"What is it?"

Duanmumo came to Shen Wuling and patted her head:

"-Never give up hope."


——Putting on suits after a long absence, Cang Mingtuo and Cang Mingjing felt nostalgic and suspicious.

Standing in this laboratory, they were invited here for some reason. The two of them were not used to such treatment. It was too weird.

"Yo, hello there."

A familiar voice sounded, and the two of them looked in the direction of the sound, where Duanmu Mo was smiling and walking towards them wearing the windbreaker he usually wore.

"...it's you."

Looking at Duanmu Mo who was wearing prison uniform in his mind, the two of them were silent for a while.

Cang Mingtuo took the initiative to step forward and came to Duanmu Mo:

"You arranged this all? What is your relationship with Shen Wujian! And my daughter, what is her relationship with you?"

"Don't worry."

Duanmumo looked around the laboratory with a smile on his face.

"We can be considered friends, right?"


"Let's talk as we go, friend."

Duanmumo walked with them with his pockets in his pockets:

"——As for the relationship between Yuzhi and me, it's actually nothing. I took care of her a little there, that's all."

"That's all? Then why are you here in Jindai City?"

"Well... Shen Wuyin, the eldest lady of the Shenwu Group, experienced what your daughter went through a few years ago, and I was the one who rescued her. It's that simple."

In this cruise ship, the laboratory is not too small and is divided into many areas. During this period, there are attackers standing in various corridors.

Duanmumo just walked and stopped with the two of them, regardless of whether they could understand or not.

Maybe they would think that it was Shen Wuyin who called Duanmumo over. In any case, this kind of thing does not require a detailed explanation.

"What about here? What does it mean?"

Yuzhi's mother, Cang Mingjing, frowned and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Duanmumo stopped and looked at the scene in the glass window next to the corridor.

In the room whose purpose I don't know, the space inside is very vast, and there are things like operating tables parked there.

"There is still this thing... I hope this room will not be used."

Duanmumo looked there calmly, muttered, and continued walking as if nothing had happened:

"Let me tell you directly about my work here - because of her sister, I have a pretty good relationship with Shenwu Ling. When she was... brought to this cruise ship, I also stopped by The purpose of being brought here is to convince her to accept the transformation of Shenwu Group."

"...Sure enough, you are the one on Shenwujian's side?"

With his brows furrowed, Cang Mingtuo looked at Duanmu Mo with a stern face.

"Who knows? Maybe I'm a prisoner like you, just a little bit special."

——What Duanmumo said is true, but the question is whether the two of them believe it or not.

After all, with his attitude, he was just playing here, as if he had the words "confidence" written on his face.

"But no matter what, this is not the most important thing." Duanmumo said calmly:

"Shenwu Ling has been convinced by me, and as a reward, Shenwu Jian will also let me visit during her transformation. At the same time, I also asked you two to come together as a spectator, and he agreed."

As he spoke, he pointed to the clothes on his body: "At such an important moment, of course we have to be more decent."


"We are friends, aren't we?"

Duanmumo still had an elusive smile on his face, and his tone sounded sincere, but it just made people feel untrustworthy.

Ignoring the silence between the two of them, Duanmumo led them towards the depths:

"Don't think so much now, let's focus on Shen Wujian - he has paid a lot for his daughter's health."


"To transform her body with power that I don't know whether it is safe or not, and make her become the mainstay of my own business. Any parent would be moved to tears when they see their child achieve such an achievement, right?"


Cang Mingtuo opened his mouth and was about to say something when Duanmumo came deep into the corridor:

"—Okay, we're already here."

Duanmumo opened the door and saw that in the deepest laboratory, Shen Wuling, Shen Wuling's parents and Dr. Suzuki were all preparing, and there were also attackers standing around.

There is a deeper space in the middle of this laboratory, which can be seen through a glass cover. There is a bed big enough for one person to lie on. The bed is surrounded by various instruments with unknown functions.

There are wire tubes on the ground, several of which are connected to the bed, and another one is connected to the device on the cabinet. On the device is an energy tank with black and gray energy surging.

Duanmu Mo and Dr. Suzuki are at a high place, and from this position they can see the scene inside the glass cover.

Facing the arrival of the two people, Shen Wuling's eyes stopped on Duanmu Mo, and even ignored his parents and approached him.

But before she could get any closer, she was stopped by her father, and his words became colder: "Okay, let's get started."

Shenwu Ling's mother picked her up and put her on the bed.

Several iron rings automatically rose from the bed, locking Shenwu Ling's limbs.

——At this time, Shenwu Ling put on a gray-black tight-fitting suit, which looked like the uniform that the wearer would put on before putting on the attacker, but it was not that bulky.

Shenwu Ling took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

After confirming that Shenwu Ling's body was fixed on the bed, Shen Wujian turned his head and looked at Dr. Suzuki.

The latter nodded and started operating in front of the computer next to him.

Shen Wuling's parents immediately exited the glass cover and came to the space of Duanmu Mo and the four of them, observing the situation from above.

The instrument next to Shenwu Ling lit up, and the gray-black energy in the energy tank also fluctuated.

Under the eyes of everyone, the iron bed slowly stood up. After a period of activity, the structure changed.

Using Shenwu Ling's restrained limbs as nodes, the iron bed split into pieces and fit onto her body.

——In the end, Shenwu Ling's body was equipped with armor like a raider, which was bloated and thick.

It seemed to wrap her body tightly like a cocoon, with only her head exposed.

Volume One: Chapter 216: Second Plan

——The energy was connected to the bed where Shenwu Ling was located through the wire tube, and the surrounding instruments also released an ominous light towards her.


A look of pain appeared on Shenwu Ling's face, and she struggled, but her limbs were imprisoned in the chrysalis transformed into the attacker's armor, and her movements were very small.

But even so, she could still feel unspeakable pain from her body.


Shen Wujian looked at his daughter's posture with an anxious look on his face.

He came to the walkie-talkie and spoke to the divine dance bell in the transparent cover:

"Don't resist the power, accept it!"


Shen Wuling opened her eyes and looked at the people standing above the glass cover, her eyes stopping on Duanmu Mo.

Duanmumo nodded quietly towards her. Seeing this, she gritted her teeth, suppressed the trembling, and tried to accept the pain.

——Cold and helpless, Shenwu Ling felt like she was in the glacier and snow, and the biting cold wind seemed to freeze even her soul.

The more she endured, the colder Shenwu Ling felt, not only from her body, but also from the depths of her heart.


Her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she let out a suppressed scream. Her cheeks gradually turned a layer of iron gray, and arcs of electricity gradually appeared on the attacker's armor.

"No, her body can't fully accept this power yet!"

Dr. Suzuki frowned and said while operating the instrument in his wheelchair.

"What's the reason? I need to know the reason!"

Shen Wujian quickly came to his side and looked at the data in the computer.

"It's the inner feelings... Although she has made up her mind to accept this power, she still can't completely despair... so she's still a little short of it!"


Shen Wujian continued to shout at the intercom: "Ling! Think of other things... think of those bad things, imagine that if you don't have power, neither we nor your sister can protect us! We Everyone will die! Think about it!”

"Bad things..."

Listening to the voice coming from the radio, Shenwu Ling closed her eyes with difficulty, and scenes appeared in her mind.

If all my family members died... If my sister fell in a pool of blood, imagine that I was completely abandoned by my family and left in the ward to die...


Shen Wu Ling's body trembled amid the attackers, and the coldness penetrated her chest, freezing her heart.

- Never give up hope.

A sentence suddenly flashed through her mind. Duanmumo's serious words rang in her heart, and the warmth of his palm seemed to reach her head.

And it is this warmth that makes the cold on the body unable to cool it down no matter what, and always releases warmth firmly and gently.


Unable to give up this feeling no matter what, Shenwu Ling's body trembled, and black-gray energy overflowed from her body, corroding everything around her.

The attacker's armor was also damaged, and the pipes on the ground were corroded. A large number of sparks flew, making the scene completely out of control.

"Oops - stop it, stop it!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Wujian suddenly opened his eyes and shouted towards Dr. Suzuki.

The latter nodded sharply and hurriedly opened the red button on the instrument and pressed it hard.

Didi didi——

Red light flashed in the laboratory, and the attacker armor on Shenwu Ling immediately split apart, causing her to break away from the armor uncontrollably and fall heavily to the ground.

"Damn it...get her out!"

Shen Wujian's face was gloomy, and he asked his wife to take action almost in a commanding tone. At the same time, he walked quickly towards Duanmu Mo, his eyes almost scrutinizing:

"What the hell is going on!"

"You asked me?"

Duanmumo shrugged instead, his attitude still casual.

"How dare you-"

Anger rising, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped Duanmu Mo.


——His hand stopped in mid-air, before hitting Duanmu Mo's face.

And this sound was made when his wrist and Duanmu Mo's palm collided together at that moment.

Duanmu Mo held Shen Wujian's wrist tightly, staring at him with a sharp look.


Shen Wujian's heart suddenly jumped as he did not expect Duanmu Mo to react like this.

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