Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 78 Fairy Bibo

So far, Du Long's family has two more pairs of chopsticks. Seeing that the New Year is approaching, the family's daily meals are much more lively, and they begin to gradually feel a festive atmosphere of the New Year.

During the day, he wandered around the capital with Su and Yuan, visited Yue Xiaoshan's house from time to time, and attended a gathering of top sons. Du Long, who has grown up at the age of sixteen, naturally has the right to attend such gatherings.

Time passed, and seeing that tomorrow was the big day of New Year's celebration, after Du Long handed Su and Yuan over to Yue Xiaoshan, he took Xia Qinglian and went straight to Lingyun Mountain.

Since he entered the Royal Academy, he has not visited Lingyun Mountain Juegu for two months. The reason why he came here today is mainly to invite his grandfather who is practicing in seclusion to return home for the New Year!

At the beginning, Mr. Du said that he wanted to retreat and break through the spiritual ranks. Du Long immediately thought that breaking through the spiritual ranks was an extremely confidential matter, so he suggested to his grandfather to retreat to Lingyun Mountain, an inaccessible valley.

Not only is there no outsiders disturbing here, the key is that the inner heaven and earth aura is rich, which is also of great benefit to the old man's breakthrough. After all, when breaking through at any level, a large amount of heaven and earth aura is needed to make it happen!

Constantly borrowing strength from the cliff, Du Long and Xia Qinglian fled towards the bottom of the valley, and when they were about to reach the bottom of the valley, a vigilant voice came from below: "Who is coming?"

As soon as Du Long heard the voice, he knew it was an old horse who had been with his grandfather for decades. It was estimated that the bottom of Juegu was surrounded by clouds and fog, and he could only vaguely hear the sound of someone coming through the sky, so he asked aloud!

"Uncle Ma! It's me and Qinglian!" In order not to cause any misunderstanding, Du Long responded immediately.

"Hehe, so it's the son and the lady who are here!" After hearing clearly that it was Du Long's voice, the old horse was relieved and replied with a smile.

"Did Longer come?" At this moment, Mr. Du, who had been alarmed by the old horse's shout, appeared at the entrance of the cave, looking at the two figures falling from the sky with a smile.

"Grandpa! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I'm here to invite you back to your old man's house by father's order!" When he came to grandpa, Du Long directly expressed his intention.

"Time flies so fast!" Mr. Du pondered for a while before nodding his head and said: "Forget it! It won't be so soon to break through to the spiritual rank anyway, let's go back for a year and then retreat! Save those old guys New Year's Eve If you can’t see me at night, you will be suspicious!”

"Hey, my grandson also has the same intention!" Du Long replied with a smile, then casually walked towards the water pool, his gaze flitting across the valley from time to time, he hadn't been here for two months, I still miss it!

"Stinky boy! Tell grandpa, what happened to that pile of rocky beach? Recently, I practiced in seclusion here, and I studied it when I was free. The effect that can be produced overnight! How do you practice on it on weekdays?" Mr. Du asked, pointing to the pile of rocks beside him.

"Hey... this..." Du Long said hehe on the spot, his cultivation method is very weird, not any kind of cultivation method in this world, plus the "Long Chen Jue" given to his grandfather before, the old man has long Very curious and skeptical.

"Don't fight with grandpa! There are no outsiders here, and grandpa promises that the secret you said will not be leaked!" Mr. Du obviously knew that his precious grandson wanted to find an excuse to evade it, so he warned.

"Actually, it's nothing! That pile of rocks was actually used by my grandson to practice body skills. If you don't believe me, look at it!" Du Long jumped onto the pile of rocks in a flash, and then walked back and forth on the rocks with mysterious Fengxing footwork. In a blink of an eye, he jumped back after only a few breaths.

Looking at the precious grandson in front of him who didn't change his expression or catch his breath, Mr. Du said in astonishment: "Stinky boy! I remember that our family didn't have such a mysterious movement method? How could there be such a good thing for grandpa to hide? I don't know either." Let me ask you where you learned it, anyway, if you don’t teach Grandpa this agility today! I... I won’t go down the mountain!”

Staring in amazement at his grandpa, who was almost playing a rascal, Du Long could only shake his head and smile wryly, and finally nodded in response: "Of course, this is no problem. Grandpa wants to learn, so grandson naturally dare not hide his secrets!"

Therefore, Du Long simply taught him together with Lao Ma, this loyal guard who has stayed by Grandpa's side all his life, if his strength can be improved, it will help Grandpa even more!

Draw a grid on a flat ground, and then demonstrate the basic footwork changes to the two of them one by one. After they had memorized the basic footwork changes, Du Long asked the two to practice the basic footwork on the flat ground first. .

Don't underestimate this kind of movement, although it is easy to learn the basic footwork, but to truly master its essence, in addition to spending a lot of time practicing, you also need to have a set of secret mouth skills that match the footwork. Can accurately interpret the essence of Fengxing footwork, even if you don't have oral skills, even if you learn it, it's just a resemblance, and you can't show the true mystery of Fengxing footwork at all!

It took a long time for Du Long to finally teach the two old men the basic footwork and oral art, and let them demonstrate that they are inseparable. The next step is to rely on their hard work and experience in the future!

"Stinky boy! After practicing for so long, can you show Grandpa the true power of Fengxing footwork?" Although it was only a rough idea of ​​learning Fengxing footwork, Mr. Du was already sweating from exhaustion, and couldn't help but wonder. Looking at Du Longdao.

"Well...forget it! I'll let you all experience the ultimate effect of Fengxing's footwork!" Du Long hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed, and secretly ordered Ling'er, the ring spirit beauty, to help him lift the weight on his body.

Feeling the sudden disappearance of the huge pressure on his body, Du Long immediately had a feeling of wanting to fly. Impulsively, instead of jumping towards the pile of rocks, he even dodged and flew towards the pool beside him.

The expected splash of water did not appear, and the two old men, including Xia Qinglian who had practiced Fengxing footwork, all fell into a state of sluggishness. Du Long stepped on Fengxing footwork, his feet quickly stepped on the pool, and his whole body Just like this, it flashed back and forth on the water.

The originally calm water surface caused ripples under his feet from time to time. From the intensity of these ripples, it can be seen that every time Du Long stepped on the water surface, it was very light. Able to stay on the surface of the water for a long time without sinking into the water!

Du Long has never experienced such a feeling of being as light as a swallow and walking on the water as if walking on the ground. He forgot the time on a whim, and just demonstrated it for half an hour in front of three jaw-dropping audiences. Fly ashore!

It was a little funny to look at the appearance of grandpa and the others with their mouths wide open, especially the old horse, whose saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth without realizing it, and still staring at himself blankly with his mouth wide open.

"Hey! How's it going? Is this Fengxing footwork okay?" Du Long couldn't help laughing, and then Mr. Du woke up with a start, and whispered in disbelief: "My God! What are you doing, boy?" Arrived? This... is this too unbelievable?"

"Hey, my grandson has been working hard day after day for the past year, and that's all the results accumulated with sweat!" Du Long responded with a smile.

"Qinglian can testify to this. After this year, my son has been cultivating almost every day, and the effort and sweat he put in is definitely countless times that of ordinary people!" Xia Qinglian looked at Du Long with admiration on the side. .

"Haha! Very good! This set of Fengxing footwork is obviously much better than our Dushi's rubbish footwork! Old man, I can take advantage of the time to practice Fengxing footwork to relax!"

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