Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 790: Discovered

In the underground fantasy world, three figures are flying recklessly in mid-air. They are the three six-star powerhouses headed by Ma Yan!

In the blink of an eye, they had been wandering around this underground world for three or four days!

From being cautious at the beginning, like Du Long, he found that as long as he did not harm the underground dinosaur monsters, he would not attract their siege, so he dared to fly recklessly in the air and carefully explore this fantastic underground world!

"My God! This is really a wonderful underground world that has never been heard before, and the immortal energy is so strong, and there are many kinds of high-level immortal medicines. In just a few days, we have harvested several four- to seven-star-level immortal medicines, big brother! This time we You can make a fortune! Haha!" The male team member Kong Qiu laughed excitedly.

His mouth was talking, but his eyes glanced around with a greedy light, apparently he was using both his sense of immortality and his eyes, searching for traces of immortal medicinal materials.

"Yeah!" The female team member Yao Qin nodded heavily: "This is really a treasure land rich in high-level elixir! Song Ping and Li Dong's soul jade charms are still intact, and they obviously managed to escape from those dinosaur monsters. Chasing and killing, should we send a message to invite them to come in and get a share?!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the faces of Ma Yan and Kong Qiu, who were still smiling excitedly, changed, and finally the burly Ma Yan said lightly: "We survived a catastrophe under the siege of countless dinosaur monsters. I was lucky enough to enter this wonderful underground world, this is the fate we sacrificed our lives for, why should we take advantage of those two guys?!"

"What Brother Ma Yan said is true! Such a treasured place of geomantic omen, those who are destined to live there..." Kong Qiu obviously agrees with Ma Yan's statement, and he is not willing to leak information about this place to the other two companions on the surface for nothing.

At this moment, the three of them felt something in their hearts almost at the same time, and they took out their respective message formation stones. With a sweep of their minds, they found that when it came to Cao Cao, Cao Cao was coming, and it was the two team members Song and Li who were on the surface. information, asking where they are, and wanting to rush over to meet them.

After seeing the content of the message, Yao Qin and Kong Qiu looked up at Ma Yan, and saw that he picked up the message stone and sent a reply letter after a moment of pondering. This reply letter was also sent to Yao and Kong's message On the letter formation stone, they checked the content of this message one after another.

'Brothers Song Ping and Li Dong! Sister Yao Qin, Brother Kong Qiu and I were chased and intercepted by a large group of dinosaur monsters, and finally fled into a crack in the ground. Because the exit was blocked, the three of us couldn't get out for the time being! '

'Brother! What can I do? ! '

'It doesn't matter! They are too big to come in and hunt us down. If these beasts disperse after a while, it won't be too late for us to come out and send a message to join the two brothers! '

'Understood! Brother, sister Yao Qin, brother Kong Qiu, take care of yourself. Brother Li Dong and I will take a look around outside for the time being, looking for the traces of that Du Long while doing tasks, waiting for you to come out and meet up soon! '

After Ma Yan pretended to reply another message, he put away the messenger stone and looked at his two companions with a smile: "Let's go! Let's continue to search for immortal medicinal materials!"

So, these three six-star existences, leaving aside their two companions, continued to slowly move forward in this underground fantasy world, relying on both their sense of immortality and their eyes, and began to search for traces of those high-level immortal medicines.

"Huh?!" After advancing for less than half an hour, Ma Yan suddenly exclaimed, and Yao Qin and Kong Qiu beside him stopped at the same time and looked at him suspiciously.

In the edge area of ​​Baili covered by the immortal consciousness, several familiar figures fell into the range of Ma Yan's immortal consciousness. They were the targets they wanted to assassinate when they came to the planet of terror this time, but there were more people beside Du Long. A few strange and beautiful figures appeared.

"This kid is also lucky to come to this underground world?!" Ma Yan showed a meaningful smile on his face: "We are really lucky this time! The underground world full of high-level immortal medicinal materials, if you can kill that brat, you can get an extra bounty when you return to Bibo Star!"

There is no need for Ma Yan to explain too much, the other two six-star level existences have also found the traces of Du Long and his group through the scanning of the immortal consciousness, Kong Qiu sneered: "Hey! This guy is just like what the big brother said. You must have a space cave, otherwise how could you bring several other strange women here?!"

"Hee hee! That's great! In addition to the large amount of fairy medicinal materials in this underground world, we can also complete the assassination mission of this trip to the Dreadstar, and we can also get an expensive space cave. It really didn't come in vain!" Yao Qinjiao interjected with a smile.

At this moment, with a whoosh, a mountain-piercing dragon broke through the ground, and then opened its mouth without hesitation and spit out a pile of crystal stones with extremely regular shapes. What else is there besides the immortal essence stone? !

In mid-air, the three people who observed this scene through their immortal senses widened their eyes on the spot, as if they had seen a ghost. The six eyes were seriously protruding, as if they were about to burst out!

"This... this... Immortal... Immortal Essence Stone... top-grade... and top-grade..." Kong Qiu couldn't speak fluently now, and he could barely get used to a single sentence.

Before he could finish his sentence, mountain-climbing dragons broke out of the ground one after another within the coverage of the immortal consciousness, spit piles of immortal essence stones on the ground, and then excitedly took a handful of fruits from Du Long's hand and swallowed them. Into the belly, turned over and burrowed into the ground and disappeared without a trace!

"Oh my god?! This... This guy can actually let Chuanshanlong mine the immortal stone for them?!" Yao Qin finally reacted and exclaimed.

At this moment, the eyes of these three six-star-level existences are already red, and they have long been filled with greedy rays of light!

Looking at each other, as a cooperative existence for many years, they can naturally understand the meaning in the eyes of several companions!

‘Except for the boy who can’t see through the six-star level, the other women, except for two who barely reached the four-star level, the rest have not even reached the immortal level, so there is nothing to worry about! ’ Although Ma Yan’s eyes were already filled with greedy light, he still analyzed it calmly.

'kill! In addition to greed, there was a layer of cold killing intent in Kong Qiu's eyes at the moment: "This Dreadstar is not controlled by the Adventure Alliance, especially this underground world is not known to outsiders. Should not be missed! '

‘I agree with Brother Kong Bing’s opinion, kill these weak guys and snatch all the immortal essence stones they dug up, it’s enough for the three of us to enjoy for a lifetime! ’ At this moment, Yao Qin only sees killing and plundering, nothing else!

'very good! Since Sister Yao Qin and Brother Kong Qiu said so, let's settle down like this! ’ Ma Yan said excitedly: ‘But! Let's not act in a hurry, after all, those guys can control Chuanshanlong to mine Xianyuan stones for them, so let them mine the underground Xianyuan stones almost before it's too late to act! '

‘Brother Ma Yan is smart! Let's do it! ’ Yao Qin still admires Ma Yan for being so calm no matter how big things happen to him.

. . . . . .

In the small valley, Du Long's family looked excitedly at the Chuanshanlong who kept digging out the immortal essence stones from the ground. Although they didn't count the number of these immortal essence stones, they knew that this was definitely a windfall!

Since Du Long and the others' celestial consciousness covered only a dozen or so miles away, they didn't find the three figures hundreds of miles away at all. As for Jie Lingling'er, although he had spotted the target a long time ago, he didn't remind them at all.

Time passed, and after three full days and three nights of mining, those piercing dragons finally mined all the Xianyuan stones in the core area of ​​the Xianyuan stone vein. Found very few immortal essence stones!

'Ling'er! ’ Du Long began to consult the Ring Spirit: ‘Has this vein of mine been fully exploited? ! '

‘The Xianyuan stones in the core area are relatively high-grade and concentrated, so they are naturally mined much faster! The surrounding areas of the scattered Xianyuan stone veins are tens of miles in radius, but the distribution of Xianyuan stones is relatively scattered, and most of the grades are between the low and middle grades. Not to mention the time-consuming and labor-intensive mining, the quantity is not too much! ’ Jie Linglinger analyzed calmly.

'Hey, since that's the case! Then I will let the Mountain Dragons stop and rest, and go down once in a while when I have time, and let's count the ranks and quantities of various immortal stones first! ’ Du Long laughed dryly, and was about to count the number of immortal essence stones in Xuanling Xiaodongtian.

As a result, before he could start counting, three figures suddenly appeared at the edge of the ten-mile area covered by his immortal consciousness, which gave him a big jump.

"Not good! Enemy attack! Don't resist, all of you enter the Xuanling Cave!" Du Long roared hastily, and under the astonished gaze of the girls, he waved them into the Xuanling Cave.

"Qinglian?! Why didn't you go in?!" After seeing that Xia Qinglian hadn't entered the Xuanling Cave, Du Long asked in amazement.

"Husband! Although Qinglian can't be of much help, she also wants to help you contain a target and relieve the pressure on your husband!" Xia Qinglian just finished speaking, and her dress was instantly covered by a set of light blue ice armor , she also instantly entered the battle state of ultimate transformation, the exposed skin was completely covered by fine scales.

Seeing Xia Qinglian's stubborn eyes and the fighting state she had already entered, Du Long could only be like her, entering the peak fighting state in an instant. After turning into a golden dragon man, a set of basalt dragon armor completely covered him live!

A few miles away, a group of three people were taken aback by the transformation of Du Long and his wife. However, after feeling clearly that Xia Qinglian's mixed body aura did not become much stronger even after transformation, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued. Accelerate and lightning is coming!

"Hahaha! Du Long! I really didn't expect that after you found the three of us, you didn't choose to run away?! Well, for the sake of your husband and wife being so obedient, as long as you dig out the immortal essence stone Hand it all over, and we will naturally spare your lives!" Ma Yan's insolent voice came before the man arrived.

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