Thoughts flashed through his mind, Duanmu Mo carried the bucket and walked towards his home.

"Hey, what do you want to do!"

But before he had taken a few steps, Duanmu Mo heard a quarrel.

Several fishermen looked at each other, refusing to give in, and were arguing over the fish in front of them.

"Why should you have more? You used my boat!"

"You used my net! You're going to have a hard time without my net!"

A completely different fisherman from the previous innocent, Duanmu Mo tilted his head and watched coldly.

"So that's it, because of talking about that sea monster, did Cangyuan's mood change..."

Calmly retracting his gaze, Duanmu Mo left as if it had nothing to do with him.

Volume 1: Chapter 316: Connections

Back at home in the fishing village, Duanmu Mo saw Cangyuan's face. She sat quietly on the wooden chair and seemed to have been waiting for a while. When she saw Duanmu Mo coming, she smiled.

"You're back."

Seeing her, Duanmu Mo remembered his judgment just now, so he said generously: "Although we just separated not long ago, I miss you."

"Ah..." Hearing this, Cangyuan was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath, and smiled more naturally: "Me too!"

"Come, didn't I just say I would treat you to octopus?"

Duanmu Mo smiled and strode to the place where the food was cooked.

Although it was cooking, there was no decent kitchen in the fishing village of this era, just grilling the ingredients on the fire.

But this was enough for Duanmu Mo. He skillfully cut off the octopus legs and grilled them on the fire with wooden sticks.

Cooking with simple seasonings is enough to make qualified delicacies. Duanmu Mo handed some grilled octopus legs to Cangyuan and tasted them with her.

"The change in the dream is because of me, right?" Duanmu Mo said while eating octopus legs and making another grilled fish.

"......It's not your problem, but mine..."

Eating the food handed over by Duanmu Mo, Cang Yuan was silent for a moment and said: "I didn't want to face all this again, but your words made me uncontrollably remember what happened at that time..."

"——What did you go through at the beginning?" Duanmu Mo frowned, looked at her and asked: "What happened at that time that made you close your heart?"

"I don't want to face it again..."

Cang Yuan's eyes showed a struggling expression, and he closed his eyes tightly.

After a long time, she sighed and opened her eyes sadly and helplessly: "I won't tell you, but since it happened, you can witness it-with your own experience."

"What do you want me to do specifically?" Duanmu Mo looked at her and asked solemnly.

"You don't have to do anything now, just experience it yourself."

Cang Yuan smiled faintly and shook his head.

"Personal experience?"

"Of course, not now. I need some time to calm down. Maybe after you come back, everything will run as usual."

Cang Yuan exhaled, stretched out his hand, and tapped Duanmu Mo's eyebrows.


The world spun around in an instant, and Duanmu Mo fell backwards uncontrollably. Looking at the blurred figure of Cangyuan, he trembled and suddenly opened his eyes.

——Under him was a soft bed. Duanmu Mo suddenly found that he had returned to reality. He took a deep breath and sat up to think.

"Cangyuan's strength is very strong... ridiculously strong. But correspondingly, she has an obvious desire for her people. If you want to get her power, it is also a good choice from this perspective..."

Before he finished thinking, Duanmu Mo thought of another question: "But I know her obvious weakness, and the sea monster probably knows it too... Who made Cangyuan say 'Don't hurt my people' as soon as she opened her mouth."

I'm afraid that in the past, the sea monster used this method to make Cangyuan autistic.

Since Cangyuan may have experienced it once, how to make this method work is a problem that Duanmu Mo needs to consider.

Fortunately, Duanmu Mo has plenty of time to think about it.

The body of the transformed person reduced Duanmu Mo's need for sleep to a minimum. If it were not for the purpose of entering a dream to communicate with Cangyuan, Duanmu Mo would usually sleep for a long time with his eyes closed as a disguise.

——As soon as he thought, time passed quickly, and the sky outside the window also brightened.

Duanmu Mo also withdrew his thoughts, got up and prepared to cook for the four magical girls.


——At noon, Duanmu Mo left the yard and rode a motorcycle back to the office.

Before he had rested for long, Duanmu Mo's cell phone rang. He answered it and heard Nakajima's voice:

"Mr. Duanmu, how was your rest? Thanks to your investigation, there are indeed strange people in the mountains."

"Your commission is for me to walk around the mountains for a few times. Does this count as exceeding the commission content?" Duanmu Mo said jokingly.

"Haha, of course." Nakajima said with a smile: "Thanks to your reminder, I was able to get my employees to take shelter in time. Anyway, I have already deposited the commission fee into your card, and there is also a part of the thank you fee."

"Then I will accept it without hesitation."

Duanmu Mo smiled, talked to him casually for a few words, and then hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone with a black screen, Duanmumo put his feet on the table, looked up at the ceiling and lost himself in thought.

"Sure enough, the exploration of that sea monster requires further understanding."

After throwing up the phone and catching it again, Duanmumo called Shenwu Ling:

"Ling, do you remember what I asked you to check before? Send me the information about the archaeologists."

"Okay, but I've searched all over the history of that fishing village and can't find any useful information. Does Mr. Duanmu still want to investigate?"

"Some information is not just stored in the computer."

Duanmumo smiled mysteriously, and then he saw the archaeologists' information appearing on the computer in front of him.

From date of birth to resume and communication methods, everything appears on the computer in incomparable detail.

"I received it, thank you."

"Well, I'm also looking forward to seeing what Mr. Duanmu can find out."

Shenwu Ling smiled and hung up the phone.

Then, Duanmumo took out a stack of business cards from under the table and rummaged through them one by one.

Some information is not just stored in the computer, but is stored in a place one step ahead of the computer, that is, in the human brain.

Duanmumo smiled as he looked at the clients he had handled.

"...Hello? Mr. Daqiao, I am Duanmu Mo, the boss of Duanmu Office..."

"Hey, Ms. Araki, I was introduced by Mr. Ohashi..."

——Duanmumo played with his necklace and talked to one person after another. In the end, he coughed and dialed the last number:

"Hi, hello."

"Hey, it's Mr. Duanmu. Someone from the embassy told me that you want to use our archaeological materials as propaganda."

Another elderly voice came from the phone, his tone was calm and with a hint of respect.

Duanmu Mo looked at the TV screen and looked at one of the archaeologists with a wrinkled face. He was the person who was talking to Duanmu Mo.

Duanmumo took a sip of tea and said seriously:

"It's not just information, it's just a means of publicity. Your archaeological research is also work, and I'm embarrassed to let you do it in vain, so the information I need is somewhat uncertain, just enough information to arouse people's curiosity. ”

"Is that so? Thank you for your understanding."

The archaeologist paused, thought for a while and then said:

"I remember there are a few unconfirmed information about current history, but because there is no accurate evidence, they have not been registered. I can tell you about it."

"All ears."

Duanmumo picked up the pen and put it on the notebook and said with a smile.



Thanks to [Crazy Bird Jiadujiadu] for the 2088 reward.

Volume One: Chapter 317: Action

...In the afternoon, Duanmumo left a message for Ling, asking her to inform others:

"Ling, I have to go out to deal with a commission such as catching a rapist. During this period, the phone will be turned off, so don't worry about me."

"Okay, walk slowly."

Seeing the news from Shenwu Ling, Duanmumo nodded and rode away on his motorcycle.

——After knowing the situation of Cang Yuan and learning more information about the sea monster from archaeologists, it was time for Duanmu Mo to take action.


The motorcycle drove out of Jindai City and rushed towards the road.

Passing by cars, Duanmu Mo quickly drove onto a deserted highway.

The body changed into a weird posture, and the motorcycle also deformed, making its appearance even wilder.

Then, Duanmumo controlled the motorcycle with one hand, and opened his other hand to hold two items.

A key to the underworld, a card with negative emotions.

"Then, let's get started."

Raising his hand forward, Duanmumo guided the negative emotions out of the card, borrowed the power of the Key of the Underworld to turn it into a vortex, and opened the door to the seal in front.

Immediately afterwards, Duanmumo twisted the handle and rushed into the whirlpool together with the person and the car.


——In this endless sea, Duanmu Mo held the motorcycle and inserted the card into his belt.

"Nevile Drive!"

Holding the handle and pulling it outward, a black substance extended from the belt and covered the body to form armor.

When the helmet was taking shape, his eyes lit up red and looked around.

The strange man's aura spread out uncontrollably, and almost instantly, the killer whale appeared unreasonably not far from Duanmu Mo.


Seeing the giant whale rushing toward him, Duanmumo and his motorcycle turned into a whirlpool and disappeared. When they reappeared, they had already put as much distance away from the killer whale as possible.

Immediately afterwards, a black vortex formed under the wheels of the ferocious beast's black bicycle, paving the way and carrying Duanmu Mo away quickly.

Although Cang Yuan said that she could not feel the existence of the outside world in her dream, the killer whale transformed by her power did have its own memory, otherwise it would not recognize the Cang Yi people anymore.

So after seeing Neville again, it also burst out in anger, releasing countless clones and rushing towards Duanmu Mo.

If Duanmu Mo continued to be as fast as before, it wouldn't take long for him to be caught up by the killer whales and cut into pieces fiercely by them.

After glancing back at them, Duanmumo looked forward again.

In front of him, there is also the phantom of the killer whale gradually condensing into shape.

"That's not true, is it?"

While speaking nonsense, Duanmu Mo did not dare to relax his vigilance and quickly inserted a card from his waist.

Suddenly, a dark golden light appeared on his body, and Fengling's floating guns also appeared around him.

However, he did not attack with the floating guns, but gathered them under his consciousness and stuck to the motorcycle.

The fierce beast Black Knight merged with the ten floating guns. Then, Duanmu Mo pressed the handle of the motorcycle, and the structure of the muzzle of the floating gun appeared at the position of the rear wheel of the motorcycle, spraying out orange-yellow beams, pushing the motorcycle to rush faster.


The motorcycle made a deafening engine roar, flew wildly, and left the killer whale behind.

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