Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 945 Moon Lake

Clear planet, flower grassland, moon lake!

It is located in the south-central part of the planet's eastern hemisphere, and it is like spring all year round. Every season, various flowers bloom on the grassland. Looking down from the sky, it looks like a colorful blanket surrounded by countless swamps. The scenery is beautiful and picturesque. !

Tens of thousands of years ago, an alien family came here, spent money to buy this land from the four major alliances, and then settled down next to Moon Lake!

They grazed cattle and sheep there, planted elixir and spiritual materials, and lived an ordinary life without contending with the world. Buy a lot of various supplies needed for daily life in the city!

Unfortunately, because the Flower Grassland is too far away from the main city where the interstellar teleportation array is located, there is no one inhabited within tens of thousands of miles, not even a city.

In addition, the cattle and sheep they graze, and the immortal medicinal materials they plant are also very common in the fairy world. Ordinary merchants have no intention of flying over the dangerous swamp area to buy supplies on the flower grassland.

Under normal circumstances, it is this somewhat mysterious family and tribe on the Flower Grassland who personally send people to send supplies to a certain city for sale!

As a result, the location of the Flower Grassland became a bit remote. If it wasn't for the delivery to the city for sale once a year, few people in the outside world would know that there is such a family tribe in the swamp!

People outside call this family tribe the Flower Tribe!

The members of the Huahua Tribe wear strange clothes. Except for the elderly and children, young men and women have to wrap their heads with scarves, which is somewhat similar to that of Hui women.

By the Moon Lake, dotted with white tents, hundreds of white tents are facing the direction of the Moon Lake, there is a huge square!

At this moment, a huge bonfire is burning on the square, and the young men and women of the Flower Tribe are dancing strange dances around the bonfire!

Although this scene is very lively, it still reveals a hint of sadness!

Compared with those carefree children, today is a festival that makes them feel extremely happy, but for those adult men and women of the Flower Tribe, today is a day of suffering for their tribe!

woo... woo... woo...

Slightly messy but rhythmic dance steps, accompanied by the beat of palms clapping drums, the men and women of the Flower Tribe kept raising their heads and uttered mournful shouts towards the full moon in the sky!

In the voice, there is longing for relatives far away, grief for the tragic experience of the tribe, and even more resentment towards the enemy who exterminated the tribe...

Outside the bonfire, there are many clansmen of the Flower Tribe sitting on their knees, admiring the beautiful bonfire dance. The expressions of the adults are unconsciously showing sadness, while the children are talking and laughing, not feeling the atmosphere at all. Something is not quite right.

"Daddy, don't cry, don't cry!" A delicate child's voice sounded, and a little girl carved in pink and jade was pulling the sleeve of the middle-aged man beside her, and comforted her father in a very sensible way.

This middle-aged man is none other than the patriarch of the Huahua Tribe. He calls himself Hua Wuxiu, and all members of the Huahua Tribe have the surname Hua.

His right hand brushed across his face, gently wiping away the tears on it, Hua Wuxiu then grinned and showed a faint smile, gently rubbing the little girl's forehead and said: "Xiang'er, Daddy didn't cry, it's just that there was sand It was blown into the eyes by the wind, and it’s all right now!”

"Oh!" The little girl blinked her beautiful big eyes, stretched out her jade finger and pointed at the face of another strong man beside her and said, "Did Uncle Wuming get sand in his eyes? blow……"

"Xiang'er is so good!" Wuming stretched out his strong arms, as if he was holding a precious treasure for no reason, and gently hugged the little girl, and then deliberately brought his eyes to her little mouth : "Xiang'er blows for Unnamed Uncle, blows the sand away, and Uncle won't shed tears anymore!"

Hoo, hoo, hoo!

The little girl puffed her cheeks cutely, blowing her eyes vigorously for Wuming, her sensible appearance made the eyes of many tribesmen around her turn red, and they hurriedly turned around, reaching out to wipe away the tears on their face quickly, Only then turned around pretending to be natural, so as not to be seen by the little guy.

"Quack quack..." At this moment, an extremely ugly and strange laughter came from behind suddenly like the cry of a night owl: "The remnants of the flower fairy world! I didn't expect that you would dare to live on a living planet!" Living together in a dignified place, so that you can live for tens of thousands of years, I really underestimated you!"

The sudden strange laughter made the scene quiet, and the faces of all the tribe members of the Flower Tribe became a little ugly. Only the ignorant children were still confused, but felt that the strange laughter was terrible. The two huddled behind their respective parents with faces full of fear.

'nameless! Quickly arrange manpower, the young children of the tribe, and the weaker tribesmen are all taken into the space cave! ’ After a hasty sound transmission, the patriarch Hua Wuxiu pretended to be calm and said: "Who is here?! What is the remnant of the Huaxian world, I can't understand it!"

Almost in an instant, all the old and weak women and children of the Huahua tribe were taken into the space cave, and there were more than 300 young men and women with at least six-star strength who were well-trained to surround the patriarch Hua Wuming. Behind him, he put on a posture ready to fight at any time.

Soon, they finally discovered that dozens of black shadows were flying over in the air, so close that they couldn't detect the existence of this group of people by scanning with the naked eye!

It's no wonder that they touched them and didn't find their existence. People in the fairy world are used to using the sense of immortality for alert detection, and rarely use the practice of vigilance with the naked eye, because in the fairy world, it is similar to this kind of shield that can shield immortals. Knowledge treasures are extremely rare, and not just any force can take them out.

"Tsk tsk..." There was another cold tsk tsk, and the black-robed masked man who was called the general by the ghost bird said in a dark voice: "After tens of thousands of years of fleeing to the cliff, your vigilance Although there is not much progress, such a fast reaction speed is worthy of praise!"

"I don't understand what you are talking about. This is the territory that my Huahua tribe bought from the four major alliances. You people are not welcome. You should leave quickly!" The patriarch Hua Wuxiu issued a eviction order coldly: "Otherwise, Don't blame us for doing it!"

"Quack quack..." Gui Niao said with a strange smile again: "You don't know how to live and die, and you are still sophistrying when you are about to die. It's all for this sake. Do you still think that people from the four major alliances dare to fight for you? Is the person in charge going to succeed?!"

"It's better to kill 10,000 people by mistake than to let a fish slip through the net, let alone you who are the remnants of the flower fairy world, hehe! Shoot me to death!" The general finally waved his hand and issued an attack command.

"Kill!" The Huahua Tribe also knew that today's catastrophe was inevitable, and the anger that had endured for tens of thousands of years finally broke out.

'nameless! Old rules, this time it's your turn to protect the blood of our Flower Fairy Realm, if you have a chance, you must take the space cave and escape from this place as soon as possible! ’While swiping the fairy sword and leading the people of the Huaxian Realm to face the enemy, the patriarch Hua Wuxiu still did not forget to explain to Hua Wuming beside him.

'Brother! You are the patriarch, so you can't make mistakes, let me stand up to these people! It's up to you to take the space cave and leave! ’ Hua Wuming was obviously unwilling to accept the offer to let him go.

‘The survival of the ethnic group is at stake, so stop talking nonsense, remember! Escape, you will be the new patriarch from now on! We must protect the few remaining bloodlines of our Huaxianling lineage, otherwise, I will never forgive you even if I die! ’ Hua Wuxiu warned through voice transmission with extremely severe words.

Facing the Black Assassin's team with only dozens of people, Hua Wuxiu knew that although he had nearly ten times as many helpers on his side, it was a pity that he had no chance of winning. You must know that they were all nine-star consummation experts!

Dozens of nine-star consummation powerhouses, among them there may be masters with terrifying combat power, but there are only two nine-star consummation existences on my side, and the others are all six to eight-star level, so what if there are too many people? use? !

'Directly ahead, collective long-range attack prepare, prepare, attack! ’ A sound transmission command fell into the minds of more than 300 members of the Flower Tribe at the right time, and as the attack command was issued, 300 terrifying attacking air blades went straight to cover the dozens of black shadows.

"Hey! How dare you use such a small skill to embarrass yourself in front of this general?!" I only heard the black-robed general sneer, and I didn't hear him give an order. I only saw him raise his big hand and wave it down vigorously. The people immediately launched a counterattack in unison.

Hum, Peng!

The long-range attacks between the two sides intertwined and collided in an instant, and the huge shock wave scatter in all directions, causing the surrounding space to fluctuate. The bonfire camp below and hundreds of white tents were instantly shattered into powder by the shock wave!


As the large-scale attack wave gradually dissipated, bursts of shouts of killing resounded throughout the world, and hundreds of Huaxian clansman brandished their weapons bravely, charging towards the group of men in black!


Today's second chapter...

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