The vines burst out of the ground, completely engulfing the poisonous vines, and she disappeared into the street again.

...There is nothing here except the wail of the sunset. Even if Huangyi and Duanmumo sense the fluctuations in the aura and want to rush over, it will take a certain amount of time.


But at this moment, the sword light flashed, and the invisible sword energy cut through the black flames, creating a narrow passage in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The pale figure then passed through the sea of ​​fire and raised a hand towards Yuhi.

If you look carefully, you will find a palm-sized instrument worn on that arm.

Pressing her palm on Yuri's chest, the instrument on her arm immediately resonated with her, suppressing the black flames burning in her body.

Yuhi fell to her knees as if she was out of strength, and transformed uncontrollably.


Xia Yan gasped hoarsely, the feeling of despair still lingering in her heart.

——But at the same time, there was a more important thing emerging in her mind.

Xia Yan raised her head and tried to see clearly the identity of the person with her groggy eyes, but she couldn't see anything clearly except that she had waist-length white hair and was wearing a tachi.

"Who...are you?" Xia Yan held the visitor's feet tremblingly, and was about to confess her doubts:

"...why, you would have a second drive..."


It's not appropriate to divide this plot into two chapters, so I posted it in one chapter.

Volume 1: Chapter 66: Don’t Leave Me (2-in-1)


When Huangyi and Duanmumo arrived here, they found that the battle here had ended. Apart from the devastation on the ground, only the unconscious Xia Yan was left lying in it.

"Senior Xia Yan!"

Huangyi immediately caught up, and Duanmumo stopped his motorcycle and swept around.

The ashes left behind after burning plants remained around, and there were also some marks on the ground where they had been chopped with sharp weapons.

The former is obviously the work of Poisonous Vine, but the latter... what on earth is it?

Duanmumo stepped forward and came to Xia Yan:

"How is she?"

"She just fainted...I don't see any injuries on her body yet."

Huangyi was worried that there was an ambush nearby, so he didn't touch the transformation, and asked Duanmumo: "Mr. Duanmu, please take her away first!"

There are no enemies nearby, but reporters will arrive after a while to avoid more trouble. Duanmu Mo nodded and helped Xia Yan up.

Suddenly, his movements stopped and his eyes stopped on the gem on Xia Yan's wrist.

As a medium for transformation, it used to always show a fiery red color, but now it has become dim, as if covered with a thin layer of black veil.

This also happened to Yuori's pendant. According to her, it only appeared after Mrs. Katsuragi's death.

Duanmumo guessed that these gems were probably related to the mental state of the magical girl.

But now was not the time to think about this. He picked up the unconscious Xia Yan and looked up at the apartment nearby.

"Xia Yan's home is right here, where should we put her?"

"This is senior Xia Yan's home?"

Huangyi followed Duanmumo's line of sight and was shocked.

It was so dilapidated and clearly crumbling after being attacked by weirdos that it could hardly be called a home.

"...Then let her go to my office."

Duanmumo didn't feel much about this, but seeing Huangyi's expression, he tied Xia Yan behind him and left the place on a motorcycle.

Huang Yi followed closely behind, leaping lightly upstairs until he arrived at the office.

Putting her on his bed, Duanmumo sat on the edge of the bed, unbuttoned her coat, exposed her cool shirt, and examined her body.

Yuzhi stood beside him and asked with concern: "How about Mr. Duanmu, do you want to send her to the hospital?"

"I will only be more professional than them."

He said lightly, and then discovered something. He lifted the hair from Xia Yan's ears and stared at the small hole on her neck.

——When I was carrying her, I felt my heart rate was very high, and the subtle expression on my face... Sure enough, Poison Man did something to her.

Poisonous Man's words flashed through his mind: "Only by letting her fall into true despair and dyeing her soul into darkness will the black flames truly appear."

After scanning the gems on her wrist, Duanmu Mo made a judgment in his mind.

"Her mental state is not very good. She must have been injected with something by the enemy. With the magical girl's physique, it shouldn't be a big problem... But just in case, Yu Zhi, please go out and buy some medicine." ”

Duanmumo pulled out a piece of paper and wrote out a long list of medicines. These were all medicines that could be bought, and of course they could only soothe the mind.

"Okay, leave it to me."

After taking the banknotes and paper from Duanmumo, Yuzhi turned around and left quickly.

After confirming that Yuzhi was far away, he raised his hand and put it on Xia Yan's head.

He began to feel the card in Xia Yan's body. In his perception, this blank card recorded Xia Yan's changes one by one from the moment it was implanted to the present.

At the end, Duanmumo felt the card dyed with black flames, and could feel the breath of pain and despair from it.

"It seems that this is what Poison Man wants."

Duanmu Mo whispered in his heart, and then suddenly felt another power in the card. A trace of surprise flashed across his brows, and then he showed an interesting expression:

"Is this... another power hidden in the black flame?"

Duanmu Mo carefully sensed the situation of the card, and suddenly Xia Yan's eyelashes began to tremble, and Duanmu Mo immediately let go of his hand.

"Awake so soon..."

Under Duanmu Mo's sight, Xia Yan's breathing suddenly became violent, and a look of pain appeared on her face, and then she slowly opened her eyes.


Her eyes were still blank, but there was a strong pain in them, so at the moment she woke up, she grabbed towards the vague figure.

Duanmu Mo raised his hand and let her grab his arm. Feeling the strength and trembling in her hand, he said calmly:

"You woke up."


The confused eyes gradually came back to her senses, and Xia Yan suddenly stared at Duanmu Mo blankly: "It's you..."

"Yu Zhi suddenly felt your transformation, but when we rushed over, we found you fainted on the street. In order to avoid some trouble, she and I brought you back."

He briefly described the previous situation to let Xia Yan understand the current situation, and then Duanmu Mo asked: "So, how are you now?"

".. ..."

Without answering Duanmu Mo's words immediately, Xia Yan sat up with her head covered, gasping in pain:

"Kill, kill her... I'm going to kill Du Man!"

"Calm down!"

Duanmu Mo frowned, raised his other hand and pressed it on her shoulder: "You seem to have been injected with something, and your mental state is not very stable now-Yu Zhi has gone to buy medicine, you calm down first..."

"I don't need it!" Before Duanmu Mo finished speaking, Xia Yan pushed him away violently, but her desperate resistance not only failed to push him away, but pushed herself to the corner of the bed.


Duanmu Mo stopped talking and stared at Xia Yan quietly.

Du Man's actions were very decisive, and he was determined to completely corrupt Xia Yan and drag her into the abyss of despair-and what Duanmu Mo was going to do was naturally to do the opposite of her.

Being pushed to the corner of the bed, Xia Yan curled up, hugged her knees, and shook her head in self-abandonment: "You are wrong, I am just like this, I have just this kind of personality and this kind of nature!"

"——So I don't need your help, you or Yu Zhi, anyone who approaches me will only be hurt by me!"

Staring at Duanmu Mo, Xia Yan's eyes flashed a scene, which appeared countless times in her dreams - her mother struggling and wailing in the flames, looking at Xia Yan with fear and confusion, as if in her eyes her daughter was not a magical girl at all, but a monster with the power of torture.

The shadow brought to Xia Yan by this look was like a summary of her experience in this family, representing the end of pain, and also a nightmare that constantly entangled her.

Now Xia Yan is also afraid that Duanmu Mo's body will be burned by the black flames, and in the end he will also cast such a look at her.

Never thought that Xia Yan, who was always tough, would show such a weak appearance, Duanmu Mo stood up silently and left the bedside, leaving Xia Yan alone there gasping for breath.

"Take it."

But not long after, Duanmu Mo sat back on the bedside with a cup of sundae.

Looking at Duanmu Mo holding the sundae with gray eyes, Xia Yan bit her lower lip and continued to lower her head.

Seeing that Xia Yan was indifferent, Duanmu Mo opened the cup and scooped up a piece and handed it over.

"Cool things can calm you down, and sugar can also soothe your mood. You need it now."

"I don't want it..."

"You need it, that's the fact."

Duanmu Mo continued to hold the spoon and handed it to her lips:

"Are you resisting the kindness of others, or insisting on your dignity? A fire without firewood cannot burn."


Xia Yan's lips trembled, but she still didn't open her mouth.

Seeing this, Duanmu Mo looked at Xia Yan seriously: "Your goal as Xi Ri is to solve the poisonous vine. Although I am an ordinary person with little power, I can try my best to support you. If you really want to achieve your goal, why don't you come back as soon as possible?"

Hearing Duanmu Mo's words, Xia Yan finally opened her mouth slowly and held the sundae he handed over.

The cool feeling with sweetness spread from her mouth, moistening her soul and gradually extinguishing the burning fire in her heart.

Her lips were slightly pursed, and her smooth throat rolled.

Seeing this, Duanmu Mo silently scooped up a spoon and fed it to her mouth again.

The thin spoon probed into her lips and teeth. This was a feeling she had never experienced before. It was obviously an action that she had performed countless times in her daily life, but now it brought a strong sense of strangeness when it was performed by others. In the touch of the spoon and the tip of the tongue, it seemed that she could deeply feel the existence of each other.

This behavior made Xia Yan feel both strange and familiar. She had never had such an experience, but at the same time, such an intimate action also reminded her of her childhood yearning and the love between family members that she had imagined countless times in her heart.

While being fed by Duanmu Mo, Xia Yan buried her eyes in her arms and her body began to tremble.

When he finished a sundae, Duanmu Mo put it aside, sat deeper, and then raised his hand to touch her back.

Xia Yan trembled, but did not refuse, but gradually let out a suppressed sob:

"Why...why didn't you show up earlier, if you were there at that time...I wouldn't..."

"I'm here now."

Telling her to calm her emotions, Duanmu Mo said softly.

——The door opened, Yu Zhi came back from buying medicine, Duanmu Mo glanced at her, raised his index finger to his mouth, and made a shushing gesture.

Yu Zhi also nodded, and silently came to Duanmu Mo's side, looking at Xia Yan curled up in the corner of the bed with worry.

However, as if she felt the shift of Duanmu Mo's sight, she raised her hand and grabbed Duanmu Mo's arm, holding it tightly.


Under the surprised gazes of Duanmu Mo and Yu Zhi, Xia Yan uttered a low and hoarse voice:

"——Don't leave me."

...Looking at Xia Yan, whose emotions fluctuated slightly, Duanmu Mo took a deep breath:

"I'm right here, Xia Yan, I'll pour you some water to take medicine, let Yu Zhi accompany you first."


Xia Yan didn't speak, but she could feel that her strength was gradually weakening.

Duanmu Mo pulled out his hand, took the medicine bought by Yu Zhi, and poured her some hot water.

It was not appropriate to do this after eating something cold, but Duanmu Mo was not in a hurry to feed her medicine. The toxins of the poisonous vine were mainly used to stimulate Xia Yan's negative emotions. Now her mental state has also eased, so taking medicine is just to prevent recurrence, and there is no rush to take it at any time.

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