Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 798 The Mystery of the Primordial Spirit

In Xuanling Xiaodongtian, Qin Huofeng sat cross-legged on the top of an unnamed lonely peak, relying on the One Star Immortal Yuan Pill to quickly transform the spiritual power in his body into immortal energy!

Only by converting all the spiritual power in the dantian space into immortal energy, and then absorbing enough immortal energy, can one break the alchemy into a fairy baby and reach the real immortal strength!

Du Long and the others continued to stay in the underground fantasy world, chatting while drinking and feasting, and no one entered the Xuanling Xiaodongtian to accompany Qin Huofeng. As the owner of the Xiaodongtian, Qin Huofeng's abnormal changes could not escape Du Long's attention !

No matter how much he trusts Yi Lu and his wife, Du Long has no intention of revealing the secret of his possession of the Xuanling Xiaodongtian for the time being. After all, this Xiaodongtian is very different from ordinary space caves.

Unless necessary, it is best not to reveal this secret easily!

On the surface, he was drinking and chatting with Yi Tianxuan without saying a word, but secretly, Du Long was discussing the basic common sense of the primordial spirit form with Jie Lingling'er!

For a long time, he didn't have time to seriously understand this information, and today happened to be talking about this matter, so he simply asked clearly!

To be honest, Jie Linglinger's knowledge of the mystery of the primordial spirit form is definitely more detailed than anyone in the fairy world!

After some explanations from her, Du Long finally understood the mysteries of the various forms of the primordial spirit, and summed it up, he still couldn't escape the principles of yin and yang, yin and yang, four images and eight trigrams!

In other words, the form of Xianxiu Yuanshen is actually a person's innate form!

From a broad perspective, the talent form has a yin attribute and a yang attribute, which is the so-called yin and yang!

From a small point of view, it can be refined into four images, five elements, gossip and even all-encompassing!

In order to let Du Long understand this more deeply, Jie Lingling'er explained the form of their souls. Xia Qinglian's Miaolian soul belongs to wood in terms of five elements, and wood belongs to yin, which is in line with her innate Mysterious Yin Physique!

It is said that it belongs to munai from a broad perspective. Mu is subdivided into hundreds of millions of different forms, such as the lotus flower form, and various other flowers, plants and trees belong to wood!

There are thousands of forms of primordial spirits belonging to wood, but there are also high and low points, just like Xia Qinglian's Miaolian primordial spirit, which is recognized as the most talented form of alchemy in the fairy world, and definitely belongs to the top existence of wood attribute primordial spirits !

As for Du Long's sword-shaped primordial spirit, it stands to reason that it should belong to gold, with a gold partial yang attribute. It focuses on attacking and refining gold and refining weapons. It is also called the most suitable form of primordial spirit to become a craftsman!

Besides, the primordial spirits of Yi Lu and his wife are in the double form of tiger and crane. The tiger is the white tiger of the four elephants and belongs to gold, and the crane is the red bird of the four elephants and belongs to fire. There must be mutual attraction, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are, there is no way to separate them!

Yi Tianxuan and Lu Hong'er were good and evil at the beginning, but they still overcome all difficulties and finally became husband and wife, making a great story of Julanxing handed down from generation to generation!

This is where the tiger and crane's dual-shaped souls attract each other. Although these two souls are not as good as Du Long's sword-shaped soul and Qinglian's Miaolian soul, they are not far behind!

Among the many forms of primordial spirit, it can be regarded as an extremely good form of primordial spirit. People who possess this form of primordial spirit have a talent for comprehending the profound meaning of the way of heaven, which is absolutely incomparable!

As for Qin Huofeng's oval spherical primordial form that suddenly appeared, Jie Lingling'er's explanation was somewhat ambiguous. According to her, this primordial form should not be fully finalized.

Just like a primordial spirit egg, if it gives birth to a phoenix, it will fly up to the branch to become a phoenix; if it gives birth to a grass chicken, it will always be just a mediocre grass chicken!

In the end, we talked about the beasts and beauties. After all, this gentle beauty is not a human being, but a beast. The blood attributes of these beasts are fixed, so their primordial forms are also fixed, but there is nothing to explore that's it!

It's like that the husbands definitely belong to the water-type beasts, and it is impossible for their race to have a fire-attributed beasts, and their primordial spirit is their own beasts!

After communicating with Jie Lingling'er and successfully figuring out the state of the immortal cultivator's primordial spirit, Du Long's heart moved, and he asked her again whether there was a fixed connection between the ascension world and the mortal world.

As a result, this girl actually knew this information. With her explanation, Du Long realized that the result was almost the same as Yi Tianxuan's guess!

As we all know, the Immortal World is actually a vast and boundless cosmic world. It is naturally not a flat world, but a three-dimensional cosmic space!

In this three-dimensional cosmic space, it is said that from the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, one hundred and eight ascending realms were naturally formed in all directions!

The universe of the fairy world is vast and boundless, and every position in the ascension world has an adjacent universe of the mortal world. Then ascend to the planet where the Ascension Realm is located!

All in all, in the cosmic space of the mortal world where Du Long is located, everyone will come to the ascension world of Biboxing in Ziyue Xianwan after ascension. This is the result of the invisible rule of heaven!

'Ling'er! So, under this fairy world, there are a total of 108 mortal world universes? ! ’ Hearing the end, Du Long immediately analyzed it sharply.

'That's right! How many Ascension Realms there are in the Immortal Realm corresponds to how many Mortal Realm universes there are! A mortal universe is also vast and boundless, with countless planets suitable for life, and countless planets with spiritual practitioners! ’Jie Linglinger said with emotion.

‘In the mortal world, don’t all planets with human habitation have spiritual practitioners? ! ’ Du Long once again grasped the key point in Lingling Linger's words.

'of course! "Jie Lingling'er nodded and said: "There are countless planets in the universe of the mortal world, most of which are not suitable for life, and only a few are suitable for life. Even so, there are countless planets with life do! Among the countless living planets, there are still only a small number of planets with spiritual and immortal cultivation systems, but even so, there are still countless planets with cultivation systems! '

‘On the many planets with life, some have no human beings at all, and all of them are low-level animals. Although some humans exist, they are still in the most primitive state. Those human beings have never been civilized! There are also some planets where human beings have been civilized, but they have no spiritual cultivation and immortal cultivation, but they have embarked on a low-tech route. . . '

'It's like the song "Wang Ning Mei" I taught you at the beginning. In fact, I collected it when I traveled to a technological planet called Earth with the former owner. At that time, the former owner liked it very much, and Linger was particularly impressed by it Deeper! '

'Technology planet? ! ’ Du Long obviously didn’t understand the meaning of Tech Planet: ‘Why does Ling’er call Tech Planet a low-level technological route? ! '

'well! "Jie Lingling'er sighed softly: "Since you have successfully cultivated to reach the strength of immortals, you naturally understand that no matter whether you are a human or a monster, you can only improve your strength through continuous practice. Immortality and eternal life are only one aspect. Your originally weak body possesses the power to destroy the world! '

'As for the technological planet, what they pursue is the help of the so-called external force of science and technology, for example, to manufacture spaceships capable of interstellar shuttle flight, to manufacture medicines that can prolong human life for thousands of years, and to manufacture products that help human beings to produce rapidly. Machines for various items and more! '

‘This is completely putting the cart before the horse and putting the cart before the horse! Through the power of technology, they have indeed become stronger than ordinary life planets, and they are also able to conquer some life planets close to their planets, which is a pity. . . '

'What a pity? ! ’ Seeing that Jie Linglinger stopped here, Du Long asked immediately.

'It's a pity that although the rules of heaven allow them to exist, they don't like this kind of technological path of sacrificing the basics and chasing the last. They are often destroyed by the technological weapons they develop during the growth process! ’ Jie Lingling’er replied in a deep voice: ‘God does not bless the road of science and technology! '

'Can't it be spared? ! Since they can fly in the universe, wouldn't they find a planet with spiritual practitioners, then give up the technological route, and start to join the ranks of spiritual practitioners instead? ! ’ Du Long asked in surprise.

'It should be said that it is extremely difficult to escape! ’Jie Lingling’er said seriously, and then changed the topic: ‘Okay, that’s all for this matter, Huofeng’s breakthrough to the Celestial Immortal Rank through the One Star Immortal Pill is relatively fast, and it’s almost ready! '

Sure enough, in Xuantian Xiaodongtian, Qin Huofeng's aura had gradually stabilized, and Du Long could easily feel that she had successfully upgraded the elixir in her body to a fairy baby!

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