Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 980 Four Ethnic Groups

"Thank you!" In the Prison Dragon Cave, Du Long saw that the problems inside the Xuanling Xiaodongtian had been solved, and he didn't have the time to see the Eighth Prince, so he turned his head and said to the two old men beside him: "The people in this fortress I want to take all the flower fairy spirits away, as for how to keep them secret..."

"Master, don't worry! All the guards in the Prison Dragon Cave are descendants of the Xie family. Their loyalty to the family is definitely not a problem. Otherwise, the news of the Huaxianling clan being imprisoned here may have been leaked long ago!" After Du Long finished speaking, Xie Gong answered respectfully.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Du Long showed a faint smile and continued: "What's the matter?! Are these Flower Fairy Spirit Race people something that can arouse my interest?!"

"Hehe! It's part of it!" Xie Gong said with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Oh?!" Du Long's interest was aroused again, and he was a little surprised: "If it can only be counted as a part, then there should be other good things waiting for me?!"

"Master! Please continue to visit this prison dragon cave world. Some things will lose the fun they deserve if they are explained too early! Hehe!" After Xie Gong responded with a smile, he made a gesture of invitation, Then he continued to lead Du Long to wander around.

In this hemispherical fortress prison in the prison dragon cave world, only the eyes can see the details of the interior, and the immortal consciousness cannot penetrate the magic circle energy shield that protects the prison!

Because of this, Du Long had to walk between these hemispherical prisons, and then use his eyes to carefully observe the various prisoners held inside!

Every time he passed a hemispherical fortress-style prison, Xie Gong, the spirit servant, would take the initiative to introduce the identities and origins of the prisoners inside. Of course, like those weird creatures brought from the Immortal Realm, they can only be summarized in one word up!

After visiting along the way, Du Long didn't say anything more, just quietly listening to Xie Gong's explanation, as if he was listening to a story. Every prisoner in each prison has a different story!

To sum up, there are the following types of prisoners imprisoned here. One is the most numerous, and they are prisoners from the Immortal Realm. A criminal wanted by the gang!

For example, the Huaxian Lingzu belongs to the ranks of criminals wanted by the Black Assassin, but Xie Gong has listed the wanted criminals of the Black Assassin into two different levels. One target, the other is the target that the Black Assassin wants to capture!

The criminals who are also wanted by the Black Killing Society are very different in grade, but those who can be imprisoned in the world of Prison Dragon Cave are all existences with huge appreciation potential. One of the main reasons for being temporarily imprisoned in the Prison Dragon Cave World!

"Huh?!" After wandering among countless hemispherical fortress prisons for a long time, Du Long finally stopped beside a prison, and exclaimed with a rare expression of excitement.

In this hemispherical fortress prison, there are more than a dozen incomparably burly figures lying or sitting here and there. The lower body of this group of people is simply covered with a piece of animal skin to hide their shame, and the naked muscles are knotted and protruding. , giving a feeling of unlimited explosive power!

What is even more incredible is that this group of people all have a third eye between their foreheads, but this eye is tightly closed, showing a strange line!

"Master! This is a child of the Kuanyan clan in the fairy world! Like the Huaxian Lingzu, the Qiongyan clan was also a giant in the fairyland tens of thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, for some reason, they actually annoyed the mysterious person behind the Black Killing Society." In the end, they ended up with the same tragic ending as the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan!" Xie Gong explained Du Long's confusion at the right time.

Nodding his head, Du Long said with some emotion: "Well! I have heard about the Qiongyan tribe in the fairy world, what a pity! Since the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago, it is difficult to see their faces in the fairy world now. It's gone!"

"What the master said is true!" Xie Gong nodded and replied: "Nowadays, the Qiongyan clan, like the Huaxianling clan, have become the wanted targets of the Black Killing Society. I have been hiding in those dangerous cave worlds for a long time!"

Du Long nodded, and unceremoniously changed to sound transmission and said: "The enemy is too powerful, we need to find more allies to unite and fight against the enemy. I want all of these Qiongyan people!"

"Yes! Master!" For Du Long's request, Xie Gong didn't find it strange at all, as if he had expected it a long time ago, he agreed very happily with a smile.

"Is there a way to let these people enter my space cave obediently?! I don't want to waste my words anymore!" Du Long thought about the situation when he took the Huaxian Ling tribe into the Xuanling Xiaodong just now, and he didn't want to be here Slowly playing tricks with the Qiongyan tribe, it is better to put the work of persuading allies directly in the Xuanling Xiaodongtian!

"Hehe! The method is very simple. Since we can capture these people, we naturally have a way to let them enter a certain space cave mansion obediently. Otherwise, how can we secretly capture them and imprison them for so long without leaking the secret?!"

After a smile, Xie Gong changed his serious face and shouted to the prison in a low voice: "You guys, if you don't want to suffer, just obediently enter my space cave!"

The arrival of the three of Du Long and the others had already attracted the attention of this group of big men with three eyes. Hearing Xie Gong's threat at this moment, although his face was angry, he didn't open his mouth to talk nonsense!

"Master! You can take them into the space cave now!" Xie Gong immediately changed into a respectful tone, and secretly said to Du Long.


Du Long never imagined that Xie Gong's so-called simple solution was actually such a slightly threatening sentence, and he was stunned for a while, then he tried to bring more than a dozen three-eyed strong men in the prison into the world of Xuanling Xiaodongtian.

As a result, there was a scene that made him feel dumbfounded. A dozen strong men with three eyes entered the world of Xuanling Xiaodongtian without any resistance. Du Long could only arrange for Hua Wuxiu to come forward and slowly persuade these Qiongyan people. !

But he himself, under the leadership of the two old men of the Xie family, continued to walk through the prisons. During the period, he met two other prisoners of the ethnic group who were mainly wanted by the mysterious forces behind the Black Killing Society!

They are the Fire Ape Monster Clan in the Immortal Realm, and the Xuanyuan Clan of the Immortal Clan!

The groups that can be wanted by the Black Assassin Society have different strengths, but those groups that can be focused on by the mysterious forces behind the Black Assassin Society are definitely giants in the fairy world!

For these ethnic prisoners who were concerned by the mysterious forces behind the Black Killing Society, Du Long personally took all of them into the world of Xuanling Xiaodongtian!

As for the wanted targets who were only wanted by the Black Killing Society and not by mysterious forces, Du Long just laughed it off and didn't express his opinion on the spot, which also made Xie Gong feel a little strange!

"The reason why the mysterious forces behind the Black Killing Society asked the Black Killing Society to face the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan is undoubtedly the Xuantian Mirror! But why did they deal with the Qiongyan Clan, the Fire Ape Monster Clan, and the Xuanyuan Clan?! What treasures behind these three ethnic groups can enter their eyes?!"

After Du Long successfully took the prisoners from the four major ethnic groups, he continued to wander around the world of Prison Dragon Cave with Xie Gong, secretly thinking about the secret behind it!

Unfortunately, he is destined to be unable to guess the deep-seated reason behind this by himself. After all, the Huaxian Lingzu was exterminated in the tragedy. I am afraid that few people in the entire fairy world really know that the root behind it is just a baby named Xuantianjing!

"Du Long! I don't know why the Qiongyan clan and the fire ape monster clan were chased and killed by those people, but I can guess why the Xuanyuan clan was chased and killed by these people!" Jie Lingling'er's voice echoed in Du Long's mind rings in.

"Oh?! I would like to hear more about it!" Du Long asked immediately as his eyes lit up.

"It's very simple! The Xuanyuan clan is a big clan. Their clansmen are extremely powerful not only in this fairy world, but also in the god realm. The reason why they are so powerful is the existence of a super artifact Xuanyuan Sword!" Linglinger explained softly.

"Xuanyuan Sword?!" Du Long said in surprise: "Could it be that the Xuanyuan Sword of super divine level will fail in the hands of the Xuanyuan Clan in this fairy world?!"

"Shouldn't it be possible?! Only in the hands of a god-level powerhouse can a super artifact be able to exert its power to destroy heaven and earth. If it falls into the hands of the Xuanyuan family's children in this fairy world, once the news is leaked, it will definitely be a disaster." A huge disaster!" Ringling Linger said a little uncertainly.

"According to what you said, since the Xuanyuan clan is so powerful in the God Realm, why do those guys who hide their heads and show their tails dare to swing their butcher knives at the Xuanyuan clan in this fairy world?!" Du Long asked with some doubts.

"I don't know much about this... I have been wandering in the space rift for countless years, who knows what the current situation is in the God Realm..." Jie Lingling'er murmured quietly: "The death of the former master must be in a peaceful place. Throwing a boulder into the stagnant God Realm, maybe..."

Facing her ambiguous answer, Du Long felt very helpless, so he could only shake his head and continue to follow Xie's elders to visit all the prisons.

"Okay! Thanks for the work. Let No. XX, No. XX..." Du Long reported the numbers of many prisons in one breath, and finally took out a space cave formation stone and said: "Transfer all the prisoners in these prisons to this place." Inside the space cave!"

"Obey! Master!" Xie Gong took the space cave formation stone without hesitation, and then strode towards the target prison that Du Long confessed with lightning.

Before, I still wondered why Du Long didn't take those prisoners away together, but now it seems that he is too lazy to do it, and he is going to solve the problem at the end!

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