The fact that the participating teams from the Ziyue Starfield were intercepted was quickly reported back to the Bibo Star Alliance Branch, and then sent to the four major alliance headquarters in the Tianque Star Field by the Bibo Star Alliance Branch!

For this, the headquarters of the four major alliances were furious, and immediately issued an order to fully investigate the culprit behind the scenes, and warned the Biboxing Lin family that if it was found that this matter had something to do with them, the four major alliances would definitely require them to pay. Painful price!

In the face of the naked threat from the four major alliances, this time, in order to take care of the feelings of all the affiliated families, the Black Killing Society even issued a statement on behalf of the Biboxing Lin family, demanding that the four major alliances must produce conclusive evidence, Otherwise, all threats against Biboxing Lin's clan will not be accepted by the Black Killing Society!

In short, regardless of whether the Lin clan sent the dark spirit guards to intercept Du Long and other contestants halfway or not, the Black Assassin Society believes that the Lin clan has saved face for themselves, so naturally they will not be stingy to stand up for him support!

Of course, the prerequisite is that the hands and feet of the Lin family must be clean, and they must not be caught by the all-pervasive four major alliances. Otherwise, even if the four major alliances do not do anything, the black killing that will lose face will not let the Lin family Better off!

Long ago, they were well aware of the open and secret struggle between the two great forces in the fairy world, so the Lin family sent out the secret dark spirit guards who had nothing to do with their own family on the surface, and intercepted and killed Du Long and his party on the way!

If it weren't for the need to ensure safety, the Lin family would never send out the Dark Spirit Guard, which the family has hidden so deeply. This is their real trump card!

During the war of words between the two giants in the fairy world, Du Long and his party did not stop to continue their journey to the Tianque Starfield, and embarked on a long-distance free interstellar journey again!

Since the incident of intercepting and killing the contestants in the middle of the road, the four major alliances have immediately stepped up the protection of the contestants along the way, requiring each alliance branch of each planet along the way to send additional manpower to protect the safety of these contestants!

Also, for those contestants who want to leave the city where the interstellar teleportation array is located, they must report to the city alliance branch, and they can only travel under the escort of the branch masters, etc.

In short, because of a half-way interception incident, many contestants in the entire fairyland have enjoyed a high standard of security treatment. This is also the action of the four major alliances to express their position to the Black Killing Society, telling them not to act rashly!

In such a high-intensity security environment, the Lin family has long put away their thoughts of fighting again. Anyway, they have been able to explain to the Black Assassin Association. As for Du Long's life and death, it is not particularly important at this moment!

Regardless of the fact that the Lin clan did not have conclusive evidence to prove that he was the real culprit who killed Lin Fengyun, even if the old and new Lin clan leaders obtained the entire interception and killing incident from the Dark Spirit Guard, they could judge from it that Du Long had the ability to kill Lin Fengyun. Kong Guxing killed Lin Fengyun and his party, but it didn't matter anymore!

As long as there is no conclusive evidence, it is impossible to kill Du Long again during the Immortal World Pill Artifact Contest. If the four major alliances are prepared, the mere Lin clan is really not sure that another interception incident will not involve Come from your own family.

Once the four major alliances have conclusive evidence that the interception and killing incident was done by the dark spirit guards secretly controlled by the Lin family, then the Lin family will wait for the wrath from the four major alliances and be wiped out!

As time passed, Du Long and his party continued to rush towards the Tianque Starfield, during which they still stopped on some planets as originally planned, and bought some immortal medicinal materials for refining Qixing Rongyuan Pill.

Du Long and the others could clearly feel the strength of the alliance's divisions in protecting their group, and they naturally understood that all of this was caused by themselves and others!

Therefore, if it is not necessary, they have no plans to go out of the city to buy immortal medicinal materials, at most they just wander around in certain places in the city!

On this day, Du Long, who was quietly sitting cross-legged in Mu Shuo's portable space cave, suddenly heard Mu Shuo's voice resounding in the air: "Attention everyone! We have arrived at the Qingtong planet in the Luoyong star field, I will stay here for ten days, if you want to go out for a stroll, hurry up!"


For a long time, every time I went to a planet, it would only take a day or so to stop. This time, I stopped for ten days at one time, and seeing the excitement of the people around, almost everyone was about to leave the space cave!

"Du Long! Don't you want to visit Qingtong Xing?!" Just when Du Long felt that Monk Zhang Er was confused, Xiao Sehuo's clear and slightly excited voice sounded from the side.

"Sister Huo'er!" Du Long immediately asked doubts in his heart: "Why did you stay in Qingtong Star for so long?! And it seems that almost everyone wants to go out?!"

"Hee hee! Qingtong Star is a good place. Elder sister, I also took over the family mission this time, so I have the opportunity to follow you to the Tianque Starfield!" Xiao Se gave a hot smile, and slowly explained the situation of Qingtong Planet. Introduced again.

It turns out that Qingtong Star is a planet rich in Qingtong seeds. Qingtong seeds are not a particularly valuable elixir medicine, it is just the most famous seasoning in the fairy world, and it can also be used as a food spice!

In the fairy world, green paulownia seeds are a must-have edible spice for many famous restaurants. If a slightly higher-end restaurant does not use green paulownia seeds for seasoning, it is definitely not a real high-end restaurant in the fairy world. Not really a delicacy in the fairy world!

It's a pity that this kind of Qingtong seed is only produced on the soil of Qingtong star, and it can't be transplanted to other planets at all. This kind of plant that is spread all over Qingtong star will either die or not be born on other planets. Produce grains!

In short, because of this, the price of Qingtong seeds in the entire fairy world is very high, especially the farther the planet is from the Qingtong planet, the more expensive it is!

The reason is because of the high cost of long-distance planetary teleportation, Qingtongzi has also become a special product of the four major alliances that control almost all interstellar teleportation arrays in the fairy world, but the selling price is many times higher than the original place.

There is also a characteristic of Qingtong seeds. Its storage time cannot exceed ten years, that is to say, it must be used up within ten years after picking, otherwise its fragrance will disappear!

It is precisely because of this seemingly inconspicuous feature that the value of qingtong seeds in the fairy world is doubled, and it cannot be stored for a long time, which means that you cannot buy too much at a time, otherwise it will become a pile of waste as time goes by !

High transportation costs, incapable of long-term storage, and inability to be transplanted to other planets, all these reasons have made Qingtong seeds become one of the most famous and expensive seasonings in the fairy world!

Therefore, the once-a-hundred-year alchemy competition in the fairy world has become a good opportunity for many merchants to make a fortune. They can pay money that is many times lower than the transmission fee, come to the Qingtong planet to purchase this kind of Qingtong seeds, and then bring them back to Ziyue Sell ​​it in the star field, or directly bring it to the Tianque star field for sale!

And Xiao Sehuo, as a representative sent by the Xiao clan, has several procurement tasks along the way this time, including the task of purchasing green tung tree seeds on the Qingtong planet!

After hearing her tell the reason why Qingtong Star is so attractive, Du Long, who was idle and had nothing to do, decided to go out and experience this magical Qingtong seed spice, and immediately took Xia Qinglian together to follow Xiao Sehuo and Jiang Xiaotian Leaving the space cave together, they came to the main city of Qingtong Star, which has a large interstellar teleportation array, which is full of people - Tianluo City!

Looking at this main city, which is a bit more lively than Biboxing, which owns the ascension world planet, Du Long couldn't help but secretly feel a lot of emotion. For the sake of Qingtongzi, many participating teams deliberately took a long way to come here, in order to 'Drop in' to buy a batch of paulownia seeds for free!

Of course, this is also human nature. In the boundless universe of the Immortal World, many interstellar businessmen will do everything in order to make money. The methods and methods are definitely many times more complicated than those in the Mortal World!

The group was not in a hurry to purchase the tung tree seeds, but took care of Du Long to go to the Danmeng branch of the main city first. Apart from asking Du Long to find out if there were any immortal medicinal materials for refining the Seven Star Rongyuan Pill, Make a report there, so that the four major alliances can arrange personnel to protect the safety of their group.

Of course, Du Long and his party are limited to the four contestants, plus Xiao Sehuo, Mu Shuo, and Huo Li. As for the business travelers who hitchhiked here, they couldn't wait to buy goods.

In the Danmeng Branch, everyone first accompanied Du Long to the building where the elixir was sold, but in the end they couldn't even find a single celestial medicine. Every day, several batches of participating teams were entertained here. The medicinal materials, even those that were not rare, were sold out, and Du Long couldn't even buy a single one.

A group of people had no choice but to go to the Danmeng branch to report to the leader of the branch, but they found that the leader of the branch here actually went out to protect the contestants. The reason is very simple, there are too many participating teams stranded on the planet Qingtong Well, it's not enough to send out all the elite squads. In the end, even the branch leader had to play the role of the captain of the guard!

This situation allowed Du Long and others to see the current situation of Qingtong Planet clearly again, and they had no choice but to report to the Danmeng staff, and then left the Danmeng branch.

Although they are not protected by the guard team sent by the four major alliances on this planet, as soon as they are reported, the various monitoring circles controlled by the four major alliances will closely monitor their group.

Once the group of them is blocked by some kind of energy, the big burst of spirits will immediately issue an alarm, and the masters all over the planet will receive the alarm and immediately rush to the area where they disappeared!

In short, this point alone is enough. Presumably with the strength of their group of people, there are very few people in the fairy world who can kill them instantly in such a short period of time!

"Huh?!" Walking on the crowded street, Du Long couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "There are so many paulownia seeds for sale on both sides of the street, why are the prices different by several times?!"

As Du Long said, the streets of this main city are full of stalls selling green paulownia seeds, among which the difference in prices of green paulownia seeds is not just a little bit, but doubled, which makes him deeply puzzled.

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