Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 783 The Dread Planet

Dinosaur, as the mission description said, is a beautiful planet with beautiful scenery and picturesque scenery. Seventy percent of the entire planet is covered by forests, and only thirty percent is covered by oceans!

There were tens of thousands of people participating in this star adventure mission with Du Long, and they were collectively taken into the space cave by a staff member of the Adventure Alliance and brought to the Dinosaur planet!

Du Long, Xia Qinglian, and Fu Zhu stood together, looked around the surrounding environment, and found that this was a large valley with a radius of tens of miles, surrounded by green mountains.

Some similarities with the Magic Cave Star are that the area of ​​tens of miles is built into a strong fortress, and it is not an exaggeration to describe the surrounding buildings with copper walls and iron walls!

"Listen, everyone!" Just as Du Long and the others were still observing the surrounding environment, a rough voice suddenly sounded, it was from the Adventure Alliance staff in charge of leading the team.

"Presumably all of you have read the detailed description of the adventure mission of the Dinosaur Star?! Here, I will not talk nonsense! The location you are in is called Sifang Valley, and the five hundred miles around Sifang Valley have been covered. I am in control of the Adventure Alliance! When you are adventuring around, if you are in danger, you can retreat within five hundred miles of Sifang Valley, and you will be relieved of your own danger!"

"Okay! Let's all go away! You can go on a team adventure, or go alone, it's up to you. Just remember to come back and report today, one year later!"

After the confession, the rough-faced staff member went away without looking back, and threw a group of tens of thousands of people in place. It flew away in the air outside the valley!

Du Long, Qing Lian, and Fu Zhu looked at each other with a smile, and followed the crowd to fly up the valley. After scanning around, they randomly chose a direction and flashed away.

Among the crowd below, a five-person team of six-star level raised their heads and glanced in the direction they were leaving, then pretended to fly away naturally, and followed Du Long and the others tens of miles away. outside.

Above the forest sea, Du Long took Qinglian and Fu Zhu and flew forward for five hundred miles. He could vaguely hear the low-pitched roar of beasts in the distant jungle, and then quickly flew into a dense forest. middle.

"Huh? Not good!" Nearly a hundred miles behind them, a burly middle-aged man among the five six-star teams exclaimed in shock, "Why did those three guys suddenly disappear without a trace? No trace?! Hurry up and find out!"

Over the jungle where the three of Du Long disappeared, five figures flashed towards them, and then began to search unabashedly. Unfortunately, the three targets they were following disappeared without a trace, and even the immortal consciousness of these guys disappeared without a trace. Coverage can not be probed to!

"This...how is this possible?! My immortal consciousness covers a distance of nearly a hundred miles, how could those three guys disappear without a trace in an instant?!" After searching around with the immortal consciousness to no avail, the A muscular middle-aged man muttered to himself with an ugly expression.

"Brother Ma Yan! Could it be that those three guys have treasures such as space caves in their hands, and after finding out that someone is following them, they took advantage of the opportunity to rush into the dense forest and hid together in the space cave in an instant?!" Five A foxy-looking woman in the human team guessed.

"What sister Yao Qin said is true. Apart from that, this world has never heard of someone who can disappear from the coverage of the immortal consciousness in an instant!" Another six-star man nodded in agreement with the seductive girl Yao Qin's guess, the rest nodded in agreement.

The sturdy middle-aged Ma Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and shone a sharp light. He scanned the dense jungle below several times, and then shook his head and replied: "Impossible! When the three of them just entered the forest, I used my immortal sense to Tracking their every move, if all three of them hide in the space cave, there must be a cave formation stone with energy fluctuations left in place! But I just searched carefully again, and there is no mission space in this area The energy in the cave is fluctuating!"

"This..." After listening to Ma Yan's explanation, the others were all dumbfounded for a moment, and each of them felt a chill down their spine after seeing a ghost during the day.

Ten miles away, Du Long was leisurely standing behind a towering tree, observing the conversation of the five people through his sense of immortality. Those five guys were so stupid that they didn't use sound transmission to communicate, but He opened his mouth to talk directly, but it fell into his ears without saying a word!

At the moment when he, Qinglian, and Fuzhu rushed into the dense forest just now, they immediately took the two girls into Xuanling's small cave as planned, and Jie Lingling'er also instantly activated the isolation method of immortal consciousness, allowing him to be separated from outsiders. Actual invisibility in front of consciousness.

Because of this, he was able to appear ten miles away without anyone noticing, and hid in the dark to carefully observe what the five six-star-level guys were trying to do. It turned out that these people did not just pass by, but targeted Come yourself!

The reason Du Long chose to stay ten miles away was because his celestial consciousness could only cover so far. No matter what level his total combat power reached, his soul realm was still only one level of perfection, but his celestial consciousness could only be regarded as a celestial being. , the furthest coverage is only about ten miles!

And those six-star-level existences all reached the top level of Jinxian, that is, the soul realm of the sixth heaven, and the coverage of immortal consciousness reached a range of hundreds of miles, while the coverage of the immortal consciousness of those top-level existences of Daluo Zhenxian was Thousands of miles or so!

'Hmph! These five guys really came here for me, and it looks like the one surnamed Lin is not going to let me go! ’ Du Long narrowed his eyes and flickered coldly.

'well! Du Long, although your method of avoiding these people is clever, it has exposed your ability to disappear without a trace within the coverage of the immortal consciousness. If you have the opportunity, try to destroy these guys as much as possible! ’ The voice of Ringing Linger sounded in his mind at the right time.

'Understood! ’ Du Long nodded and replied: ‘I will never be soft on those who want to kill me! '

At this moment, I heard Ma Yan sighing loudly: "Oh! Forget it! Forget those three guys, let's go! Since you have accepted the six-star adventure mission and come to Planet Dread, don't waste this time. In a year's time, we will also go on a six-star adventure mission, at least we have to earn back the travel expenses!"

Afterwards, there was a sound of piercing wind, and the five-person team flew towards a certain direction together. After flying for hundreds of miles, they disappeared into the dense jungle and disappeared without a trace!

With the help of Jie Lingling'er's scan, Du Long was able to easily see every move of these five guys, but what he saw made him laugh a little, and he almost didn't laugh out loud.

It turned out that after the five guys dodged into the dense forest, they immediately dispersed, each of them was separated by a few miles, and then carefully used the cover of the dense forest to outflank them back, and they actually killed the carbine again!

Of course, the immortal senses on them are always turned on. Since they can't use the immortal sense to find the target, the other party must have no way to observe themselves through the immortal sense.

From their point of view, Du Long must have hidden in some kind of treasure. As long as he finds that the pursuer has left, he will probably come out of that treasure quietly. What kind of treasure did you go in!

It's a pity that Du Long didn't even have the intention to play tricks on these guys. With the help of Jie Lingling'er, he chose a direction opposite to those five guys, and used Fengxing footwork to flash away silently to the distance !

In the dense forest, he is not afraid of getting lost. With the ring spirit, even in an extremely complicated maze, she can easily remember the trajectory and calculate the direction of Sifang Valley!

He buried himself in the road all the way, and avoided several dangerous places. After traveling about two or three thousand miles, Du Long released Qinglian and Fuzhu from the small cave of Xuanling.

‘Du Long, you are really amazing! Those guys were thrown away so easily, presumably those people are looking for us all over the world like headless chickens now! ’ The god beast husband Zhu just came out of the Xuanling Xiaodongtian, and said with a voice transmission with a smile on his face.

'Husband! We have not been long since we first arrived in the fairyland, and we have always acted in a low-key manner, why are we being chased and killed one after another? Who sent this group of people? Don't we want a way to figure out who is behind it? ! ’ Xia Qinglian muttered depressingly.

'There are only a handful of people who have enmity with us in the fairy world. If you have the strength to invite so many six-star level experts to deal with us, who else will there be besides that **** Lin Shao from the Lin family? ! In short, we have to put all these debts on his head, and if there is a chance in the future, these guys must pay back ten times! ’ Du Long waved his hands indifferently.

'Husband! That shit. . . Doesn't Young Master Lin know that we are the direct disciples of the lord of the Pill Qi Second League? Why dare to be so insolent? ! ’ Xia Qinglian almost swears after Du Long, but after she reacted immediately, her face turned red on the spot.

'hey-hey! ’ Du Long laughed dryly and said: ‘The Black Assassin Society is used to being arrogant and domineering in the fairy world, and the Lin family is only giving way to the four major alliances on the surface, and they definitely don’t take them seriously in secret! In addition, on this kind of mission planet that is not fully controlled, killing a lot of people without any monitoring by spirits, people can completely blame those mission monsters! '

Oh ho ho, ho ho ho. . .

Just as the three of Du Long were hurrying along the road and chatting through sound transmission, they were startled by the deafening roars of beasts. They were looking around suspiciously, but they didn't find any monsters coming towards them. Signs of coming.

Sweeping their senses, they finally found out what happened to the location where the roars of the beasts came from. There was a valley a few miles in front of them on the left, and there was a huge hole in the valley. The six dinosaur monsters roared and demonstrated loudly!

‘The six-headed monsters are named Unicorn Tyrannosaurus, and their strength has all reached the five-star level! The monster trapped at the entrance of the cave is called Saurosaurus, and its strength has reached the six-star level. Unfortunately, it is a vegetarian dinosaur. The situation is not good for it! 'Jie Lingling'er's voice sounded in Du Long's mind at the right time, introducing to him the names and strengths of the two parties in the picture.

‘Could it be that these six one-horned tyrannosaurs are going to eat the meat of that lizard armored dragon? ! ’ Du Long asked in astonishment.

‘I’m afraid it’s not that simple. The lizard armored dragon naturally likes to collect some high-level elixir, maybe there are some elixir in its cave that interest the six one-horned tyrannosaurs! Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the unicorned tyrannosaurs would not be willing to head-on with a big guy several times their size! ’ Jie Linglinger replied with a sweet smile.

Before coming to participate in this mission, Du Long made up the names and habits of various monsters on the Dinosaur planet, but because of the limited time, he was half-baked, but Jie Linglinger scanned and stored the information completely!

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