Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 969 They Want to Escape

"Patriarch Hua Wuxiu!" Du Long's deep voice sounded out of thin air in Xuanling's Xiaodongtian world: "Gather your troops immediately and prepare to perform the Nine Heavens Formation of Huaxian Lingyuewu. Don't worry, I will fully cooperate with you to strangle the enemy! "

In Xuanling Xiaodongtian World, Hua Wuxiu frowned, and with a faint smile on his face, he shouted loudly: "Haha! If we can have brothers to cooperate, then our Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation will definitely be even more powerful!"

"Good boys of the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan, quickly pick up your weapons and assemble, we are going to kill those damn black assassins again!"

Following Hua Wuxiu's order, a large number of young and middle-aged men and women of the Huaxianling clan gathered in the Xuanling Xiaodongtian world, forming a neat formation in mid-air!

"Xiang'er! Hurry up and get out of the queue, don't fool around!" Just when the atmosphere at the scene seemed a little tense, Hua Wuxiu pointed to the petite figure hiding in the crowd and shouted in a low voice.

With a bang, the crowd parted to reveal the beautiful little girl who looked like a jade carved in pink. All the members of the Huaxianling Clan knew this cute little princess, the little daughter of the patriarch Hua Wuxiu!

"Daddy! My child will also perform the Huaxianyuewu formation, and I will go out with you to deal with the big villains of the Black Assassin Society, and avenge the nameless and ruthless uncles!" Hua Xiang'er waved her little powder fist cutely , the little face put on a vicious look, it is really cute.

After being teased by this cute little princess, the originally tense atmosphere at the scene was relieved, and all the faces of all the Flower Fairy Spirit Tribe men, women, and children showed expressions of hatred for the enemy.

Hua Wuxiu looked at his precious daughter with complicated eyes, and the scene of his beloved wife dying in his arms tens of thousands of years ago and entrusting his precious daughter who was still a seed to him to take good care of him flashed in his mind.

For tens of thousands of years, I watered the seeds with my own hands every day, and watched it grow from a seed to a beautiful flower. After tens of thousands of years of growth, it gradually condensed the spiritual consciousness of the flower fairy, and finally transformed into the human form it is today. What a beautiful look!

It took tens of thousands of years for Huaxiang'er to grow from a seed to the present stage. Apart from the fact that the reproduction of the Huaxian Lingzu is many times more difficult than that of humans, there is another very important reason, that is, the lack of Watered by the spring water of the flower fairy in the flower fairy world!

That's right! During the growth process of the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan, they need to be irrigated with flower fairy spring water to grow quickly. If they are only watered with ordinary spring water, it will take a huge amount of time to transform into a human form!

It's a pity that after the tragedy in the Flower Fairy World, the Flower Fairy World disappeared, and many wandering Flower Fairy Spirits lost the help of the Flower Fairy Spring, and it became extremely difficult to reproduce!

The Black Assassin's constant pursuit has caused heavy losses to the slow-growing Flower Fairy Spirit Clan, and the number of Flower Fairy Spirit Clan members in this fairy world has also decreased sharply!

It is also because of this that countless surviving members of the Huaxianling clan are all trying their best to find the whereabouts of the Huaxianjie. When Hua Wuxiu heard that Du Long knew the whereabouts of the Huaxianjie, they were so excited and excited!

"Nonsense!" Countless thoughts flashed through Hua Wuxiu's mind, and then he shouted: "As long as you are underage for a day, you will never even think about participating in the battle! If you want to participate in the battle, you must work hard to cultivate and fight!" Improve your own strength, and when your strength reaches the adult standard one day, daddy will no longer stop you from participating in the battle!"

Hua Xiang'er pursed her cherry mouth, although she really wanted to refute a few words, but seeing her father's extremely serious expression, she also knew that there was no room for discussion on this matter, so she could only stamp her feet and replied coquettishly: "Hmph! Let it go to the war, I went to find a few beautiful aunts!"

Throwing down these words, the little girl left the team and flew towards the back garden of Xuanling Palace, and went straight to the place where Xia Qinglian's daughters were located. This little girl knew very well that once there was a big move, these aunts would Keep an eye on the outside world at all times, and then you will be able to watch the battle outside with them.

The scene that happened just happened to fall into Du Long's eyes. After getting along with the people of the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan for several years, he naturally also knew this precious daughter of Hua Wuxiu, and he had a very good impression of this cute little girl of the Flower Fairy Spirit. She has now become a pistachio in the world of Xuanling Xiaodongtian!

Especially the daughters of Qin Huofeng and Xia Qinglian loved her even more, perhaps because the little girl had lost her mother's love when she was young, and the women who were overflowing with mother's love cherished her as if they were their own daughters!

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly to reveal a faint smile. Du Long didn't care how Hua Wuxiu assembled which clansmen were going to perform the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation, and began to shift his attention back to the inside and outside of Chihu Village.

There is nothing to say about the one-sided massacre in Chihu Village. Outside the cottage, Xie Jin, who traveled through the space, saw Du Long and others, his eyes lit up immediately!

He has been in direct contact with Du Long and others, so he is naturally very familiar with the soul breath of this group of people. It is easy to change the appearance in the fairy world, but everyone's soul breath cannot be changed at will!

Not only that, everyone's soul breath is like a fingerprint, unique, as long as the strength is not too bad, the immortal rank powerhouse can easily determine a person's identity through his soul breath!

Xie Jin, the patriarch of the Xie family, has no doubts about his strength. There is absolutely no problem with the ability to distinguish a person's identity simply by using the breath of the soul!

'It's them! Sure enough, my analysis is completely in line with my analysis. This group of people must be trapped in Shuangyuexing and cannot get out, but they just don’t know how to escape our all-out pursuit! ’ After confirming the identities of Du Long and the others, Xie Jin frowned suddenly, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his hand and took out the stone of the message formation without hesitation.

Tianxuanxing, in the headquarters building of the Black Assassin Society, Ying Ying, who was standing outside the gate of the Shadow Killer's office, took out the message formation stone with his hands. Immortal Consciousness glanced at the contents of the letter and murmured: "This Xie Jin is really not simple. , He was actually given the whereabouts of those guys!"

Immediately afterwards, Shadow did not hesitate to send a few instructions to the outside world through the messenger stone, and then sent a letter to tell Xie Jin: "According to the original plan, you will first trap the target with the Black Dragon Warrior, and I have notified several people nearby The troops from the star field rushed over to reinforce as soon as possible, remember! As long as the target is not in a hurry to leave, don't rush to shoot!"

After giving this order, without waiting for Xie Jin's reply, Yin Ying immediately reached out and knocked on the door lightly, and a crisp but cold voice sounded from inside the door: "Come in!"

Shuangyuexing, Xie Jin outside Chihuzhai put away the stones of the message formation, with a cold smile on his face, and as he waved his hands, nearly two hundred nine-star perfect-level figures flashed out of thin air.

"How?! Have you confirmed your identity?!" Among the two hundred or so figures, a masked man in black robe immediately asked Xie Jin impatiently.

Xie Jin nodded and said: "It's confirmed! It's the goal we want to follow up on, all right! Start preparing to arrange the space-locking formation as originally planned!"

The black-robed masked man's eyes flashed brightly, and he directly gave the order to set up the formation through sound transmission. Immediately, dozens of black shadows flew in all directions, and immediately after that, streams of light could be seen throwing from their hands to the ground. The so-called locked space array!

"Master! It's not good! They are arranging the air-locking array of the black killing array. It seems that they want to trap and kill us all in the mountains of Chihu Village!" A voice immediately came from Du Long's mind. The exclamation of the black-clothed spirit servant.

As a Shadow Killer who used to belong to the Black Assassin Society, I naturally understand what these Black Assassin members are doing, because they have done this kind of thing a lot!

It's just that the materials of various magic circles under the Black Killing Formation are extremely scarce treasures, and they can't be carried out at all times to trap the enemy!

Apparently, because they knew that Du Long and the others had appeared in the area of ​​Taoyun Starfield, over the past three years, the Black Assassin Society apparently had no choice but to relax the intensity of the series, but secretly mobilized two or three Shadow Killing Guards to gather in Taoyun. Around Yunxingyu!

Especially the shadow killing guards who stayed in the Taoyun star field and were on standby at any time. They even carried a set of black killing arrays, which are definitely a set of powerful weapons that can trap the perfection of nine stars. Array!

Not long ago, the head of the Red Tiger Village sent a message to the contact person of the Black Killing Society to track down the order records, and this message quickly reached Xie Jin. The old fox had already personally come to the double moon planet where the target was most likely to be hidden.

When he received the news, he was not in a hurry to lead his men to Chihuzhai, but sent a message to Master Ying Ying, asking him to order the Shadow Killing Guards from Taoyun Starfield to come over to help him!

Just kidding, he can easily kill the Shadow Killing Guard team led by Black Eagle Warlord, and capture dozens of members of the Shadow Killing Guard alive. This kind of enemy, Xie Jin, has hundreds of powerful nine-star complete teams, and he dare not easily risk!

So, after waiting for the Black Dragon Warlord to lead his elite team of shadow killer guards to arrive on Double Moon Planet, he traveled through space and quickly arrived at the location of Chihuzhai!

At the entrance of the cave, Du Long grinned with a faint sneer, and then waved his hand suddenly, those black-clothed spirit servants who were chasing and killing the bandits disappeared without a trace, and even Meng Da who was beside him also disappeared!

'hey-hey! The surname is Xie, goodbye! ’ A sneer resounded in Xie Jin’s mind, and then he saw the magic circle covering the inside of Chihu Village disappear without a trace, and a scene that made Xie Jin feel depressed appeared!

There were bursts of space squirming, and a space rift appeared in front of Du Long out of thin air. With a faint evil smile on his lips, he rushed into the space rift in a flash, and then disappeared together with the space rift. Without a trace!

'not good! They want to escape! 'A mournful roar resounded in the minds of all members of the Black Killing Society, only to hear the Black Dragon Warlord angrily shout:'Everyone don't resist, prepare to enter my space cave, now I will lead the team to chase the target, ready to fight at any time ! '

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