Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 19 Compensation

Li Chu received a slap on the head and said to himself: "You can just eat this monster. How can you hit someone? Why are you scolding me?" After waiting for a long time, he didn't feel bitten. He opened his eyes and looked next to him. One person looked at him angrily, who could he be if he wasn't a Taoist priest?

"Master!" Li Chuyi shouted in surprise, and Gulu sat up, only to realize that he could move again.

He looked at the Taoist priest happily, and saw the Taoist priest's eyebrows standing upright, looking at him with an angry face, and holding the goat demon's neck in his hand. The goat demon kept struggling, with a look of horror on his face, but the Taoist priest's His hands didn't move at all, he held it firmly and held it aside.

"Still laughing, you bastard!" Seeing Li Chuyi sitting up with a happy face, the Taoist priest opened his mouth and cursed, "I have raised you for more than ten years, how come you are such a loser?"

Li Chuyi quickly apologized and smiled: "Hehe, master, you are back. Fortunately, you came back early. Otherwise, your disciple would have died in this, and I would have had no choice but to stay with Zi Yuan and the others! I wish I didn't die. , It’s good not to be dead, it’s so good to be alive!”

When the Taoist priest heard this, he became even more furious and cursed angrily: "Fart, I haven't left! I've been watching from the side! I wanted to see if you, the little bastard, had made any progress, but I didn't expect you were still so cowardly and incompetent! "

When Li Chu heard what the Taoist said, he suddenly felt unwilling to do so. He thought to himself, if you didn't leave and saw me in such danger, if you didn't come out quickly, you had to wait until I was about to die. Are you my real master?

But he didn't dare to say these words. The pain of the slap on his head had not passed yet, and it would take more than one slap to say it, so he said with full of grievance: "Master, I struggled, but it didn't work." The struggle was successful, but I can’t move. Why are you still struggling?”

"Pig brain!" Seeing that he still dared to defend himself, the Taoist priest became even more angry. "Why are you struggling? You don't know how to use your brain? You could move your right hand just now, which means your numbness has almost passed. This broken sheep bite You, can’t you just close your eyes and wait for death if you can’t lift your arms? Can’t you move your head?”

"The head can move, but won't it bite you if you hide? Aren't they the same?" Li Chuyi felt even more aggrieved. He would die if he hid or not. How could he still be wrong?

When the Taoist priest heard this, his head seemed to be filled with anger. He was about to roar, but looked at Li Chuyi's aggrieved face and endured it. After a while, he said in a low voice: "You can move your head, can you hide? If you hide, this sheep will bite half of your head, not the whole head. If you are lucky, it may only bite half of your face. "If half of your head is bitten, will you definitely die? If half of your face is bitten, will you definitely die?"

Li Chu was stunned when he heard this.

The Taoist priest continued: "If it bites you, if you are lucky enough to survive, you will definitely feel pain. If you feel pain, won't the numbness all over your body be relieved? Can't you move? If you can move, won't you? Can you fight it to the death? If you fight to the death, you can't make it easier for him, no matter what, you have to leave something behind; if you fight it to death and you don't die, won't you live?"

Li Chuyi was silent. Although what the Taoist said was cruel and bloody, it made sense. If he was lucky enough to survive, even though he might not be able to defeat this sheep demon with his less than ten years of skill, it would be much better to let it leave some souvenirs than to close his eyes and wait for death.

Seeing Li Chuyi's silence, the Taoist priest knew that he was reflecting. After waiting for a while, he sighed slightly and said seriously: "Chu Yi, you have been practicing with me since you were a child. You should know that we practitioners are practicing What you do in your own way is to compete with heaven, earth, and people. The path of cultivation is a life of nine deaths. If your will is not strong enough and you give up easily when encountering difficulties, the result will be nothing but death. On the road of adversity, there will be a glimmer of hope in every disaster, but this glimmer of hope is not something you wait for, but you find by yourself. If you give up, you will only be dead. Do you understand? "

As soon as Li Chu heard this, he turned over and knelt in front of the Taoist priest, kowtowed and whispered: "Disciple understands, disciple is wrong."

The Taoist priest nodded, his expression softened a lot.

"Get up, as long as you understand. I hope you can remember this and implement this into your practice in the future." The Taoist paused slightly, "On the first day of the month, remember, I can protect you for a while. But I can't protect you for the rest of your life. When I leave you one day, I hope you can live alone in this long world and fight for your own sky."

Li Chu was shocked when he heard the words. The Taoist priest had never said such words before, and he had never thought about living without the Taoist priest by his side. Now when I heard what the Taoist priest said, I suddenly felt panicked.

He suddenly looked up at the Taoist priest and was speechless. Just when he was about to speak, he saw the Taoist priest waving his hand and smiling: "Okay, no need to say more. This time is actually a test for you by the master. This is the illusion on the second floor. It is extremely lifelike, and it is difficult to break through this formation with ordinary means. The only way is to find the formation eye. But this formation eye is so difficult to find. Fortunately, this formation has been mastered for a long time. The formation spirit has already been born in the formation eye. As long as this formation spirit is found, the formation will be broken."

Seeing that the Taoist changed the subject, Li Chuyi said no more. After hearing what the Taoist said, Li Chuyi immediately looked at the sheep demon caught in the Taoist's hand and asked, "Master, is this the formation spirit?"

The Taoist priest nodded: "Yes, this is the broken sheep."

"Can killing it break the formation?"

Hearing that Li Chuyi wanted to kill him, the struggling sheep demon suddenly became even more panicked. He glanced at Li Chuyi and turned to look at the Taoist priest with a pleading look on his face, as if begging the Taoist priest not to kill him.

The Taoist priest ignored the sheep demon's begging look and explained to Li Chuyi with a smile: "Yes, killing it will temporarily invalidate the formation."

When the sheep demon heard this, he cried immediately, and big tears rolled down from his big eyes.

Li Chuyi looked at the aggrieved and crying sheep demon, and suddenly became angry and cursed: "Your grandson is still crying? Why didn't you cry when you wanted to eat me just now? It bullies the weak and fears the strong. Master, kill it quickly, let's get out of the formation and move on!" "

The sheep demon suddenly cried even harder, and his tears became a trickling stream. He looked at Li Chuyi with a pleading look on his face and said in his heart, brother, I was wrong. Isn’t it okay if I change to a vegetarian diet in the future? But I can’t speak. He speaks in other words and cannot express what he is thinking.

The Taoist priest chuckled and said: "It is true that killing it can lead to the formation, but it is too vulgar. It has taken a long time for this formation to be born, which is very inappropriate. It wants to eat you because of its instinct, because its task is convenient. It is to remove outsiders and protect things in the attic. God has the virtue of good things, and although I don’t believe in God, I also like to do good deeds. I can’t do this but I don’t want to do it.”

Seeing the compassion on the Taoist's face, the sheep demon was so moved that he wanted to kneel down and kowtow to the Taoist. However, he was pinched by the neck and gathered in the sky, so he could only nod frequently to indicate that he agreed with what the Taoist said, and he had already withdrawn his fangs. The sheep's mouth must have squeezed out a charming smile, and it was really difficult for it.

Li Chuyi rolled his eyes at the side, when did this Taoist priest become so easy to talk to? However, based on my past understanding of Taoist priests, Taoist priests are people who can pick up a handful of geese and carry them in their arms when the wind blows. There must be something to this, and there is more to it.


Sure enough, the Taoist priest's face tightened slightly, and he changed his tone and said: "You can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the punishment of living. The past few times I came here, you avoided seeing me and made way for me, and I didn't mess with you. As for you, we will not invade each other. But this time Pindao came with my favorite disciple, and you actually tried to harm him, but he was my only one, my dearest, my favorite, and my smartest. Smart disciple, what do you think the poor man should do to you?"

The Taoist priest looked up at the sky: "I'm so confused!"

The sheep demon almost drove the Taoist priest crazy by jumping up and down. When the Taoist priest said this, he rolled his eyes and suddenly made gestures with his two front hooves in the sky.

The Taoist priest didn't understand what it gestured at all, but he could understand its meaning. He lowered his head and asked, "Are you saying you want to give my apprentice some compensation to make up for his injured soul?"

The sheep demon immediately nodded his head as if pounding garlic.

The Taoist priest smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Well, if my disciple agrees, then I don't have any objections." After speaking, he glanced at Li Chuyi.

Li Chuyi understood the spirit immediately, and hesitated for a long time while pretending to grit his teeth, and finally said bitterly: "It's okay to let it go, let's see what compensation it gives you first!"

The Taoist priest secretly gave Li Chuyi an approving look, then turned to look at the sheep demon and asked, "What do you want to redeem yourself for?"

This time the sheep demon made gestures with all four hooves, but after a long time of gestures, neither of them could understand what it was pointing at. The sheep demon became even more anxious when he saw this. This was related to its wealth and life. His gestures suddenly became more urgent and chaotic, and the two of them were even more confused.

Finally, the sheep demon cried again.

It is estimated that this goat demon has cried more times today than it has in its entire life. It may even be the first time it has cried.

The Taoist priest smiled at the sheep demon and put it on the ground. Looking at the surprised sheep demon, the Taoist priest said: "You can run, but I have planted a ray of my consciousness in you, so you can run away. , I can catch you again, but there will be no chance of redeeming your life!"

The sheep demon immediately knelt on his knees and kowtowed, indicating that he did not dare. It took a long time to get up, first bite the grass on the ground to clear a clearing, and then dig around with the front hooves, drawing something on the ground.

The two masters and apprentices came forward and saw three things gradually appearing on the ground as the sheep demon waved. A round ball, which seemed to be a bead, and a long cross-shaped object, which should be a sword. , and a rectangular object, I can’t tell what it is.

After all the paintings were finished, the sheep demon lay beside it like a well-behaved domestic dog, looking at the two people expectantly.

The Taoist priest was silent for a while, then turned around and asked, "Disciple, what do you like?"

Li Chuyi glanced at the Taoist priest and said knowingly: "Who can tell what this ghost-like thing is like? Can I just let him take it all and look at it?"

The Taoist priest nodded when he heard this: "That's right." After speaking, he turned to look at the sheep demon and said kindly: "Little sheep, please bring these things over, we really can't understand what you drew. "

The sheep demon nodded upon hearing this and left like a gust of wind. Not long after, I saw a line of grass coming towards the two of them from far away. When the line of grass came closer, I saw the sheep demon returning with three things in its big mouth.

Putting the things on the ground, the sheep demon stepped aside and continued to pretend to be his family dog.

Li Chuyi and his companions went forward to take a look, and indeed saw a bead and a sword in it. The bead was round and flawless, and faintly emitted a faint purple light. Looking at it for a long time actually made people feel trance; and the sword was about three feet long, and the hilt and scabbard were wrapped in unknown animal skins. It looked ordinary, just like something used by ordinary people in the martial arts world. Li Chuyi went forward to draw out the sword, and suddenly a light hum sounded, and a cold light flashed by, which was a bit dazzling. Although Li Chuyi didn't understand swords, he knew that this ordinary-looking sword must be something special. It was probably left here by some unlucky person who came to explore the tomb before, and the sheep demon picked it up.

And the rectangular object that couldn't be seen was actually a palm-sized jade plate, with some incomprehensible patterns engraved on the surface, which together formed a pattern that looked like flowers but not flowers, and animals but not animals. Li Chuyi played with it for a long time. Apart from feeling that the jade token was soft and warm, and the mysterious patterns on the surface, he could not see anything special about it. It was just an ordinary jade token.

The Taoist priest watched silently and did not speak. After Li Chuyi looked at the three things one by one, he smiled and asked, "My dear disciple, are you satisfied?"

Li Chuyi was about to say that he was satisfied, but when he saw the hidden light in the Taoist priest's eyes, he immediately changed his tone and said dissatisfiedly, "How can I be satisfied? A broken night pearl, a broken sword, and a broken jade token, who are you fooling? These broken things can be worth my life?" After saying that, he looked at the sheep demon with a squint, as if thinking about whether to kill from the neck or the buttocks.

When the sheep demon heard it, he trembled all over, not knowing whether he was angry or scared. He stood up and gestured with his two front legs, as if explaining something.

The Taoist sighed slightly and said, "Little sheep, you don't need to show us, we can't understand it either. To be honest, these things of yours are really worthless. In the eyes of my master and I, they are basically garbage. Think about it again, is there anything else? If not, then don't blame me for killing you. Alas..." After that, he continued to look at the sheep demon with a compassionate face.

Hearing this, the sheep demon wandered around in the same place for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and left with another gust of wind. Not long after, the sheep demon ran back and put a goose egg-sized ball in his mouth on the ground. The ball was orange-red in color, like a large pill, and a vague wave emanated from it.

Before Li Chuyi could speak, the Taoist's eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled and said, "Yes, little sheep, you are very sincere. I will accept these things on behalf of my disciple, and the grudges between us will be written off. You open this formation first, and after the two of us go out, I will take back the spiritual consciousness attached to you, and then you will be free." After saying that, without waiting for the sheep demon to react, he swept his robe sleeves directly, and the four things on the ground disappeared.

The Taoist's move was like a magic trick. Li Chuyi was stunned, and the sheep demon was even more at a loss.

Didn't you say to choose only one?

Just when he was about to refute, he saw the Taoist looking at him, and the smile on his lips that made him feel cold all over, and the sheep demon immediately became timid.

Forget it, as long as he doesn't kill me. I am a formation spirit, and it is not easy to give birth to spiritual intelligence. Although theoretically I cannot be killed, even if I am broken up, as long as time passes, a formation spirit will be born again in the formation eye, but that is not me after all, and I am equivalent to being dead, right?

Sighing helplessly in my heart, the sheep demon turned his head and roared at the open space beside him. The lush grass opened up in response, and a road was separated, stretching forward to an unknown direction.

Li Chuyi understood that this was the way out. Seeing the Taoist priest leading the way, he immediately followed behind the Taoist priest.

After walking a long way along the road out of the formation, Li Chuyi couldn't help but look back, and saw that the sheep demon was still kneeling on the ground, bowing his head to see the two of them off respectfully.

Li Chuyi shook his head and smiled, and followed the Taoist priest to step out of the formation.

The sheep demon kneeling on the ground behind him suddenly felt that something was missing from his body the moment the two disappeared. It understood that the Taoist priest had taken back his consciousness.

After waiting for a while and confirming that the two people had indeed left, the sheep demon stood up.

He stood there in silence for a long time, feeling sad and angry, and couldn't help but roar to the sky in a language that only he could understand

Gah~Ah~Oh~~~!!! (Translation: This is so pathetic!)

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