Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 732 Preparations for Ascension (3)

The news that King Wu (Golden Dragon) Du Long has successfully survived the catastrophe and became the body of a celestial being spread throughout the Star Continent, overseas fairy islands, and the boundless underwater world!

In addition, the news that he was attacked by two strong golden immortals at the critical moment of crossing the catastrophe, and finally killed one of the strong golden immortals, also spread.

People believed that the reason why he was able to kill a strong man at the Golden Immortal level when he just crossed the catastrophe and became an immortal was probably because of the secret help of the mysterious tortoise shell master from the fairy world behind him!

The place where Du Long crossed the catastrophe, Hans City became famous all over the world, many people came here from all over, just to see the place where he broke through the realm of the first layer, and wanted to see some clues from it!

It's a pity that everyone's perception is not the same, and the direction of breakthrough is also different. Those who like to follow others to find the truth often cannot find the most suitable direction of heavenly perception throughout their lives!

Outside the city of Hans, on the grassy hill that had crossed the catastrophe, a temple was built soon, and the person enshrined in it was the King of Wu, Du Long!

After successfully crossing the catastrophe, since he has become an immortal, it is normal for ordinary people to enshrine his beliefs. You must know that although people like the Dragon Emperor have never broken through the immortal rank, they have been enshrined by countless human beliefs for countless years!

In the city of Haotian, although Du Long has decided not to cultivate, in order to slow down the speed of the transformation of spiritual power into immortal power in his body, he can stay in this world to spend more time with his relatives and friends.

However, in his spare time at night, he would still read the books on Falun Gong, and occasionally do things like refining weapons and alchemy!

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye, seeing that more than 80% of the energy in the yin-yang fish in the dantian space has been converted into immortal power, Du Long decided to travel far away to visit those distant friends.

In addition to visiting friends, this trip also traveled around the world with family and friends, planning to visit all the scenic spots on the giant blue planet!

Those who accompanied Du Long, in addition to the relatives of the Du family, Su Jinbao, Yang Yunfeng, Yue Xiaoshan, Yuan Yu, his wife, children, etc., as well as the new sage Dragon Emperor Jin Jing and Sun Yuan also accompanied him!

Counting down, there are dozens of people in the group, flying quickly in the air on the dragon head flying boat controlled by Du Long, and if they are tired, they can go to the Xuanling Xiaodongtian to rest!

Departing from Haotian Capital City, they flew all the way to the territory of Fengli County and entered the swamp area of ​​the Forest of Monster Beasts. There were many old subordinates that Du Long had led in the past, as well as the Manhu people who thrived in the forest of monster beasts.

Du Long provided them with a piece of fertile land with water and grass, allowing them to escape from the barren land of the Manhu Kingdom, and live a good life with plenty of food and clothing. After decades of reproduction, the number of Manhu population here has doubled several times So much!

For all the Manhu people in the Monster Beast Swamp, Marshal Du Long is their heaven, and they are willing to obey all orders of Marshal Du Long, even if they are asked to rebel against the Haotian Empire, they will have no hesitation!

In the monster swamp area, Du Long and his party were warmly welcomed by all the barbarians, so naturally they stayed in this beautiful land for a few more days, and then they continued their journey after being sent off by countless barbarians.

Leaving the monster swamp, everyone went southwest to Ouyang Qingwen's natal family, the Chishui Kingdom, where they were also warmly welcomed by the king of Chishui and all the civil and military officials!

The king and queen of Chishui are Ouyang Qingwen's parents. They shared a piece of fairy peach with the effect of rejuvenating at the birthday banquet of Mr. Du Fengzhong a few years ago. Although they are old, they look like forty or fifty Aged middle-aged couples in general, refreshed!

They all knew that their beloved baby daughter and son-in-law were about to leave this world, so they were very reluctant, so they tried their best to keep the group for a few days, and finally let them go reluctantly!

Leaving Chishui Kingdom, the next stop is the Holy City of Hassam in Qingyun Grassland!

This is the natal family of Princess Qingling, so it was a great hospitality. After living in the holy city of Hassam for more than ten days, Du Long and his party went straight to the west according to the original plan. Yuan Yu's hometown, and Liu Zixin, who has not seen her for many years and has become the empress of the Xixia Empire, that straightforward woman!

After many years since she married Yuan Guang, the eldest prince of Xixia, as the concubine, Liu Zixin, who had always wanted to be a queen, finally got her wish!

It's a pity that after one country, they are not as free as Du Long and his group, who can get together when they have nothing to do. She can only stay obediently in the Xixia Palace to care for her husband and teach her children, and has no chance to return to Haotian Capital!

What is gained is bound to be lost, gaining the throne of the queen, but losing the freedom of a lifetime, but there are still countless people fighting for the throne of the queen who is under one and above ten thousand!

In the Xixia Palace, Emperor Yuan Guang, Empress Liu Zixin, and all civil and military officials, under the defense of the imperial guards, came out of the pavilion ten miles outside the capital of Xixia, waiting for the arrival of Du Long and his party!

There is a messenger stone between them, so they can naturally grasp the timing and place of meeting each other!

Outside the ten-mile pavilion, Liu Zixin, who is a queen, burst into tears on the spot after seeing Du Caini, Zeng Waner, Lin Shi, Xu Luyin, Qin Huofeng, Xia Qinglian, and a group of good sisters hugging each other and crying like rain .

Finally, under the persuasion of Emperor Yuan Guang of Xixia, Liu Zixin stopped crying, wiped the tears on his face, and began to greet Du Long and others.

It seems that they know that this is their young people's world, a group of elders stayed in Xuanling Xiaodongtian, and didn't come out to join in the fun for a while, which is good, but it makes these young people not have to be restrained.

"Haha! Brother Yuan Guang, I see Liu Zixin crying so miserably, could it be that you, the emperor, bullied her?!" Seeing Liu Zixin's face still covered with tears, Du Long couldn't help but tease Yuan Guang, the emperor of Xixia .

In front of the officials of Xixia, few people in the entire Star Continent would dare to make such a joke on the Emperor Xixia! However, even if Du Long didn't have a spiritual background, no one would be offended if he said this in the Xixia Empire, right? !

"Hey! Brother Du Long was joking. Almost no one in the Western Xia Empire doesn't know that I, as the emperor, can only be bullied by the queen. How dare I bully her!" Regarding Du Long's ridicule, the emperor Yuan Guang actually showed full expression. Helpless face.

What Yuan Guang said was true, the new emperor of Xixia is mighty and powerful, but he is only afraid of one thing, he is famous in the whole Xixia!

Of course, Liu Zixin didn't go too far, she wouldn't give Yuan Guang face in front of outsiders, at most it was in private, or in some situations where she was reasonable, she would just be a little bit stronger!

"Hey, hey! What are you two big men talking about?! You won't be talking bad about others like girls, are you?!" From the beginning to the end, although Liu Zixin hadn't spoken to Du Long, her attention But he never left his side, so he naturally noticed the scene of him whispering to Yuan Guang.


The women who just burst into tears because of Liu Zixin burst out laughing on the spot after seeing her as tough as before. It's hard to imagine that she, who has been the empress of Xixia for several years, is still so rude side!

He suddenly rolled his eyes. Du Long has always been on the wrong side of this Liu, and his habit of ridiculing each other when they meet has not changed. Said: "Brother Yuan Guang! Why is this Liu Dazui still as rude as before when he became a queen?! Although we are considered her natal family in the Haotian Empire, it is not easy to see that brother you can't hold your head up in front of outsiders. Right? In short, Brother Yuan Guang doesn’t need to give us face, if she doesn’t obey, we will punish her!”

"No, no!" Yuan Guang hurriedly waved his hands in response: "Brother Du Long wrongly blamed Zixin. She still takes good care of my face in front of outsiders. It suits my taste to be more aggressive in private!"


This time it was Du Long's turn to choke on his own saliva, which really echoed the old saying that friends don't get together, the bastard mung beans look at each other, and outsiders will never understand what they think in their hearts!

"Hey, hello! The surname is Du, who is your mother's family?! Humph! Don't be ashamed!" Counting, Liu Zixin is older than Du Long, and now he is in his forties, and he is already fifty, but For some reason, whenever she saw Du Long, she wanted to argue with him, and she felt uncomfortable all over without a fight.

"Ah?! So we came to the wrong place?!" Du Long deliberately widened his eyes with an exaggerated expression, and then shouted at Qin Huofeng's daughters: "Ladies, and good brothers and sisters! Alas! Since People despise our natal family, why don't we turn around and go back quickly! To save yourself from being unwelcome here and making yourself miserable!"

Liu Zixin hugged Huofeng and Qinglian's waist, made a grimace at Du Long and said, "Don't try to drive a wedge between our sisters, hum! Before I knew them, you didn't know where they were. What a disaster to a girl from a good family!"

"You..." Du Long wanted to continue fighting with Liu Zixin, but was interrupted unceremoniously by his first sister Du Caini: "Okay, okay! You two, one is the queen of the empire, and the other is the queen of the empire. You are the famous Golden Dragon King, and you don't even look at the occasion, so many princes and ministers and descendants staring at you, don't you know how to be ashamed?!"

Only then did Du Long and Liu Zixin stop bickering, and turned their heads to look at the ministers of civil and military affairs, as well as those younger generations who stared at them incredulously.

Turning their heads to look at each other again, Du Long and Liu Zixin grinned knowingly, and finally Du Long sneered with a flushed face: "Haha, a joke, it's just a joke! Don't laugh at me!"

"That's right! I haven't seen you for many years. I really miss the days when we quarreled and bickered. We saw each other today, and I couldn't hold back for a while. Hehe, I made everyone laugh!" Liu Zixin explained with a flushed face.


Seeing the embarrassment of the two, bursts of uncontrollable laughter immediately sounded around!

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