Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 1139 Is this the end?

"How brave!"

Amidst the angry shouts, Yuwen Xuanyin's mana shook and broke free. Without waiting for the subsequent oppression, he held the crystal ruler and slammed it on the ground. When the ruler hit the ground, it suddenly turned into a crystal giant hammer, "Bang". There was a sound of gravel splashing everywhere, and the violent impact forcefully broke the "painted ground as a prison".

Without a pause, he waved his hand and waved four golden flying swords towards Li Chuyi.

"The Immortal Killing Sword Formation!"

In an instant, the flying sword turned into four streams of light and shot toward Li Chuyi. The mysterious trajectory along the way made it impossible to avoid. Before he even touched the ground, he felt like his skin was being torn apart.

"Fuck, how shameless are you, why not use the Immortal Killing Sword Formation!"

Li Chuyi was also speechless. He urged Dao Yuan to break free and slapped the animal skin scabbard hard with his backhand.

"Yuelun, come out! Immortal-killing sword formation!"

"Pretending!" Yuwen Xuanyin sneered.

"Aren't you the same?" the little fat man retorted.

During the confrontation, the flying sword was entangled with dozens of flying moon disks. The moon disks disappeared one by one amid the sound of gold and iron. Although the flying sword was not damaged, its momentum was blocked.

His eyes darkened slightly, and Yuwen Xuanyin only hesitated for a moment before making up his mind. Instead of advancing, he retreated to distance himself, and all the magic power in his body surged.

"Today I will show you what the real ascension period is like!"

Letting go of the crystal hammer, he stretched out his arms and shook with force, and then the combined seals changed continuously in an instant. Finally, he held his right hand empty, and his left hand clenched his right wrist. All the mana in his body was poured into his right hand, and the Tao seeds in his Dantian and surroundings The world resonates with each other.

""Imperial Dao Jue" - The Emperor is coming!"

As soon as the two words came out, the surrounding air changed. Li Chuyi's expression changed drastically. He felt as if he was trapped in the other person's palm. As long as the other person gently squeezed his life, his life would be over.

Looking at Li Chuyi's slightly panicked face, Yuwen Xuanyin smiled coldly with pleasure. He glanced at Emperor Yanling and Mu Fangli from the corner of his eye, only to see that both of them were unmoved. Only Xiong Jiang frowned. Frowning as if he wanted to make a move, he took a deep breath and hesitated for a moment, but finally did not dare to be completely cruel.

"Today is just a competition, it won't cost you your life, don't worry!"

The words were spoken to Li Chuyi, but they were addressed to people outside the venue.

After saying this, Yuwen Xuanyin stopped thinking about it and slowly clenched his right hand.

"Heaven is the emperor and I am the emperor. I act on behalf of heaven and grant you death. My sin is in vain!"

As he spoke the last word, his right hand clenched into an empty fist. Li Chu felt his whole body tense up in an instant, as if something had penetrated and been wrapped in layers from the inside out, and an extremely dangerous aura assaulted his nostrils.

I have tried several methods in succession, but I still can't break free from the strange shackles. Only the chaos energy around the soul can eliminate one or two, but there is only a trace of chaos energy, which is of no use at all.

Helpless, Li Chuyi could only watch that kind of thing entangled in him. He felt that the other party's move was very similar to the Taoist priest once taught him the method of speaking the spirit. The cause and effect are all in one thought. Unless the Tao is higher than the other party, you will die if you want to. There is no use hiding in the ends of the earth. of.

However, the method of speaking the spirit is a holy magical power, which is more powerful than most immortal methods. Except for extremely rare talents, it cannot be used by those who are not extraordinary and holy.

In other words, his ancestor Sanyuan Taoist should be able to do it, but his master and the other three Tiandao master uncles cannot. Of course, the three masters and uncles of the Yin-Yang Knot can also use it with the help of the Three Realms of Heaven, but that is only within the Yin-Yang Knot. They cannot do it in the real world outside. Even if they reluctantly use it, most of them will have backlash, and the soul will be scattered and completely annihilated. miserable situation.

Yuwen Xuanyin does not have these conditions, and it is impossible for him to use even one of the ten thousand in total. But the current situation was very similar to Yan Ling, and Li Chuyi couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

Could it be said that "Imperial Dao Jue" was born out of a certain spiritual secret method?

Unable to think clearly and having no time to think carefully, Li Chuyi hurriedly thought about the solution. Unfortunately, there was no result. The Taoist priest only mentioned this matter to him, but did not tell him how to resolve it. The Taoist priest must not have thought that he would encounter such a strange thing one day.

"Beg for mercy!"

Yuwen Xuanyin's voice sounded in his mind.

"Just ask for mercy and I'll stop, how about that?"

How could Li Chuyi not understand what he meant? He wanted to save the face he had lost due to injury and make himself, the eldest prince, a laughing stock.

At other times, the little fat man might have begged for mercy. Life is the most important thing in the world. Face and other things have to stand back when compared with life.

But not now. Emperor Yanling is watching from the side, and Hai Wufeng is still squatting in the prison. If he loses his momentum and loses the face of Emperor Yanling, then how can Hai Wufeng survive?

Furthermore, Li Chuyi disliked Yuwen Xuanyin because he was too dirty. He would rather eat dog shit than bow to him, let alone ask for mercy.

Anyway, the other party didn't dare to kill him. The little fat man smiled and said: "Begging for mercy? Dream on! Do you dare to kill me?"

"Haha, I don't dare, but I can make you miserable. Not many people can bear the pain, and no one can say whether it will leave any sequelae. So, 'Big Brother', it's better to be smart. , knowing the trade-offs is the way to survive, isn’t it?”

"That's yours, not mine!"

Li Chu's eyes showed a hint of determination.

"Isn't it just uncomfortable? What's the big deal? Why haven't you suffered any sins? You can use whatever means you have. It just so happens that you have been feeling too comfortable recently. It's good to take this opportunity to relax your muscles and bones!"

With his brows furrowed, Yuwen Xuanyin said via voice: "Have you thought about it? I can't control this move. Once I take action, I won't be able to take it back just because I want to!"

"Hurry up, what are you talking about! I'll count you as my grandson if I hum. I want to see how you can make me miserable!"

Is it really him? The stupid boy!

Cursing secretly in his heart, a cold light flashed in Yuwen Xuanyin's eyes, and Xu's clenched hands suddenly tightened.

Li Chuyi felt his body being squeezed hard, and then... nothing more.

Nothing happened.

There were no wounds on his body, and after a long self-examination to confirm that he had no internal injuries, the little fat man was stunned. He poked here and there in disbelief, and finally looked up at Yuwen Xuanyin with a blank look on his face.

"Is this the end? Are you kidding me? You promised that you would be in pain?"

Yuwen Xuanyin was also stunned. He looked at his hands in disbelief, and then raised his head to quietly Li Chuyi. He thought about it for a long time and confirmed that he had not made a mistake. Li Chuyi was indeed suppressed just now, but...

But why didn't anything happen? !

He was prepared to perform it again if he didn't believe in evil. This time he would try his best. He used the most powerful method on the other party but didn't even break his skin. If this spreads out, he, the second prince, will be laughed to death?

Yuwen Xuanyin paused as soon as he started the seal. Yuwen Xuanyin touched his nose in confusion, looked down at the blood on his fingertips, and was dumbfounded for a moment.

Backlash? !

As soon as these two words came out, severe pain from the soul hit his whole body. Yuwen Xuanyin couldn't help but scream, and then he half-knelt on the ground, covering his mouth and nose tightly and groaning, and the blood couldn't be stopped. Blood flowed out from between the fingers, and blood flowed from both eyes and ears.

The little fat man was completely dumbfounded.

He looked at himself and his surroundings, scratching his head in confusion. He still had no idea what was going on.

It was obvious that the other party had restrained him and used magical means to make him avoidable, but how come it was the other party who was injured in the end?

Is it that the method itself is self-destructive, or has the young man inadvertently developed some kind of unparalleled skill that can defeat others without fighting?

Thinking about it carefully, neither seems possible. If "Imperial Dao Jue" had such a big flaw, it would not be Dayan's national magic. As for the latter, Li Chuyi himself didn't believe it.

"Hey, are you okay?" the little fat man asked.

Yu Wenxuanyin wanted to speak, but he vomited blood even more fiercely, and even the Tao seeds in his Dantian began to feel torn, as if they were about to be broken.

In shock, he quickly put several layers of protection around himself, then took out a magic pill from his storage bag and reluctantly swallowed it, and his face looked a little better.

This result was something he didn't expect, and it was also something most people present didn't expect. The reason why I say most of them is because there were four people whose expressions remained unchanged, as if they had known this would happen.

These four people are none other than Yuwen Tailuo, Yuwen Taihao, Mu Fangli and Wen Lao.

The first two were fellow practitioners of the "Emperor's Way" and were at a very high level. They also knew many of the secrets of the "Emperor's Way", so it was not surprising. Although Mu Fangli and Wen Lao have not practiced, they are quite familiar with the secrets of "Imperial Dao Jue" and know that the moves used by Yuwen Xuanyin involve some mysterious power. He has cultivated it with his own He used his imperial destiny as a means to bombard Li Chuyi.

For an ordinary person, Yuwen Xuanyin would never have fallen to this level even if he failed. Unfortunately, his opponent was Li Chuyi, a monster jointly cultivated by the Yuwen family and the Mu family.

With the blood of two families, coupled with the meticulous care before birth, Li Chuyi was born with great luck. Even Emperor Yanling couldn't help but want to take away his life to make up for Dayan's national luck. He How could his destiny be shaken by the realm of Yuwen Xuanyin?

That's why they remained still, watching Yuwen Xuanyin with cold eyes and asking for trouble.

And this is when they don't understand the original soul. If they knew that Li Chuyi's soul was actually the original soul and knew something about the original soul, they would be even more indifferent than now.

The original soul is extremely stable. It is almost impossible to give birth to inner demons, and it is extremely difficult to be invaded by external demons. Coupled with the majestic vitality bred by the blood of the true dragon, it is almost impossible for him to live and die by relying on the luck of the universe, at least with the realm of Yuwen Xuanyin, it is absolutely impossible.

If conventional means were used, relying on Yuwen Xuanyin's cultivation higher than that of Li Chuyi, he would be victorious and undefeated. But he wanted to save face too much. Not only did he want to win, but he also wanted to win beautifully, so he used the most powerful method he could use in "Imperial Dao Jue".

In this way, he could easily capture Li Chuyi, and he could also take the opportunity to show his excellence to Emperor Yanling and the courtiers. Of course, Yuwen Xuanyin would not hesitate to kill two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, his opponent was a freak, so he was using a short attack to gain a greater advantage, and he immediately hit his forehead against the south wall and suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, he didn't kill him, otherwise the backlash would not only be as simple as vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, but also the collapse of his own Emperor's destiny, and the "Emperor's Art" might be completely useless.

Staring at Li Chuyi fiercely, Yuwen Xuanyin's expression was uncertain. He made the first move but was full of fear. He did not dare to act rashly until he understood the situation.

The little fat man didn't pursue him either. After seeing that the other party had stopped bleeding, he scratched his head stupidly, suppressed the doubts in his heart and smiled evilly.

"Hey, are you still fighting? Do you want to eat some brown sugar first?"

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