheng Forest is not a kind place. Those who enter or leave the forest must be above the fetal stage at worst, and they must obtain permission before entering.

A girl in the Yuan Shen stage came to Sansheng Lin to experience?

Only a ghost can believe it!

It's also my fault for being careless. Even with all the precautions, I couldn't guard against the insidious tricks of those old ghosts. The old ghost of Baijie must have discovered his arrival early in the morning, so he sent such a girl to lure him to appear, but he took the bait without even thinking about it. Fortunately, this girl was too anxious and exposed her flaws, and then she discovered the clues. Otherwise, the consequences would be ugly.

Thinking of this, Li Chuyi's eyes turned completely cold, and the Yaizhen sword glowed secretly, exuding a trace of murderous intent.

Xiaoyu saw that he had murderous intentions, and instinctively took half a step back. Then she stepped closer and faced him with her chest puffed out.

"Want to kill me? Come on, kill! Kill me and see who will regret it later!"

To advance is to retreat, to refuse but to welcome?

Damn it, do you really think that I haven’t read a book?

His eyes flashed fiercely, and the Yazhan sword instantly turned into light.

Seeing that the big head was about to be wiped off, Xiaoyu refused to retreat or block it. A pair of bright eyes stared straight at Li Chuyi's eyes without giving in. A drop of clear tears slipped from the corner of his eyes and was about to fall, but the girl stubbornly held it open. The big-eyed ninja was hanging there, and his sad look that refused to show weakness was particularly heartbreaking.

The Yazhan sword passed by, but the girl's head did not fall, but a faint red mark slowly appeared on her neck. At the critical moment, Li Chuyi put away his sword and passed the girl's head over, but the sword energy of the Yaizhen Sword still hurt the opponent.

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

Looking at Xiao Yu, Li Chuyi frowned and asked.

The opponent didn't resist at all until the last moment, and looked like he was going to kill him at the very last moment. These were not in line with what he expected.

The most important thing is that the sadness and resentment in the girl's eyes are real, he can see it. He firmly believed that there was nothing wrong with his memory, but the girl's behavior had to make him a little suspicious, which made him not kill her in the end, and decided to wait and see.

Without the joy of surviving the disaster, Xiaoyu's resentful eyes filled with a little bit of misery.

"Kill me! Why don't you kill me? You coward, kill me if you can and see who regrets it in the end!"

Li Chuyi's brows tightened, and he sighed softly and said coldly: "What kind of benefits did the old ghost of Baijie promise you to make you work so hard? Or, do you have something in his hands, such as he captured your father?" Mom, captured brothers, sisters or lovers?”

At the mention of her lover, Xiao Yu's face turned slightly red, but soon turned into shame and anger, and she hit him with a pink fist.

He grabbed her fist and threw her away. Li Chuyi sheathed his sword and turned around to leave.

"Because you helped me, I will spare your life for the time being, but I advise you to find a place to hide quickly, otherwise you will lose your life when chaos breaks out!"

Turning over and landing, seeing that he was about to leave, Xiaoyu immediately became anxious and used all his strength to chase after him.

"Don't leave! I won't let you leave! Li Chuyi, if you leave today, I will never be done with you!"


Frowning and throwing down two words, Li Chuyi disappeared into the forest with a few ups and downs.

After chasing him for a long distance and not being able to see him again, Xiao Yu stopped helplessly and stood there in silence for a long time, her expression changing several times, eventually turning into endless grievance and anger.

"Ahhhh! I'm so angry! Ahhhhh!!!!"

He swung his fists and kicks to vent his anger towards the surrounding trees. Sawdust was flying in the forest, and grass and dust were flying. After a while, the air was cleared. The noise gradually disappeared and the dust slowly fell, leaving only the girl in the center of the clearing. I cried on my knees, and my cries contained endless sadness.

After a long time, the ground not far from Xiao Yu suddenly undulated gently like waves, without bringing out any soil. Two weird little heads emerged from it silently.

First he looked at the messy open space, and then looked at Xiaoyu who was sobbing. The two little heads looked at each other, and with a slight pull like they were emerging from the water, the whole body was pulled out immediately. Astonishingly, the two plants became sperm. of spiritual roots.

One is a golden ginseng, and the other is a dark brown Polygonum multiflorum. They are not as tall as an adult's calf, but the two pairs of short legs move at an alarming speed. As soon as the flower is in front of me, they both come to Xiaoyu. In front of us, we looked up together and could only see the light rain above our heads.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?" Polygonum multiflorum asked worriedly.

Xiaoyu didn't answer and cried even harder.

Xiao Ling Shen thought for a while and then punched her beard hard: "She must have quarreled with her father again! Every time she quarreled with her father, she would come to us to relax. This time she lost her temper and the quarrel must have been very serious. ! Wuwu, go and get some potpourri, Xiaoyu likes it best, I’m sure she’ll be happy after drinking it!”

"Yeah, I'll go right away!"

Wuwu nodded vigorously, and his body sank into the ground, but then his head popped up again, looking at Xiao Lingshen with a serious face.

"Xuxu, you are not allowed to talk nonsense after I leave. If there is danger, you are not allowed to run away by yourself first. You have to take Xiaoyu with you. Do you understand?"

Xiao Lingqi waved his ginseng beard angrily: "I know, I know, what kind of ginseng do you think of me? You think I am a ginseng who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Wuwu didn't say anything, staring straight at him with two round, tuberous eyes.

The ginseng whiskers and leaves of the little ginseng suddenly drooped down, and she swung helplessly a few times and said: "Occasionally, just occasionally! Go quickly, if there is really danger, I will not leave her alone, I will use my My hair guarantee, if I break my promise, I won’t be able to grow a single leaf in a hundred years!”

Only then was Wuwu satisfied. She lowered her head and sank into the ground again. After a while, she jumped out from the ground again, holding a wooden bowl much larger than her body on her head.

It is said to be a bowl, but it is actually a basin. It is directly cut from the trunk of a certain tree, and is about the same size as a small washbasin used by ordinary women.

Xiaolingshen's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly grabbed Wuwu who was about to hand it out, lowering her voice so that others could not hear her and whispering: "Why so many? One bowl is enough, you take so much A big basin, how can we take a bath during this time!"

Wuwu didn't want to hear this anymore. He rounded his free root-shaped arm and gave it a slap, almost blowing off the leaves of the little ginseng. The little ginseng hurriedly protected his head and hid aside.

"It's fallen! It's just a few leaves, how can you bear it!"

"Bah, I asked you how you can bear it! Xiaoyu cried so hard this time, and you are still thinking about your bath water. Why are you so stingy? Have you forgotten what others did to you? When did you not do this? You brought us so many gifts in big and small packages? You...you are really mad at me!"

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