Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 112: Chase

The two of them ran away.

The adult fire demon behind him seemed to sense that the two were fleeing without a fight. He roared angrily again, and the rumbling footsteps accelerated as he chased after the two.

The newly born little fire demon behind them finally woke up amidst the roars of the adult fire demon. His body shook slightly, and two thick and short legs emerged from the lava below. With a strong effort, the two magma sticks still attached to the ground supported the ball-like body and stood up.

After swaying back and forth a few times, the little Huo Sha finally stood firm. A mouth-like opening suddenly opened on the headless body, and as the adult fire demon roared, a somewhat childish cry came from inside.

Ang~~~~~~~! ! !

Hearing the cry of the little fire evil spirit, the adult fire evil spirit rushed over like the wind. Looking at the little guy in front of him, the adult fire demon patted its body with the palm of the magma deep in the depths. Several streams of red magma spread from his palm to the little fire demon's body, making the little fire demon feel comfortable and couldn't help roaring again. Several times.

It wasn't until the little fire demon's black-red body turned from dim to bright, and bursts of scorching waves came from above, that the adult fire demon took back his hand.

After looking around, two flames suddenly shot out from its eyes, and at the same time another roar sounded.

It discovered the traces left by Li Chuyi and Yu Yao.

Although Li Chuyi and Yu Yao were extremely careful, they still left their own traces unknowingly. To be precise, those are not actually traces. They are just a kind of fluctuation that only an adult Fire Demon can detect, a fluctuation that does not belong to the Fire Cloud Pit.

This kind of fluctuation will be emitted unconsciously by all things in the world. Unlike breath, this kind of fluctuation cannot be converged at all, even by dead things such as dead people and ghost cultivators. This kind of fluctuation is usually not noticed by people at all. Only a few people can touch it slightly due to the interaction between heaven and man when they realize the Tao. However, it is impossible for anyone to fully grasp and sense it. of.

However, the fire demons here can, as long as they stay within the scope of the Fire Cloud Pit, they can "see" this kind of fluctuation. In the fire cloud pit, as long as something that does not belong here appears, even if it is just a stone, the fluctuations they emit will be as clear as black ink on white paper in the eyes of an adult fire evil spirit.

He roared lowly at Xiao Huosha a few times, as if he was saying something. After hearing this, Xiao Huo Sha shook his headless body back and forth a few times, as if a human nodded his head to show his understanding.

When the adult fire demon saw this, he said nothing and swept out a scorching gust of wind, chasing after Li Chuyi and Yu Yao in the direction they left.

It wasn't until the figure of the adult fire demon disappeared that the little fire demon who had been watching from behind turned around, desperately moved his two short legs, and twisted his body without a head and arms toward the adult fire demon. The road goes. Apparently, the newly grown fire demon thought he was too young and asked him to retreat and leave this land of right and wrong.

Ahead, Yu Yao grabbed Li Chuyi and ran all the way.

Li Chu, who had no idea that the traces had been leaked, threw fragrant pills as hard as he could as soon as he saw the intersection. If one was not enough, he would throw two, and if two were not enough, he would throw three.

Three is not enough?

It doesn't matter, just throw it away to the head office, right?

He didn't believe that there were so many fragrant pills mixed with the two people's scents to mislead him, and that stupid Huo Sha would not be fooled by any of them.

But no matter how many fragrant pills there are, there will always be a day when they are all thrown away, let alone the current method of throwing them away.

Finally, the fragrant pills were thrown away completely. Holding the empty jade bottle, Li Chuyi raised his head and looked at Yu Yao.

"The fragrant pill is gone."

"My share is gone too?" Yu Yao asked without stopping.

"It's all gone. We've thrown everything away." Li Chu nodded.

The veins on Yu Yao's forehead twitched, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Little fat man, didn't I tell you to throw them away one by one? If you throw a lot of them, with your throwing method, I can't stop you even if I give you a tank. Huohuo!”

"I'm not afraid that it won't be fooled!" Li Chuyi said confidently, "If he doesn't believe one or two, he should believe it after one, right?"

She wanted to throw him to the ground and slap him hard, but Yu Yao just thought about it. The current situation could not and did not allow her to do this. After gritting her teeth and enduring it for a long time, Yu Yao asked bitterly.

"Fat man, do you know the story of the boy who cried wolf?"

"I know!" Li Chuyi looked at her strangely, wondering why this beautiful girl was still telling stories at this time.

"Then you said, knowing that the coming wolf is fake, does it make any difference whether it's one wolf, ten wolves or a pack of wolves?" Yu Yao said expressionlessly.

"Didn't you say that the fire demon has no brain? It doesn't even have a brain. How can it figure out whether it is a bait?"

Li Chuyi understood what she meant and asked instead without answering.

Yu Yao glanced at him bitterly: "I mean, most of the fire demons have no brains, but a few of them can develop spiritual intelligence and learn to think. How do you know whether the ones chasing us have brains or not?" Brain?"

Without waiting for Li Chuyi to speak, she continued: "Besides, even if we successfully divert the fire evil spirit away, how can we go back without the fragrant pills? We still have to rely on your 'unbelievable' luck and 'amazing' intuition. ?”

Li Chuyi stopped talking for a while.

Just now, I was just thinking about how to lure the fire demon away so that they could escape successfully, but I was so anxious that I forgot to go out. When Yu Yao said this, Li Chuyi felt embarrassed but also felt worried.

It was a great throw just now, so why did you forget about this?

After being silent for a long time, Li Chuyi showed a flattering smile and asked sweetly: "The most beautiful sister Yu Yao, do you have any good ideas?"

Yu Yao made him scream with goosebumps all over her body. She almost threw him out, but the hand holding him trembled and she finally endured it.

"Speak nicely, why are you calling me so disgusting?"

"Oh~~, didn't I express my kindness!" Li Chuyi remained stubborn and his voice was still extremely sweet.

Yu Yao finally couldn't hold it back and waved her hand.


A plump figure flew forward in an arc, and a miserable scream echoed in the tunnel.

Yu Yao was startled by his shout, fearing that his shout would be heard by the fire demon behind her, so she quickly rushed over and caught Li Chuyi in her hands again after being thrown out by her.

Looking at his pale and fat face, Yu Yao snorted coldly.

"Next time you scream so annoyingly, I will throw you away directly. You can find a way out on your own!"

Looking at Yu Yao's beautiful face, Li Chuyi, who was pale, couldn't help but think of what the Taoist priest often said - green bamboo snake, wasp tail, the most poisonous woman's heart.

It makes sense!

This woman has beautiful features and beautiful features, so she can just throw them away!

Isn't it just to express kindness? Isn't this what Taoist priests used to say when they expressed kindness to the sisters in the building?

Why are you still angry? !

Why did you really throw it away? !

Li Chuyi was full of depression and wanted to argue with Yu Yao, but looking at her cold eyes, he quickly swallowed the words that were almost on his lips, put on a flattering smile on his face, and agreed obediently. :


Yu Yao was startled, wondering why this little fat man shouted so scary.

Li Chuyi was also startled and stood there wondering when his voice had become so loud.

But it was only for a moment. The two people reacted immediately and looked back at the same time.

Behind them, in the empty tunnel, there was a faint sound of heavy running footsteps. It was the adult fire demon who had not heard a sound for a long time and made them think they had gotten rid of it.

Without saying a word, Li Chuyi possessed him slightly, Yu Yao skillfully grabbed his back, and the two of them turned into arrows and ran as fast as they could.

After a long time, feeling the fragrance emanating from Yu Yao's body due to strenuous exercise, and listening to her somewhat rapid breathing, Li Chuyi said dullly: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have yelled. "

"I don't blame you, I was also wrong. I shouldn't have made such a joke to scare you." Yu Yao's faint voice came.

Li Chuyi scratched his neck: "It's my fault. I shouldn't have thrown the fragrant pills around. I don't blame you!"


Yu Yao sighed.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have promised Xiao Yu to help her with her mischief. If she hadn't forced you to pay back the money as soon as possible, what happened today wouldn't have happened."

After hearing what Yu Yao said, Li Chuyi waved his hand.

"I don't know why that little girl didn't like me from the beginning. Even if she didn't borrow money, she would find other reasons to act up. I don't blame you. She still blames me. I was so anxious to go down the mountain to eat meat that I forgot to bring the money. Otherwise there would be nothing like this.”

"You still blame me for this, she..."

Yu Yao wanted to tell him that Xiao Yu acted nonsense because some of her words made the little girl feel strange, so she used nonsense to cover up her confusion and embarrassment, but after thinking about it, she said nothing.

For some things, the best way is to slowly realize and discover them yourself. If outsiders point it out too early, the result will often not be what you wanted at the beginning.

Without further words, Yu Yao sighed softly again.

"Anyway, you still blame me."

Li Chuyi was surprised why she stopped talking in the middle of her words. Just as he was about to ask out of curiosity, he suddenly felt a loud roar mixed with hot wind coming from behind, which made his ears buzz.

Roar~~~! ! ~! ! ! !

Looking back, a fire demon that was at least three meters tall, with a dazzling red light all over its body, loomed at the other end of the tunnel, following closely behind them.

Yu Yao also saw the fiery figure behind her and glanced at Li Chuyi with some despair.

Li Chuyi also had a gloomy face, feeling vaguely that he might really die here today.

Giving Yu Yao a firm look, he whispered: "Run as far as you can. My master said that there is no end to the road. We bet there will be a glimmer of hope ahead!"

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