Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 1221 Returning to the old place

I activated my Yin and Yang Dao eyes to take a closer look. As a result, the black dots in my black and white field of vision were still there, and I couldn't see anything strange.

But it is precisely because of this that it is most strange. His Yin-Yang Dao Eye cannot be said to see through all things in the world, but it is still no problem to see clearly the flow of breath of all things.

Everything has its breath. The breath of dead objects such as stubborn rocks is stagnant and slow, while living things such as plants and animals are much more active. The breath of monks is even more powerful and dazzling. Even the Tao generated by the condensed spiritual energy in the void. He could see the mist clearly, floating in his field of vision like colorful ribbons, but this was not the case with the black dot in front of him.

In his eyes, the black dot was just a black dot. He couldn't see through it, and his spiritual sense couldn't detect its existence. If he hadn't seen it clearly with the Yin and Yang Dao, he would have thought that the black spot really didn't exist. Even so, he wondered if he had been dazzled by seeing too many dazzling things, and then a black blind spot appeared in his field of vision.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Chuyi slowly approached, but the black spot did not enlarge in any way because of his approach. He was very sure that the black spot had not moved. His Taoist eyes had been staring at it. This kind of weird The phenomenon further confirmed his suspicions.

When things go wrong, there must be a monster, and there must be something wrong with that black spot!

Flying close to it, with his eyes less than half a foot away from the black spot, Li Chuyi circled it up, down, left, and right several times, and finally pursed his lips and stretched out his fingers to lightly touch it.

The moment his fingertips touched the black dots, there was nothing strange about his body, but the surrounding scenery suddenly became blurred, as if it had been muddy for a long time like spilled paint. When he saw it clearly again, a strong sense of death came to his face.


Li Chuyi's eyes widened immediately.

Under the thick fog that made it difficult to see even one's fingers, there was a strangely flat land. The ground was covered with gray-white sand, and there was no living thing except for a few sparse black thorn-like dead grasses. The same is true in the sky. There are no clouds, no rain, no sun, moon and stars. There is nothing in the air except the air of death. There is not a trace of spiritual energy. The sky has no sun and moon, but the pale white light is weakly shed, making this The horrifying environment is even more tragic.

Looking up into the distance, the fog gradually lightened up to the end of the field of vision, and there were relatively more black grasses there. Occasionally, you could see little black shadows moving lazily, like living things, but not like living things. So dexterous, it gives people a weird feeling of being stiff.

Most people might have to fly closer to take a look, but Li Chuyi didn't. He knew where it was from the moment he walked in. At the same time, he also knew where the familiar feeling that he just discovered that the black spot came from his heart came from.

The place where the king died.

This is the burial ground of the Burial King, a ghost place that even the heavens of the three realms cannot find!

I was obviously looking for Tianxu Palace, how come I ended up here after searching for it?

A place that a normal person would never find in ten thousand lifetimes. The Three Realms of Heaven are still a thorn in the heart. Not only did he bump into it, but it was also his twice. What's going on? !

Subconsciously, Li Chu wanted to turn around and run away.

The last time I came here, I didn’t leave a good impression, and the old man Baijie also told me that the Burial King was looking for him. This matter has been a worry for him for a long time. Every time he thinks about it, he is so frightened that he can’t even eat. This time He actually delivered it to his door. Didn't he just throw himself into a trap?

As a result, as soon as he turned around and before he could take a step, a majestic voice full of death sounds sounded behind him.


Covering his mouth tightly, Li Chuyi raised his hand to draw in front of him, but whether it was because of nervousness or King Burial's fault, no cracks in space appeared after he drew several times, which made him sweat profusely.

"Now that you're here, don't leave. Stay with me."

Without sadness or joy, as if he was just stating a fact, the thick fog formed by the condensed death energy on the ground suddenly rolled up, swallowing Li Chuyi in one mouthful like a dragon or a python.

The result was unexpected. Nothing happened to Li Chu, but the death energy in his body eroded Wulong, making the smell of death thicker and purer like a purification.


Even the veteran of the Burial King couldn't help but be surprised, and then he discovered something and was even more surprised: "Is it you?"

"It's not me! You got the wrong person!"

With a roar, Li Chuyi no longer held back and used all his strength to punch in front of him. A gap in space that was slightly larger than his fist suddenly appeared.

Looking at the gap and then at himself, Li Chuyi burst into tears.

Not to mention that he has lost weight now, even if he is skinny and skinny, he can't fit into such a big hole, unless he has Xiao Erhei's innate magical power of being able to make big things and small things.

"Fuck, I don't believe it!"

He punched out with both fists in an attempt to widen the gap, but the opening could not be closed quickly enough. After a long time, there was still a gap slightly larger than the fist, and the little fat man could only shed tears.

"Don't panic, I don't want to kill you, at least not now."

It was a very unpleasant but extremely sincere consolation. Li Chuyi simply stopped, sat cross-legged in the air, and raised his eyes to look in the direction of the sound.

There, the earth shook, and a huge altar that could be clearly seen from where he was slowly emerged from the ground. A sky-high dark tombstone was erected in the center of the altar. The lightless surface of the monument was as deep and thick as the void. Suddenly, The light suddenly appeared and exploded like a meteor falling to the ground. The scattered light quickly formed a giant eye across the entire monument. Without blinking, it looked directly at Li Chuyi. .

"Hey, Laofan, long time no see, are you okay?"

Li Chuyi's heart felt numb as he pretended to be familiar and said hello.

He finally figured out that the more powerful the old monster was, the more willing he was to look at people with one eye.

The way of heaven is like this, and so is the Burial King. These guys don't dare to show their true colors. They make big eyeballs every time to scare people, and they can't understand why they die.



"Don't be nervous, I told you, I don't want to kill you yet."

Seeing his nervousness, the Burial King comforted him sincerely again.

Li Chuyi also looked away, spread his hands and laughed at himself: "Kill me? Can't you see what virtue I have now? No dead person is as dead as me, do you think you can let me die in another way?" "

A strange look flashed across the eyes of the Clinker Burial King, which seemed to be excitement, hatred, admiration, and greed. Finally, it all went away and he returned to calm, and he sighed deeply.

"Neither life nor death, both death and life, the body that is born with the same womb of life and death is actually born."

"you know?"

Li Chuyi was a little surprised.

Although the Burial King is an extremely ancient old monster, he actually knows about the immortal body, which is a bit unexpected.

With a chuckle, King Zhan said: "Not only do I know your physique, I also know that your eyes are Yin-Yang Dao Eyes, and I also know your sect. I know much more than you think!"

Li Chuyi was really shocked at this moment. It's okay to say that he has an immortal body, but how could the other party know about it?

He also has his own sect, could it be...

"Do you know Dao Zun?"

Li Chuyi looked wary.

As a result, there was a hint of doubt in King Burial's huge eyes: "Tao Zun?"

"That's Dao Yanming, the little master of the Three Realms of Heaven..."

"It's him!"

Before he could finish speaking, the Buried King already understood. There was an unquenchable hatred in his giant eyes, and the earth also shook, cracking under the Burial King's anger.

"He still dares to claim arrogance, bah! Such a vicious mind should be called a devil! I only regret that I discovered it too late and ended up like this! I hate it! I hate it!!!"

Even the sky began to shake, cracking and cracking like the ground.

Seeing that the crack was coming, Li Chuyi couldn't help it anymore, frowning and said: "If you don't stop, I will die. If I die here, you will not be able to use me for anything!"

As soon as these words came out, the vibrations suddenly stopped. Secretly breathing a sigh of relief, Li Chu said, "Looking at how angry you are, I guess you have a very close relationship with him."

"Bad fate..."

A look of complexity flashed across the eyes of the Burial King, and after a long time he said in a deep voice: "You are right, it is indeed a bad fate. He has made me successful, but he has also destroyed me. Many times I don't know whether I should thank him more or not. Hate him more. Now I just hate that I didn't see through his conspiracy earlier, and I didn't make up my mind to die when I was about to die. Instead, I escaped and ended up living like this until now. Ghost, life is worse than death, and death is unwilling. In the end of eternity, I will only hate myself, hate others, and even hate God!”

"Why are you reciting a poem? Your sentences are not very neat!"

After complaining, Li Chuyi asked: "You said he made you successful, so you are also his disciple?"

The word "disciple" deeply stimulated a certain heartstring of the Burial King, and the world was shaken again. Finally, the giant pupils shrank slightly and stared at Li Chuyi.

"I used to think I was, but later I realized that I wasn't. Just like you, I am just a body he prepared for himself in order to obtain the yin and yang buckle."


Li Chu was shocked.

He thought that the Burial King was the same as a Taoist priest, but the clinker turned out to be the same body as himself, a body deliberately cultivated by the Taoist Master.

"Otherwise, how do you think I would recognize your Yin Yang Dao Eye?"

The Burial King sneered, with a hint of sadness and misery in his voice.

"Did you know that your eyes once belonged to me? Unlike you, I took the initiative to gouge out my eyes after discovering his plot, and then wanted to join forces with Xuan, Xin, and Qing to get rid of him. Who would have expected Those three bastards really had no humanity after merging with the way of heaven. I showed good intentions several times, but they wanted to kill me. It wasn't until Dao Yanming found out that he couldn't control me that he secretly made a stumbling block, and then let me I had to face the joint attack of the three realms of heaven, and almost ended up dead. However, I am not a vegetarian. Although I am not as gifted as you, I have rebuilt the three realms of humans, monsters and ghosts three times, and I am not as good as me. I was born with your body, but it’s not that far off. Those three idiots could kill me for a while but couldn’t destroy me for the rest of my life. I found an opportunity and found a place to reborn and hid. I’ve been hiding until today, and they can still find me, haha. Hahahaha! Want to kill me? Hahahahaha!

The sick laughter resounded throughout the world, and the corners of Li Chuyi's eyes twitched slightly.

He could finally see that the Burial King seemed calm and composed, but in fact he was already a little crazy. It's not surprising if you think about it carefully. He suffered so many blows and heavy losses, and finally he hid here as a man and a ghost for millions of years. For such a long time, even if he lived a normal life, people might be stupid. Now he is just It's extremely rare to be slightly out of sorts, but generally calm, and the tenacity of his will is really unimaginable.

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