Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 747: Black Devil Mountain

"Everyone is quiet!" In the courtyard, a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of the Freedom Alliance suddenly shouted, and the originally noisy scene suddenly fell silent.

No matter what kind of grievances Du Long has with that bald, arrogant, ugly woman Xiezi, this meeting can only be put aside for the time being. With their strength, they dare not do anything in Bibo City, let alone in the alliance branch!

All grievances and grievances can only be discussed in the mission area!

The middle-aged man in the uniform of the Freedom Alliance nodded in satisfaction, glanced at Du Long, Zhang Kuang and the others as if intentionally or unintentionally, and then continued: "This mission will be completed by ten five-star , a hundred four-star, and a thousand zero-to-three-star personnel participated in the execution together!"

"The mission planet is the magic hole star controlled by my Freedom Alliance. The mission goal is to kill the corresponding star-rated crustacean and retrieve its crystal core. You can also enter their lair and collect black tungsten steel ore. Selling to the Freedom Alliance, in addition to getting rich rewards, you will also get a Freedom Alliance contribution value reward!"

"The specific details of these rewards, I believe that most of the star assessment personnel are very clear. As for some of you who are performing missions for the first time, after you can come back from the mission planet alive, you can go to the lobby of the alliance branch to inquire!"

"Okay! Everyone, don't have any resistance. I will take you into a temporary cave space first, and then let you out after arriving at the mission planet!"

The middle-aged man who was in charge of coordinating this task gave a general introduction, and without wasting time, he directly collected all the people who participated in the assessment in the courtyard, and then walked through a side door of the courtyard to enter a large teleportation array , with the help of the teleportation array staff, the golden light disappeared without a trace.

The Magic Cave Star is located somewhere in Ziyue Fairy Bay, not too far from Bibo Star, and is under the control of the Freedom Alliance!

When Du Long and his group of thousands of examiners were released from the confined space of the cave, they all looked at the desolate environment around them curiously.

The cold wind is howling, and there is a desolate and desolate scene as far as the eye can see!

Except for the large teleportation array at the foot and the huge fortress base near the teleportation array, there are bare dark stone mountains everywhere, not even a single plant can be seen!

The fortress where the giant teleportation array is located is actually a small and sturdy city. It is also an outpost established on this planet. Internal guard soldiers wearing the light blue standard silver armor of the Freedom Alliance can be seen everywhere. It is really well-defended!

"Don't just stand there stupidly! We have them all, come with me!" The middle-aged man who was in charge of leading everyone to carry out the task shouted, and left the teleportation platform first.

Under his leadership, a group of thousands of people went straight to the gate of the fortress along a main road. Along the way, they met many patrolling guards. They have long been accustomed to the existence of it!

Mixed in the team, Du Long looked around curiously. He was full of curiosity about this desolate planet. It could be seen that there were no ordinary people in the whole small city except for the guards of the Freedom Alliance!

'Ling'er! Such a desolate planet, why does the Freedom Alliance spend manpower and material resources here, is it just to provide a planet that can be used for missions? ! ’ While walking with the team, Du Long asked the ring spirit about the doubts in his heart.

'How can this be! It is impossible for any party to trade at a loss! ’ Jie Linglinger denied on the spot: ‘In the universe, there are hundreds of millions of desolate planets, who has the time to waste time on a worthless broken planet? ! Since the Liberty Alliance is willing to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to occupy this planet, it must have some rare resources inside! '

Nodding his head, Du Long didn't say anything more, but continued to advance with the team, and soon he left the extremely heavily guarded city gate and rushed towards a black stone mountain that looked like an ancient giant beast.

It doesn't seem too far from the city gate to the rocky mountain, but it's actually tens of miles away. When he got close, an ancient aura came over his face. Only then did Du Long realize that it wasn't too far away. The rocky mountain I feel is as high as tens of thousands of feet!

About a thousand people, standing in front of this huge stone mountain, felt extremely small!

The tens of thousands of feet high black stone mountains occupy an area with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the caves on the mountains are densely covered, like beasts that want to choose people and devour them, making people fearful!

"Did you see it?! This is the Black Devil Mountain. Have you seen the densely packed caves?! The caves are criss-crossed inside, like a maze, and there are many beetle monster lairs inside!"

"Your task is very simple, that is to go in and kill the beetle monsters of the corresponding star level, dig out the energy crystal cores inside their chests, if you are lucky, you can enter their lairs, and eat the beetle monsters' favorite food, also It is to collect black tungsten steel ore!" The middle-aged man pointed to the towering black stone mountain in front of him and confessed loudly.

"Well... Since the cave is like a maze, what if we get lost in it?!" A shrewd young man in black who had never worn a star badge couldn't help asking.

"Good question!" The middle-aged man in charge of the team not only didn't get angry because of his question, but praised him, and then explained: "Don't worry, everyone! The entire interior of the Black Devil Mountain has been investigated by us. Clearly, arrows pointing out the direction of the cave are engraved on the stone walls of many caves, you only need to follow the direction indicated by the arrow and you will be able to come out!"

After hearing his explanation, many newcomers breathed a sigh of relief, and Du Long also thought to himself, "It's really much safer to perform missions on a planet controlled by the alliance. They even thought of such details for the examiners. Performing star missions on a planet that has never been controlled, among other things, many people may get lost in this kind of cave, and die in the end without knowing why! '

'Hee hee, many things have a good side, and naturally there will be a bad side. Like this kind of mission area that is fully controlled, the precious resources inside have been almost scrapped, and it is difficult to gain much in it. Of course, if you just want to kill the mission target and get the corresponding star mission items, it is much safer to choose this kind of mission! ’ Jie Linglinger interjected at the right time.

At the moment when Du Long communicated with the ring spirit, the middle-aged man who led the team said loudly again: "This mission will last for one month, and everyone will come out here to gather after 30 days! You'd better come out one or two times in advance The sky will come out, and the time will not wait!"

"Also, according to intelligence, there are a dozen or so six-star mantis monsters inside this Black Devil Mountain, and hundreds of thousands of other five-star and below-level beetle monsters. Here I want to remind those newcomers In a word, if you are not strong enough, try not to go too deep, otherwise, once you meet the extremely fast six-star mantis monster, you will be dead or alive!"

"The star mission is full of dangers. I hope you will be lucky enough to complete the mission and come out of the Black Devil Mountain alive. There are many entrances on the Black Devil Mountain. You can choose to enter it at will, whether you want to enter alone or in a team. Listen to everything Respect!"

After adding these few words at the end, the middle-aged man who led the team cast a meaningful glance at Du Long, then turned back to the way he came, and said without turning his head while walking: "The mission starts now, and I will meet you in thirty days." I’ll pick you up again, and I hope that more than half of the people will come out alive! There will be a period later!”


As soon as the middle-aged man who led the team left, there were buzzing voices from thousands of people participating in the assessment. At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in a flash of lightning, and rushed straight to the Black Devil Mountain at high speed!

Soon, another six figures broke away from the crowd, and went straight to catch up with the black shadow that had just flashed away. Many people turned their heads and found that the one who rushed to the front was the one who had publicly rejected the ugly girl Scorpion. guy, and the ones chasing after him, besides the five members of Zhang Kuang's team, was also the figure of the ugly girl Sister Scorpion.

All the people who saw this scene showed stunned expressions, and watched them rush into the same hole on the Black Devil Mountain at a terrifying speed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"That kid still has some self-knowledge. He knew that he was missed by several five-star experts, so he didn't form a team with others, so he rushed into the cave alone!"

"Nonsense! Once the star mission starts, the Liberty Alliance will not care about the vendetta among those participating in the assessment. If the kid doesn't sneak into the cave to find a place to hide, is he still waiting to die?!"

"That's true, but having said that, the kid's speed just now was too fast, right?! It seems that his speed is not much worse than those five-star level experts!"


In the criss-crossing tunnels of Black Devil Mountain, Du Long stepped on Fengxing footwork, and his whole body was like a black lightning, flashing past the winding tunnels.

His black clothes formed an effective protective color in the pitch-black cave, and Fengxing's footwork was able to display even more outstanding efficiency in this twisted environment!

In the eyes of Zhang Kuang and others, when they rushed into the cave and changed from bright to dark, when their pupils adapted to the dark cave, they had already lost Du Long's figure!

Standing at a position with six forked holes, Zhang Kuang and the ugly girl Xiezi looked at each other with ugly faces, and for a while they didn't know which direction to pursue.

It stands to reason that their celestial sense can be used to scan targets at a certain distance, but unfortunately, Du Long can't be found no matter what!

How could Jie Lingling'er not know the ability to scan the immortal consciousness? An invisible energy released by the Longzun Ring completely covered Du Long, creating an effect similar to invisibility!

That is to say, Du Long's body is invisible compared to those immortal senses that can be scanned outside, and cannot be detected by the immortal senses. This is another special ability provided by Jie Linglinger to Du Long!

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