Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 967 Breaking Regulations


Fulongzhan slashed across Kehu's waist fiercely, and the extremely sharp blade light cut half of his waist open on the spot. Kehu, who was severely injured, let out a horrified scream, and turned away from Fulongzhan. Fly away at lightning speed!

After a successful blow, Du Long did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but looked at Fulong Zhan in his hand with a slightly doubtful smile. He didn't understand what happened just now, and why he was performing the twelfth Fulong Saber Technique. Such an astonishing force will erupt in the form!

Seemingly knowing that he would ask her the reason, Jie Lingling'er smiled and took the initiative to explain: 'Hee hee, it's strange, right? ! You really have to thank Huo Hong, the leader of Dan Alliance! This old man treats you as a new personal disciple quite well, and he actually gave you a middle-grade immortal sword that can increase the output of basic combat power! '

‘Can increase the output of basic combat power? ! ’ Du Long asked suspiciously.

'That's right! Don't you think that the twelfth form of Fulong Slash, apart from integrating the twelve-star attack pattern, its power exertion method is a bit cumbersome? ! ’ Ringling Linger nodded and explained.

'The method of exerting force is cumbersome? ! ’ Du Long murmured in a low voice, then his eyes suddenly lit up and said: ‘I understand! When I first practiced this pose, I felt that its way of exerting force was a bit weird, but now that I think about it, it just compresses the energy in the body and then bursts out all at once! '

'Yes! In addition to having a special method of exerting force, this kind of saber technique also integrates some kind of mysterious magic circle. The strength of your cheap master Huo Hong in refining weapons cannot be underestimated! ’Jie Linglinger nodded in response.

Du Long nodded secretly, and then asked another doubt in his heart: 'That's right! Logically speaking, this kind of attack method should consume a lot of energy, but I didn't feel anything when I used it? ! '

'hehe! What you practice is the Xuantian Jue technique, think about how many top-grade immortal essence stones you have absorbed in order to break through and reach the universe? ! Then how many top-grade immortal essence stones have been absorbed from the initial stage of the first layer of Qiankun's foundation to the perfect state? ! You know, under normal circumstances, if you want to improve the strength of the seven stars in the early stage to the full in the later stage, you often only need to absorb the energy of a top-grade immortal essence stone! ’ Jie Lingling explained with a smile.

'I see! Du Long suddenly realized: "That is to say, my body has absorbed many times more energy than ordinary people, and my foundation is deep. Even if I release the power equivalent to the eight-star perfection level at one time, it will not have a particularly great impact on me." ! '

'Um! That's the reason! '

"I really didn't expect that the twelfth form of the Fulong Saber Technique attached to the middle-grade fairy weapon Fulong Zhan could bring me such a big surprise. With this saber technique, my basic combat power output can be surpassed by one." At the same level, reaching the perfection of eight stars, plus my own combat power bonus... Tsk tsk, Xiangli now has few opponents in the eight-star level! ’ Du Long finally summed it up with a complacent look on his face.

"You... you bastard... have been hiding your clumsiness!" Just as Du Long and Jie Linglinger were discussing the issue of strength, Ke Hu, who was seriously injured, pressed his left hand tightly on the incision wound, and pointed at the wound with his right hand. Du Long roared angrily.

"Hey!" Du Long turned his attention to him again, and responded with a sneer: "What's the matter with Zangzhuo?! If you, a guy with perfect eight stars, can't win, how can I foolishly fight with you guys?" Three people in a wheel battle?!"

"You..." Ke Hu was obviously choked by Du Long's answer, and his face that was bloodless due to serious injuries was even more livid at this moment.

Du Long glanced meaningfully at the horrible wound on Kehu's waist. He could see that a small half of Kehu's waist had been cut open, and blood was spilling desperately along the crevice of Kehu's left finger that was pressed there.

Such a horrible injury, even if there is a chance to treat it quietly, it will take more than ten or twenty days to heal. If you exercise vigorously, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

"Hey! Kehu, it seems that you have lost the ability to fight?! If that's the case, don't talk nonsense, I will send you on the road now!" Du Long sneered, and then dodged and shot at the opponent again.

'Brother! help me! ’ How could Kehu not know that he was in danger at this time, so he could only fly back, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Yahu for help.

Seeing Kehu flying back towards him, the corners of Yahu's eyes twitched. He knew that the opportunity had come. After missing this time, he might not have any chance to snatch the middle-grade fairy weapon sword again!

'Second! Continue to draw people towards me, and attack with all my strength after receiving my order. I will follow you and attack with all my strength. Remember that our goal is the middle-grade immortal sword, and we must not love to fight. Only by grabbing the middle-grade immortal Only with the weapon can we have hope of survival! ’ Yahu confessed through voice transmission without showing any emotion.

'clear! ’ Knowing that Yahu had no intention of abandoning him and was preparing to join forces with him, Kehu rekindled hope in his heart.

'Do it! ’ Seeing that Du Long entered the best distance for him to launch an attack, Yahu suddenly sent an attack command to Kehu through voice transmission.

Ke Hu, who had been dodging and retreating, suddenly stopped, and then let out a roar, and stabbed Du Long with the best fairy sword in his right hand!

Almost at the same time, Yahu also started to move, and saw that the Nine-star Supreme Immortal Sword in his hand also slashed out, and the two attacks shot towards Du Long in a fan shape!

Facing the joint attack of the two, the corners of Du Long's mouth turned up slightly, showing a sneer with obvious disdain. This smile made Er Hu's heart tighten, and he secretly felt something was wrong!

At this moment, they saw their attack violently bombard Du Long's body. Unfortunately, Du Long was pierced by two attack holes like air, without any hindrance effect at all.

'not good! Let him escape! Be careful...' Yahu, who was the first to notice something bad, roared angrily through sound transmission.

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he felt a slight fluctuation in the space behind him. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely have time to react and launch an all-out attack on the position of the space fluctuation!

But now he and Kehu are attacking the target with all their strength. In order to achieve a one-hit kill, neither of them has any hold back. How can they pull back the attacking moves!

Knowing that the danger was approaching, Yahu could only grit his teeth in the end, and rolled forward with all his strength in the direction of the attack. Just as he was rolling forward in a panic, a figure suddenly appeared at the position where he had just stood , a saber almost slashed past his back!

If it was slower, it would definitely be cut into two pieces by this knife. Even if Yahu reacted quickly enough, he was still injured, but compared to Kehu's injury, it was much lighter!

The single blow failed to kill the enemy, Du Long was only stunned for a moment, then dodged towards Kehu again, and at the same time a sound transmission resounded in Meng Da's mind: 'Meng Da! Since they broke the rules first, then you take action! They also came back after cleaning up the garbage, and they can work together to catch as many people as possible, as long as they are alive! '

'yes! Owner! ’ Meng Da responded respectfully, then swung his saber to meet Yahu.


Du Long came to Kehu's side in a flash, swung Fulong Zhan and chopped down with all his strength. He had already passed the opponent's test to know his level of strength, so there was no need to waste time chasing them down!

Seeing the failure of the joint plan with Yahu to seize the middle-grade fairy artifact, Kehu's face showed a look of incomparable despair. Seeing Du Long slashing at him with a knife, he could only use all his strength to block it with his sword!

In the face of Du Long's full-strength attack of the twelfth form of Fulong Saber Technique, Kehu, who was already seriously injured, could not do anything to block it. The counterbalancing force surged along the sword body, shaking it so that he vomited blood and flew back on the spot!

The huge shock caused his left hand to escape from the wound uncontrollably, the wound on his waist burst open again, and all kinds of objects in his abdomen spurted out uncontrollably.


Ke Hu raised his head and let out a beast-like howl. Before he could take any remedial measures, Du Long's figure came to his side again in a flash. Fulong Zhan in his hand was like lightning flashing across the target's neck!

Without any suspense, the severed head was thrown, and the blood sprayed again. Du Long had already left the battle circle after the saber had passed the target's neck, and rushed towards Yahu.

The scene of Kehu's tragic death made the corner of Yahu's mouth twitch suddenly. Before the tragic death of the two brothers who had been with him for many years, he didn't feel much sadness in his heart, but only the helplessness and fear of his unknown fate!

At this moment, he has been entangled by Meng Da, and through his sense of immortality, he can see that those men in black have wiped out all the bandits in the entire cave, and they are rushing towards the cave hall.

"No...don't you want to fight me one-on-one?! Why don't you keep your promise..." Seeing that Du Long killed Kehu and joined forces with Meng Da to deal with him, Yahu couldn't help but shouted in panic. He had long forgotten how he cooperated with Ke Hu to deal with Du Long just now.

"Hey! You have a really thick skin. I didn't know which bastard broke the rules just now. If that's the case, what kind of trust do I foolishly keep with you?!" Du Long sneered disdainfully , and swung Fulong with all his strength to attack.

"Go to hell!" Seeing that the situation was completely out of control, and his own doom was approaching, Yahu finally prepared to go all out with red eyes.

I saw him wielding his saber and blasting at Du Long with all his strength. The saber in this guy's hand reached 256 times the combat power bonus of the best nine-star, and he himself also reached 256 times the combat power bonus. The full attack is 512 times the total of the nine-star perfection. Combat power output!


The two knives slashed fiercely together, and amidst the loud noise, Du Long was shocked by a powerful force and flew back, while Na Yahu's figure swayed, and he managed to stop it .

However, he couldn't rest at all. Naturally, Meng Da didn't have nothing to eat. As early as when he was attacking Du Long with all his strength, he swung his knife and attacked him. Just when his figure was wobbling, he attacked the body. .

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