Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 871 Searching for medicine in the interstellar

In Ziyue Xianwan, the Lin clan of Biboxing soon issued a statement, to the effect that the grudge between the Lin clan and Du Long would be separated from the gangster, and it would be classified as a personal grudge!

Although this statement gave the Black Assassin Society a step forward, it also made all parties in the fairy world see that this was obviously a concession from the Black Assassin Society!

After all, there is absolutely no mistake in the fact that the Lin family is an affiliated family of the Black Assassin Society. It is related to the murder of the heir of the Lin family.

People with a discerning eye can clearly see that wanting to separate the Lin family's personal grievances from the Black Assault Society is nothing more than deception and self-deception. Killing a compromise and concession in this incident!

Biboxing, the four major families secretly breathed a sigh of relief after receiving this statement from the Lin family!

After all, this matter is related to the conflict between the two major forces in the fairy world, and no one can take it lightly. The various concessions and compromises of the four major alliances towards the Black Assassin Society definitely have their own inevitable factors, and it is by no means groundless!

Faced with the harsh statement issued by the Lin family, Du Long could only embrace it with a smile. After the statement issued by the headquarters of the four major alliances, he did not believe that the Lin family dared to fight without conclusive evidence. In the past, he killed himself in broad daylight!

As for the secret activities, anyway, they existed before these bad things, and there is no change at all for Du Long!

In Bibo City, Du Long swaggered back from Huo Mansion to Du Mansion, and deliberately passed by the gate of the mansion of Lin's Mansion on Zijing Road. It can be seen that the joint statement issued by the headquarters of the four major alliances has a great deterrent effect on the Lin family!

After the announcement of the Lin family's statement, the struggle between the four major alliances and the Black Assassins immediately entered a delicate situation. Both parties were unwilling to prematurely break out unnecessary confrontation. Cool quietly under cold treatment!

After Du Long returned safely to the Du Mansion, the rest of the time was waiting for the Immortal World Contest. There was still nearly a year before the departure of the Ziyue Xianwan Biboxing team. During this period of time, he would not out!

In addition to staying in the three cave worlds to practice every day, I just waited for Mu Xuan and others to help me collect and refine the seven-star fusion yuan pill immortal medicinal materials. The three immortal medicinal materials needed for the competition are still short of a few key supports Material!

Time passed, and the day when the members of Biboxing participated in the Immortal World Pill Artifact Contest finally came. After nearly a year of collection, Du Long finally collected all the three copies of the seven-star Rongyuan Danxian medicinal materials needed for the competition!

On this day, after receiving the notification, he and Xia Qinglian came to the branch of the Second League of Pills!

The Second League of Alchemy sent a nine-star guard team and a seven-star guard team to escort the four contestants representing Ziyue Xianwan to Tianque Starfield!

The two seven-star elite guard teams led by Jiu Xinggao are considered top-notch existences in the entire fairy world. In addition, the participants in the fairy world alchemy competition are all guarded by the four major alliances. No one dared to touch them on the way!

Unless, the person who strikes is very confident in his action plan, confident that he can be foolproof after the half-way interception, without leaving any traces!

In the Alchemy Second League branch, Du Long was surprised that Xiao Sehuo also decided to go with them to Tianque Starfield through his relationship!

In the fairy world, the once-in-a-century Second Pill Artifact League Competition is often used by those related households. Because of the relationship with the space cave, there is often only one person on the road, and everyone else will be included in the space cave.

That being the case, it doesn't make much difference to take a few more people to go together. As long as there is a close relationship with the four major alliances, they will take advantage of this free ride and go to a certain star field in the fairyland to do business!

In short, the once-in-a-century free interstellar journey in the fairy world has also become a feast for free rides. Apart from Xiao Sehuo, Du Long was surprised to find that there are hundreds of people who set off with him!

In the second branch of the Bibo Star Pill Artifact League, the two branch leaders, Mu Huo, naturally had a careful explanation. Afterwards, with the help of a nine-star master sent by the Dan League, Du Long and hundreds of people entered his carry-on In the space cave, embark on an interstellar long-distance journey!

Mu Shuo from the Bibo Star Branch of the Danmeng, whose strength has reached the perfection of nine stars, naturally became the main person in charge of leading the team this time. He carried a space cave with him, and rushed to the Tianque Starfield without stopping.

Holding the special tokens of the four major alliances, the journey is completely free, from Bibo Star to the life planet Yan Jupiter, which is near the edge of the Purple Moon Star Field, and then directly teleported to the distant Ziyue Star through the unique long-distance and interstellar teleportation array The closest coral stone star field!

In this way, with the help of the free tokens specially made by the four major alliances, they left the Hushi Starfield all the way and headed towards the Tianque Starfield at full speed!

As time passed, after leaving the Ziyue Starfield, passing through the Hushi Starfield, and passing through more than a dozen starfields all the way to the core area of ​​the Immortal Realm, Mu Shuo finally stayed on a living planet in the Gore Starfield on this day. - Odd city star!

Qicheng star is the main life planet of the Gore star field, and its status is similar to that of Bibo star in the Ziyue star field!

According to the previous agreement between Du Long and Mu Xuan, once he came to the main life planet of the star field far away from Bibo star, he had to stay for one day so that Du Long could purchase and refine the Seven Star Fusion Pill on these main life planets. The fairy medicine!

Walking on the unique scenery of Qicheng Xing Street, Du Long and other hundreds of people who were brought out by Mu Shuo agreed on a meeting place, and then dispersed!

Of course, the four contestants cannot be scattered at will, and they need to stay within the sight of the defense team at all times. The main task of the two guard teams is the four contestants!

As for the other hitchhiking businessmen, if they didn't show up at the designated place at the appointed time, it meant that they had already arrived at the place they wanted to go, and there was no need to wait for them any longer.

"Du Long! Where are you going?!" Escorted by two elite guards, Jiang Xiaotian curiously asked Du Long who was hurrying on his way.

In this Immortal World Pill Artifact Contest, Du Long represented Ziyue Xianwan in the Pill Refining Competition, and Jiang Xiaotian represented Ziyue Xianwan in the Pill Refining Competition. They were both seven-star contestants!

"That's it!" Du Long, who was walking in front, pointed at a luxurious building in front of him without looking back, and replied lightly.

"Danmeng branch?!" Jiang Xiaotian muttered softly after seeing the eye-catching Danmeng logo on the gate of the building.

"That's right! I'd like to see if there are any fairy medicinal materials for refining the Qixing Rongyuan Pill at the Danmeng branch. In addition to preparing more for the competition, it is best to buy a few more copies to practice on the road!" Du Long Nodding his head, he took the lead to step into the Xingdanmeng Branch of the Hushi Starfield Qicheng City.

Two beauties, Xia Qinglian and Xiao Sehuo, followed closely behind him. Naturally, the two girls looked up to him. As for Jiang Xiaotian, he didn't have any particular place he wanted to go, so he followed them into the gate of the Danmeng branch.

In addition to them, there is also a young man named Luo Sen who participated in the six-star level competition of the Artifact Refining Competition. He is not interested in alchemy, and his eyes rolled around, so he decided to hang around in the Artifact Alliance on the side.

After seeing Mu Shuo, he immediately sent two seven-star guards to follow behind him, which shows that their group of guards still pay more attention to the safety of Du Long and others.

The architectural layout of Qicheng Xingdanmeng branch is similar to that of Biboxing. In addition to the main hall for the general public to sign up for the elixir level assessment, there is a building selling elixir on the left.

Du Long's goal was here. As soon as he entered, he immediately asked the staff who came up to him: "Are there any immortal medicinal materials for refining Qixing Rongyuan Pill?!"

Then the staff member frowned and replied with a flattering smile: "This young master must be a contestant who is going to the Tianque Starfield to participate in the pill refining competition?!"

"This...how did you see it?!" Du Longchi asked in doubt.

"Hey!" The staff member responded with a smile on his face, "Recently, many people are looking for celestial medicinal materials for refining the Seven Star Fusion Pill, most of which are prepared for the Immortal Realm Pill Competition!"

Nodding suddenly, Du Long said in relief: "May I ask if you still have the immortal medicinal materials for refining the Seven Star Fusion Pill?!"

"Yes! But it's not complete. It all depends on whether you need these immortal medicinal materials!" The staff member nodded helplessly, obviously not optimistic that Du Long would be able to take a fancy to these immortal medicinal materials.

"Take me to take a look!" Du Long's interspatial ring still has several celestial herbs for refining the Seven Star Fusion Pill, and there are still a few key celestial herbs missing. There are still many star fields to choose from.

In the end, he was obviously going to be disappointed. The several immortal herbs that the staff took out were almost all that he didn't lack, and the price was even more expensive than Biboxing, which was absolutely unacceptable to Du Long.

After the group left the Danmeng branch, they found a place to rest and eat, and waited until the appointed time before rushing to the designated place - Qicheng Star Teleportation Array!

There were already hundreds of people waiting there, Mu Shuo unceremoniously brought them back into the space cave, and continued on the long-distance interstellar journey!

After passing through several star fields along the way, Du Long took the opportunity to come out and take a look around, but the result was still the same. Although he also bought a few immortal herbs, he couldn't even collect a complete set of immortal herbs!

In the end, Du Long had to discuss with Mu Shuo and made a decision, that is, to stay on some edge planets of the star field, and try to see if he can buy the fairy medicinal materials he needs in these places!

There is Xiulin Starfield, which is hundreds of starfields away from Bibo Star. On this day, Mu Shuo successfully arrived at Youxing, the edge planet of Xiulin Starfield. According to the agreement between him and Du Long, he released the people in the space cave again. Come out and prepare to spend another day on this planet!

Du Long and the others never imagined that this kind of information about staying on the edge of the planet has been secretly transmitted...

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