‘Collect land tax at 20% of the actual amount, open warehouses and release grain to help the people get through this difficult period? ’ Above the square, Zhang Dian’s gaze had never been so full of hope. He finally saw the hope of Fengli County’s future.

"I, Zhang Dian, will replace all the people in Fengli County. Thank you Lord Consort Qingtian!" After Zhang Dian let out a mournful cry, he bowed his head and bowed down.

It is very satisfying to say that the prince consort killed a large number of corrupt officials for the sake of the people, but in the past three days, he has copied the performance of those corrupt officials and aristocrats. family, taking their money as their own.

I'm afraid that a money-governor will come, and a money-greedy demon lord will come. The people of Fengli County will not have a good life in the future, but looking at the few decrees issued by Du Long today, it can be seen that whether he is greedy or not , at least it will be good for the people under the rule, this is enough!

In the government office, after Zhang Dian rushed in and expressed his thanks to Du Long on behalf of the people of Fengli County, the group sat down and started discussing business matters!

"Mr. Zhang! Since I'm new here, I don't know much about many affairs in Fengli County. Now that all corrupt officials in Fengli County have been punished, how should I implement some relatively urgent government orders? You can put forward your own opinions!" Du Long said with a smile, looking at Zhang Dian who was still a bit reserved.

Nodding his head, Zhang Dian calmed down and muttered: "Before this, the villain didn't understand something. Just now, the lord promulgated the latest land tax policy, and he only charged 20% of the land tax. You must know that 20% of the land tax Half of it is going to be handed over to the country, and you only collect 20% of the tax now, doesn't that mean that the lord not only didn't make any money, but also paid half of the country's land tax?"

Obviously, Zhang Dian asked the key point, and all the people who had doubts about this decree all looked at Du Long, waiting for his reply.

Du Long nodded and said with a light smile: "Hehe, the reason is very simple! Princess Huofeng is the most beloved daughter of the emperor. Since she gave such a poor fief, it is natural to have other preferential treatment!"

"One of the benefits is the imperial decree that the full management of the fief can be cut first and then the power will be released. The second benefit is taxation. The emperor promised His Royal Highness that as long as Fengli County no longer loses money, the empire will only collect 10% of Fengli County. Taxes!"

"Hiss!" After listening to Du Long's explanation, Su Jinbao took a deep breath and said urgently: "Could it be that, apart from the land tax which is only 10%, other industrial and commercial industries including mineral income tax are also not allowed?"

Du Long didn't answer his question, but nodded triumphantly to express his acquiescence. Su Jinbao couldn't help but roared: "Damn! You really found a treasure! With these favorable conditions, don't you mean that you are a rich man?" Is the land emperor of Li County?"

"Hehe, he is His Majesty's beloved son-in-law, equivalent to half the size! What is a mere county fiefdom?" Zeng Wan'er teased with a smile.


A few young people were joking there, and Zhang Dian rubbed his hands vigorously and said excitedly: "That's great! Now, the 20% land tax is really not a problem!"

"That being the case! Please tell me, Governor Zhang, what aspects of Fengli County should be governed first?" Du Long said eagerly. He should not stay in Fengli County for too long. Naturally thinking about how to solve the problem as soon as possible, and then I can get back to the capital!

"Well! Let me tell you a few words!" Zhang Dian stroked Meixu and nodded, "Since there is such a favorable land tax policy, I will immediately issue a notice to Thirty-seven Villages, Nine Towns under the jurisdiction of Fengli County. The land tax policy will continue to be released, and the land in each village will be redistributed reasonably..."

As expected of the teacher of Fengli County, Zhang Dian began to talk about it continuously, a seemingly ordinary land tax policy, but the actual implementation is complex!

For example, how to scientifically distribute the fertile land that no one cultivates, how to prevent corruption in the process of land distribution, how to arrange supervisors to go to the countryside to supervise the fair and reasonable distribution of fields, etc.!

Later, Zhang Dian shifted the topic from land tax to county business. In recent years, under the suppression of corrupt officials, the business in Fengli County has almost no room for individual businesses and foreign businesses, and finally had to evacuate. city!

As a result, most of the basic people's livelihood economy in Fengli County was completely controlled by the group headed by Qian Jinlong. Not to mention, the street shops in Fengli County under the name of Qian Jinlong accounted for 3% Over forty!

The other 50 to 60% are in the hands of the nobles who are close to him, and only a small part is still in the hands of others!

This time, the land deeds of those shops naturally fell into Du Long's hands, that is to say, from today onwards, 70 to 80% of the shops in Fengli County City belong to the lord!

According to Zhang Dian's opinion, to slowly restore the business of Fengli County City, first of all, those shops should be rented out at a lower price, and when Fengli County City becomes prosperous in the future, the rent will be increased appropriately!

Of course, several industries that were banned by Qian Jinlong, the former county governor, must be lifted to allow more people to participate. Only by forming competition can the prosperity of the entire business environment be promoted, and the people of Fengli County have more opportunities. employment position!

Du Long definitely has no objection to this, he directly confessed to Fu Bo, his future supervisor in Fengli County City, that he would act according to Zhang Dian's opinion, and take back the shops that were confiscated from corrupt officials and those nobles whose houses were confiscated this time. , Lease out at the best possible price!

In addition to restoring the business of Fengli County City, the next thing Du Long is most concerned about is gold mining. According to Zhang Dian, on the surface, the gold mining in the forest of monsters is disorderly, but in fact it is not!

A secret force headed by county guard Qian Jinlong has long controlled the three largest gold mines in the forest of monsters, and the gold mining there has not stopped until now.

That is to say, although Qian Jinlong was executed, the three gold mines controlled by him and a group of mysterious people were still mining gold. He interrogated him, and also got the specific location of the three gold mines, as well as some conditions inside!

In short, after arranging for Fengli County to respond to government affairs, Du Long had to go to the forest of monsters. It was a major event that he had to complete to take back several gold mines on the border of Fengli County!

In addition, there is another urgent thing to do is to reorganize the Fengli city defense army. The number of the city defense army in the former county guard period was only a few hundred, and most of them were unreliable. They must be reorganized!

The Imperial Forest Army brought by Du Long this time is not his private army, and he will return to the capital with the princess in a few days. Even if the family members of the Du Mansion can stay, they can't stay here for a long time!

Therefore, the establishment of the city defense army of Fengli County and the establishment of a private army directly under Du Long's jurisdiction have become a problem that must be resolved as soon as possible. There is no reliable army stationed here, and it is simply impossible to deal with the considerable number of illegal gold mining forces. night tales!

Since there are a large number of unemployed people in Fengli County who can't even afford food and clothing, as long as Du Long is willing to pay the military salary, it will not be a problem to raise a private army. With the huge wealth that has not been recovered from the confiscation, it is not a problem for him to form a regular army now!

After some discussions, Du Long decided on the goal of building an army. The local army led by the county guard would be 1,000, and the private army led by Du Long would be 3,000. Of course, the current county guard has no money to support the army. In fact, the local army is no different from the private army raised by Du Long himself!

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