Chapter 21: Stubborn Yin Luoxia

Li Hanyi’s pupils suddenly shrank

Ignore all physical attacks?!!

Whether it’s fists or swords

The shop owner explained that these were all physical attacks.

Doesn’t that mean that after eating this rain fruit

These measures will be completely ignored

Whether it’s a punch from a grandmaster that splits mountains and rocks,

Or is it the sword of a sword immortal that cuts a river or a river?

Can’t hurt it at all?

This is too shocking.

And the ability to control rain

The strongest martial artist enters the realm of free and unrestrained heaven, and has the ability to communicate with heaven and earth.

Able to trigger resonance between heaven and earth

But there is still an essential difference between resonance and control

“Shop owner, when you say rain control, to what extent can it be achieved?”

Faced with such a rare treasure, Li Hanyi couldn’t help but ask

“This actually has something to do with the strength of the fruit user. If the fruit user has the strength of the free land realm, then it should be easy to destroy a town with rain in an instant.”

Su Chen said calmly

These words were like thunder in Li Hanyi’s ears.

Can one create such a terrifying power with the state of freedom?! horrible!

It’s really terrible!!

Yin Luoxia thought of something else,”Shopkeeper, you just said that this is a natural devil fruit, so are there other devil fruits?”

Yin Luoxia quickly analyzed the possibility from Su Chen’s words.

“That’s right”

Su Chen nodded,”Devil Fruits are divided into three categories: superhuman, animal, and natural.

The superhuman devil fruit will give the eater a variety of powers

Except for the animal and natural superpowers, most of them are classified as superhuman.

The animal-type devil fruit can transform people into animals and possess enhanced animal superpowers.

Theoretically, the natural devil fruit is the strongest among all devil fruits.

The biggest feature is that it can transform the user’s body into elements, ignoring all physical attacks.”

Yin Luoxia’s red lips slightly parted

There is a gleam of surprise in the eyes magic!

It’s amazing!!

There is such a magical fruit in the world

Before coming to Xueyue City and becoming an elder

She also traveled around Kyushu

I have never seen or even heard of the existence of this magical fruit.

I didn’t expect that today I can have a

Or the most powerful natural devil fruit?

At this moment, Yin Luoxia felt indescribable joy in her heart.

Su Chen was also thinking at this time

The devil fruits in this world do not have the taboo of being afraid of sea water.

After all, in the world of great navigation

After eating the devil fruit, you will become a landlubber that is despised by the sea.

This is entirely because the seawater in the world of great navigation contains seastone elements.

In this world, this problem obviously does not exist.

Su Chen was thinking this

Yin Luoxia had already placed the fruit with strange spiral patterns on its surface next to her mouth.

Then without any hesitation

Yin Luoxia took a bite

Suddenly, an unbearable taste filled the entire mouth.

Yin Luoxia had never thought that something could be so unpalatable.

But in order to obtain the power of the devil fruit

How could she give up so easily?

She frowned

In no time, he ate the entire devil fruit.

Makes the whole cheeks swell up

Plus her painful expression

Like an angry goldfish

It’s just too unbearable.

She felt like a turmoil in her body

If you are not careful, you will spit out this hard-to-swallow devil fruit.

Su Chen was really shocked

Remind:”In fact…”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Yin Luoxia covered her mouth tightly with one hand

A jade hand waved repeatedly

She knew Su Chen wanted to persuade her to give up

But the word”give up” has never appeared in Yin Luoxia’s dictionary.

She remembered

When she was ten years old, her father, the former gambling king of Beili

Lost to Nan Jue Lian Rulie in Xiaoyao City, Qingzhou

Decades of wealth gone in a day

The next day, the ten-year-old girl sat at the gambling table of Qianjintai

Win three games in a row and regain the title of gambling king

This is her character, Yin Luoxia

No matter what difficulties you encounter, you will never give up easily!!

Finally, Yin Luoxia swallowed the entire Yuyu Fruit.

Her pretty face turned red

There are still tears in the beautiful eyes

A long time has passed

Yin Luoxia finally calmed down.

Breathing heavily

The moon’s chest rises and falls violently, magnificent

“This smell is really unbearable.”

Yin Luoxia smiled again and said,”But I still persisted.”

Su Chen touched his nose and whispered,”In fact, you only need to take the first bite of the devil fruit. You don’t have to eat it all. You can gain the power of the fruit by taking the first bite.””

Yin Luoxia:”Σ(⊙▽⊙a”

Yin Luoxia was confused at first

Then some shame and anger

But she also knew that Su Chen was not to blame at all.

I just wanted to dissuade myself

I only blame myself for being too impatient

Su Chen sighed in his heart: What a stubborn woman!

Yin Luoxia took a deep breath

Stop thinking about these

Slowly close your eyes and try to sense the abilities that the Rain Rain Fruit brings to you.

In an instant, Yin Luoxia disappeared from the spot.

Instead, there was rain all over the sky

Li Hanyi’s pupils trembled

“Really disappeared, I could no longer sense any trace of Elder Yin.”

The next moment, the rain gathered again.

Yin Luoxia appears out of nowhere again

“Really, it’s true!”

Yin Luoxia was very excited

She could clearly feel herself turning into raindrops.

Every drop of rain is a part of her body

She can control them at will.

This feeling is so mysterious.

Yin Luoxia closed her eyes and held her breath again and tried

This time, a second ago, the sun was shining brightly outside the shop, and the sky was clear.

The next moment, a sudden gust of wind swept past.

Then, without warning, bean-sized raindrops fell down with a crackling sound.

Yin Luoxia opened her eyes

The rain outside stopped instantly

If it weren’t for the large water stains on the bluestone floor

It’s like nothing happened

Ren Yingying, who was standing by, was completely stunned.

After opening the can myself

She thought that the bleeding bodhi tree in this shop was just a scam.

Who would have thought that someone would produce the fruit of rain in front of her eyes?

It can transform human body elements into rain!

That would give us a huge advantage in the battle!

Other people’s attacks can’t do anything to you

You can fight back.

This is truly unpredictable!!

It can also control rainwater

Even the strong men in the Free Heaven Realm can’t do that.


But why are the flowers that bloom from me lilies, glowing flowers and scrap metal?

At this moment, Ren Yingying admitted that she was jealous


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