Ye Chan

Chapter 108: twenty one

Because at noon, I heard Ye Can’s nice words from the crowd, Lin Zixi put a lot of her favorite avocados in Ye Can’s vegetable salad during dinner.

Ye Can held a pot of salad and boiled chicken **** and ate on the sofa in the living room. Lin Zixi was sitting on the sofa beside her, looking at her with her chin resting on her eyes without blinking.

Xu couldn't stand her gaze, Ye Can hugged Salad and turned sideways slightly, avoiding Lin Zixi's gaze. The shameless and faceless people in the clubhouse are eating vegetables, and a little embarrassed to ask: "Why are you staring at me? Do you have something to tell me?"

Lin Zixi shook her head: "No, don't you want to take a look at the person you like, can't you?"

Ye Can sighed, hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, whatever you want, but you really have nothing to say to me?"

Lin Zixi blinked: "No? Why, do you have anything to discuss with me?"

Ye Can murmured, "No, I was afraid that you might be in trouble, but didn't tell me."

Lin Zixi knew it, and instantly understood that what she wanted to ask was about the scandal. She smiled, gave Ye Can a relieved look, and said, "I have solved the troublesome thing. You should prepare well and work hard."

Ye Can didn’t have any special reaction after hearing this sentence. He only finished the salad three times five times two times, and said to Lin Zixi, “Then I’m going to play mahjong. If you come back late tonight, you will first Go to sleep."

Lin Zixi replied, "Okay."

Sure enough, before the coordinator came to knock on the door and call someone, Jiang Yue and Ye Can went to the large living room next door to start playing mahjong with other team members. Ever since Guan Shengkai thought of a way to use hemp to draw the emotions between actors in the future, after eight o'clock every night, the stage opened in the hall on time.

In the beginning, Ye Can was extremely reluctant to participate in this activity. Lin Zixi couldn't, so he sacrificed the ego and went to sleep in Ye Can. In the following period of time, Ye Can played hundreds of laps with other actors on the Mahjong table, and gradually did not use people to shout, Ye Can will also actively cooperate.

All these changes were recorded in Lin Zixi's eyes.

After Ye Can left the room, Lin Zixi cleaned up the tableware and chopsticks, got up and entered the room.

Since becoming Ye Can's agent at the beginning of the year, Lin Zixi, who is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, suddenly feels that his job is more than a hundred times easier than before.

There is no imminent death line anymore, and there is no party A's repeated unreasonable return of manuscripts, which gives Lin Zixi's perennial strained brain a little rest.

Apart from the busyness of adjusting the plot when filming "Unknown", Lin Zixi had a lot of free time after Ye Can entered the Dongshan crew.

This free time allowed her to obtain the qualification certificate of a professional agent, and also gave her time to conceive a new outline during Ye Can's training and complete some writing tasks in her free time. Let her have time to face Ye Can's mental state.

As early as when he entered the crew of "Unknown", Lin Zixi wanted to take Ye Can to the hospital. But Ye Can was too resistant to the hospital. Lin Zixi had no choice but to contact Ye Can’s previous attending doctor online to communicate with her about Ye Can’s current condition.

Lin Zixi used some methods to let the doctor get the answer he wanted in Ye Can. Even in the name of a physical examination, Ye Can was sent to the hospital to get her health status and figure out the cause of Ye Can.

From a scientific point of view, Ye Can is completely normal. But in terms of mental state, Ye Can's situation is very bad. If you don't take medicine and do not compulsory treatment, you will always fall into this state.

Just as Lin Zixi guessed at first, the doctor also believed that Ye Can was hypoxic in the brain after drowning, and lost part of his memory, and then let the second personality take over the master personality. That's why this happened.

And this second personality may even have the master personality subconscious.

Ye Can's second personality is like a crazy bear child, but it is not as aggressive as the first personality, and it can even be said to be very gentle.

After reaching the conclusion, Lin Zixi contacted Ye Shen as soon as possible, and the two communicated with the doctor together and chose a treatment plan.

Ye Shen believes that if the second personality can be stable, then she is willing to give up the first personality. Of course, she is not the one who has the final say on giving up and not giving up.

All of this depends on Ye Can's own situation.

But Ye Shen felt that now Ye Can is happier than before, so it would be a good thing to be able to forget the past.

At the very least, she can put aside the broken and depressed past with Ye Can and get along well in another way.

Now that this decision has been made, the doctor thinks that for now, it is only necessary to focus on observing Ye Can's mental state. If there are no other abnormal behaviors, it may be possible to maintain this state forever.

Of course, for people with mental illness, the most important thing is not to overstimulate her.

Therefore, Lin Zixi follows the doctor's advice and always treats Ye Can with obedience to her. But in fact, Lin Zixi also realized that he was a very special existence for Ye Can. It is not so much that she is obedient to Ye Can, it is better to say that Ye Can obeys her words more often.

The doctor thinks this is a good thing.

"Human is a kind of social animal, a normal person, even if it is a person with a solitary personality, and a person who has always lived in isolation, there will be one or two people who hold her or she will lead her in this world."

"These people may be blood relatives or lovers."

"Of course, there is another type of person who is in contact with nature and integrates the body, mind, and everything into harmony with nature. But Ye Can is obviously not this type of person, so for her, being able to be with you is A very good phenomenon."

"This means that deep down in her heart, she still has a desire to communicate with others. Or in other words, she still finds beautiful things in this world."

"When people can still find beauty, it means that she still has hope. People who have hope will not easily abandon the world."

The conversation with the doctor that day still came to mind. Lin Zixi breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably after hearing that Ye Can would not easily abandon the world.

So she asked the doctor: "Then facing such a situation? What should I do?"

The doctor replied quite metaphysically: "Like an elder, lead her to feel the beauty that she can feel more. Walk more, see more, get close to nature, and feel the goodwill between people."

"This will calm her extremes and her grievances."

Resentment is really a very abrupt word, at least Lin Zixi was not on Ye Can at all, seeing her resentment towards the world. What always appeared in Ye Can's eyes was more of a nonchalant emotion.

She despised the world, her eyes were full of disdain, as if her body were covered with scars that could not be accepted by the world.

When she appeared in this world, she couldn't get along well with everything here. But now, it has made great progress.

Lin Zixi sat down at the computer desk, opened his notebook, clicked on an encrypted folder, opened the document and began to write—

[Doctor Shen:

See the letter.

Ye Can's situation today is still very stable. Regarding my work and life arrangements, she has no objections and has been working very hard to complete it. But in some ways, she has changed.

Ye Can has always been very arrogant, except for me, even in the face of Ye Shen, she did not show too much kindness. The only time she showed kindness to others was when a girl named Liang Yu gave her a chicken leg, and then she helped others. However, that was all six months ago.

You also know that, except for counterattack and necessary communication, she rarely communicates with others, and is almost trying to reduce her interaction with others. But at noon today, because my friend said to her: "Mr. Lin must be very happy to have you." For the first time, she started to look at my friend with open eyes and praised him.

She felt that I was lucky to have such a friend. So does it mean that she can understand the preciousness of this kind of feeling?

Not right, she should understand the preciousness of this kind of feeling, but she will not easily establish diplomatic relations with others.

By the way, it was said before that she was playing mahjong. I found out that she didn’t really like this kind of entertainment. I also asked her to play other games according to your suggestion. As a result, she didn’t like it or indulged in it. Acting is not a hobby or interest, it’s more like A job.

But I found out that she was very happy when she played mahjong with her colleagues recently. So, does this mean that she can already accept and enjoy the joy and relaxation brought about by interpersonal relationships?

She has slowly begun to blend into this world, right? 】

After Lin Zixi typed this paragraph, he checked the typos again, and finally sent the email to the attending doctor in charge of Ye Can.

This is the 100th day that Lin Zixi communicated with the other party. Before that, she had sent more than one hundred emails to the other party.

In daily communication with the doctor, she witnessed the process of Ye Can's integration with her own world bit by bit.

After sending the email, Lin Zixi knocked on the desktop and looked at the more than one hundred emails in the encrypted file. There was always a feeling of unreality.

She herself sent so many emails to a psychiatrist, it always made her feel that the person who was actually sick was not Ye Can, but hers.

Maybe Ye Can doesn't exist in her world, just a person she imagined?

Otherwise, why can Ye Can poke what she likes in every place and every move?

The more Lin Zixi thinks about it, the more interesting this idea is. Actually, the person with split personality is not Ye Can, but her own absurd drama, which may exist, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Zixi opened his own brain-hole document and decided to record the flash of his talents and turn it into future writing materials.

But when she opened the document, she looked at the blank interface, and finally only typed one line: "I am willing the kite line that holds her, and the hope that leads her."

"Because she is everything to me."

Lin Zixi's fingers on the keyboard paused. She relaxed, leaning on the computer chair, looking at the words on the screen, and staying silent for a long time.

After a long while, Lin Zixi chuckled and chose to save this document.

She muttered softly, "Forget it, just treat it as a confession to that little tyrant."

Because of such hypocritical words, she definitely couldn't speak to Ye Can. But there is no doubt that this is indeed what she thinks in her heart.

Therefore, there is no need to delete it.

The author has something to say: The next step should be from Teacher Lin's perspective.

The king will have a very happy day.


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