Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 852 Six Pan Pagoda

In the empty valley star, among the dense forests with overlapping peaks, three black shadows quietly lurk on the mountainside of a mountain, looking through the bushes that hide their figures, looking at the valley covered with flowers and grass below!

"Master! That's great! The information we received is indeed correct. There really is a valley full of immortal medicines here!" An old and hoarse voice transmission sounded in the minds of the three, and the uncontrollable excitement in the voice could be heard.

The old man who opened his mouth was the Uncle Zhong who had been following Lin Fengyun all the time. Beside him, besides Lin Fengyun, was the high-ranking eight-star member of the Lin clan who was placed in the Danmeng branch. A powerful forest farmer!

"Hey! Empty Spirit Grass, Purple Leaf Spirit Grass, Bixue Qionggen, Hunyuan Fruit..." Lin Fengyun scanned through the Immortal Consciousness, and listed the varieties of various immortal medicines in the valley below one by one: "With these Void Spirit Grass, this young man will surely be able to break through to reach the Seventh Heaven Realm every day, hahaha!"

"Haha! In this valley alone, there are several seven- to nine-star-level fairy herbs that the old man urgently needs! We have sneaked here carefully for the past six months, and it is really a worthwhile trip!" The forest farmer on the side also passed on excitedly. The voice answered.

Speaking of which, it was more than half a year ago that the three members of the Lin clan appeared on Konggu by such a coincidence!

After the Bibo Star Pill Qualifier, the Lin family paid special attention to Du Long's information, and after learning that he decided to refine the Seven-Star Rongyuan Pill, which had the greatest chance of winning, in the Tianque Starfield's Pill Final, the Lin family paid special attention to Du Long's information. So he secretly played tricks, trying to make Du Long lack the immortal medicinal materials to practice alchemy skills.

After all, the more complex and difficult to refine the pill, the more it needs to practice continuously to get good results. This is a necessary process recognized by the fairy world!

In fact, due to the lack of celestial medicinal materials for practice, Du Long has made slow progress in the refining of the seven-star Rongyuan pill in the past year and a half. So far, he has not even been able to refine the Erwen quality Rongyuan pill.

It can be seen from this that even with the help of Chaos True Fire, it is not an easy task for Du Long to refine a high-quality Seven Star Fusion Pill!

One day more than half a year ago, when Lin Fengyun was dealing with family affairs, he received such a piece of information. The adventure team sent by the Lin family to the planet Konggu sent back such a message that the Immortal Medicine Valley was discovered in this area of ​​Konggu planet!

Not long after this adventure team sent back this message, all the soul jade charms of the team members were shattered, and no one was spared. This also shows that the area they broke into not only has the Immortal Medicine Valley, but also has great danger!

After Lin Fengyun received this information, he discussed with Uncle Zhong and decided to go and search for it himself. This guy has always been very happy, and it was because of this that he fell into the Nine Nether Realm last time and almost died!

Perhaps it was because the secrets about the Nine Nether Realm had been completely eliminated, he still hadn't learned the lesson this time, and as always decided not to disturb others as much as possible.

However, this time, Uncle Zhong seemed to feel the danger, and he did not agree to his request. After his repeated pleas, Lin Fengyun could only tell his own father the information, but the news that the adventure team was wiped out To hide it.

After Lin Zhitian thought about it for a while, he asked Lin Nong to go with them to Konggu Star. He could feel at ease only if he had an existence guard with a seven-star perfection and an eight-star perfection.

Although he knew that the Konggu star was dangerous, Lin Zhitian also knew that if his precious son wanted to inherit the family business, he had to go out and take risks.

Thus, the trip to Kongguxing was completed in this way. After the three of them came to Kongguxing, they followed the coordinates sent back by the dead adventure team all the way. As they went to the later stage, they found that the surrounding monsters were getting stronger and stronger.

Back then, the adventure team of the Lin family fled to the Immortal Medicine Valley in a panic because they were hunted down by monsters. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, they sneaked towards the target as carefully as possible, and their speed was extremely slow.

After walking so many wrong ways and experiencing several dangers, they finally arrived in the area of ​​the Immortal Medicine Valley half a year later with the help of a treasure that can hide the human aura!

Looking at the valley full of immortal medicines below, it stands to reason that the three of them should be excited to rush down to sweep it, but unfortunately, they can only look at the high-level immortal medicines in the valley, but they dare not take half a step beyond the thunder pool!

Through the scanning of immortal consciousness, it is found that this valley is dozens of miles long, and the widest point is only less than five miles. In such a valley, there are no less than a hundred monsters living there!

Among them, the most powerful monster is a nine-star monster, there are five or six eight-star monsters, and a dozen seven-star monsters, and there are nearly a hundred monsters below six stars!

Sure enough, as long as there are high-level immortal medicines, there will always be powerful monsters guarding them. In addition to being the valley of immortal medicines, this valley is also a clan of powerful monster races!

The people living in this Immortal Medicine Valley are all the powerful blood-eyed golden ape clan of Konggu star. They have low intelligence and violent temper. If any foreign race dares to invade their clan, they will attack them in groups. Never die!

"Uncle Lin, Uncle Zhong! I really didn't expect that such a powerful group of blood-eyed golden apes lived in this fairy medicine valley. Body shape?!" Withholding his greedy gaze from those rare medicinal herbs, Lin Fengyun glanced at the golden pagoda held by his left hand, and asked not very confidently.

"Although these blood-eyed golden apes are powerful in combat, they are low in intelligence. They don't have strong sense of immortality at all. They can only see things with their eyes. Once our six-plate tower is activated in invisible mode, it happens that these beasts The nemesis should be able to successfully sweep away the valley full of fairy medicinal materials from under their noses!" Lin Nong's face showed a confident expression.

"That's right! What Master Lin said is true!" Uncle Zhong obviously agreed with Lin Nong's statement, and then added: "The Liupan Pagoda has the effect of invisibility and concealing aura, although it has no effect on the immortal consciousness of immortal cultivators. , but it just happened to restrain these low-intelligence beasts, but unfortunately, the time to activate the invisibility is limited, you can only activate it twice a day, and you can only last for less than half an hour at most!"

What Uncle Zhong said was very correct, and it was precisely because of the defect of the six-pan tower that the three of them walked and stopped on the empty valley star, and it took about half a year to find this valley of immortal medicine!

If it weren't for the help of this Liupan Pagoda, Lin Zhitian, the patriarch of the Lin clan, would not have easily agreed to his precious son to come here to take risks. After all, Kongguxing is still too dangerous!

After pondering for a while, Lin Fengyun immediately made a decision: "Okay! Then there will be Lao Zhongbo and Uncle Lin! Let's wait until it gets dark before we act. We must take advantage of the cover of the dark night to wipe out the Immortal Medicine Valley below within an hour. !"

In the dense forest between the peaks, Du Long, under the guidance of Ling Linger, sneaked along the tortuous route. In his mind, there was a virtual image marked with three light spots of red, yellow and green, representing Three levels of strength!

Each color of the light spot has three brightness levels, which represent the three-star strength of each level. It is very intuitive and clear. Du Long can understand the strength level of the monsters around him with a simple scan!

Just as Du Long was sneaking cautiously and constantly avoiding all dangerous areas, Jie Lingling'er's surprised low cry suddenly sounded in his mind: "Huh?!"

"What's the matter?!" Du Long hurriedly asked through voice transmission.

"In front of you on your right there is a valley full of immortal medicines, almost all kinds of immortal medicines grow in it, and there are quite a few of the three-flavored immortal medicines you need!" Jie Lingling exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Quickly calculate the route, I want to go there as soon as possible!"

"Wait..." Just as Du Long turned around and changed direction to the front right, Jie Lingling'er's voice made him freeze suddenly, and asked in surprise, "What's the matter?!"

"In that valley lived a group of monster beasts called the Blood-eyed Golden Ape. Among them was the ape king whose strength reached the nine-star level, and..." Jie Linglinger immediately reported the strength of these monster beasts one by one. come out.

"Damn! Although I know that as long as there are fairy medicinal materials, there are usually monsters guarding them, but the monsters in this valley are too powerful, right?! Linger, do we have a chance to capture the many immortals in this valley of fairy medicine?" Medicinal materials?! If we use the basalt dragon armor and the top-grade immortal stone, will we lose money?!" Du Long roared a little depressed.

Jie Lingling'er didn't answer Du Long's question immediately, and fell into silence, as if calculating how many top-grade immortal essence stones would be consumed to capture the many immortal herbs in this immortal medicine valley, and then whether it would be a loss.

"Hey! Let's just give up! After calculation, if you want to kill this group of blood-eyed golden apes and then collect Gu Zhongxian's medicinal materials, you will definitely consume all the top-grade immortal essence stones on your body. The gain is not worth the loss! You will definitely lose a lot! "Jie Lingling'er replied with a sigh after being silent for a while.

"This... how could it be like this?!" Du Long obviously couldn't accept this result. Recently, he owed favors to Mu Huo Erlao and Xiao Se Huo Tianda for those few immortal herbs. It's very uncomfortable!

Now it is hard to find an Immortal Medicine Valley, and there are many immortal medicinal materials needed for refining medicine in it. It feels really bad to come to Baoshan but dare not go in, and finally have to return empty-handed!

"No way! That nine-star blood-eyed golden ape is too powerful. Not only is its skin rough and thick, its speed is extremely fast, and its attack power is also powerful. Even if you have a basalt dragon armor and want to kill it, I'm afraid it will not be easy. What!" Jie Lingling'er could only analyze helplessly.

"Hey! So, is there only one option to give up?!" Du Long sighed unwillingly.

Jie Lingling'er fell into silence again, she could naturally understand Du Long's mood, so she could only try her best to help him think about it to see if there was a solution, and continued to scan all kinds of information in the valley.

Just when Du Long thought there was nothing to do, Jie Linglinger's voice suddenly sounded: "Huh?! How did these three guys get there?!"

"What do you mean?! Where did those three guys go?!" Du Long asked subconsciously.

Jie Lingling'er did not answer immediately, but was listening to something, and soon exclaimed excitedly: "Du Long! That's great, we have a way to get those fairy herbs!"

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