Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 818 Kapok Tea

Kapok Village, covering several miles, is surrounded by a circle of Kapok tree poles unique to Biboxing, forming a wooden wall of more than ten meters high!

At this moment, a small group of three or five people stood on the wall, each armed to guard a corner of the wall. After Du Long and his group flew into the village, these village guards did not let down their vigilance, as if they were facing an enemy.

Du Long could clearly feel the tense atmosphere in the entire village. Although the villagers he met along the way looked nervous, they didn't seem to be targeting the two strangers.

Noticing the different expression on his face, the village head Wu Jiangbo raised his mouth slightly, but he didn't take the initiative to explain why the atmosphere in the village was so tense.

It can be seen that the five six-star masters headed by the village chief Wu Jiangbo have a high prestige in this small village. The villagers they meet along the way, no matter men, women, old or young, will respectfully greet them even if they are in a hurry!

Soon, the group of them came to a courtyard in the middle of the village. You can see that this courtyard is the largest in the entire village. There are special trees that are more than ten to twenty meters high inside and outside the courtyard. Cotton tree!

A group of people entered the main reception hall to divide the guests and hosts into their seats. Immediately, a maid hurriedly served fragrant tea and refreshments. After the maid retreated, the village chief Wu Jiangbo, who was sitting on the main seat, raised his hand politely. He signaled: "Two distinguished guests, please drink tea!"

They had long been attracted by the aroma of the tea, and now that the host had greeted them, Du Long and Xiao Sehuo unceremoniously picked up the teacups in front of them, and took a sip one after another.

"Good tea! It leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth after entering the mouth, and then there is a sweet aroma lingering in the mouth, which lasts for a long time!" Du Long, who has never liked tea but only likes to drink and eat meat, couldn't help but love this cup of tea. Ming was full of praise.

"Haha, let me tell you the truth, Brother Du Long, this is the fragrant kapok tea made by my kapok village. Presumably the two distinguished guests have seen the trees growing in our kapok village?! They are the main source of kapok tea. !" With Du Long's approval, the village head Wu Jiangbo was obviously very pleased, and the faces of the other six-star level existences also showed a slightly satisfied smile.

It's a pity that behind the smiling faces of these people, there is a faint sadness hidden, and there seems to be something unspeakable!

"Hehe, such fragrant tea must be very famous in the whole Bibo Star, right?! It's a pity that I'm just a vulgar person who likes to drink and eat meat. I rarely go to those teahouses in Bibo City to drink tea on weekdays, so I haven't heard of it. The name of kapok tea!" Du Long openly revealed his shortcomings to the public.

Xiao Sehuo on the side couldn't hold back his coquettish anger and said: "Hee hee! Apart from practicing all day long, you guy only sees you eating and drinking in restaurants at most. I really haven't seen you go to tea houses!"

"Sister Huo'er is right. It seems that my younger brother and I should go to teahouses to be more arty in the future, haha!" Du Long could only reply with a self-deprecating smile.

"Hahaha..." Everyone in the living room laughed when they heard the joke between the two of them, the "siblings".

After everyone stopped laughing, Du Long asked Wu Jiangbo politely again: "Village Chief Wu, I met many villages along the way, and they all guarded us like thieves. People, don’t let them approach at all, why are you willing to invite strangers like us into the village? Don’t you be afraid that we are bad people?!”

"Hehe! As I said just now, you two are full of righteousness, and you have an extraordinary bearing. You should be from a wealthy family in Bibo City. People like us in poor villages don't have much wealth to catch the eyes of you!" Wu Jiangbo waved his hands indifferently. Said: "For example, our kapok village relies on the kapok tea in the village to make a little money. Besides, we neither steal nor rob. There is no other source of income at all!"

"Oh?! Does your village rely on this kind of kapok tea for a living?!" Du Long asked curiously, "Could it be that this kapok tea can feed the whole village?!"


Xiao Sehuo spit out the tea in his mouth on the spot, being so rude in front of several strangers, even though she has the reputation of little witch, she couldn't help but blush, and finally she could only vent her anger on Du Long, She stared at him charmingly and said, "Do you know how popular kapok tea is in Bibo City?!"

"How easy to sell?!" Du Long was a little confused by her exaggerated performance: "Isn't it just a bowl of tea?! Could it be very expensive?!"

Xiao Sehuo was obviously speechless to Du Long, a layman who didn't understand tea at all. He rolled his eyes on the spot, showing a charming look of losing to him, and said with sweat on his forehead: "Kapok tea only appeared in Bibo City Teahouse It took tens of thousands of years, but it quickly caused a sensation and pursuit among tea lovers! At the beginning, a pot of tea only cost one purple gold coin, but now there are probably hundreds of purple gold coins!"

"Oh?! That's not too expensive! Sometimes I order a dish in a restaurant and it's worth thousands of gold coins, especially the wine I bought to honor Master is worth tens of thousands of gold coins a bottle!" Du Long didn't care too much about the fact that a pot of tea cost only hundreds of Zijin coins.

"You..." Xiao Sehuo was obviously confused by Du Long and didn't know what to say to him: "You guys are rich, okay?! In short, this village relies on selling kapok tea to make a living! "

"Haha! What you two said is true. My kapok village relies on this little tea to support my family!" Wu Jiangbo interjected with a smile, and then sighed: "Oh! To put it bluntly, the people in Bibo City Selling a pot of tea for one hundred purple gold coins, we sell the tea leaves to them, and the tea leaves used for a pot of tea are only two or three purple gold coins!"

"Isn't it?!" Du Long said in amazement: "The gap between the two is too big, right?! Dozens of times?!"

"Hey! Those are nothing!" Wu Jiangbo shook his head and sighed again: "I think the two of you have come to understand something along the way. There are robbers and robbers everywhere on the road, and it is difficult to deliver the goods completely. God!"

"Don't those people from the teahouses come to collect the goods themselves?! Do you want them to deliver them to you personally?!" Du Long wondered, his words made everyone roll their eyes again, and obviously made a low-level mistake again, so he asked suspiciously: " Did I say something wrong?!"

"Boy! Don't tell people outside that I'm your older sister from now on. I can't afford to lose this person!" Xiao Sehuo once again covered his forehead, pretending to be a funny face that his older sister doesn't know you, and stared sideways with his beautiful eyes. With Du Long.

"Hahaha!" In the hall, bursts of laughter resounded again.

Just when Du Long was a little puzzled by the second monk, Wu Jiangbo laughed again: "Hehe! It must be because Brother Du Long came from a wealthy family and was not short of money since he was a child. Not surprising!"

"In Biboxing, kapok trees are not only found in our village, they grow in many places. Therefore, kapok tea has also become our special tea in Biboxing!"

"Because this tea is not unique to our village, there will be competition if we sell it in the city. If we want to sell a pot of tea for two or three purple gold coins, we still have to ask others to buy it!"

"How can those teahouses easily increase the purchase price of tea?! How are they willing to take the risk of sending people out of the city to collect tea?! We villages that sell tea for a living can only organize guards to enter the city together to have a chance to make some money!"

"In order to be able to reach Bibo City safely, we have to buy road money from some robbers along the way on a regular basis. Alas! It is not easy to survive outside the city!"

After finally understanding the reason, Du Long couldn't help but sympathize with these villagers who were struggling at the bottom of the fairy world, and finally understood why there were so many robbers and robbers along the way!

"Mr. Wu! I don't quite understand one thing. The five of you have reached the six-star level of strength. It stands to reason that you can go out and take on some star-level tasks. Life should not be so difficult! Why do you stay like this? In a village, are you fighting against the sky or the earth?!" After a long silence, Du Long couldn't help asking another doubt in his heart.

It's no wonder he thinks this way, reaching the six-star level is definitely capable of living a good life independently, so why is there any need to live aggrievedly in such a small village?

Wu Jiangbo and his companions looked at each other, and when he was about to answer Du Long's question, he heard a delicate and crisp child's voice, and following the voice, a petite and exquisite snow-white figure rushed into the meeting The living room, and then flew directly into Wu Jiangbo's arms.


Du Long quickly saw the identity of this little figure. It was a beautiful little girl who had just reached the Gangdan rank and looked only five or six years old. She turned out to be the granddaughter of Village Chief Wu!

Wu Jiangbo hugged his good granddaughter fondly and comforted him for a few words, then Wu Jiangbo cast a wry smile at Du Long and nodded without further explanation.

Du Long is not stupid, naturally he already fully understands why these six-star existences have to settle down here, naturally it is because of the bondage of his family!

"Grandpa! This big sister is so beautiful, and Yunyun will be as beautiful as big sister when she grows up!" The little girl named Yunyun looked at Xiao Sehuo with bright eyes, and said in a childlike voice.

To be honest, which woman does not love beauty? Which woman doesn't like to be praised for her beauty? !

Xiao Sehuo is obviously not exempt, if those adults who know her identity praise her so much, they may still wonder if the other party has some plans.

However, this kind of words came from a five or six-year-old little girl, and Xiao Sehuo fell in love with this cute little girl like a doll on the spot!

"Is your name Yunyun?! You're such a cute and cute boy, come here and give me a hug!" Xiao Sehuo seemed to be particularly attracted to this Yunyun, and directly waved to her for a hug. The little guy didn't know what being polite was, so he was naturally delighted Unceasingly left Wu Jiangbo's arms, and turned into the arms of the little witch!

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