Du Long and others followed behind Uncle Liu, and finally flew over a tung tree seed processing factory controlled by the Yin family!

On the brick wall, the many guards who had long been on the verge of an enemy saw that Uncle Liu was among the visitors, and then put away their vigilant eyes, and let him lead Du Long and his group of strangers into the processing factory, and Quickly came to Yin Ruoqi's side.

Although he knew they were coming, Yin Ruoqi didn't turn his head to say hello, but continued to negotiate with Lu Yuan outside the wall.

At the beginning, this Lu Yuan had an extremely arrogant attitude on the surface, but he didn't intend to make a move immediately. If the other party didn't take the initiative to make a move, Yin Ruoqi naturally had no possibility of making the first move.

When Du Long and his party appeared next to Yin Ruoqi, a light flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes when he saw them from a distance, and his eyes looked a bit complicated, as if he was relieved, but also seemed to be a little dignified!

"Hahaha! Yin Ruoqi, I don't have the time to talk nonsense with you. All in all, if your Yin family doesn't give up the territory of the Qingling Mountains this time, we don't mind destroying this processing factory, and then we will talk to your Yin family. The family is slowly talking about the ownership of the Qingling Mountains!" The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Lu Yuan laughed meaningfully, the threat in his words was extremely obvious.

"Destroy the processing factory?! Snatch my territory of Qingling Mountains?! Humph! You, the Lu clan, are worthy of the surname Lu?!" Even Yin Ruoqi, who is broad-minded, has already been bullied by the robbers of the Lu clan. Behavior to get angry, naturally will not have any good face.

Outside the protective wall, Lu Yuan, the patriarch of the Lu clan surrounded by thousands of masters, turned livid, apparently also irritated by Yin Ruoqi's unceremonious answer!

"Since this is the case, then we have nothing to talk about! Everyone sees Zhenzhang. I hope that after this battle, your Yin family can not only keep the Qingling Mountains and this processing factory, but also keep the entire Yin family from being destroyed. Destroy!" Lu Yuan viciously threw down his hand with these words, then slowly raised his right hand, the atmosphere of the scene was suffocated, and everyone knew that a big battle was inevitable!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Yuan's right arm slowly swung down, only to hear him roar loudly: "Kill me! Anyone who resists will be shot!"

kill, kill...

As the order was issued, thousands of elites with the minimum strength of four stars or above rushed straight to the location of the processing plant like wasps.

"Collective large-scale attack, get ready! Let it go!" On the side of the brick wall, Yin Ruochang, who had already been prepared to meet the enemy, ordered the preparation for a collective counterattack almost at the same time, and it was a large-scale group attack!

Hum, swish, wow...

On the brick wall, colorful large-scale group attacks flashed one after another. If this kind of group attack was launched by only one person, it would not pose much threat to the strong at the same level, but once the number reached thousands, the accumulated The energy is also enough to make people frightened!

"Fight with me in the same direction!" Among the attacking crowd outside the brick wall, Lu Hu's roar sounded: "Get ready! Let go!"

With Lu Hu's attack point as the center, thousands of energies frantically shot over, instantly colliding head-on with the large-scale attack launched in the stone wall.

For a moment, with the point of impact as the center, a terrifying shock wave spread out in all directions. Thousands of troops from both sides of the war slowed down a bit, and then quickly merged together, and a scuffle broke out in an instant!

Since the Lu family came prepared this time, the number of four- to six-star people led by them is obviously double that of Yin's side, and Yin's side has to disperse and defend the entire processing plant. Naturally, it became a little less optimistic.

With a sudden wave of Yin Ruoqi's hand, nearly a thousand well-equipped guards appeared on the battle scene out of thin air. It can be seen that the nearly thousand guards are all elite troops who have reached the six-star level!

With the joining of this group of people, although Yin's side was still short in numbers, they immediately stopped the unfavorable situation, and both sides maintained a balance point for a while!

At both ends of the battlefield, the existence of strength above the seven-star level did not participate in the battle, and they all looked at the seemingly fierce battle on the battlefield with speculative eyes. Although there were a large number of people fighting with strength below the six-star level, they could not enter the battle at all. Luo Zhenxian's eyes!

In the battle of great powers, the strength below the six-star level can only be used as cannon fodder, and the battle that really plays a decisive role is the battle between the seven-star and above Da Luo Zhenxian!

Du Long frowned slightly after just taking a glance. Apart from himself and those who were going to compete in the Tianque Starfield, Yin's side consisted of dozens of seven-to-nine-star powerhouses, including patriarch Yin Ruoqi.

They are Yin Ruoqi and Yin Ruochang, two nine-star perfection-level brothers, plus Uncle Liu and the five nine-star powerhouses who were in charge of guarding the processing factory here. As for the remaining dozens of people, they are all seven or eight stars. Levels exist!

That is to say, even if Du Long and others came forward to help Yin's side, there were only eleven strong men with strength above nine stars, and at most eleven nine-star elite teams could be formed!

Looking around, you can see twenty-one nine-star powerhouses staying beside Lu Yuan and Lu Hu, plus nearly a hundred seven-to-eight-star powerhouses, almost twice as many as the Yin family!

"Haha! Yin Ruoqi, what's the matter?! You're not willing to release your bodyguard even now?!" Lu Yuan taunted with a playful smile in his eyes, completely ignoring the fierce battlefield.

"Huh! As you wish!" After angrily snorting, Yin Ruoqi waved his hand, and eight elite teams whose captains had reached the perfect strength of nine stars appeared in Yin's camp.

Even with the addition of the eight elite teams led by nine-star captains, Yin's side still only has nineteen elite Da Luo Zhenxian squads, which is still a bit behind Lu's side.

The patriarch of the Yin clan would always bring eight elite guards of Da Luo Zhenxian level with him when he traveled. This is already a well-known secret among all parties in Qingtong Star.

"Hey!" With a sneer, Lu Yuan shifted his gaze to Du Long and the others casually, and said coldly: "If Lu is not mistaken, you should be the team that went to Tianque Starfield to participate in the Immortal Realm Pill Artifact Competition Bar?!

Could it be that you dare to risk the world and intervene in the conflict between my Lu family and the Yin family? ! If that's the case, it's no wonder that Lu didn't take the initiative to remind if there were any casualties during the battle later! Presumably, even the four major leagues will have nothing to say by then, right? ! "

After enduring it for a long time, Lu Yuan finally uttered the words that he had suppressed in his heart for a long time. This is the key to his Lu family's efforts to fight the Yin family.

After saying these words, he pretended to be calm on the surface, but he was very nervous secretly, for fear that Du Long and others would change their positions before the battle, and then he would have no good excuse to act openly!

"Hey! Huo'er, Du Long, Xiaotian! This matter is a matter between my Yin clan and Lu clan, you should not get involved?! After all, there are four teams participating in the Immortal Realm Pill Artifact Competition Forgive him for his surname Lu, and he would not dare to attack you in broad daylight!" Before Du Long and the others could respond, Yin Ruoqi turned around and began to persuade.

"No! I'm not a contestant, so I must stand on Uncle Yin's side!" Xiao Sehuo shook his head first, and replied with an extremely firm expression on his face.

"My choice is the same as Sister Huo'er!" Du Long secretly communicated with Jie Linglinger, a cloud of anger rose in his heart, and he made a decision immediately. After speaking, he did not forget to turn his head to look at Jiang Xiaotian and the others. Humanity: "Brother Xiaotian! You, Mu Shuo and Huoli brother should not get involved! After all..."

"No! I must follow you, Du Long, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​swords!" Huo Li took the lead to interrupt Du Long's words.

As early as when he came out this time, he had been urged to do his best to protect Du Long's safety. He had promised with a heart-to-heart, so naturally he couldn't break his promise.

"I am also willing to follow Du Long and help Yin Shi with all my strength!" Mu Shuo next to him followed closely and expressed his opinion, and then asked Jiang Xiaotian and the others next to him: "Xiaotian! You and Qinglian and the others should go first. Let’s take shelter in the space cave?!”

"No!" Unexpectedly, even Jiang Xiaotian was unwilling to back down at this critical moment, but insisted: "We have come this way, supporting each other and advancing together. Naturally, I cannot be alone in times of crisis!"

"Hahaha!" bursts of insolent laughter suddenly came from a distance, interrupting their conversation: "Since you contestants from the four major leagues decide to intervene in local conflicts, there will be some problems during the battle." Any casualties, no wonder we didn't warn you in advance! Brothers! Let's go together, any resisters will be shot to death!"

As if he was afraid that Du Long and the others would go back on their word, Lu Yuan gave the order to shoot and kill on the spot, and hundreds of seven- to nine-star powerhouses went straight to Du Long and the others in a murderous spirit and killed them.

"Hmph!" Yin Ruoqi withdrew his grateful gaze from Du Long and the others, but he swallowed back his words of persuasion that he originally wanted to say. This kindness can only be repaid after the event.

Thinking of this, Yin Ruoqi suppressed the thoughts of gratitude in his heart, stopped talking nonsense, and directly gave the order to fight back!

Yin's side has a total of nineteen elite teams of Da Luo Zhenxian level, and Lu's side has 21 elite teams of Da Luo Zhenxian level. I don't know if this battle can last until the arrival of Yin's reinforcements? !

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