"Old man Huo! According to your temperament, seeing those three guys who wanted to endanger the safety of your precious apprentice escaped from under your nose, this is not like your usual behavior!" , Mu Xuan teased his old friend.

Just now, the experienced Mu Huo elders felt that the three six-star-level guys were a little weird, so they asked the Statue of Liberty to help monitor their movements, just in time to see these three guys sneaking out of Panlong Cave, And directly give up the mission and teleport to a planet near the space wormhole!

Qiu Guang's three-person team didn't know that Du Long and Xia Qinglian had just been accepted as personal disciples by Mu Huo, and they hadn't had time to hand over their soul jade charms to the two masters.

Therefore, even if he and his wife were killed on the spot, they would not be chased by the two elders, Mu Huo, because the soul jade talisman was broken!

However, Qiu Guang and the others were also lucky. Who knew that the two elders, Mu Huo, would appear in the Qi League branch by accident, and watch Du Long and Xia Qinglian perform the star assessment task of Panlong Cave through the Liberty Alliance!

In short, in the four major alliances to control the mission planet, it is hard to kill a direct disciple of the division master without anyone noticing it!

The reason why Shaolin Fengyun of the Lin family dared to speak out against the world was because he killed the middleman, thinking that no one would find out about him.

It's a pity that when Du Long first arrived in the Immortal Realm, apart from his family, there were probably only two surviving female members of the bald headed madman's team!

From the demeanor of Zheng Ziyan and Fu Ping's two daughters, it can be seen that they are definitely not the kind of existence who would stand up for dead teammates, not to mention, not everyone has the ability to hire a six-star three-person team!

In this way, the target can easily lock on Lin Fengyang of the Lin family. He is the only one who has a grudge against Du Long. Locking on him is equivalent to locking on Lin Fengyun!

"Hmph! These three guys are quite self-aware. As soon as they heard about the identities of Du Long and Xia Qinglian, they retreated immediately! Let's forgive others!" The old man Huo snorted coldly.

Perhaps it was precisely because of these two incidents that the two elders, Mu Huo, no longer dared to let Du Long and his wife take risks alone in Panlong Cave, and began to pay attention to their every move!

However, after Qiu Guang's team voluntarily evacuated, there was nothing in Panlong Cave that could threaten them. With the ring spirit scanning and guiding the way, the journey was safe and sound.

The one-month star mission limit is fleeting. After Xia Qinglian handed in the four-star mission item, the energy crystal core of a four-star centipede monster, she finally succeeded in getting a four-star goddess badge!

After helping Qinglian complete the four-star mission of the Freedom Alliance, the couple immediately received a letter from their respective masters. It was very simple, they were asked to go to the Qi League branch to talk about it immediately!

In Qimeng Branch, Du Long and Xia Qinglian, led by a staff member sent by Huohou, went directly to the branch leader's office on the third floor of Qimeng Branch!

"Sure enough! This assassination team is quite sensible. After learning our identities, we immediately evacuated without any delay!"

After listening to Huohou's explanation of the three members of Qiu Guang's team giving up their mission and teleporting to a planet near a space wormhole, Du Long suddenly realized.

"You two are too outrageous, right?! You have been under the wall of old man Mu and me for many days. Not only did you not meet at the door, but you didn't say hello when you came out to perform the star assessment task?!" Old man Huo finally broke out.

"Ah?!" Du Long exclaimed in surprise, "I'm so sorry, Master! We are going to pay a visit after completing this four-star mission! Who knows..."

How could Du Long have such a plan, but he still had the audacity to tell a white lie, the second elder's face still has to be given!

"That's it, that's it!" Huo Hou looked pale, and waved his hands: "You two should hurry up and make your own soul jade talisman! You have to remember it in the future, whether you go out to perform the star missions of the Freedom Alliance or the Adventure Alliance, We have to tell our teacher in advance, so we know what to do!"

Du Long and Xia Qinglian looked at each other, showing helpless wry smiles, and without talking nonsense, they directly took out a soul jade talisman from each other, refined it, and handed it to their respective masters.

The wood and fire elders put away their soul jade charms unceremoniously. This thing is very important. They will represent the life and death of their lovers, and there must be no sloppy at all!

From the abnormality of Qiu Guang's three-person team this time, it can be seen that this young couple must have offended someone, otherwise it would be impossible to attract this assassination team, which is famous for its good tracking!

"Good apprentice! Can you guess why that three-person team is going against you? Who wants to put you to death?!" After putting away Du Long's soul jade talisman, Huo Hou asked solemnly.

"Return to Master!" Du Long replied respectfully: "My husband and I have not been born for a long time, so far we have offended two groups of people, one of which is a five-star level existence, a total of five people, three of whom were killed by disciples , there are two five-star-level female team members who are still alive, and it is estimated that they have no ability to invite six-star-level existences to deal with us!"

"Except for this team, my disciples only offended Lin Fengyang from the Lin clan..." So Du Long roughly described how his wife and his wife offended Lin Fengyang in Zuifeng Tower and got Xiao Sehuo's help. again.

"So that's how it is!" Huohou suddenly said, "It seems that the person who spent a lot of money to hire someone to harm your couple should be the Lin family's son!"

"That's right!" Mu Xuan nodded and interjected, "My four major alliances are united, and have always been at odds with the Lin clan that is attached to the Black Killing Society. Personal disciples, it's normal for them to spend a lot of money to get rid of it under the envy and jealousy of them!"

"Hey! From this point of view, good apprentice! The fact that you were almost attacked was caused by me from the Second League of Pill Artifacts!" Huo Hou said with rare emotion.

. . . . . .

Bauhinia Road, inside Lin's mansion!

"What?! You said that Du Long and Xia Qinglian came back from Panlong Cave alive?!" Lin Fengyun exclaimed with an ugly face, "What about the Xiguang Assassination Squad?! Could it be that the entire army was wiped out?!"

"Brother Yun! Qiu Guang and the three of them did not die, but gave up the star assessment task half a month in advance, and sent the magic hole star controlled by the Liberty Alliance to Qu Yunxing at their own expense!" Lin Fengyang continued replied.

"Quyunxing?! Isn't that a planet close to a large space wormhole?! Are those three guys crazy? The cost of teleporting from the magic hole star to there is at least several times the cost we gave them to assassinate the target !" Shaolin Fengyun, the son of the Lin family, murmured in disbelief.

"These three guys will suddenly choose this way, which means that they have already learned the identity of the assassination target and know how serious the consequences of killing him are, so they choose to escape?!" Lin Fengyang analyzed solemnly.

Shaolin Fengyun, the descendant of the Lin family, immediately figured out the key point. He understood very well why Qiu Guang's assassination team chose this way. If they gave up the mission halfway and chose to escape, there would be more buffer time.

On the other hand, if they knew that the couple were the direct disciples of the leader of the Second League of Pills, but still killed them, the result would immediately alarm the two forces behind them, and the outcome can be imagined!

If they gave up the mission halfway and chose to escape, they would have a lot of time to escape. They must have been flying from Quyunxing to that space wormhole for more than ten days at this time, and it would be difficult to catch up again, right? !

"Oh! Forget it, forget it! Fortunately for these three guys, they don't know who is behind the scenes. If we take action against them at this time, it will cause a lot of trouble. Let them live a little longer for now, and we will have a chance in the future." It's not too late to find someone to deal with them!" Lin Fengyun waved his hands and sighed softly.

"What Brother Yun said is true!" Lin Fengyang flattered him wildly: "We cut off the middle link early in the morning, even if the three-person team that Qiu Guang is in will not be able to find us in the future!"

"Hmph!" Lin Fengyun snorted coldly with disdain: "My money is not so easy to get! I want to run away after taking the money and not doing anything?! There is no such good thing in the world!"

"Hey! What Brother Yun said is true, those three guys took our money and wanted to leave?! I hope they will always be so lucky, and never fall into our hands!" Lin Fengyang sneered sneeringly road.

"Feng Yang!" Lin Fengyun habitually ordered: "Let people pay close attention to the couple's movements, especially their application for adventure star missions, and report to me immediately if there is any news!"

"Understood!" Lin Fengyang stood up straight with a shock and responded loudly, and then asked with a flattering smile: "Brother Yun! Pay attention to why the couple applied for the adventure star mission?! Could it be that we Do you want to do it again when his couple are performing the adventure star task?!"

"Nonsense! This time, Qiu Guang's assassination team has obviously traced the traces of his and his wife, but because they learned of their identities, they know that it is absolutely impossible to escape the two elders of the Pill Artifact Alliance and the Wood Fire Elder in the Liberty Alliance to control the task star. After chasing and killing, he gave up halfway, and was so frightened that he fled directly to the space wormhole!

As long as it is on a mission planet that is not under the control of any force, no one will know about murder and arson. Who cares about the strong background of the assassination target? ! Just do it without anyone noticing! " Lin Fengyun reprimanded lightly.

. . . . . .

Biboxing's Pill Artifact Second League is close together, and Weilin Road is only three streets away, which is not too far away!

Ever since Xia Qinglian participated in the Star Assessment of the Freedom Alliance and successfully obtained the four-star Goddess Badge, Du Long and her are no longer in a hurry to participate in the star missions issued by the Adventure Alliance!

Entering the Immortal Realm for the first time, it is also their luck to be appreciated by the leader of the Pill Artifact Second Alliance!

In the days that followed, the couple began to refine weapons and alchemy in the Alchemy Second League. Apart from this, they would naturally try their best to comprehend the profound meaning of the second heaven's soul realm!

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