Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 948 Mysterious Shadow


A powerful soul wave suddenly radiated from the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation. They had already had countless fights with the Huaxian Ling tribe. The faces of the black-robed general and the ghost bird changed one after another.

'not good! The opponent used that trick again! Everyone pay attention to defense! ’ The sound transmission of the general in black resounded in the minds of all the men in black. In fact, without his reminding, those men in black knew what was going on.

Although the black-robed general and the ghost bird looked a little dignified, they did not continue to quickly break through the tentacles and vines. Instead, they retreated slowly and focused most of their energy on the fatal attack that might appear at any time!

"Hahaha! You thieves of the Black Assassin Society, the day of your bloody debts has come!" In the core area of ​​the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation, Hua Wuming's decisive yet hearty laughter suddenly resounded.

Immediately afterwards, clusters of gray flames suddenly burst out from the tentacles and vines flying all over the sky, and then, like fiery snakes all over the sky, frantically entwined and slapped towards the dozens of men in black!

Puff, Puff, Puff...

The tentacles and vines covered with a layer of gray flame kept slapping on the body or weapon of the man in black, and as a result, a strange scene appeared!

Once the weapons or body parts of the men in black come into contact with the gray flames, the terrible flames will hit the snakes on the sticks, and the men in black will tremble suddenly as if they were shocked by electricity, and then let the tentacles and vines touch the gray flames. He is caught in the torture!

The only way to deal with this strange flame attack is to stay away from it, relying on the long-range air blade attack to block the vines all over the sky, so as not to let it stick to the body or weapons!

However, it is often difficult for those men in black who are under intensive care to keep their defenses watertight!

In the core area of ​​the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Great Formation, hundreds of Huaxianlings, with red eyes, angrily controlled the tentacles and vines to attack their respective targets!

At this moment, Hua Wuming's sturdy body became somewhat illusory, and a large amount of gray-green light poured out from him, and then continuously poured into the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation.

Standing there, Hua Wuming had a free and easy smile on his face, and his slightly reluctant eyes glanced at all the Huaxianling clansmen, silently bidding farewell to these clansmen who have lived together for countless years!

As time passed, one masked man in black was strangled after another!

Hua Wuming's body became more and more illusory, as if it had been a long time, and it seemed as if it had only passed for a moment, his body became almost transparent, and finally he saw golden flames burst out from the soles of his feet, burning all the way up!

Hundreds of people from the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan just watched helplessly as his whole body turned into golden light, and then disappeared with the wind without a trace!

'nameless! '

‘Brother Anonymous! '

When Hua Wuming's whole body turned into golden light and dissipated, there were bursts of grief-stricken roars in the core area of ​​the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation.

Hua Wuming, the upstanding and good man of the Flower Tribe, the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan, burned his original life and soul for the sake of his ethnicity, and caused the Black Killing Society to lose nearly half of the men in black!

However, the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan paid a high price for killing dozens of men in black!

First of all, the power of thunder and lightning in the sky has been exhausted, and the dark clouds in the sky have dissipated, revealing a full moon in the sky, as well as stars in the sky!

Secondly, due to the fall of Hua Wuming, the second most powerful person in the tribe, the power of the entire Huaxianyuewu Nine Heavens Formation has also been reduced. Much less toughness with vines!

Originally, the black-robed general had to slash twice to cut off a tentacle, but now it only takes one slash!

When the gray flames above the tentacles and vines dissipated, the black-robed general roared angrily: "They have already lost a strong man with a nine-star perfection level. The Flower Fairy! Kill!"

"Kill!" Following the order of the black-robed general, many black-clothed men responded one after another, once again rushing towards the core area of ​​the formation without fear of death!

Hua Wuming burned his life and soul, and killed a large number of nine-star consummation powerhouses of the Black Killing Society. Unfortunately, he still failed to solve the disadvantageous situation faced by the Huaxianling clan!

Even the patriarch Hua Wuxiu has no chance to escape with the space cave, and the current situation has become even more unfavorable to the Huaxianling clan!

Although the Black Killing Society lost a lot of people, the two strongest guys among them are still alive. With the two of them staring at each other, Hua Wuxiu has no chance to escape!

As a last resort, Hua Wuxiu could only mobilize a large number of tentacles and vines to intercept the black-robed general and the ghost bird. Before successfully strangling a large number of black-clothed men, the large number of free tentacles and vines happened to be mobilized to intercept these two guys.

It's a pity that all the members of the Huaxianling tribe felt powerless and hopeless in their hearts after seeing the picture of these two extremely powerful guys cutting off a tentacles and vines with one knife!

'ruthless! ’ Just when all the Huaxian Ling clan members didn’t know what to do, the voice of Hua Wuxiu’s patriarch resounded in their minds: ‘All of us will cut off the back for you, and we will do our best to help you entangle all the enemies. Prepare to escape from this place! '

'No! Patriarch! No one but you can lead the tribe to escape from the Black Killing Society, so I will follow the nameless brother! ’ Wuqing, whose strength has reached the perfection of eight stars, rejected Hua Wuxiu's order without hesitation. As soon as the words fell, the life source of the flower fairy in the dantian space was ignited, and at the same time, his soul power in the eighth heaven realm was ignited!

'ruthless! '

'Brother Ruthless...'

Many members of the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan let out mournful cries, watching another companion who has lived together for countless years, the most powerful and good man in the tribe dedicate his life one after another, this feeling is really amazing Difficult to accept.

"Everyone, don't be sad, dedicate your life to our Huaxian Spirit Clan. I, Hua, have no feelings, no complaints and no regrets... Everyone should turn grief and anger into strength, strive to kill more enemies, but also be patient, and send the patriarch to escape no matter what." Birth day, let me continue the blood of the Flower Fairy Spirit Race! ’ Hua Wuqing, who was exuding an amazing aura, confessed to all the clansmen almost word for word.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was like fireworks being set off, and a large number of gray-green energy beams spewed out from his body, continuously pouring into the unique moon dance nine-day formation of the flower fairy clan!

kill, kill, kill...

The Huaxianling tribe went crazy, desperately controlling the 'Fire Snakes' to sweep towards the man in black, wishing to strangle them all in the formation!

'Everyone, don't rush to kill the enemy, be sure to entangle all the enemies, and cover the patriarch to escape with the space cave! ’ Hua Wuqing, who was burning her life, calmly and loudly transmitted to all the clansmen.

When he called out like this, the Huaxian people who had fallen into a state of madness immediately woke up, and saw through the immortal consciousness that Huawuqing's life source was getting weaker and weaker. Everyone knew that his sacrifice could not be wasted!

In a blink of an eye, the original effort to strangle the man in black turned into a strategy to trap the enemy as much as possible!

Unfortunately, due to Hua Wuming's fall, one of the two core formations of the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation lost, and the power of the entire Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation also dropped a lot!

Although the tentacles and vines flying all over the sky also have gray flames burning on the surface, their toughness and attack power have been greatly reduced, and they are not much threat to the black-robed general and the ghost bird. Instead of retreating, he waved his weapon and rushed towards the core area with all his strength!

At this moment, Hua Wuxiu is really suffering and can't tell, as the core formation of Yuewu Nine Heavens formation, he dare not drop everything and escape!

Now that he presides over the big formation, he can't trap the opponent's two most powerful masters. Once he leaves the field, the consequences will definitely be disastrous!

At that time, not only the lives of more than 300 clansmen in the big formation will be lost, but even I may not be able to escape with the space cave!

Soon, all the people of the Huaxian Clan saw the clue!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Five abnormal noises appeared one after another, and under the eyes of everyone, five more members of the Huaxianling tribe burned their lives without hesitation, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from them!

Watching his clansmen burn their lives one after another, wanting to fight for the chance of escape for himself, Hua Wuxiu's eyes are about to burst, and tears of blood fall from his red eyes!

Hua Wuqing accelerated the burning of life without hesitation, and at the moment when his consciousness was about to fall into darkness, he roared loudly through voice transmission: 'Patriarch! go! '

'Patriarch! Let's go...' Immediately afterwards, the five members of the Burning Life Source tribe and many members of the Flower Fairy Spirit Tribe urged them through voice transmission.

Just as Hua Wuxiu watched many clansman control the formation, with the help of the powerful power generated by the burning lives of six clansmen, he successfully trapped all the men in black!

He is about to take this opportunity to break away from the Moon Dance Nine Heavens Formation according to the original plan, and then look for an opportunity to open the space to travel through the cracks and escape from birth!

A strange spatial fluctuation made his heart twitch suddenly, and he saw a black figure suddenly appearing behind the black-robed general, and then saw the strange light of the knife flash away, followed by the flying of the human head, The picture of blood scatter and spurt!

Before he could see the true face of the black shadow through his immortal consciousness, he saw the black shadow flash away, and then appeared behind the ghost bird in an instant, the knife light flashed again, and another human head flew away !

While feeling extremely frightened by the black shadow in his heart, Hua Wuxiu instantly understood that this black shadow should come to help him, even the two most powerful enemies were instantly killed, and he gave up running away thought.

After all, if he presides over the formation, his 300-odd clansmen will be much safer. Besides, he can also help that mysterious black shadow by taking this opportunity to trap and kill all the remaining men in black here!

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