Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 909 The Profound Sky Four Heroes

"Hehe! Interesting, this little guy named Du Long is really bold enough to challenge the arrogant and domineering children of the Black Killing Society on Tianxuan Star! It really suits my appetite!"

In the private room No. 3 on the top floor of the VIP building in Yaochi Fairyland, a slovenly old man seemed to have a flash of purple lightning in his originally extremely cloudy eyes.

Don't underestimate this sloppy old man, he is an existence in the fairy world that even the four major alliances and the Black Assassins dare not easily offend. It is rumored that his strength is unfathomable, and he has roamed freely in the fairy world for countless years. People know how strong this old man is!

In the fairy world, he has a very famous name - Sloppy Immortal!

But this sloppy fairy is a VIP that Yaochi Wonderland must entertain for free. He is willing to come here to spend money, which still gives Yaochi Wonderland great face. Yaochi Wonderland can last forever in a place like Tianxuan Star.

After raising his head and muttering to himself, he saw that the sloppy old man refocused his attention on the delicious food and wine in front of him again, gorging himself on big pieces without caring about anything, his eating appearance was like that of someone who had been hungry for several days on the street Beggar-like, people can't be flattered!

"Liu Yan!"

In No. 1 on the top floor of the Qianzi VIP Building, Lu Zongyao, the master's personal disciple of the Black Assassin Society, finally said coldly: "What's the matter?! Just because you want to stand up for this bumpkin?!"

In Lu Zongyao's words, he didn't pay attention to Liu Yan, the youngest son of the leader of the alchemy alliance. In his opinion, if the master didn't allow him to take action against the direct descendants of the four major alliances without reason, how could he allow this kid to be here? Uncle Chong is presumptuous!

"Lu Zongyao! Don't call me a country bumpkin. Your background is not that noble. Didn't the master of the Black Killing Society pick you up from some corner of the country?! While you are insulting others, how can you Aren't you insulting yourself at the same time?!" Before Liu Yan could speak, there was an extremely disdainful retort from No. 1 private room on the top floor of the ground.

As the voice fell, the energy shield that originally covered the private room dissipated, revealing four young people who were sitting leaning on the railing. Who is inside.

"The Profound Sky Four Heroes?!"

With the sound of gasping for breath, someone immediately recognized the identity of the person who just spoke, and it was Jiang Chong, known as the Four Heroes of Tianxuan, the eldest son of the leader of the Adventure Alliance!

The other three young men and women sitting next to him are Lin Xueer, Liu Gang, and Huo Xiaohu who are also the Four Masters of Tianxuan. Yan's big brother, these four people have all reached the perfect strength of nine stars!

After seeing the four familiar figures in No. 1 private room on the top floor of Dizi, Lu Zongyao's face became ghastly. What he hated most in his life was when someone mentioned his life experience, which was also a rebellion in him. Scaled!

But just now, one of the four young men who suddenly appeared in front of him ruthlessly exposed his inverse scales in public. How could this keep him from getting angry?

It's a pity that the guy who exposed him this time is not someone he can deal with casually!

'hateful! When did these four guys secretly hide in Dizi No. 1 private room? ! Why didn't the wind leak out at all? ! ’ Lu Zongyao, who was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, could only angrily ask the people in his private room via sound transmission, but it was impossible for anyone to come out to answer his question.

"Lv Zongyao!" In the private room No. 1, Liu Gang said with a face as cold as a knife: "You just said that my little brother Liu Yan is not qualified to stand up for Du Long, right?! Then I will tell you today, Du Long is a disciple of the Four Great Alliances who came to participate in the Pill Artifact Competition. If anyone dares to touch him, I will make him return ten times! Do you think I, Liu Gang, have the right to say this?!"


Originally, because of the appearance of the Tianxuan Four Heroes, countless audiences at the scene fell into a sluggish and quiet atmosphere, but because of Liu Gang's strong words, they boiled!

Everyone is paying attention to the reaction in Ganzi No. 1 private room, and they all want to know how the high-level children of the Black Killing Society will respond to the direct challenge from the direct descendants of the four major alliances!

"Liu Gang! According to the agreement between my Black Assassination Society and the four major alliances, unless the disciples of the two parties are high-level direct descendants, if the disciples of either party dare to offend the dignity of the other party in public, the provocative party has the right to shoot and kill them!" Gan In No. 1 elegant room, Lu Zongyao reported the secret agreement between the two major forces almost word for word.

"Offensive?! Provocative?!" Liu Gang's voice was still as cold as a knife and asked back: "What is offense and provocation?! I watched the whole process on the spot today, and it is clear that Du Long is participating in the auction of Yaochi Wonderland through normal channels The one with the highest price wins! Dare I ask if he insulted and provoked you during this period?!"

"On the contrary, after the bidding failed, you insulted and threatened Du Long in public without regard to your identities. Dare to ask who is offending whom? Who is provoking whom?!"

"Brother said it well!" In Tianzi No. 1 private room, Liu Yan was already very excited after seeing the four masters of Tianxuan sitting in Dizi No. 1 private room. Now he will hear his elder brother's loud voice Words, immediately couldn't help but shouted loudly!

At this moment, many guests at the scene applauded secretly, but no one dared to really shout out like Liu Yan!

It can be seen that the children of the Black Assassin Society have a low reputation in the entire fairy world, but their prestige has spread far and wide, and it has reached the point where it is frightening. If it were not for the direct descendants of these four major alliances, who would dare to compete with them ? !

"Hmph! Liu Gang! You don't have to brazenly distort the facts. Who didn't see that the kid was clearly provoking us? Anyway, if you don't give an explanation on today's matter, the consequences will definitely not be what you and I can predict! "It is impossible for Lu Zongyao to succumb under the watchful eyes of the public. This is also a strict order within the Black Killing Society.

In public places, no matter the reason or not, the disciples of the Black Assassin Society must not bow down to the disciples of the four major alliances. As for how to deal with it afterwards, that is another story!

If any disciple of the Black Assassin Society dares to bow his head to the disciples of the four major alliances in public, then he will wait to be punished by the Black Assassin Society!

Seeing that Liu Gang was about to speak again, Jiang Chong, one of the Four Heroes, stretched out his hand and stopped him: "Hey, the surname is Lu! I, Jiang Chong, would like to hear what you want to say?!"

"It's very simple!" Lu Zongyao was not polite, and directly stated his request: "There are two options, one is to apologize to us in public, and offer the Chixia fruit with both hands; How to deal with the conflicts between them, use the challenge of the same level to determine the winner!"

"It's impossible to make an apology! Du thinks he didn't make a mistake! As for the second challenge, he can consider it!" Not waiting for the answer from the No. 1 private room, Du Long in the No. 1 private room directly opened his mouth to do it. Out of choice!

"Haha! Very good! If that's the case, let's continue the auction quickly. After the auction is over, there will be a challenge match between us and Du Long. The two sides can send seven-star players at will. It doesn't matter whether they live or die, and the loser will bear the blame." Apologize!" In Ganzi No. 1 private room, Lu Zongyao's triumphant laughter sounded immediately, as if he would win this battle!

Now that the matter has come to an end, the Tianxuan Four Heroes in Dizi No. 1 private room have nothing to say. Since the challenge has been accepted by the person concerned, there is absolutely no possibility of changing it.

"This kid named Du Long, does he know the detailed process of the challenge?! Could it be that he still has a powerful seven-star expert at hand?!" Huo Xiaohu of the Tianxuan Four Heroes Alliance was slightly puzzled. muttered to himself.

"Brother Liu Gang! I think you should explain to brother Liu Yan! Let him explain the rules of the challenge to Du Long, lest he fail carelessly, and the people sent out at that time will be lost. Thousands Don't lose the face of our four major alliances, after all, this time we stand up for him, we are also regarded as grasshoppers tied to a rope, and we will share weal and woe!" Lin Xueer of the Freedom Alliance reminded worriedly.

Soon, Liu Yan received a voice transmission from her elder brother, and immediately introduced the process of the challenge to Du Long and Mo Xueyun in detail.

"Seven-Star Challenge?! It mainly depends on the strength of the weapon and the level of awareness of the bonus of attack power?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows in amazement: "After the challenge is over, all the items on the loser will become trophies?! Outside betting to buy win or lose?!"

"That's right! Du Long, do you have seven-star subordinates in your space cave?! And they are the ones who have to reach the basic nine-level combat power bonus at least, otherwise you will definitely lose!" Liu Yan was a little nervous. asked.

Rolling his eyes, Du Long shook his head and smiled wryly, "I do have subordinates whose strength has reached the seven-star level, but who would follow me if they want to reach the level of talent that reaches the basic nine-level combat power bonus?!"

"Damn! Then why are you just agreeing to someone else's challenge?! If you want to apologize after losing, why not just apologize?!" Liu Yan Wuyuan patted her forehead depressedly, looking at Du Long There was a kind of hatred in his gaze.

"Hey, don't worry! Since there are no men to send out, at worst, I'll go up and fight on my own!" Du Long could only blink his eyes at last, hugged him and smiled comfortingly.

"Do it yourself?!" Mo Xueyun, who hadn't said anything, finally said, "Du Long! What level of combat power bonus have you reached?!"

Du Long was really speechless for this cold beauty who either didn't speak, but could ask key points as soon as she spoke, but he could only answer ambiguously: "Hey, Senior Sister Xue'er! My combat power bonus level should be able to win this challenge..."


The three people at the scene, including Liu Bo, were all speechless, and they all looked at Du Long with monster-like expressions on their faces. This guy had so many secrets, it felt like he would never be able to fully understand it.

The auction is going on, but because of the episode just now, the whole auction has become a bit dull, and the enthusiasm of the guests for the auction has also weakened a lot!

Everyone hopes that the auction will end quickly, so that they can watch the subsequent challenges, which is much more exciting than the auction!

The auctioneer on the stage knew very well that it was difficult to fetch a good price under such circumstances. The reason why the guests didn't hurry to leave the stage was probably because of the face of the finale auction!

While continuing the auction, he also secretly communicated with the on-duty treasurer of Yaochi Wonderland through sound transmission, and decided to remove some of the items from the auction, and it would not be too late to put them on sale for another day.

In this way, the grand finale auction is finally on the stage!

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