Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 751 Three Teams

"Scorpion... Miss Scorpion! No...it's not good! Brother Zhang Kuang and the three of them's soul jade charms are all broken..." In the dark tunnel, Zheng Ziyan's horrified soft cry sounded, and could be heard There was an obvious vibrato in her voice because of excessive panic.

In the fairy world, the soul jade talisman is not a precious thing. Many members of the adventure team will hold each other's soul jade talisman. Once it breaks, it means that a certain team member has fallen!

"The soul jade talismans of the three of them are all broken?!" The ugly woman Sister Xiezi asked in astonishment, her face looked a little ugly, after all, they were still allies for the time being.

Swallowing her saliva heavily, Zheng Ziyan responded tremblingly: "It is definitely the soul jade charms of the three of them that have completely shattered!"

"Sister Fuping! Check it out quickly!" The ugly girl Scorpion sensed the seriousness of the situation, and immediately turned to another female team member who belonged to the bald men's team.

The frightened woman tremblingly took out a few broken soul jade charms, raised her head and replied tremblingly: "It's all broken! The soul jade charms of the three of them are all broken!"

"How is this possible?! The Black Devil Mountain belongs to the black tungsten steel mine controlled by the Freedom Alliance. There are some star-rated beetle monsters inside that can't escape their surveillance. Since it is said that there are only ten six-star-level mantises in it Strange, it is impossible for monsters above the seven-star level to appear! Could it be that Zhang Kuang and the others encountered a group of monsters long ago?!" The ugly Sister Scorpion muttered with a puzzled face.

"If they encounter a monster group of beetles, they should break out immediately. Even if they fail to break out, they should have the opportunity to send us a message for help, or tell us why they shouldn't disappear collectively like this for no reason!" Zheng Ziyan calmed down the fear in her heart a little. After that, he expressed his doubts in his heart.

Logically speaking, as Zheng Ziyan said, there are some rules among their teams, and they will notify each other when they are in danger!

It's a pity that the incident happened so suddenly this time. Du Long directly put the three bald men in a desperate situation. Before they could react, a group of powerful beetle monsters drowned them in an instant. The speed was too fast, and they were dying. How can I send a message at this time? !

"No matter what happened to Zhang Kuang and the others, all of this is weird. It seems that there are unknown dangerous variables inside this Black Devil Mountain. Let's retreat to the outside first!" Sister Scorpion, the ugly girl, suggested cautiously: "At least We have to move to a relatively safe outer area first, and make a decision after we find out why the three of them disappeared!"

Both Zheng Ziyan and Fu Ping had no objection to her suggestion.

In the Immortal World, people die during adventures every day, and the team members will be replaced by new ones from time to time, which is perfectly normal.

Be careful during the adventure, and try your best to save your life is more important than anything else. As for those teammates who have been with you for many years, you will feel a little bit sad at most. If you build a new adventure team another day, those former players will soon be gone. Forgotten!

. . . . . .

In the pitch-black tunnel, a small stone was quietly embedded in a thumb-thick crack in the cave wall. A large number of beetle monsters, led by three six-star mantis monsters, rushed past from below the crack, but there was no one. A beetle monster noticed the pebbles in the cracks in the cave wall!

Perhaps because of the loss of Du Long's breath, this group of terrifying beetle monsters followed a few forked tunnels forward, and then, led by the three six-star mantis monsters, began to retreat towards the way they came from!

In Xuanling Xiaodongtian, Du Long sat leisurely with all the girls, watching the beetle monsters disappear one after another, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief!

He was worried that these beetle monsters would find the stones transformed from the spar controlled by Xuanling Xiaodongtian. If they found out and put the spar into the beetle monster's lair, he would be in big trouble!

Fortunately, although these beetle monsters are extremely powerful in tracking, their intelligence is extremely low. They don't know that there is a space like a cave, and they don't expect that Du Long will hide in the space inside that inconspicuous small stone!

After teasing a few words with the women, Du Long waved his hand and sent the body of the five-star scorpion armored monster that he had thrown somewhere in Xuanling Xiaodongtian to everyone. Among the beauties and some maids in Xuanling Xiaodongtian, With curiosity and attention, start the work of digging out the crystal core of the scorpion armor monster's chest!

Due to the huge size of the scorpion monster and its hard carapace, the ordinary guards in Xuanling Xiaodongtian couldn't cut open its carapace at all, so Du Long could only do the dirty work himself.

Wielding the top-grade fairy soldier Chiyan Zhan, he slashed at the huge scorpion-armored monster's chest with all his strength, and a strange knife light flashed across, splitting the scorpion-armored monster in two instantly. Although the scorpion-armored monster is hard, it is already The dead thing, after losing its energy blessing, couldn't stand Du Long's terrifying knife at all!

Crash. . .

The scorpion monster was split into two by its chest, and the contents of its stomach flowed all over the place, colorful and stinky, and a group of beauties who came together curiously and wanted to find out on the spot were so smoked that they retreated far away Just stop!

All of them were holding their noses and complaining endlessly, expressing their dissatisfaction with Du Long's rude and barbaric behavior!

In this regard, Du Long could only smile apologetically and wryly, and then began to search for the whereabouts of the five-star energy crystal nucleus. Only after this inspection did he find that there were actually a large number of white scorpion eggs in the belly of this five-star scorpion monster!

The moment he saw these scorpion eggs, he immediately realized something, and suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "I understand! I dare to say that this is a female scorpion armor monster preparing to give birth. I was caught in the cave waiting to give birth. No wonder those beetle monsters are desperately chasing and killing me!"

'whee! That's true! This female scorpion monster stayed in the cave waiting to give birth, no wonder she had to prepare hundreds of black tungsten steel ore as rations, which turned out to be cheap for you! ’Jie Linglinger replied with a coquettish smile: ‘Although these beetle monsters are of different types and have low intelligence, they are very united. They attach great importance to the female beetle monsters, especially those who are ready to give birth! '

'hehe! So that's the case, dare I accidentally kill their queen, no wonder they all want to fight me desperately! ’ Du Long responded with a wry smile while rubbing the tip of his nose.

"That's natural. The Beetle belongs to the insect family and is born to protect mothers. What's more, it is a female scorpion monster with five-star blood. Once it gives birth, as long as it can grow up safely, it must be a large group of five-star scorpion monsters." , but today you took it all in one pot, it's only strange if you don't hate you to death! ’ Lingling sighed.

While chatting with Jie Lingling'er, Du Long successfully found the five-star energy crystal nucleus with the help of the immortal consciousness scan, and easily sucked it into his hand!

With a thought, a ball of immortal fire burst out from the palm, instantly refining the dirty liquid on the surface of the energy crystal nucleus, and then putting it into the space ring!

. . . . . .

A few days later, Du Long reappeared in the dark cave, put away the control spar of Xuanling Xiaodongtian, and then continued his mission journey in the Black Devil Mountain!

He entered the Black Devil Mountain to perform a star mission this time, and his goal was to get a six-star goddess badge. Naturally, he would not be satisfied just because he completed the five-star mission!

Half of the month's mission time has passed, and he has to find a way to find a single six-star mantis monster in the last half of the month, kill it and dig out the six-star crystal core!

In the past few days, the ugly girl Xiezi, Zheng Ziyan, and Fu Ping knew that Zhang Kuang and the three of them must be finished. After encountering several human teams performing assessment tasks in the outer area of ​​the Black Devil Mountain Cave, their uneasiness gradually faded away. .

Although it is not clear how Zhang Kuang and the others died suddenly, at least one thing is known, that is, there is no crisis in the interior of the Black Devil Cave that the Freedom Alliance does not know.

If not, the guards of the Liberty Alliance responsible for supervising the Black Devil Mountain would have come to inform them that the task was suspended, instead of allowing the participants to continue to perform the star task!

It is precisely because of this consideration that the target of this mission is the ugly girl Sister Xiezi, who is the same as Du Long.

So, after giving a lot of Zijin coins on the spot and promising a bunch of benefits, she finally persuaded Zheng Ziyan and Fu Ping who had been terrified, and the three girls went to the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain again!

As a result, in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain, in addition to Du Long's single team, there are also a team of three Ugly Girls and four other five-star teams operating. The goals of these three teams are all six-star Mantis Strange!

Here it is necessary to introduce the basic situation in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain. The deeper the Black Devil Mountain goes into the hinterland area, the fewer the tunnels, and finally they converge into three areas!

One of the areas is the underground cliff that Du Long broke into by mistake before, which belongs to the innermost position of the three core hinterlands, and is also the area where the most beetle monsters gather!

Since it was the first time for Du Long to enter the Black Devil Mountain to perform a star task, he didn't know which band was called the Black Devil Jedi by many experienced people!

As the name suggests, it is the most dangerous place in the Black Devil Mountain. For five-star existences such as the Ugly Girl, they can cultivate to their current strength and have survived tens of thousands of years in the fairy world. Naturally, they know the existence of the Black Devil Jedi. And he wouldn't foolishly run there to die!

It can be said that Du Long was lucky. He accidentally ran into the Black Demon Jedi and not only was lucky enough to complete the five-star level mission, he also obtained hundreds of black tungsten steel ores!

That's why he was so lucky. If he was replaced by a bald man who was arrogant or as strong as the ugly girl Sister Scorpion who had just broken through and reached the realm of the sixth heaven, once he met what happened to him before, he would definitely die!

First, Du Long has the help of the power of the fairyland space, which is different from ordinary people. Second, he has Jieling Linger, the clairvoyant hidden in the dark.

The reason why he didn't hide in at the beginning was because Du Long was worried that those beetle monsters seemed to have immortal vision. If they saw him disappearing suddenly and searched for the disappearance place, then the Xuanling Xiaodongtian controlling formation stone would be found The probability becomes many times greater!

In short, compared to other five-star level assessment personnel, what Du Long lacks the most is experience, but he has his own advantages!

In addition to the Black Demon Jedi, the other two areas are relatively close to the outer area, but they are distributed on both sides of the Black Demon Jedi, one from the left and the other from the right, formed by converging underground tunnels!

Sister Ugly Scorpion and other experienced existences know that the number of beetle monsters in the other two areas is relatively small, and the number of six-star mantid monsters is not as many as that of the Black Demon Jedi, and their gathering places are scattered. Open, it is the perfect place to complete the six-star mission.

So, by a very coincidence, these three teams all chose the hinterland area on the right hand side of the Black Demon Jedi by a strange coincidence, and slowly marched towards the same area from different tunnels!

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