Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 770 Six Star Refining Equipment

"Grandpa, who are these men and women?! Even if you are a five- to six-star alchemist, you don't need to personally assess and test them with Grandpa Huo, right?!" Seeing Du Long pick up the refining formula and read it, The little beauty Mu Qiao couldn't help but pulled the old man Mu Xuan's elbow and asked coquettishly.

At this moment, Xia Qinglian was sitting and recuperating, and Du Long was watching the six-star refining formula. Mu Xuan, who happened to be idle, stroked his white beard and smiled and replied, "This man's name is Du Long, and the woman's name is Du Long. His name is Xia Qinglian, and they seem to be husband and wife!

During the flame test in the main hall of the first floor of Danmeng, the flame was in excellent condition. Your cousin Mujin brought the two of them here. It happened that Grandpa met the old man Huo, so he helped him test the flame and Yuan. God form, it turned out to be a lotus flower and a sword-shaped primordial spirit form! "

"Oh my God?!" After listening to her grandfather's explanation, Mu Qiao covered her mouth and exclaimed in surprise, "Miaolian and the sword-shaped soul appeared in our Bibo City at the same time, and also appeared on their husband and wife at the same time?! "

In the No. 1 test hall, although many people did not dare to get close to the red and white elders, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to their conversations. The existence of being able to enter this test hall is all a star pharmacist, and naturally understands that the lotus How rare are the forms and sword-shaped primordial spirits!

Therefore, everyone at the scene widened their eyes in astonishment, and finally understood why the two respected branch masters appeared here together to test the star-level strength of the alchemist and immortal craftsman for the two young people!

In the No. 15 test room, Du Long carefully looked at the refining formula in his hand. This is a six-star immortal weapon refining formula called Huolongzhan. It records the usage and dosage of various ore materials, as well as the smelting steps. , timing and many other information.

Various metal ores are smelted together by special methods to form an alloy with doubled hardness and toughness, and then condensed into a fire dragon sword!

This process requires the flame intensity to be at least six-star level, otherwise it will not even be able to smelt several important metal ores, let alone others!

After successfully smelting the alloy sword, it is time to carve a six-star magic circle on the sword. This is also the biggest problem for Du Long. He doesn't know what a six-star magic circle is. The formula is just simple. Just say that you want to engrave and draw an attack circle equivalent to a six-star level!

Seeing this, while Du Long secretly frowned, he also asked Jie Lingling'er for help from the bottom of his heart, and her answer was very simple: 'Just put your mind at ease! Just follow the steps required by the recipe to refine the weapon, and I will teach you the method when the six-star magic circle is carved at the end, there will be absolutely no delay! '

Out of his incomparable trust in Ling Linger, Du Long could only let go of the problem of the six-star magic circle for the time being. His biggest shortcoming was the magic circle. After all, it took a lot of time to immerse himself in it.

It took only forty years for Du Long to grow to his current strength, and the most lacking thing is time!

After continuing to clarify the steps of smelting various metal ores in the formula, Du Long opened his eyes, looked around, and stood beside the forging table.

In the middle of the hand, a black hammer that he usually used to forge weapons in Qinglang Cave appeared on the forging platform. As for the other things, there was nothing to prepare. superior.


Just like alchemy, the step of heating the cauldron is also required before refining equipment. Only after heating the furnace first, can it reach the best state. No matter whether it is refining equipment or alchemy, you can avoid low-level mistakes!

After seeing Du Long put a big hammer for forging immortal soldiers on the forging platform, the old man Huo secretly heaved a sigh of relief. The reason why he prepared everything else was to drop the forging hammer. Seeing if this kid is a real craftsman, I have the intention of testing.

Seeing that he really skillfully took out a forging hammer, he felt relieved, if this kid couldn't even take out the most basic forging hammer, it would be ridiculous!

After heating the cauldron, Du Long began to throw pieces of metal ore into the cauldron one after another. Seeing his smooth and flowing technique, many people nodded secretly.

After the previous performances beyond imagination, no one dared to say anything wrong about him in public this time. If you dare to talk nonsense after losing face twice in a row, you will definitely be called a fool by others!

The process of smelting metal ore and refining out the impurities is much easier than refining medicinal liquid from fairy medicinal materials. You just need to burn the ore desperately with high-temperature flames!

Du Long has deliberately left one or two of the metal ores that are not too high-temperature resistant outside the tripod, just to be smelted later, and it will be relatively easier to smelt these metal ores!

Inside the Four Elephant Furnace, the flames roared and scorched the separated pieces of metal ore at terrifyingly high temperatures. These metal ores deserved to be at the six-star level, and it took a lot of time and effort to smelt them. !

Of course, a very important reason is that the flame intensity in Du Long's body just reached the six-star level, and it would be a bit difficult to refine metal ores of the same level!

If a Da Luo True Immortal exists to smelt these ores with the Da Luo True Fire in his body, I am afraid that it only takes a few breaths to melt them into molten metal, right? !

Time passed, and when Xia Qinglian walked out of No. 16 testing room, Du Long hadn't finished smelting those six-star metal ores. Among them, seven or eight auxiliary metal ores had been melted one after another. Only the largest six-star-level main The red gold ore is still not completely melted into a liquid!

Xia Qinglian, who walked out of the test room with lotus steps, swept around and did not find Du Long, so she gave a salute to the red and white elders who were looking over, and then followed the eyes of everyone to look at her sweetheart in the test room No. 15 .

Sweeping again with her immortal consciousness, Xia Qinglian immediately discovered that he was actually refining weapons in the Danmeng, and she probably guessed something in her heart. Although she entered the state of emptiness during the recovery period, she also faintly heard part of the conversation outside.

So, she didn't talk to anyone, she just stood aside and watched Du Long's forging quietly!

In the No. 1 test hall of Nuoda University, all the test rooms were empty, and most people gathered in the hall to watch the figure in the No. 15 test room, which was undergoing the refining test.

In addition to watching with their eyes, everyone also swept into the Four Elephant Furnace with their immortal senses, and carefully observed that the various ores in the furnace were finally completely refined into balls of molten metal under the burning flames!

At this point, the smelting work is not over. Just like refining elixir, removing impurities in the molten metal is an extremely important step. Du Long continued to maintain a stable flame temperature, continuously smelting many molten metals, watching them Bubbles are constantly boiling to discharge impurities.

It went on like this for a long time. If it weren't for the help of a treasure like the Four Elephant Furnace, Du Long would have been in great pain, right? !

Seeing that the impurities in the various molten metals in the Sixiang melting furnace were almost exhausted, Du Long swept his right hand, and then put the last two pieces of metal ore with a low melting point into the furnace fire, and controlled the two flames to blow them into the furnace. Wrap it in!

Almost when the other kinds of molten metals had no bubbles at all, the molten metal smelted from the last two pieces of metal ore turned into two balls of pure molten metal under the care of Du Long!

At this point, the work of smelting molten metal is finally completed, and the next step is technical work, alloy!

Alloys require various molten metals to be synthesized in corresponding proportions. In addition, the order and steps of putting each molten metal into the alloy liquid cannot be wrong. If one step is wrong, the entire molten metal will be turned into a puddle of scrap copper. Iron, useless!

Therefore, the expression on Du Long's face was extremely dignified. After all, this was the first time he had used the six-star fire dragon cut formula to refine immortal weapons, and he had never come into contact with this kind of alloy method!

'Ling'er! There can be no slight error in the alloy ratio. Calculating the ratio of molten metal should be your strong point. I hope you can grasp the ratio scale for me! ’ Before starting the alloy, Du Long couldn't help asking for help from Linger Linger, who agreed on the spot.

Only then did he start to control the balls of liquid metal, and divide the larger parts, until Jie Lingling'er had no objection to the size of each ball of liquid metal, and then stopped.

Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, Du Long knew that as long as Jie Linglinger felt that there was no problem, it must be in the best proportion state, because this is her best job!

The ratio is correct, which means that the alloy has taken a big step towards success. Next, Du Long began to melt various metal liquids into the red gold liquid one by one according to the formula requirements. Soon, all the metal liquids merged into one !


The flames in the Four Elephant Furnace are rising, constantly scorching the ball of molten metal inside. Du Long carefully observes the state of the molten metal, watching it gradually change from a mixed color at the beginning to a pure golden yellow, which also represents The alloy step is successfully completed!

The next steps are relatively simple. Du Long followed the pattern drawn on the formula of Fire Dragon Slash, and began to control the deformation of the liquid metal until it perfectly presented the style of Six Star Fire Dragon Slash!

A fire dragon sword formed by the condensed alloy liquid appeared in front of everyone, and there were faint orange-red flames lingering on its surface, beautiful and beautiful!

Although many people who saw this scene were a little surprised, they still seemed to expect that Du Long could achieve this step, and they were not too surprised.

After successfully condensing the device, the most important thing is to engrave the array patterns. This is the most important step, and it is also the main reason why the device refining process is said to be many times more difficult than the alchemy process!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Du Long didn't immediately start to draw the formation pattern, but started to ask Jie Lingling'er for advice. He didn't know what the six-star formation pattern was, and how to do it himself!

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