"Then what are we going to do next? Defeat it?" Yuhi raised her head and shouted.

"You can say that. Try to inflict damage on it and weaken its physical strength...although I have never seen its physical strength weakened before."

"Does anyone evaluate an enemy like this..." Yuhi gritted her teeth and shot a fireball towards it.

The sea here is different from real sea water, and the flames will not be blocked by this - of course, even if it is real sea water, Yuhi can burn it through.

However, when the fireball hit the giant whale, it was stopped by its smooth skin. Not to mention causing damage, it did not even leave any traces of burning.


The giant whale glanced at her, flicked its tail, and sent Yuhi flying into the distance.


Lingyin raised his hand towards Xiri, who was flying backwards, and pulled hard out of thin air.

The wind shield that had been protecting her before immediately removed the strength from Xiri's body, and took her back to Lingyin's side.

"Are you okay?"

"Well... with the support of your shield, no problem." Xiuhi covered her hands. Even with the protection of the shield, Yuri's arms were still damaged.

"But, it shattered my wind shield with one blow...I'll make it up for you again."

The transparent wind shield blessed her body again, and the two looked at the giant whale again, with a look of difficulty in their eyes.

"How are you going to beat this guy..."

Volume One: Chapter 280: Values ​​and Mechanisms

——On the other side of the battle between the magical girls and the giant whale, a figure quietly entered the endless sea.

"Phew, I hope this works."

Duanmumo floated in the sea like a weirdo and took out the wind chime card.

After inserting it horizontally into the belt, Duanmu Mo's body suddenly glowed with dark golden light.

Looking at the familiar sea around him, Duanmumo played with the floating blade in his hand.

"I hope I don't see that whale again."

Duanmumo sighed, stood on the floating blade, and quickly flew away from here.

Although he could fly by himself with the power of the wind chimes, Duanmumo still used his sword as a hobby and quickly left the place.

"Can't figure out the direction... Let's rush to one place first."

This sea seems to be able to isolate the breath. Duanmumo can't feel the energy fluctuations of the magical girls in this position, and he doesn't know whether they have left or are communicating with the big whale.


——Just in time, Duanmumo was worried about the appearance of that guy, and it appeared not far from him, swam towards him quickly and blocked in front of him.

However, compared with last time, the giant whale looked at him less murderously, and more like an instinctive obstruction.

"Oh? It seems that what she said is really useful."

Stopping in front of the whale, Duanmumo saw his own weird face reflected in the whale's huge eyes.

"Hey, it seems you really don't recognize me."

Duanmumo didn't panic at all, he smiled and touched his chin.

He knew that the whale's appearance here meant nothing. It had countless clones. Maybe it was confronting him here, and there was another whale on the other side that swallowed a weirdo who was trying to escape the seal.

"I want to go there, okay?"

As Duanmumo spoke, he turned the floating blade and flew past it without any explanation and flew into the distance.

He used the maximum speed from the beginning and threw the whale out of sight in the blink of an eye. However, Duanmumo still did not dare to be careless and continued to speed up.


Then, as expected, the whale quickly rushed over and was easily level with Duanmu Mo. It stared at him with pure eyes, and its eyes still seemed to dissuade him.

However, it would do more than just dissuade with its eyes. After sweeping its tail, Duanmu Mo suddenly felt the pressure around him increase sharply, and a huge force was pressing on him to pull him away.

"Stop! Wait a minute!"

Duanmumo immediately raised his hand, looked at the whale and shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, Duanmumo felt the pressure on his body suddenly reduce.

Although I learned from Cangyi that it was gentle to the magical girl, Duanmumo didn't expect it to stop so quickly, as if it was worried that its power would hurt the other person. I really can't believe that it is different from the domineering one at the beginning. The ferocious giant whale is the same fish.

Seeing this, Duanmumo sighed: "It would be great if you were so gentle to me back then."

Facing the giant whale's calm but still stubborn eyes, a driver appeared on Duanmumo's waist.

Duanmumo clapped his hands, then raised one hand and pointed his palm at the whale.

"Here, let me do a magic trick for you."

With a flip of his hand, the high-level energy card snatched from Old Crow appeared in his hand. Before the giant whale could react, Duanmumo inserted it into his belt.

"Nevile Drive!"

His body was swallowed by the whirlpool, and when he reappeared, he was far away, completing his transformation while keeping distance from the whale.

At the same time, in this state, he also has the ability to walk in the air, so he no longer needs the ability of the wind chime to assist flight.

Now Duanmumo needed faster speed, so he replaced Cangyi's card. Although the form of his armor did not change, white thunder began to flash around him.

Not only that, Duanmu Mo also quickly took out a card, and the motorcycle quickly took shape in front of him.


Riding on the motorcycle, a road composed of black vortices formed under the wheels, Duanmu Mo rode it away at a high speed.


Duanmu Mo's speed was too fast, but the whale had no time to be dazed or stunned. Its purpose was simple. If it was a magical girl, it would be blocked. If it was a weirdo, it would be killed.

The gentle eyes turned into murderous intent in an instant, and the whale rushed towards Duanmu Mo, and the momentum on his body became fierce and domineering.

But this time, with the current speed, the whale could not catch up with Duanmu Mo's figure, and could only watch him and his motorcycle far behind.

After two enhancements, the speed of the motorcycle has become incomparably swift.

Unlike the motorcycle he used as an ordinary person, this motorcycle is now wild and domineering. The spikes on the wheels rolled over the black vortex under the wheels and drove forward faster.

Looking at Neville's back, the giant whale paused for a moment, and then swam again.

——There was no fancy clone or shuttle, but it was chasing Duanmu Mo at a faster speed.

Or, it didn't exert its full strength just now.

Feeling the breath behind him approaching again, Duanmu Mo's body flashed with white lightning, and even the motorcycle had white arcs.

Driven by Cang Yi's power, the speed of the motorcycle soared again.


The engine of the motorcycle sounded in a place like the sea, and the whale was still chasing it. Not only that, the speed between it and Duanmu Mo was even getting closer.

Looking at the rearview mirror of the motorcycle, Duanmu Mo swore that he had used all his strength to drive the motorcycle, but he didn't expect that this giant whale could still catch up.

Duanmu Mo finally knew at this moment what it meant to be simple and powerful.

——However, this whale is indeed simple and unpretentious, but Duanmu Mo has a lot of fancy things on his body.

A huge black vortex appeared in front of him, and Duanmu Mo rode his motorcycle quickly into the vortex. When he appeared again, he had already arrived farther away.

The giant whale behind him also entered the vortex in the next moment, but did not appear behind Duanmu Mo. Instead, a vortex appeared in the opposite place of Duanmu Mo, and the giant whale rushed out in the opposite direction.

When it turned around, it saw that Duanmu Mo had already sailed far away, and it was impossible for it to catch up with the weird weirdo now.

Staring at the direction of Duanmu Mo, the whale's body gradually became transparent and disappeared on the spot.

This whale did not know what giving up was. It had lived in the seal for thousands of years, so its strength was certainly not that simple.

Duanmu Mo continued to drive, but in front of him, a phantom suddenly condensed and took shape, and the whale caught up again and appeared directly in front of him.

As the guardian of the sealed land, it is not just a numerical value. It has the power and speed that makes any weirdo despair, as well as the weird and unpredictable abilities.

Now, this giant whale has been transformed from one into two, and has been continuously split into a huge group of whales that completely surrounded Duanmu Mo.

Volume 1: Chapter 281: Self

"——Ling, chance!"

On the other side, the magic girl was still fighting with the giant whale. Lingyin opened her arms, and the green wind wrapped and bound the body of the giant whale, and then shouted to her sister.

"Sword cannon mode, Fire!" Without Lingyin saying anything, Fengling formed the floating cannon into a huge sword cannon and aimed it at the body of the giant whale.

The huge sword cannon made her body look even smaller, but the action of holding the sword cannon was not at all strenuous. The muzzle lit up orange light and fired a shot at the giant whale bound in the wind.


Looking at the hurricane around, the giant whale smashed the wind that bound it with its head.

But the next moment, Fengling's sword cannon also fired a beam of light, bombarding the giant whale.


The sword cannon is not as simple as firing a shot, but it continuously shoots out beams of light, burning its skin.

The tough skin finally showed signs of damage under the continuous attack of the beam cannon, but the giant whale began to struggle at this time. With its ability, it was not difficult to quickly dodge the subsequent attacks while enduring the attack of the sword cannon.

However, the other magic girls would not allow it to do so. Huang Yi's sword lit up with purple light and electric arcs flickered on it.

Huang Yi suddenly swung a sword at it, and the electric arc on the sword flew out like a whip. When it landed on the giant whale, it instantly spread out and turned into a group of lightning snakes to bind its body.

The emerald wind also condensed again, and Lingyin's ten fingers with green silk threads wrapped and engulfed its body.


A muffled sound sounded, and a large amount of fire burst out from the thrusters behind Xiri, carrying her to crash into the giant whale. She no longer chose to fight to save energy, but used all her strength to resist the struggle of the giant whale.


The three magic girls resisted with all their strength, and the giant whale's body was completely blasted into by the beam cannon.

Large areas of skin on the body were destroyed by the beam cannon, and even the structure under the skin was bombarded.

However, under the skin of the giant whale, there was no flesh and blood, but a transparent structure like water, as if this giant whale was condensed from seawater.

Although they were surprised by its body structure, they still subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"This shot used up 50% of my energy, and now only 30% is left..."


But before they could relax for long, the giant whale suddenly hit and blasted Xiri away, twisting its body and easily breaking free from the power of the other two magic girls.

Looking at the scars on its body, the injuries from the beam cannon have begun to recover rapidly at this moment.

"Are you kidding me..."

Being repelled by the momentum of the giant whale, Huang Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at the huge cry of the giant whale.

The powerful breath rushed towards him. This killer whale was so powerful that there was almost no possibility of victory.

"It's time."

Just when the magic girls were powerless, Cang Yi appeared beside Huang Yi, calmly watching the giant whale whose injuries were gradually recovering.

"Cang Yi..."

"——Give me your body."

Before Huang Yi finished speaking, Cang Yi turned his head to look at her, as if looking at her through the mask.


Without much doubt, Huang Yi closed his eyes, and at the same time, lightning flashed around him, his hair color instantly turned pale, and his clothes also changed.

In an instant, Cang Yi had replaced Huang Yi in the battle. Pale lightning flashed, and Cang Yi disappeared instantly.

"Cang Yuan... wake up!"

When she appeared again, she came to the whale's wound, holding the sword in her hand and stabbed hard at the wound that was healing quickly.

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