
Thanks to [Ultimate Snakeskin Monster] for the 100 reward;

Thanks to [Male Fox] for the 100 reward.

Volume 1: Chapter 52: Blade of the First Embrace

——Duanmu Mo's sleep will not last too long. Not long after, accompanied by a roar, the surrounding destruction sounds seemed to quiet down.

Duanmu Mo sat up and looked in the direction of the sound.

There, the two magical girls came here almost at the same time.

"Leave quickly, from that direction."

Xi Ri pushed the reporter to let her escape, while Huang Yi stopped the fighters who tried to chase, and the atmosphere fell into a stalemate for a while.

"Let her go."

Seeing other weirdos trying to stop the reporter, Duanmu Mo stopped them:

"Anyway, with the reporter's character, she will continue to film even if she runs away, right? At worst, we can just catch her after we win."

Jumping off the car, Duanmu Mo moved his arms, looked at Xiri and Huang Yi in front of him and said:

"As for now - you should be prepared to fight these two magical girls."


Xiri clenched his fists, stared at Duanmu Mo, and his eyes inadvertently swept around, observing the existence of Duman suspiciously.

"What are you still thinking about now?"

Duanmu Mo rushed forward and punched her.

Although Xiri reacted in time to block it, this punch also represented the beginning of the battle. The monsters roared and rushed forward, and a large number of fighters also swarmed around the two magical girls.

"So many weirdos - what is your purpose?!"

"They are just miscellaneous soldiers, can't you handle them?"

Duanmu Mo still had his hands empty, attacking the magic girl with his fists and feet.

"Let's try it!" Xi Ri knocked Duanmu Mo back with one punch, and then kicked a fighter away, and the fighter who flew backwards also overwhelmed his companions behind him.

Duanmu Mo did not take the opportunity to pursue. Before he figured out the purpose of Du Man, his desire to fight was pitifully low. It can be said that this battle was just his testing ground.

He turned around and attacked another magic girl, grabbed a fighter at random to block Huang Yi's attack, and hit Huang Yi's shoulder with a simple and direct quick punch. Before Huang Yi was ready to swing the knife and chop, he hit her with several punches, directly knocking her back.

"Hmm... So strong."

Huang Yi took a few steps back and looked at Duanmu Mo in surprise.

I thought Neville's strength would decrease if he didn't use the greatsword, but who knew that he was still terribly oppressive with his bare hands.

Moreover, in terms of boxing, he gave Huang Yi the feeling that he was even better than Xi Ri, as if he had undergone comprehensive training.

Huang Yi's guess about Neville's identity became more mysterious. He gritted his teeth and a lot of lightning came out of his body:

"In that case - try this!"

As the lightning burst out, her speed increased. In an instant, she appeared in front of Duanmu Mo and slashed quickly, but Duanmu Mo barely dodged it.

After that, her body quickly chased and slashed with the afterimage of lightning. The sword in her hand seemed to split into thousands of blades and attacked at the same time. Under the amplification of lightning, her speed reached an incredible level.


Duanmu Mo's eyes lit up red, and his body quickly retreated and dodged. Every knife passed by his body.

"Not bad, what new moves are you?"

Duanmu Mo's figure was like a dragonfly flying in a storm. Every knife passed by, but did not hurt him at all.

Looking at the overall situation, Huang Yi's first knife was actually the most dangerous moment for Duanmu Mo.

Huang Yi's heart was also in turmoil - during the training with Xi Ri, she improved the flash, turning this explosive instant movement into a continuous speed increase, so that she would not stagnate due to the inertia brought by the flash.

This was originally an improvement she intended to make to break through the defense of the poisonous vine, but who knew that Duanmu Mo could easily keep up with her speed.

"Even if the speed is increased, the gap between swinging the knife has not changed."

While Duanmu Mo was dodging the blade, he had the time to comment.

"Then let's see how you dodge this knife!"

Huang Yi became angry, and the lightning broke out further. Based on this acceleration mode, she could even use the flash as the end.

Duanmu Mo just looked at Huang Yi in front of him, and her voice appeared behind him, followed by a cracking sound on the chest, and a clear cut appeared on Duanmu Mo's chest armor.

"Hmm - interesting."

Looking at the knife marks on his chest, Duanmu Mo sighed: "Not bad, finally some progress."

Covering his chest, Duanmu Mo did not give Huang Yi a chance to pursue the victory. He immediately pulled away from the two magic girls and jumped onto the roof of the car to let them be surrounded by other monsters and fighters.

"-Damn it! Neville, come back!"

Seeing this, Huang Yi swung hard, and the sword quickly cut the fighters apart.

-From the beginning of the war to now, more than half of the fighters have fallen under the attacks of the magic girls, and two of the monsters have died under Xi Ri's fists.

"It's time to use some real weapons."

Standing on the roof of the car, Duanmu Mo moved his body and took out a card.

With the eyesight of the magic girls, they saw the pattern on the card.

The dark blue lines interweave on the card, forming two crossed daggers. The lines as the background begin to change color when forming the pattern, forming a scarlet blade.

"Let me think, what does that line say - let's start the experiment."

Duanmu Mo merged the belt, threw the card into the slot of the belt, and opened it again.

Sss -

As a blood-red smoke gushed out of the belt, Duanmu Mo was wrapped in it.

Then, a sound similar to orchestral music sounded, covering all the sounds of fighting.

The sound of each instrument combined gave people a sacred feeling, but the obvious echo of the plucked instrument in the sound had a sense of tranquility - people seemed to be in a chapel late at night, the stained glass cast a large piece of colorful shadows on the ground by the moonlight, and the swaying candlelight illuminated the statue even darker.

As the blood mist slowly dissipated, the music gradually quieted down, reflecting the appearance of the figure.

——Duanmu Mo, who emerged from the blood mist, had a slight change in his body. His cloak was more gathered. The cloak that was originally connected to the breastplate was tied in front of his neck, and the color inside turned dark red.

Now it was more like a cape worn by aristocrats than a cape, which made Duanmu Mo's temperament more elegant and noble.

But inside the cloak, the bat-like breastplate made his temperament more sharp, and with the bat-wing-like eyes and sharp teeth-like patterns on his head, it gave people a sense of danger that could not be ignored.

Duanmu Mo's hand touched the cloak, and two reds appeared in his hand.

A closer look revealed that it was not red paint at all, but two small red bats - this kind of bat was lying on his palm, and there were countless bats hanging in his cloak, which made the inside of the cloak form this scarlet color.

Gripping the bats, blood flowed out and condensed into shape, and the two bats in Duanmu Mo's hands turned into two sharp daggers.

The dagger danced between his fingers, and Duanmu Mo saluted the two magic girls.

"Kamen Rider Neville, First Embrace Blade form, here."

Volume 1: Chapter 53: Clone

"First Embrace Blade?"

Looking at the changed appearance of Duanmu Mo in front of her, Xi Ri snorted: "Pretending!"

Blocking the attack of a monster, she raised her hand and shot a fireball at Duanmu Mo.

Duanmu Mo raised his cloak and swung it violently, flicking the fireball aside.

Facing Xi Ri's ridicule, Duanmu Mo spread his hands and sighed, his elegant temperament gone:

"Okay, it's really pretentious, but there's nothing wrong with pretending occasionally~"

As he said that, he suddenly jumped down, swung his cloak in the air, and countless bats flew out, forming daggers and shooting at the two magical girls.

Xi Ri raised the two monsters as defense, and Huang Yi immediately dodged.

As a result, the two magical girls were unharmed, and most of the daggers were stuck in other people's bodies.

"Ugh! Damn Neville!"

The dagger was pulled out, and the weirdo who was suspected to be accidentally injured by Duanmu Mo roared, but he didn't dare to say anything and continued to attack the magical girl.

Duanmu Mo also fell to the ground, stepped on a dagger stuck in the ground, and attacked Xi Ri with agile steps.

Swish, swish, swish——

The sharp blade was swung continuously, bringing a sharp edge.

Xi Ri's pupils shrank, and he raised his gauntlet to resist.

Sparks flew, Xi Ri's face darkened, and he reached out to grab Duanmu Mo's dagger.

Duanmu Mo didn't resist at all. When she tried to grab the dagger, Duanmu Mo's other hand held the dagger and stabbed her.

The sharp dagger almost didn't consider the issue of durability. The only thing it considered was to cut more wounds on the flesh and blood body.

Xiri's face changed slightly. The dagger was about to pierce her waist and abdomen. The next moment, lightning flashed, and Huang Yi raised his sword to block Duanmu Mo's dagger.

The arc flashed around her. Huang Yi shouted again, and his body accelerated and quickly attacked Duanmu Mo, leaving a trail of afterimages beside him.

Duanmu Mo raised two daggers to block, and for a moment, a lot of sparks burst.

Unlike the empty-handed situation just now, Duanmu Mo only had two daggers in his hands, so he didn't need to dodge to block her attack, and fought with her at a slower speed than Huang Yi.

Soon, in Duanmu Mo's bat-wing-shaped eyes, he saw the lightning on her body surge, and Duanmu Mo understood that her next attack was coming.

Another flash, Duanmu Mo raised his dagger and slashed at the same time.

Only a shattering sound was heard, and the dagger in Duanmu Mo's hand broke.


Without reminding each other, tacit understanding rose between the two magic girls. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiri chased after him, and the thrusters behind her arms took her to attack quickly.

Seeing this, Duanmu Mo turned and retreated.

Under the cover of the cloak, Xiri could not see his actions clearly, but she still subconsciously chased after him.


But just as she was about to take a step, a dagger cut through the cloak and stabbed her body.


——There was a cloak between the two of them, and Duanmu Mo held the dagger and stabbed Xiri's shoulder, leaving an obvious wound on her body.

"Xiri Senior!"

Huang Yi rushed over again, forced Duanmu Mo back with a katana, and stood in front of Xiri: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay... Ugh, this is!"

Xiri was about to shake her head in response, but suddenly felt something and her face changed.

She looked at her shoulder, the wound on it was emitting blood mist, and this injury was obviously unusual.


Duanmu Mo retreated to a distance and did not rush to attack. He played with the dagger and explained:

"But don't worry, the toxin is not strong, it is only effective for some soldiers."

As he said, he looked at the other fighters and monsters attacked by the dagger.


Faced with their angry questioning, Duanmu Mo's words were still relaxed: "Sorry, soldiers, the toxin will not work until it is stacked to a certain extent."

As he said, he reached into the cloak, and when he took it out again, several daggers appeared: "--As for its effect..."

As soon as the voice fell, Duanmu Mo swung out the daggers and stabbed them all into a weirdo.

Caught off guard, the weirdo was riddled with holes and stabbed with daggers all over his body.

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