Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 772 Horrible Travel Expenses

In a certain room on the third floor of the Danmeng Danhuo Building, only the red and white elders, Du Long and his wife, Mu Jin, Mu Qiao, and Huo Huo were present, and the other Danmeng star members were embarrassed to follow. People who take them to their own private room should have private matters to talk about.

"My name is Mu Qiao! It's a pleasure meeting you and your husband. His name is Huo Huan, he's the grandson of the old man Huo!" As soon as everyone sat down, before the red and white elders could speak, Mu Qiao stared at Du with bright eyes. Long introduced himself and introduced the volcano by the way.

"Nice to meet, nice to meet!" The little beauty in green introduced herself somewhat vaguely, only knowing that the young man with thick head and thick brain was the grandson of old man Huo, Du Long could only bow his hands politely.

As if seeing the doubt in his eyes, Old Man Huo and Huo Hou explained with a smile: "Mu Qiao is Old Man Mu's little granddaughter, she was a childhood sweetheart with my grandson Huohuo!"

Only then did Du Long and Qinglian suddenly understand that they dare to love two strange young people, a man and a woman. Heat are a match made in heaven!

Cough, cough!

At this time, the old man Mu Xuan coughed twice, and after attracting the attention of everyone in the room, he pretended to be calm and said: "Well... today I want to congratulate Du Long and you and your wife for successfully passing the five Apart from the six-star pharmacist assessment, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you two!"

"Senior Mu, you're being polite. This assessment is thanks to the great help of the two elders. If there is anything Du Long and his wife can help, just ask. We will do our best!" Du Long replied politely.

Nodding his head, Mu Xuan continued with a satisfied smile on his face, "During the previous test, you all must have seen that one of your primordial spirits is in the shape of a sword and the other is in the shape of a lotus flower, right?!"

Du Long nodded, and didn't say much, but smiled and watched Old Man Mu wait for his next words. As for Xia Qinglian, she followed Du Long's lead, so naturally she would not open her mouth easily, lest she make too many mistakes!

"The sword-shaped primordial spirit is extremely talented in attacking and refining weapons, and the lotus-shaped primordial spirit is unparalleled in the way of Miaoliandan. It is extremely rare even in the entire fairy world. The two can appear in Biboxingdan Participating in the pharmacist assessment test in the alliance is also a kind of fate, so..." Mu Xuan explained at the end, his old face was slightly red, and he seemed a little embarrassed to speak.

The old man Huo on the side was impatient, and interjected impatiently on the spot: "It's actually very simple. I, Huo Hou, want to take you Du Long as an apprentice, and old man Muxuan wants to take Miss Xia as an apprentice. Are you husband and wife the same? Just say yes!"


Old man Huo's frank words made the lively little beauty Mu Qiao burst out laughing on the spot, and the others couldn't help laughing when they heard it, but it was not as exaggerated as laughing.

"Thanks to the fact that the second elder thinks highly of Du Long and his wife, it is an honor for both of us to be able to pay homage to the second elder, but... I am afraid that my wife and I will not be able to stay in Bibo star for a long time to learn how to refine weapons and alchemy..." Du Long grinned, Only then did he murmur in reply.

He doesn't know the process of apprenticeship in the fairy world, and he is a little worried that he will lose his freedom after apprenticeship, so he said this!

The old man Huo immediately frowned and asked: "What?! Are you husband and wife leaving Biboxing soon?!"

"That's not so urgent. Maybe we will stay for a few years before leaving. In fact, we want to take a look at the Tianque Immortal Realm in the fairy world!" Du Long waved his hands and responded with a smile.

"Tianque Xianyu?! It is the headquarters of the four major alliances, and it is also the star field where the core of the entire fairy world is located. The journey there is extremely far away. Do you have so much money to send there?!" Du Longdao looked up and down suspiciously.

Du Long was really choked by his words. Originally, according to Uncle Gui, after arriving in the Immortal Realm, try to find a way to go to Tianque Immortal Realm, which is the core area of ​​the entire Immortal Realm, including the four major alliances, and the Black Killing Society, etc. The headquarters of the great forces in the fairy world are basically located in that big star field!

If you want to find out the murderer who destroyed the Flower Immortal Realm back then, you must go there to have a chance. The Immortal Realm is vast and boundless. If you are in those remote star fields, you will not be able to access many high-level secrets of the Immortal Realm, and you will have no way to find out about the Flower Immortal Realm. The truth about the attack!

"Hey, dare to ask the old man! How much is the teleportation fee to go to Tianque Xianyu?!" Du Long remembered that he had neglected the most critical issue, that is, the travel expenses!

The fairyland is so vast that it is impossible to travel between planets by flying, not to mention that the distances between distant star fields are even farther and farther away. It is impossible to travel by flying!

Du Long once heard from Jie Lingling'er that he didn't want to use the interstellar teleportation array to travel back and forth between the planets. Only when he reached the realm above the seventh heaven (the level of Daluo Zhenxian) could he rely on his powerful soul realm to realize long-distance space travel !

If you haven't reached the realm of the seventh heaven, you can't travel long distances between planets in the same fairyland. You can only fly slowly. Ten thousand years can't reach it at all!

Even an existence as strong as Da Luo Zhenxian would not dare to blindly travel across star fields. At most, they would travel through space between some nearby planets in the same star field!

Therefore, if you want to travel long-distance interstellar travel in the fairy world, you can only rely on the interstellar teleportation array, there is no other way!

The red and white elders looked at each other, and finally the old man Huo spoke first: "Where did the two of you come from? Why don't you even know the most basic information, so you want to conduct a long-distance interstellar travel?!"

Du Long obviously didn't expect it, because he asked a low-level question, which aroused other people's questions. He didn't know how to answer it for a while, so he had to move out the words he had made with the little witch before.

"Oh my god?! Are you the guy who directly rose from zero to six-star level in the Liberty League?!" The little girl in green clothes Mu Qiao covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Today, I have successively obtained six-star pharmacists, The badge of the Immortal Craftsman, this... is this too ridiculous?!"

"That is to say! After ascending to the fairy world, he hid in the cave space and reached the six-star level before coming out to participate in various assessments...Brother Du Long, may I ask how long it took you two as a husband and wife?!" The volcano also stared wide He asked with both eyes.

"Hey, I don't remember how long I have been cultivating..." Du Long blushed and replied with a dry smile: "I only know that the environment in the fairy world is extremely cruel, and if you don't cultivate to the six-star level, you will not leave the cave space, so as not to cause trouble for your upper body !"

Xia Qinglian on the side tightly pursed her lips, her jade face flushed red, she was obviously a little ashamed because Du Long lied, and with her intelligence, she would not foolishly open her mouth to expose this lie.

"So that's it!" The old man Mu obviously accepted his explanation, stroking his white beard and said, "No wonder you don't know the huge cost of rushing from Ziyue Xianwan to Tianque Xianyu, the core of the fairy world!"

"Du Long really doesn't know much about the situation in the Immortal World, so I ask the second elder to clear up your doubts!" ​​Du Long asked politely, clasping his hands.

"Hee hee! Let my aunt explain this kind of small problem!" Before the second elder could answer, the little girl in green clothes, Mu Qiao, couldn't wait to explain: "According to the unified price in the fairy world, the teleportation between adjacent planets The price is three to five middle-grade immortal essence stones, and the price for teleportation between adjacent star fields is three to five top-grade immortal essence stones!

From the star field where our Ziyue Xianwan is located, if we want to rush to the Tianque star field, the core of the fairy world, we have to pass through more than 1,600 star fields during the period, that is, we need nearly 10,000 high-grade immortal stones, and this does not include the interior of the star field What about the transfer fee between the planets!

In total, at least two to three times the cost of high-grade immortal essence stones, or 20,000 to 30,000 high-grade immortal essence stones, can be transferred from Ziyue Xianwan to Tianque Starfield! "

In the room, Du Long and his wife stared wide-eyed, obviously feeling extremely incredible at the huge transmission fee calculated by the little girl in green clothes Mu Qiao!

"This... Isn't this too exaggerated?!" Du Long was stunned for a long time before exclaiming: "A middle-grade immortal essence stone can reach a million purple gold coins, and a high-grade immortal essence stone can be worth hundreds of millions of purple gold coins , My God! Isn’t twenty or thirty thousand high-grade immortal essence stones two or three trillion purple gold coins, and this is just the transfer fee from Ziyue Xianwan to Tianque Starfield?!”

"This is not an exaggeration at all! You know, interstellar teleportation requires energy. Teleportation between ordinary planets requires the energy of one to three middle-grade immortal stones, and interstellar teleportation also requires one to three high-grade immortal stones." Primordial stone energy, plus the interstellar teleportation array to control the family will also earn a little, so the cost will naturally go up!" Mu Qiao explained with a smile.

Nodding his head, Du Long said with emotion: "Based on this, if I want to go to the Tianque Starfield, how many years will I have to save to save such a huge toll?!"

"Hee hee! So I have lived in the fairy world for tens of thousands of years, let alone the core star field of the fairy world, the Tianque Star Field, and I haven't even been out of Ziyue Xianwan!" Mu Qiao replied with a coquettish smile: "In fact, no one would foolishly make money for their own travel expenses to travel such a long distance?! Usually they choose to participate in the star missions issued by the Adventure Alliance, or pass through some known space wormholes to save transmission costs! "

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up and said, "It's not difficult to understand the long-distance interstellar travel through space wormholes, but participating in the star missions issued by the Adventure Alliance can also save money? This makes me confused!"

"Idiot!" Mu Qiaojiao scolded: "There will be many long-distance escort missions released in the Adventure League. As long as you join these missions, you can enter a certain employer's space cave, and the employer will carry the space cave for long-distance travel!"

"Ah?! This... This is really a good way to travel long distances!" Du Long's eyes lit up, and he saw a good way to save money on the road. I really don't know how many years it will take me to raise my hands.

Even if the money is raised, he may not be willing to spend it on teleportation at one time, after all, it is not a small amount, and thinking about it will give Du Long a headache.

It's a pity that Mu Qiao poured cold water on him again: "It's definitely not a good way to travel long distances by accepting star missions from the Adventure Alliance!"

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